• Published 8th Mar 2014
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Equestria's Warriors of Light and Dark - Wildcard25

After a failed mishap by the Cutie Mark Crusaders, two boys from another universe are teleported to Equestria with no way back to their world. Can they adapt to living in Ponyville while at the same time deal with a new threat in the land?

  • ...

Ponies at the Theater

One morning, Dustin and Alistair were running through Ponyville while greeting everypony they came across, before skidding to a halt at Wildcard's shop, "Phew, we made it." Dustin sighed in relief.

"Not a moment to spare." Alistair added.

So they walked into the shop and saw Wildcard setting things up, "Hey, Wild!" Dustin called.

Upon hearing his name, the pegasus looked seeing the boys, "Ah right on time boys. We got a new shipment of supplies that could use some unloading."

"We'll get right on it," Alistair said, until they saw flying into the room and landing on a stand was a parrot that was eyeballing Alistair. The dark warrior boy was getting weirded out and spoke, "What're you looking at?"

"Awk! What're you looking at?" the parrot repeated him.

"Are you mocking me?" he asked.

"Are you mocking me?" the bird repeated.

"Stop it!"

"Stop it!"

"Ok I'm gonna!" Alistair was about to attack, but Dustin restrained him.

"Alistair, you're getting into a fight with a parrot." Dustin reminded his dark warrior friend.

"Well he started it." Alistair replied.

"He started it!" the parrot repeated, making Alistair shoot a death glare his way.

"I see you met my little friend; Baton." Wildcard said.

"Little friend! Awk! Little friend." Baton repeated.

"Why choose a parrot for a pet?" Alistair asked in confusion.

"Because they can talk back to you," Wildcard began, "And if you teach them enough words they can speak actual sentences like they have minds of their own."

"Good thing I didn't have to teach Domino. He was given that ability by some friends of my pop." Dustin admitted.

"Well come on boys, the supplies aren't going to unload themselves you know." Wildcard reminded them.

"Right, ok." Dustin said, as the boys went around back and started unloading.

Coming into the shop was Rainbow Dash, "What's up, cuz?"

"Morning Rainbow Dash, but shouldn't you be keeping an eye on the weather?" Wildcard asked.

"Relax you know I can make it back faster than the eye can see." Rainbow Dash passed it off like it was nothing.

"Of course." He chuckled.

Dustin and Alistair came back in with some boxes and started setting them down, "Hey Rainbow, how's it going?" Alistair asked.

"Doing great, and by the way Twilight told me to tell you guys to meet up at the library after your shift ends." The cyan colored pony explained.

"Did she say why?" Dustin asked.

"No. She wanted it to be a surprise." Rainbow answered.

"Well we'll be there." Alistair assured her.

"Great. Well gotta go!" she zipped out of the store.

"She really must be the fastest thing alive here." Dustin said.

"That's my cousin for ya, always as quick as a flash." Wildcard chuckled.

Meanwhile, about Southeast from Ponyville in a place known as the Badlands, was Pythor slithering up a mountain. When he reached the top he panted for his dear life, "Why did they have to put our tombs so far apart?" he whined before getting enough air back and regained his composure, "Well this is the spot according to the map," he said rechecking the map, "And now to bring out the first of my brethren Serpentine," He said as he spotted a switch on the ground. Upon pressing it a hole started opening up below him granting him entry to the tomb, "Ah yes. Well down I go!" he jumped in, while cheering.

Back in Ponyville, Dustin and Alistair's shift ended at Wildcard's shop and were free to go, "Not bad for our first job here huh?" Dustin asked.

"Actually I really did enjoy it." Alistair admitted.

"This whole town makes community service actually sound fun." Dustin added, as they continued walking until Pinkie popped up.

"Hi guys!"

"Hey, Pinkie. How's it going?" Dustin asked.

"Terriferiffic!" she cheered.

Alistair sighed, "That's not a real word."

"Isn't it?" Pinkie asked him suspiciously.

"No." he replied bluntly.

Pinkie shrugged her hoofs before speaking, "So where you guys headed? Me? I'm heading over to Twilight's she said she's got a surprise for us. Ooh maybe it's a party with cake and doughnuts! Ooh I hope they have sprinkles on them! I love sprinkled doughnuts, well maybe not as much as jelly filled ones. Especially if the filling's strawberry!" suddenly her mouth was clamped shut by Alistair.

