• Published 15th Mar 2014
  • 1,767 Views, 22 Comments

Growing Pains - Bluecatcinema

Mist finds herself feeling pangs of love... for two colts.

  • ...

Teen Troubles

Celestia's sun rose over Equestria. At Canterlot Castle, the royal family gathered for breakfast. It had been six years since Gothic and Shine's quest for the Golden Phoenix.

Their new-found immortal status ensured their longevity. Whilst Gothic looked the same as he did six years hence, Shine looked slightly older, his mane was more shaggy, and had a small beard running along his chin. Their wives, of course, looked the same as ever.

Shine and Celestia's daughter, Miracle, was now a precocious seven-year-old (Her golden mane tied into an over-the-shoulder braid), and Luna and Gothic's daughter, Constell, was now out of her teens, and boasting a slightly longer mane.

Blueblood's mane was fading a little with age and he had been experiencing a bit of a back problem lately. His wife, Dusty, looked as lovely as ever, her mane in a bun style. Close to them were their six-year-old sons, Pureblood and Vito.

Pureblood was tearing into his food messily, while Vito was being more refined. Vito had inherited some of his father's former snobbiness, while Pureblood was more down-to-earth and quite kind-hearted like his mother. Ironically, Pureblood had the same slick, combed-over mane as his father, while Vito's was more unkempt.

"Do you have to eat so messily, Pureblood?" Vito turned up his nose.

"Hey, I'm hungry!" Pureblood mumbled. "'Sides, it's not my fault the food's so good."

As per any twins' behavior, the two tend to butt heads a lot.

"Now, boys, there's no need to argue." Blueblood slightly admonished.

"Yes, father." Pureblood and Vito nodded in acknowledgement.

"Where's Mist?" Shine asked.

"I think she's still in her room." Celestia declared.

"Not again." Shine sighed. "I'll get her."

Shine trotted over to Mist's room. He knocked twice, then, when there was no answer, he opened the door.

A mountain of books sat on one side of the room. On the other side, perched on her bed, was Mist, an open book in her hooves. She had grown into a beautiful mare, with a longer mane and swan-like wings that almost matched Celestia's beauty. A couple of years back, she been taken under princess Twilight Sparkle's tutelage as a student. Mist took this role very seriously, to the point where she had become a virtual recluse, barely leaving her room, and hardly ever leaving the castle.

"Mist?" Shine asked.

"Yeah?" Mist said, not even looking up from her book.

"It's time for breakfast." Shine told her.

"Not hungry." Mist turned a page. "I'll get something to eat later, kay?"

"Ohh, fine." Shine let out a sigh as he turned to leave Mist's room. However, he noticed a pile of books moving. Moving a few aside, none other than Caboose popped out. His mane was slightly longer with age, and he now had a goatee like his older brothers. His lieutenant-ranked royal guard armor was a bit dusty.

"What day is this?!" Caboose asked.

"Caboose?" Shine gasped. "How long have you been in there?"

"I don't know!" Caboose shrugged. "I went in here earlier to fetch Mist for breakfast! I could have been in here for days, weeks, months, even YEARS!"

"Relax, Caboose." Mist sighed. "You only got buried by the books for about an hour. Now could you two please leave? I'm trying to finish this book on the ponyolithic era!"

"Sure." Shine sighed. "Come along, Caboose."

The two stallions went into the corridor.

"I just don't know what to do with her, Caboose." Shine groaned. "I'm happy she's learning and everything, but she just won't put those books down! Not to mention she has no friends outside the family..."

"Oh yeah, you gotta have friends! Otherwise, that one song by Randy Newpony would be rather pointless." Caboose nodded. "I mean, if you don't have a 'Friend In Me', then who do you have in you… nothing?"

"Well, it's not like I could force her to go out." Shine added. "I'm her brother, not her dad."

"Might I make a suggestion?" Celestia joined them. "What about our formal dinner for the visiting dignitaries? It's in the castle, so she doesn't have to go anywhere, and as a member of the royal family, she is obligated to go!"

"Great idea, cherryblossom." Shine smiled.

"I try." Celestia nuzzled Shine.

A short while later, Shine broke the news to Mist.

"A formal dinner?" She asked. "No, I've got way too much studying to do for that."

"I'm afraid there's no choice." Shine declared. "As a member of the royal family, you have to attend. No ifs, nors, or buts."

"But-" Mist stuttered.

"Besides, it'll do you good to get away from those books for a while and mingle." Shine smiled.

Mist groaned in defeat.

That Saturday, the party was now underway. Royal families from all around were in attendance, including Twilight and Cadance's families, the griffin and minotaur families from Aerovis and Minostan respectively, and even Chrysalis and her changelings were there, having finally be accepted into the livelihoods of the Canterlot Elite. Furthermore, many famous and influential ponies had come to pay their dues.

Mist, in a light purple gown, just arrived in the room with her brother and sister-in-law, and let out a bored sigh.

"Come on, look alive, Mist." Shine urged.

