• Published 10th Mar 2014
  • 7,895 Views, 511 Comments

D=S-M - MegatronsPen

Twilight Sparkle’s world crashes around her as everything she once believed in, crumbles to dust. Does she rise above it to fill in the shoes of her mentor? Or does she allow it to bring her low…

  • ...

Room Of Angel

The feeble desperation in the eyes of the lavender mare had stunned Applejack, but not enough to deter her from explaining what the farm pony already thought to be public knowledge.

While she did not presume to know the situation in all of its magical-mumbo-jumbo Applejack did understand this; the Princess of the Sun had been killed in an unfortunate and quite devastating accident of magical origins; an accident which ended the life of the Goddess almost outright, while nearly ending the young Princess Twilight Sparkle in the process as well.

Applejack had explained what little she knew of the situation with as much detail as she could offer once pressed further upon the subject by the bedridden Twilight Sparkle whose insatiable thirst for knowledge was comfortingly present, despite her current injured predicament.

While Applejack found solace in this reaction from the studious mare, the farm pony still found herself unnerved by how little Twilight seemingly remembered of the event; she appeared rather unsure and gave the farm pony a skeptical once over with a look in her eyes that Applejack had seen far too often, most of which revealed itself that one day a year or so back while Twilight attempted to figure out Pinkie Pie’s infamously reality shattering ‘Pinkie Sense.’

Had her memories not returned, or were they just a little fuzzy? Was the damage far worse than what they all had originally feared? Perhaps she was not as healed as they were all led to believe. Maybe Twilight still needed to be in a hospital to fully recover from her life altering injuries?

The damage to the mares brain was a great concern for many of Twilight’s friends for they knew no normal pony could had survived what she had went through, even though they were assured by the royal physicians who had saved Twilight’s life, that her recuperation was not only supernaturally swift but fairly remarkable, for not only was she attended to by Canterlot’s finest but Twilight was also attended to by the Moon Goddess herself, who personally attended to the wounded Princess many a time, by lending her powers to aid and accelerate in the healing process.

The doctors said it should had taken weeks; maybe even months before Twilight would had been able to properly and clearly think for herself, and move around unattended. If it was not for Luna’s intensive healing sessions which had negated all of that arduous therapy, Twilight could had still been in far worse of a condition than what she was now.

She might had even died.

Throughout it all, Applejack felt powerless to help Twilight. She had wondered how she could help her, but found herself coming short of ideas. She had no fancy magic to call her own; no super healing powers or complicated memory spells to fix the Alicorn’s memories… she felt utterly useless.

The only attribute; the only way she could think of right now to help her was by simply being there for her, to talk to Twilight about the details of the assassination truthfully and honestly with all of her knowledge upon the subject.

Perhaps in this way, she could aid the healing of the broken lavender mare’s mind the Princess’s magic could not, and help Twilight fit the pieces back together. To clear the confusion and to help her remember what Twilight had thus far only struggled and battled with inside her nightmares.

From what Applejack understood; and what she garnered from the very lips of the Moon Goddess, Princess Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia were engaged in what appeared to be a delicate experiment involving specifically the Element of Magic, attempting to discover what it was made from and how such a material could possess its attribute to harness the other Elements of Harmony as magical conduits, while simultaneously focusing and containing the volatile energy within itself only to manipulate such raw power into a concentrated radiation of pure, controlled Harmony.

Of course, Applejack explained all of this in not so many frivolous words by mostly glazing over the details with an uncertainty, half expecting (half hoping) Twilight to correct her mishaps in regards to the subject when she could not quite find the correct scientific phrase to explain what it was that she was trying to say and what the Moon Princess had told her.

But the lavender mare did not. She merely stared at Applejack with an uncharacteristically disinterested and distant expression, hardly seeking to correct or even educate her upon her misuse of the correct terminology.

The earth pony could almost see the cogs working away inside of Twilight’s mind, as she processed the information she had just shared, but gave away nothing in return in regards to remembering or denying the event ever took place.

However, the young alicorn Princess wore an expression of a particular manner that was again all too familiar with the farm pony, for Twilight often looked like this when she was trying to find the solution to some mind numbing problem she did not quite know the answer to.

After many long awkward moments of silence as the two mares gazed at each other, Twilight simply turned away in the bed and closed her eyes without another word.

Struggling against a yawn, Applejack glanced to the bedroom door, half expecting Rainbow Dash to return from her confrontation with Princess Luna, or even Fluttershy with a doctor to attend to Twilight’s needs.