"We get it." He said, before letting go of her muzzle.

"We're actually on our way to Twilight's too." Dustin admitted.

"Yipee!" she bounced up high before landing, "Then let's go there together! Come on!" she started bouncing her way for the library making the two run after her.

Soon they arrived at the library, while Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Zyphon, Domino, and Fievel were waiting, "Howdy yall! Ya hear the good news too?" Applejack asked.

"You bet, although I wish we knew what the good news was." Alistair said awaiting the word.

"Only one way to find out." Rainbow said, as the group entered the library seeing Twilight and Spike.

"Yo, Twilight!" Dustin called.

"Oh you're all here, that's great!" Twilight cheered.

"So what's the good news you got, Twilight?" Rainbow asked.

"Ok, well you all know of Muse, right?" Twilight asked as Rarity gasped.

"Muse? The pony of performing arts?"

"One and only." Twilight replied.

"Who?" Dustin asked.

"Muse is a famous play writer who's created some of the greatest plays this turn of the century." Rarity explained.

"I see." Alistair said feeling eager to listen.

"So what's this got to do with her, Twi?" Applejack asked.

"Well you all know she's having her latest play debut right here in Ponyville," Twilight began as the ponies nodded, "Well I got a letter from Princess Celestia this morning and she's given us tickets so we can go see it tonight!"

Suddenly the girls started cheering like stereotypical teenage girls, while Spike rolled his eyes, "Well you girls have fun at the play." Dustin said feeling they were called there just to hear good news for the ponies.

"Oh you're coming too, boys." Twilight replied.

"We are?" Alistair asked.

"Yeah. You, Dustin, Spike, and Zyphon are also invited." She levitated four tickets to them.

"Wow. I don't know what to say." Dustin said in surprise.

"A play sounds wonderful." Zyphon admitted.

"If this is the case we've got no time to waste!" Rarity said frantically, "If we're going to be attending a play made by one of the greatest ponies in performing arts then we all need to look our best," she turned to the boys, "Especially you boys."

"Well not to worry about me, I always keep my good suit with Zyphon at all times." Dustin admitted as Zyphon held up a suit on a hanger.

"Afraid I'm out of luck then. I don't have any formal wear. So I guess I'll have to stick with my main duds." Alistair said, motioning to his casual outfit only for Rarity to slide into his face.

"I won't allow it! We can't have you walking into a theater dressed like this. So I'll take it upon myself to see that you look like somepony of high formality fitting to be scene in a theater."

"That's really not necessary." Alistair objected, only for Rarity to use her magic to levitate Alistair up.

"Oh I insist, darling. There's nopony better for the job than moi. Come now we must get ready." She trotted off while levitating Alistair with her.

"Dustin, help!" Alistair called.

"Hang on, Alistair! We're right behind you!" he and Zyphon dashed off with Domino and Fievel, while the five ponies and Spike followed them.

Later at Carrousel Boutique, the girls were getting themselves ready, while Zyphon was helping Dustin into his suit. Behind a screen, Rarity was outfitting Alistair who was struggling, "No please don't do that!" Alistair's voice cried from behind the screen.

"Oh don't be such a baby, Alistair. I know exactly what I'm doing. A little more here, a touch up there." Rarity's said as she worked.

"Make it stop please!" Alistair cried.

"Is he all right?" Applejack asked Dustin, who was having his tie tied around his neck by Zyphon.

"He'll be fine," Dustin assured them, "He just hates dressing formally."

Rarity stepped out from behind the screen and used her magic to slide it away revealing Alistair. He was now dressed in a Royal Blue suit with the lapel encrusted with some topaz and amethyst rubies, with a white dress shirt and red tie, along with black dress shoes. Rarity had his hair done up neatly while being tied up giving him a long ponytail going down his back, "Now you just need a hat." Rarity levitated a matching top hat on Alistair's head.

"Wow." Pinkie gasped.

"Whoo doggie." Applejack gasped.

Rainbow chuckled as Dustin spoke, "Nice look, Alistair."

"I don't think I've ever seen you so well dressed before." Fievel added.

"This is definitely not my style." He groaned.