"I'm sorry, brother, but I don't care for these events. I could think of ten more productive things I could be doing." Mist retorted.

"Do any of them involve not reading by your lonesome?" Shine quipped.

"Only one. And that's writing up my findings on the effects of music on parasprites." Mist replied.

"Please, at least try to talk to these ponies? Think of this as an experiment of social interactions." Shine replied.

"Very well." Mist sighed as she walked off.

"Dang… you think a pony like my sis would be more outgoing, right, Cel?" Shine asked his mate.

"Well, she does take after my former student… in more ways than one." Celestia mused.

Mist made her way through the crowds, addressing each pony with a half-hearted greeting.

"Hello." She said dully to one of them. "How are you doing?"

"Hey, Mist!"

Approaching the young mare was Caboose, wearing his 'family' black suit, accompanied by none other than Daring Do, who still looked as pretty as she did six years back, and wearing a simple but beautiful green dress.

Over the course of the six years, Caboose and Daring had dated a couple times (Caboose counted himself), gotten married, and as of now, the two had a child together, and judging by the size of Daring's swollen belly, number two was on the way.

"Oh, hey, Caboose. Long time no see, Daring." Mist nodded.

"I'll say. Look at you, all gussied up." Daring smiled.

"Ah, it's nothing." Mist shrugged, "You seem to be doing quite fine yourself. How far along are you?"

"Five months." Daring blushed, feeling her belly, "It's feels like yesterday when I had my first foal."

"Yeah. But I can already tell I am going to love him or her just the same." Caboose nuzzled Daring. "I've already thought up a name for the foal if it's a colt."

"Really, what?" Mist enquired.

"Here it is…" Caboose announced, "Michael...wait for it…"

The three just stood there for a moment…

"I'm waiting." Mist declared, thought a bit bored.

"No, that's the middle name, 'Wait For It'." Caboose smirked, causing Mist to raise her brows. "Michael 'Wait For It' Napoleon."

"Wow…that's…" Mist was unsure of how to put it.

"I know, it's so great that other ponies can't say how great it is." Caboose proudly smiled.

"Yes. As an old friend of mine would say…it's an awesome middle name." Daring smirked.

"You can thank my cousin Barney for that. He's so… awesome." Caboose laughed.

"How… cute." Mist said uncertainly, "Nice seeing you both."

"You too!" Caboose smirked, as he noticed something, "Ooh, cake!"

"Let's get some before Celestia hogs it all." Daring suggested. "I've been craving cake all day!"

The couple head off, as Mist shook her head. Caboose and Daring were just too perfect for each other. She didn't know how, but they just were.

She then met up with Twilight and her family, including Shining and his family, still looking her fine self after six years.

"Ah, Mist, how lovely it is to see my student." Twilight smiled.

"Oh, hello, Twilight." Mist nodded, "Nice evening we're having."

"Indeed. Shine told me that you had been hard at work in your studies." Twilight stated.

"Of course." Mist nodded, "I would be working tonight…but I got dragged into this 'party'."

"It's not all bad, Mist. As important as it is that you keep up your studies, it is also important that you kick back every once in a while." Twilight sagely advised.

"Yeah… if you say so." Mist sighed. "If you excuse me please, I have to…" She shuddered. "Mingle some more."

Mist droopily walked off. Shining Armor joined Twilight's side as Twilight herself sighed.

"Trouble with your student, Twily?" Shining asked.

"No… except that she had developed workaholic tendencies. I honestly don't know where she picked up such habits." Twilight explained.

Shining smirked, "Yeah…it's really a mystery."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Twilight hotly remarked.

"Oh, nothing." Shining deviously grinned.

As the party progressed, Mist became more and more listless by the minute. She was so distracted that she didn't notice herself running into Chrysalis.

The changeling queen had been doing quite nicely since the peace treaty seven years back. Her messy mane was done up in an elegant bun and she was wearing a royal blue gown.

"Oh." Mist did a quick curtsy. "My apologies, Queen Chrysalis. Didn't see you there."

"Well, if it isn't Mist?" Chrysalis smiled. "Your elder brother has told me quite a lot about you."

"As did he about you." Mist nodded. "Did you really try to ask for my brother as a concubine in exchange for peace all those years ago?"

"Not one of my finest moments, but yes." Chrysalis admits. "It's hard for a changeling like me to get a male these days."

"I can believe that..." Mist replied. Chrysalis glanced at her. "Oh, I didn't-"

Relax." Chrysalis chuckled. "I know where you are coming from. But alas, it is no longer an issue for I had already found somepony."

"So I heard..." Mist said, recalling some local gossip she had heard at the library. There was apparently an 'incident' in the newfound changeling territory, and a pony who happened to had been there at the time had managed to defend the changelings. She was hazy though on the details. "Where is this pony, anyways?"

"Oh, he should be 'flying' in just a moment." Chrysalis declared.

"Fly?" Mist asked. "I thought he was a unicorn."

"Just wait..." Chrysalis hinted.