Despite many minutes of drawn out silence and neither of the ponies showing up, the exhaustion of the day had crept up upon the earth pony, causing her to settle down beside the bed and to rest her head upon her crossed forelegs, creating a makeshift; albeit somewhat less than comfortable pillow.

When Applejack had closed her eyes, the lowering sun and its bleeding orange hue spilt out through the crack between the curtains, with the calming sounds of birds chirping merrily away beyond the patio window that led out onto a small private balcony that overlooked most of Canterlot.

By the time Applejack opened her eyes again, her mind reeled as she had to adjust rather swiftly to the sudden time dilation and drastic change of ambience.

The warm glow of the setting sun was replaced by a consuming darkness that threw the bedroom into a somewhat cold, unforgiving space. From her position on the ground, Applejack quickly gathered her bearings and released a rather loud and a rather sleepy yawn, a hoof rising up to rub at her sleep-sparkled half lidded emerald eyes.

“Ah must ‘ave fallen asleep…” She groaned, before her eyes settled onto a note that had been placed rather purposefully and neatly upon the ground inches before her.

Applejack squinted her eyes to inspect it, and noted almost immediately that the mouthwriting was that of Fluttershy’s.

We thought we would let you sleep, I hope you don’t mind. We just didn’t want to bother you... The doctor checked in on Twilight and gave her a mild sedative to help her sleep better. If you need anything, just come to my room. It seems Rainbow Dash is a little upset over something and she wants to spend the night with me. I thought you should know incase you go looking for her. Fluttershy xx<3<3<3xx

“Maybe Luna gave her a good tongue lashin’ after all. Just hope she didn’ say anythin’ too stupid.”

With that said, she moved to rise up onto all four hooves, stretching each leg individually to work out the kinks as she casually tossed her dreamy eyed gaze to a bed she fully expected to observe a somewhat sedated Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Instead, the bed was unoccupied.

Applejack quaked into a full alertness within a blink of an eye as her mind realized in its sudden attention that Twilight Sparkle was no longer there, however it did not take long for Applejack to break away from her sudden concern, for despite the inky darkness of the night consuming her still adjusting sight, a spectral beam of dazzling moonlight cut across the room from the now open patio doorway, illuminating the silent lavender mare as she stared out to the world beyond with her wings sprayed out wide as if basking in the cold light of the moon, as one would relish the warming rays of the sun.

Adjusting her Stetson so Applejack could get a better view of Twilight’s figure, the farm pony found herself unable to speak and unable to approach her friend. In fact, Applejack was simply entranced by the sheer magnificence of the alicorn, despite the blood stained bandages that remained wrapped about her flank.

Maybe it was the way the curtains curled and danced within a gentle breeze around the alicorn, or maybe it was because she was still half asleep and everything just seemed that bit more surreal and enchanting than it ought to had been.

Regardless of the reasons, it spurred a deep rooted blush to form upon Applejack’s cheeks.

Whoa there, nelly. She doesn’ need tha’ righ’ now. She needs a friend. N’ she definitely don’ need you oogling her. Now snap on out of it!

Finally, Applejack spoke, but in a soft and calming tone she often used to comfort Applebloom when the filly was upset about something.

It was a sisterly sentiment that extended to Twilight, whom she considered almost like family like the rest of the Elements. They had been through so much together after all, so it was no stretch of the imagination that Applejack loved Twilight and the rest of the girls like her own flesh and blood; and if the truth be told, that love ran far deeper than she cared to let on when it came to Twilight Sparkle.

Breaking free from the spell, Applejack offered a soft smile and equally soft voice. “Come on from th’ window, sugar, it’s freezin’ out tonigh’.”

Twilight said nothing.

“Ya’ll catch a cold if ya stand there too long, an’ ya don’t go needing it in ya condition. An’ let’s get fresh bandages on ya flank there, they’re lookin’ a bit dirty.” Applejack stifled a yawn with a hoof, lifting it up to rub at her eyes as she glanced about the room in search of a medical kit of some description, “an’ I think we could be usin’ some more shut eye, ah’m beat.”

The lavender mare remained exactly where she was before the open window frame with her back fully facing the farm pony, immobile and seemingly defiant in her statuesque position, despite Applejack’s more than inviting suggestion of further rest.