"Nonsense! You look absolutely fabulous, darling. Quite dapper if I do say so myself." Rarity assured him.

"Agreed," Dustin replied as he slipped his jacket on, "Xever would be so proud."

"Well don't tell him I dressed like this." Alistair grumbled knowing if Xever ever found out he dressed fancy, he'd never let him live it down.

"Well Rarity, be honest how do I look?" Dustin asked as he stood in an all black suit, with a crimson red dress shirt underneath, a black necktie, his trademark sunglasses, and black dress shoes.

"You Dustin, look positively smashing indeed." She complimented him.

"Thanks. This suit always does bring out the best in my more intellectual side." He chuckled.

"Indeed is does, Master Dustin." Zyphon said as he wore a simple black bow tie.

Soon Spike was outfitted in his little tux, while the girls were dressed as they were for Twilight's inauguration as a princess. Dustin and Alistair whistled.

"Wow, you ponies really know how to dress fancy." Dustin admitted.

"Very." Alistair agreed.

"Thanks guys." Twilight said.

"Well come on what're we waiting for?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah, we got us a play to see!" Pinkie cheered.

"Well let's go." Twilight said as they all left the boutique.

Later that night, the group had entered the Ponyville Theater where several ponies had showed up eager to see the latest story made by the famed pony playwright. They took their seats as Alistair whispered to Dustin, "You think there's gonna be any fat ponies singing at the end?"

"Alistair, don't say that." Dustin whispered.

"Just asking." He replied.

Pinkie took her seat while carrying a large variety of junk food, "This is gonna be so good." She ate some popcorn.

"Pinkie, lose the snacks." Twilight used her magic to poof them away while Pinkie pouted.

Suddenly walking on stage was an earth pony mare. Her coat was a brilliant rosy pink color, with morning glory blue eyes, her mane and tail color was black save for three white streaks, her cutie mark was theater masks one smiling one frowning, "Welcome Mares and Gentlecolts. I am Muse; the pony of playwright." She welcomed the audience.

Alistair spoke to himself, "I don't know if I'll ever get used to the words they use here in Equestria."

Muse continued, "Tonight I'd like to share with you a classic tale that dates back to the beginning of Equestria itself. A time when Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were just foals. During the age of the Rulers of Creation."

"Rulers of Creation?" Dustin looked to Alistair who shrugged.

Muse stepped off stage and the curtain opened up revealing an old medieval Equestria setting. Muse began narrating the tale, "Thousands of years ago the land of Equestria was ruled by the monarchs King Dusk and Queen Dawn."

Suddenly two pegasi wearing fake horns stepped on stage. The male wore a crown and black robes while the female wore a tiara and white robes, "The two rulers were loved by their subjects and treated all earth, unicorn, and pegasi with the same respect," Muse continued, "But one day from darkest bowels of the land rose up a dark unicorn known as Ebon."

Alistair watched as a unicorn with a dark coat walked on stage and stood towering over the ponies pretending to be olden ponyfolk, while the King and Queen stood on the opposite side staring him down, "The dark unicorn demanded the King and Queen hand over leadership of the land to him or else he would take it by force."

"Wow." Alistair gasped feeling drawn to how the dark pony looked almost as if it was a dark warrior.

"While Ebon was strong and had fierce minions," Muse narrated as earth ponies with dark coats went on stage and stood beside the dark unicorn, "Fortunately the king and queen had their own knights...The Five Unicorns."

Walking on stage were five unicorns wearing different colored armors. Dustin looked surprised and whispered to Alistair, "Hey don't those colors remind you of something out of Sentai?"

Alistair got a good look and was surprised, "You're right. What're the odds?"

They watched as the five unicorns fought the dark minions as Muse continued, "The five knights fought long and hard with their rulers."

"This is getting really good." Dustin whispered, while Rainbow Dash nodded in agreement.

"When it came down to the final battle, Ebon was defeated but at the same time the rulers of Equestria vanished into thin air," Muse narrated, as smoke filled the floor of the stage as the dark unicorn, the king, and queen vanished backstage, "The five unicorns searched for the rulers not finding a single clue expect for six gems."

They watched as one of the unicorns levitated six colored gems above them, "The unicorns felt this was some kind of sign and brought them to the ruler's daughters," The unicorns showed them to two pegasi fillies pretending to be the princesses as children, "The sisters determined that each of the gems represented an element; elements that represent harmony in all of Equestria."