Coming in through the window, a playing card emerged. Before Mist could inquire, the card approached the ground, and in a poof of smoke, a Unicorn emerged in an epic pose... facing the wrong way.

"It is I-" He announced, before noticing his misdirection. He turned around quickly retaining his pose. "It is I!"

The unicorn was about as tall as Gothic, with a light silver coat, chocolate-colored eyes and a messy black mane. He had a 'van dyke' styled beard, and wore a formal black suit with a white undershirt, and he was quite handsome. If he had a top hat, he would look like your classic 'magician'.

"It is who?" Mist asked.

"Hmph." Chrysalis shook her head with a slight grin. "Meet my mate, King Sleight."

"Dear, we been through this." Sleight sighed. "'King Sleight' doesn't roll off the tongue... I prefer...." Retaining an epic pose, he used a form of the 'Royal Canterlot' voice. "The Mystifying and Extraordinary SLEIGHT OF HOOVES!"

A fanfare ensued.

"Am I the only one that heard that background music?" Caboose's voice came from afar.

"What makes you so 'extraordinary', if I might ask?" Mist inquired.

"Why, this!" Sleight declared. He held up a deck of cards, his horn glowing, and in one swift move of his hooves, he turned it into a stable tower of cards, not a single one out of place. "Ta-daa!"

"Not bad, I guess." Mist shrugged.

"But wait, there's more!" Sleight made another move, and the cards formed into a serpent-like dragon, which breathed magical fire.

"Whoa." Mist gasped, as nearby ponies cheered.

"Impressive, eh?" Sleight smiled.

"Way." Mist nodded.

"Yes. Sleight here has a tendency to… show off." Chrysalis smirked.

"What can I say? A magician has to bring his A-game to every event in which he is present." Sleight sagely remarked, "Besides, you were quite amused with my 'tricks' last night."

"I was only humoring you, love." Chrysalis shrugs, as she nuzzled him.

Mist only shook her head. She only wished she knew how these two had met. It was probably a tale for another time…

A little cheered up by Sleight's display, Mist stopped over at the refreshments table. She bumped into somepony by accident.

"Sorry, I-" She stopped as she got a good look at the pony in question. It was a colt about her age, with a pure white coat, and a short powder blue fringe of a mane. His cutie mark was a black bow tie. She stared at him, jaw dropped.

"No problem at all." He smiled, giving a curt bow, "The name is Luxury. Son of Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lis."

"Hi..." Mist sighed.

"Mist, am I right?" Luxury asked. "Younger sister to prince Shine."

"Hi..." Mist sighed again. "Uh, I mean, yes! Nice to meet you!"

"Charmed, I'm sure." Luxury kissed her hoof. "Here, allow me to get you a drink."

Luxury poured her some punch.

"Thank you." Mist smiled goofily.

"Anything for a lovely lady such as yourself." Luxury warmly smiled.

"Luxury!" His mother Fleur called. "It's time to go!"

"Oh, blast." Luxury sighed. "We simply must do this again sometime."

"Yeah, we should..." Mist giggled.

After Luxury left, Mist suddenly felt quite hot, and went out into the gardens. There she found Miracle, Pureblood, and Vito playing. Also with them was a younger tan-coated pegasi filly with a black mane. She was Hurricane Napoleon, the daughter of Caboose and Daring, a bubbly and outgoing ball of energy whose happiness could rival her father.

"Hi, Mist!" Hurricane pipped.

"Hello, aunt Mist." Pureblood curtly nodded.

"Hey, aunt Misty." Vito smirked.

"Hey, sis!" Miracle waved. "How's the party?"

"It's okay, I guess." Mist shrugged, not wanting to let on what just happened.

"LOOK OUT BELOW!" A voice cried out from above.

Mist looked up in time to see an orange-and-blue blur heading right towards her. They collided, and tumbled onto the grass. Mist groaned as she glared at the pony atop her. He was a pegasi, much like her and her brother, except with a dark blue coat. His mane however was a mix of red, orange, and yellow, like a flame. His cute mark was a blue-and-orange flame.

"What's the big idea?" She yelled.

"Well, excuse me!" The Pegasus said as he stood up. "It was an acci-"

The colt stopped as he looked into her eyes. All feelings of animosity between them suddenly faded.

"Yeah, an accident." Mist repeated breathlessly. "Could happen to anypony."

"Mist, right?" The colt asked, with a sly grin. "I'm Blue Blazes, son of Spitfire and Soarin', the famous Wonderbolts?"

"Oh, I've heard of them." Mist nodded. "I'm a huge fan of their work."

"Speakin' of which, I've got to get back up to them." Blue declared. "We were practicing our aerial maneuvers when this geese came out of nowhere. As much as I would love to stay around and chat… I gotta fly."

Blue Blazes flew upwards, leaving a streak of a bluish orange behind him. Mist looked after him, once again experiencing the warm, flushed feeling she had felt for Luxury.

'What does this mean?' She wondered.

"I think it means the story is just beginning." Hurricane smiled, much to Mist's confusion.