“It wasn’t an accident,” Twilight finally whispered up at the unforgiving coldness of the clear skied night, spectral wisps of hot air curling from her lips as she spoke, “she was murdered…”

Applejack blinked once, her eyes registering the information with a widening stare at the bandaged hind quarter to which she had been morbidly observing for quite some time, her gaze quickly switching to look at Twilight’s frizzled, disarrayed state of her mane when she posed her bewildering statement with a tilt of her head.

“S‘cuse me?”

“Princess Celestia…” Twilight’s entire body trembled at the mere mention of her name, her wings drooping low to the ground while her ears fell flat against her head, “she was killed...”

The abrupt sobs that shook the lavender mare threw the farm pony into action, swiftly moving up alongside Twilight Sparkle in an attempt to support her with a subtle lean.

“Shhhhh—it’ll be okay, ah’m here sugar. We all are. Ah know what ya’ll goin’ through,” Applejack moved her head to nuzzle her Stetson and blonde locks comfortingly into the nook of Twilight’s neck, just under her chin, “when ah lost m’ parents, I was distraught too. But ya’ll gotta be strong, Twi’. Ya’ll not alone. Ya’ll have family and friends to be there for ya like ah did.”


“Ah understand ya’ll confused and hurtin’ righ’ now, but ya’ll got to listen to reason. The Princess wasn’ killed; it was all jus’ one big terrible accident. Ya’ll gonna find yourself feeling disorientated for a while, but it’ll all—”

“I’m not confused, Applejack…”

The farm pony sighed.

“Listen, ah kno’ the doc’ said that ya’ll memory will be a lil’ scrambled ‘cause of the accident,” Applejack pulled her head back to look at the pained expression upon Twilight’s face, noting how tense the mare’s body had become, “an’ ah know how it feels when grief makes ya think silly things; trust me sugar, ah know exactly how ya feel... When ah lost mah parents, ah blamed herself, when it was nothin’ but an acci—”

Twilight muttered something under her breath as she turned her head away, causing Applejack to tilt her ears towards the lavender mare, “Sorry, sugar? Ah couldn’ hear you.”

“It wasn’t, an accident.”

“Listen’, ah know ya hurtin’ over the loss of the Princess—we all are. But ya’ll need to go back to bed an’ jus’ rest. Ya’ll exhausted an thats not helpin’ any. With some good shut eye an’ a good meal or several ya’ll be seein’ sense again, an’ we can all get through this mess together,” Applejack smiled sympathetically to Twilight, placing a hoof upon the mare’s shoulder tenderly, “ah Pinkie Promise... things will get better.”

“Just… Just shut.., up.”

Applejack appeared dumbstruck, as if Twilight Sparkle had just slapped across the muzzle. “W-Wha’?”

Twilight lifted a hoof and simply shoved Applejack from her, turning about to scorch a glare right at the farm pony who instantly coward back from her friend with several retreating steps.

Flaring her wings wide, Twilight continued her advance until Applejack was pinned between her and the bed, “Just shut up for one bucking second Applejack, and please listen to me! It was not an accident! How many times do I need to say it?!”

“Twi’, just calm down, an talk t’—”

I WILL NOT CALM DOWN! I have been trying to talk to you but you keep dismissing everything I say! You are just not listening to a single word I am saying! Nopony is! I thought you girls were my friends!”

“We… we are, sugar! I jus’ don’ understand what ya’ll are tryin’ to say.”

Twilight stomped a hoof angrily, huffing through her nose to a point that she almost angrily snorted at the other mare she considered a close friend, “Celestia was not in some stupid experiment! She was not in some kind of an accident!”

The stench of burnt flesh invaded the air...

The lavender mare wrinkled her nostrils as the ghostly smell of cindered fur and skin invaded her nostrils, ignoring the memory even though it churned in her stomach, causing bile to rise up in her throat.

“Hun, she was... ya’ll might not rememberin’ it well, but she was.”

Moving both of her hooves out to place them upon Applejack’s shoulders, she gently shook her the mare as if to illustrate her point further. “She was murdered in cold blood by a gryphon assassin! I was there! You have to believe me!”

Applejack steeled her resolve, her patience wearing thin. She had all the patience in the world for her friends and family and rarely did she ever lose her cool towards them. But Twilight was acting uncharacteristically violent and it irritated her to the point of anger.

A dominant force overtook Applejack’s initial fear of the threatening demeanour of her friend and she forced her emerald eyes into a focused and fierce expression right back into the dual coloured hues of amethyst and white that were evidentially wide with hysterics.