The six were gawking but said nothing as Muse continued, "The five unicorns promised the sisters they would cover all of Equestria to find their parents. To this day even after their deaths some have claimed to have seen five unicorns in armor running across the lands determined to find their lost rulers."

"My goodness." Fluttershy gasped.

"That's some legend." Alistair admitted.

"For real." Dustin agreed.

Soon the play closed up with everypony applauding. Afterwards the group was outside and saw Muse standing behind a table where fans were talking to her and asking for autographs, "She sure is popular." Dustin noted.

"For making a play as awesome like that, how can she not?" Rainbow asked.

"Think we should go talk to her?" Alistair wondered.

"I think we should." Twilight said, as they approached when the ponies started leaving.

Muse upon seeing the group gasped at Twilight's appearance, "Why Princess Twilight Sparkle. I'm honored you could come."

"Yes well my friends and I really had to see it." Twilight answered.

"It was my kind of story." Rainbow added.

"Quite a performance indeed." Dustin added with Alistair nodding.

"A splendid feat of acting I must say." Zyphon added.

Muse seeing the three gasped, "Oh my goodness! These must be the two humans and the metal creature that've become the talk of Ponyville."

"That's us. Dustin Bowers, Zyphon, and Alistair Savage." Dustin introduced them.

"I think your whole dark take on Ebon was wicked." Alistair complimented her.

"And those five unicorns were true embodiments of justice." Dustin added.

"Thank you both. And it's all true about the play's story." Muse assured them.

"Even the gems they found after the monarchs disappearance?" Rarity asked.

"Of course."

"Well I think we might know more about them gems." Applejack said.

"You do?" muse asked.

"Yes. They're the elements of harmony, and that's what the six of us represent." Twilight explained.

"Oh my Celestia, you're right!" Muse gasped.

"So we're carrying something left by the Rulers of Creation?" Fluttershy gasped.

"Apparently." The play writer pony said.

"Why didn't Princess Celestia say anything about that from before?" Spike asked while the girls were concerned.

"This was a tragic part of Equestria's rulers past after all. You can't blame her for not sharing it." Muse stated.

"I know there some things about yourself you'd have a difficult time sharing with others." Dustin said as he laid his hand over his heart.

"We've all been around that block." Alistair added.

Muse nodded, until a stagehand came over, "Pardon me ma'am."


"It's time we closed up for the night." He explained.

"All right," she looked to the group, "It was nice to meet you all." She walked off with the stagehand back inside the theater while humming to herself.

"Well it's late. We better be getting back too." Twilight suggested.

As they started walking Pinkie's famed pinkie sense went off, "Oh no, girls!"

"What is it, Pinkie?" Applejack asked.

"I'm getting a doozy!"

The girls got shocked while the boys were confused, "Say what?" Dustin asked.

"Pinkie has this unexplainable ability of prediction that actually comes true." Twilight explained while Alistair raised a brow.


"Pinchy knees. Something scary is going to happen!" Pinkie cried.

"Scary? At a time like this?" Alistair asked skeptically.

"Don't be taking it lightly, Alistair." Applejack warned him.

The boys looked all around feeling nothing was wrong until the ground started moving. They saw a crack in the ground trailing back into the theater, "Come on!" Twilight called as they hurried back inside seeing the tearing trail in the floor heading for the stage where Muse was.

"Girls, what's wrong?" Muse asked in concern.

"You need to get out of here now!" Dustin called.

"What's going on?" Muse asked in confusion.

Suddenly bursting up form the stage was a snake being who looked a little heavyset and was black and orange with yellow eyes, spikes on the top of his head, and black dragon claws. Like Pythor he also had a tail that wrapped around Muse putting her in a tight bind. Rarity shrieked, while Fluttershy looked ready to faint, "Whoa nelly." Applejack gasped.

"A serpentine!" Twilight gasped.

"I've been waiting for you. Pythor sends his regards." The Serpentine said to the group.

"So why isn't he here? Too much a coward to face us?" Alistair asked.

The serpentine only tightened his grip on Muse and answered, "He's got other plans. So he left me to handle things. I'm Skalidor; General of the Constrictai tribe."

"And I am justice!" Dustin powered up feeling ready to fight, until Twilight held him back, "Dustin, if you try attacking him you could hurt Muse!"

"Yes, while you hesitate I act!" Skalidor said, as he whistled and popping up from the hole were more Constrictai Serpentine guards.

His tribe consisted of humanoid snakes who were gray and orange with yellow eyes and large fangs, "That's a lot of snakes!" Twilight cried.

"That just leaves more for me to knock down." Alistair said ready to fight.

"Well let's go!" Applejack called as she started bucking one Constrictai soldier after another.

Rainbow Dash started flying circles around some of them leaving them dizzy, while Twilight and Rarity were blasting more with their magic. Dustin was firing spirit guns at some, while Alistair and Zyphon were using standard hand to hand combat moves. Muse while still struggling to break free of Skalidor's hold managed to free her right hoof and whistled, "What's she doing?" Rainbow wondered, until coming from behind the stage was a white tiger that roared at the Constrictai warriors frightening them.

"A white tiger?!" Dustin and Alistair cried.

The tiger saw Muse and growled at Skalidor, "Sick em, boy!" Muse ordered, as the tiger went to attack the Serpentine only for Skalidor to use his Serpentine general staff to swat it away, but it wasn't giving up.

"Guards, defend me!" Skalidor ordered, as some of his guards started piling on the tiger.

Twilight and the girls managed to get clear of the guards and headed for Skalidor, "All right fang face, let the pony go!" Rainbow ordered.

"I don't take orders from ponies," Skalidor answered being defiant. Muse continued to try and get free, until an idea popped into her head. She started relaxing herself up and took a deep breath before slipping out of Skalidor's bind. Seeing this shocked Skalidor, "What?!"

As he tried to attack Applejack bucked Skalidor making him roll across the stage. Muse got off the stage to safety where Fluttershy went over, "Are you ok?"

"I'll be fine" she admitted.

Skalidor seeing his army were being overrun by the ponies, boys, and the tiger called out, "Fall back to the hole!" So they started retreating and dove back into the hole they came out of, "We'll be back!" Skalidor promised, as he dove into the hole as well.

The ponies sighed in relief that they could rest as the tiger went to muse and nuzzled her much to everypony's confusion, "I'm fine, Saba. Everything's ok now boy." She said petting the tiger.

"You have a tiger for a pet?" Twilight asked.

"That's right. This is Saba. I found him years ago when he was badly hurt. So I took him in, treated his wounds and tamed him." Muse explained as Saba purred.

"Amazing. An actually white tiger." Dustin gasped.

"Is that kind of animal surprising to you?" Muse asked.

"Let's just say where we're from the white tiger is on the endangered species list. Like the panda." Alistair explained.

"Yeah, so please tell him I'm not a meal." Fievel said, while cowering in Alistair's pocket.

"What exactly was going on here?" Muse asked.

"Well you see there's sort of a loose threat in Equestria and we're trying to find a way to solve it." Twilight explained.

"Serpentine?" Muse asked.

"You know about those dreadful snakes?" Rarity asked.

"Yes. My grandfather is a famous historian. He knows all about legends in Equestria that date back thousands of years ago, including the Serpentine. I knew how to escape the Constrictai's grip through my grandfather's research. You have to loosen yourself up to slip free."

"Clever." Dustin admitted.

"Sorry you got dragged into it like that." Applejack apologized.

"It's fine." She brushed it off.

"It's fine? How can you say that when your life was just in danger moments ago?" Alistair gasped in shosck.

"My siblings are elite guards for the princesses. They taught me a thing or two about self defense." She explained.

"Wait your siblings are guards for the princess?" Twilight asked.

"Yup. You may have heard of them. They're known as the Elemental Trio."

Twilight gasped as her eyes widened, "Terra Quake, Aqua Blue, and Ventus Hurricane are your siblings?" Muse nodded in response, "My brother Shining Armor talks about them all the time."

"And they say they couldn't have a better captain," Muse replied, "So why were those Serpentine attacking here?"

"Pythor probably knew we were here somehow." Alistair theorized.

"And now that he's unleashed one of the other tribes from their tombs. There's no telling where he'll strike next." Fluttershy gasped.

"What do we do now?" Domino asked.