“Get off me, Twi’, ya’ll startin’ to scare me.”

Twilight only persisted, her entire body quaking as desperation forced the mare to scream her words right into the orange mare’s face. “You have to believe me, Applejack! Please! I am not crazy! I am not making this up; it’s the truth! I didn’t imagine this!”

Twilight, ah’m givin’ ya’ll one more chance… git off me an’ we can talk ‘bout it like civilized—”

Hot, angry tears coursed its way down Twilight’s tempered features as she allowed the darkness in her heart; filled with the combined influence of gut wrenching sorrow and uncontrolled anger to bubble up into an amalgamation of rage, in the shape of words and actions she would never had thought of doing or even fathom to consider, in her entire life.

Savagely, she pushed Applejack down on the bed, moving to straddle the earth pony and press her hooves firmly upon the surprised orange mare’s exposed chest, pinning her there beneath Twilight’s full weight combined with a strength she did not know she could possess, her serpentine formed amethyst eye darkening a shade as her mane subtly flowed about her head as if caught in an unseen, unfeeling draft.

“NO! I have had enough of my friends ignoring everything I have to say! Every time I try to explain myself you say I’m confused and sick, showering me with concern I do not need! Well guess what? I am in full control of my mental faculties so you are going to shut the buck up and listen to me you stupid mud pony!”

Both ponies froze, each sharing a similar aghast expression upon their faces. For a time, both mares did nothing but stare into each other eyes.

W-what… what did I just say?

One half-blind set beheld the sheer horror and immediate regret of what was said, while the other filled with an affliction of tears coalescing into a maelstrom of hurt that spilt out to dribble down Applejacks temples and to soak in the golden locks of her mane.

W-what have I done?!

Twilight Sparkle retracted herself from upon her restrictive position atop of the orange mare and moved to step back from the bed, a trembling hoof floating before her lips as she turned her head away in shame, the subtle change in her working its way to returning her to a normal state.

A different kind of remorse filled Twilight, and it only served to mutate into a self-deprecation she now felt in lieu of her senseless outburst.

How could she say something so horrible to a friend?

I’d never… ever say something so…

“A-Applejack… I… I didn’t mean to—”

Silently, Applejack leant up from the bed and too moved to stand without another word, keeping her eyes firmly upon the ground beside Twilight’s hooves as silent tears dribbled down her cheeks, unable to move and unable to say a thing, yet the damaged caused was written plainly across Applejack’s face and it only served to deepen Twilight’s desperate attempt to correct her actions.

“I… I wasn’t thinking straight...”

Clearly.” Applejack replied emotionlessly, trying her best not to sound snappy.

Twilight took a step forward, “I don’t know what came over me. I-I-I didn’t mean it. I’d never want to hurt you or any of my friends. You know that, right? I was just—”

“Ah know,” without so much as looking at Twilight; hardly offering her the chance to reply, Applejack headed for the door, “but ah suppose this inferior mud pony best be goin’ now.”

Nonononono—this can’t be happening!

“Wait!” Twilight moved quickly, blocking Applejack’s path to the door, both of her hooves moving up as she expressed her regret.

“It’s just—you have to believe me, Applejack,” Twilight swallowed hard as she angled her head so she could try and look into Applejack’s teary eyes that still refused to look back at her, “I’m sorry for what I said and did, but you have to believe me! I’m telling the truth! Celestia was murdered—ask Princess Luna! I’m sure she will tell you the same.”

“Never in mah life have ah ever wanted to—Twi’, please leave me alone before I go an’ do somethin’ ah’m gonna regret,” the orange mare hazard a glance at Twilight, trying hard to control herself and not glare at her friend, “Ah need some sleep. An’ so do you... goodnight, Twi’. We’ll talk more in th’ mornin’.”

With that, Applejack moved to brush past a defeated Twilight Sparkle, who offered little resistance to stop her save for a hoof moving up to brush pathetically against the orange’s mare shoulder in passing.

“W-wait… I’m sorry...” Twilight meekly wept.

Don’t leave me, Applejack… not like this!

Kicking a front hoof out at the door to swing it open, Applejack departed, leaving the stunned Twilight Sparkle without so much as another word, leaving the lavender mare in the total darkness of Princess Celestia’s bedroom alone with her festering penitence.

Author's Note:

Thanks to my editors, and thanks to The Writers Group for all their help.

I know I haven't updated in ages, and I am sorry for that. But life.



Like. Hate. Flame. It's all good.