"We head home and report this to the princess." Twilight suggested as they nodded and left with Muse and Saba leaving as well.

Meanwhile somewhere in the earth in an abandoned tunnel, Skalidor and his army burrowed up from the ground and landed before Pythor, "Well, Skalidor?" the snake asked waiting for results.

"Sorry Pythor, but we ran into a little trouble." The Constrictai general said regretfully.

"You fool! I didn't let you out of your imprisonment to come back in failure!" Pythor shouted.

"I know Pythor, but trust me I won't fail next time." Skalidor assured his fellow general.

"Never mind that. We still have others to release." Pythor said dismissing his screw up.

"But one of the ponies I had caught found my tribes weakness." Skalidor explained.

"What's done is done and we still have to find the rest of our kin." Pythor said as he looked at the map of dens.

Meanwhile at the Ponyville library, Dustin and Alistair were sitting around, while Twilight and Spike were writing a letter to the princess, and Zyphon sat some cocoa before them. Alistair spoke to Dustin, "Muse really knew how to handle herself while being restrained by that snake."

"Yeah now we know how to fight against Constrictai." Dustin added.

"And that will be a big step in helping us combat the Serpentine," Alistair said, until he checked his watch seeing it was ten, "It's that late?"

"Well Twilight, Alistair and I will be heading back." Dustin said to the Alicorn.

"Oh you're leaving?" she asked.

"Yeah, I mean wouldn't want to make Fluttershy worry." He replied.

"Oh that's ok. I talked with Fluttershy and the others and we've decided for now that you're welcomed to spend the night with any of us just so we can get to know you both better."

"Really?" Alistair asked.

"Uh-huh." Twilight nodded.

"Well that works for me, what about you, Alistair?" Dustin asked his friend.

"I don't have a problem with it." He admitted.

"Zyphon?" Dustin asked.

"I wouldn't mind at all, master." The robot replied.

"Well then, we're bunking with you two." Dustin said as he kicked back.

Elsewhere, Muse was in her office calming herself down from what happened at the theater, while Saba was curled in his bed, "That really was scary back there. I guess my grandfather's research was accurate. Serpentine do exist and they're loose in Equestria," she then thought about her three sibs and smiled, "You guys would've been proud to have seen me today," She yawned, "Well better turn in. More shows to put on and think of," She then looked out the window, and gasped seeing two Constrictai warriors creeping around, "Uh-oh." She went outside deciding to follow them. She saw them creep into an alleyway where one opened up a sewer lid and dove in followed by the other.

She moved the lid and followed them into the sewers. She watched as the snakes continued down the sewers tunnel and followed quietly. Soon she followed them to a the abandoned tunnel where Pythor and Skalidor stood before the rest of the Constrictai tribe while holding their respective tribe staffs. Pythor approached to address the Constrictai soldiers, "Attention my fellow Serpentine. It seems the ponies who serve under those Princesses who banished us in those insidious tombs are stronger than they look. Therefore we require the rest of our kind to combat them!" The Constrictai started muttering to themselves until Pythor continued, "And I promise you once we are all back together again we will take Equestria for ourselves and have every pony in the land locked away in their own tombs!" the Constrictai tribe started cheering for the idea.

'Oh no,' Muse thought in worry, 'I better hurry and warn everypony.' She started to leave, until she was grabbed by the two Constrictai warriors she followed.

"Where do you think you're going?" one asked.

"Away from you is what!" she buckled them off her and hurried off.

"Pythor! Skalidor!" the guard called grabbing their attention and saw who was escaping.

"It's that pony from the theater!" Skalidor gasped.

"After her you fools!" Pythor ordered, as more Constrictai warriors chased after her. She ran through the tunnel heading back to where she entered. When she looked back and saw the guards chasing after her in determination she picked up the pace determined not to get caught. She finally reached the sewer ladder and climbed out. She bolted from the sewer as the guards started climbing out.

She looked around Ponyville, "There's gotta be somepony I can warn," She said to herself before spotting the library, "Princess Twilight lives there!" she looked back and saw the Constrictai coming, "Oh no they're coming!" she ran towards the tree and pounded on the door, "Twilight, please let me in!"

The door opened up revealing Twilight, Spike, and the boys, "Muse, what's going…" Twilight trailed, as they saw what was after her.

"Serpentine!" Spike cried.

Dustin, Alistair, and Zyphon slid out the door seeing them, "So they want a second helping huh?" Alistair asked.

"Then we'll be happy to oblige." Dustin said, as the boys and Zyphon charged and started fighting.

Two of the serpentine grabbed Alistair by the arms and held him in place, "Let go you!"

"Alistair, remember their weakness!" Dustin called as he was going hand to hand against one of the guards.

Alistair recalling it tried relaxing his arms loosening them up and was able to slip out of the two warriors hold before he jumped up and did a spun kicked the two guards, "That's how you kick snakes."

Zyphon stood before a few warriors before extending his arms out with blasters popping out, "Do ya feel lucky, punks? Do ya?!" he started blasting the snakes who cried in pain.

"Get behind me!" Twilight ordered as Muse did along with Spike. She activated her horn and sent magic blasts at the Serpentine warriors who were knocked off their feet. Unfortunately more kept coming at her and restraining her.

"Twilight!" Spike cried.

Muse seeing her in trouble got stirred up inside and charged before bucking a few of them off, "You leave her alone!"

With Twilight having less of the Serpentine dog piling her she was able to shake the others off her, "We got to get rid of these pests."

"I got this!" Dustin said, as he channeled energy into his fist, "Zyphon, Alistair, get them all together in my range!"

"On it!" Zyphon called as he and Alistair started fighting the warriors back until they were all close together with Dustin standing before them.

"Here's a little something from me boys!" he threw his powered up fist back.

"Uh-oh." The warriors said not liking this.

"Shotgun!" he fired a blast of spirit energy from his fist at the Serpentine guards who took the full shot and were sent flying backwards and rolling across the ground.

"We gotta get out of here!" one of the guards ordered the others.

"Post haste!" another cried as they burrowed into the ground making their getaway.

The two ponies, the boys, the dragon, and robot sighed in relief, "That was close." Spike said.

"Why were those Serpentine after you?" Twilight asked Muse.

"I followed two of them into the sewer and came across a meeting between them, their general and this purple snake." She explained.

"Pythor." Twilight gasped.

"He told the Constrictai his plan to unleash all the other tribes and imprison all ponies into tombs so that Equestria will be there's."

"Well we're not going to let them succeed. We'll stop them one way or another." Twilight promised her.

"If you're going to do that then you made need my help." Muse said.

"Your help?" Alistair asked.

"Yes. My grandfather's a historian, he has info about the Serpentine and their separate tribes. With that knowledge from me I can help you beat them."

"Muse, I can't let you put yourself in harms way like this. You have a life and a job." Twilight said.

"Twilight Sparkle, weren't you the one who said that to the other elements of harmony when Nightmare Moon reappeared. You said you wanted to do it on your own, but you found out the magic of friendship was the key to stopping her. Well now's the chance for you to accept my friendship and my knowledge in order to defeat the Serpentine. Please I want to do this." Muse said looking serious.

Twilight looked hesitant, until she looked at Spike, Dustin, Alistair, and Zyphon who nodded as if signaling she'll make the right choice in the end. She then looked back to Muse and smiled, "Alright, welcome to the group."

"Yes!" Muse cheered.

"You realize you'll have to explain that to the others right?" Alistair asked crossing his arms.

"Right, and you will be there to back me up." Twilight countered.

"We will?" Alistair asked with a groan.

"Well it's been a long night, and I better get back to my office." Muse said.

"Are you sure you're going to be alright on your own?" Twilight asked.

"Don't worry I'll be fine." She said as she headed off.

"Well guys it's late and we got to get some sleep." Twilight told the guys.

"Yeah I'm bushed." Dustin yawned.

"That makes two of us." Alistair agreed, as he followed him back inside the library.

Back underground in the tunnel, Pythor and Skalidor stood before the Constrictai warriors, "We're awfully sorry sir. Next time we will not fail you!" one pleaded.

"No, you won't." Pythor answered, in disappointment as he slinked away with Skalidor.

"So where are we going next, Pythor?" Skalidor asked curiously.

"Well Skalidor my friend, according to the map, one of our other brethren tribes is located in what is called the Hayseed swamp. So let's head over there and bring out our friends of the Venomari tribe." Pythor snickered.