• Published 8th Mar 2014
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Equestria's Warriors of Light and Dark - Wildcard25

After a failed mishap by the Cutie Mark Crusaders, two boys from another universe are teleported to Equestria with no way back to their world. Can they adapt to living in Ponyville while at the same time deal with a new threat in the land?

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New Species in Equestria

Last time the Cutie Mark Crusaders attempted to gain their cutie marks in sorcery by using a spell book of Twilight's given to her by Princess Celestia. The spell however and their magical ring backfired on them and in the process teleported five unknown beings to Equestria. The mane six brought them back to Fluttershy's to recuperate and upon their awakening panicked.

Back at Fluttershy's cottage, Dustin and Alistair were still screaming in a panic, while jumping out of the beds they were laying on. When they stopped screaming they still looked edgy, "What is this? Where are we?!" Alistair demanded.

"And who're all of you?!" Dustin added in shock.

Suddenly the boys were surrounded by a pinkish aura and were forced to sit back down on the beds. The one causing this was Twilight who approached them cautiously, "You two need to calm down."

"Calm down?" Alistair asked with wide eyes, "We're in a room filled with talking horses and you want us to calm down?!"

"Excuse me," Rarity interjected, "But we are not horses. We happen to be ponies." she said proudly.

"Oh, talking ponies. That makes it so much better." Alistair said in sarcasm.

"You act as though you never saw a talking pony in your lives." Applejack said.

"Never we're afraid," Dustin replied, until he looked over seeing Zyphon sitting in a corner offline, "Zyphon!" he dashed from the bed passing Pinkie and Rainbow before reaching his robot, "Gotta reboot his systems." He opened up a hatch located on the back and did some tinkering before the robots eyes started awakening and spoke.

"Dear me what happened?"

The three small fillies jumped and hid behind Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow, "It's alive." Applebloom gasped.

"And it talks." Sweetie Belle gasped.

Zyphon groaned as he got back on his feet, "Master Dustin, Master Alistair, where are we?"

"That's exactly what we want to know." Dustin answered, as he and Alistair looked at the ponies.

"Hey, what's going on?" another voice called, as they looked over at two small beds seeing the crow and mouse were awake and looking around in confusion.

"Domino! Fievel!" Dustin gasped, as he and Alistair went over to them, "Are you guys ok?"

"I feel like I flew through a twister." Domino groaned.

"And I'm feeling hungry. Anybody got any cheese?" Fievel asked. Suddenly he saw Fluttershy gently fly over offering him some.

"Will this do?" she asked a bit timidly.

"Yum, cheddar!" Fievel cheered as he started eating it, "Mm, pretty scrumptious," He then saw Fluttershy eyeballing him, "Can I help you?"

"I'm sorry it's just I've never seen a talking mouse or bird before." She admitted looking sheepish.

Dustin and Alistair face faulted, "They're talking ponies and they never saw talking animals before?" Alistair whispered to Dustin.

Dustin shook his friends question off and spoke to the group of equines, "Ok, would any of you please tell us what's going on and where are we?"

"Don't worry my friends and I will explain everything, but before we do could you five give us your names? You do have names don't you?" Twilight asked hopefully.

"Of course we do." Alistair answered.

"However, I feel its common courtesy to introduce yourself first." Dustin countered.

Twilight obliging to these unknown creatures request nodded, "Very well, I'm Twilight Sparkle." Suddenly Alistair looked ready to break out into laughter from the sound of her name, but held it in for the sake of making a good first impression.

Suddenly the pink pony started bouncing around them like she was on sugar rush, "I'm Pinkie Pie, nice to meetcha!"

"Uh nice to meet you too." Alistair said feeling awkward.

Rainbow Dash flew around them, "Names Rainbow Dash fastest flyer in Ponyville and future Wonderbolt!" she said dramatically.

"I have no idea what she just said." Dustin said to Alistair, who nodded feeling the same way.

Fluttershy spoke softly, while the five were confused, "What'd she say?" Domino asked.

"Sorry. Fluttershy is a bit shy around others she's not familiar with." Twilight explained, while Fluttershy waved with a small smile.

Rarity straightened her mane before speaking, "I am Rarity, or Miss Rarity if you prefer," she slid over to Alistair, "I must say sir how ever do you manage to keep such long hair in perfect condition?" she marveled at his mullet.

"It's not easy." He answered.

"Ahem." Twilight cleared her throat so that they could finish the introductions. Rarity sheepishly went back to the others as Applejack spoke.

"Names Applejack, partners," she began and motioned to the three fillies, "And these here are the fillies responsible for your being here. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scotaloo." The three fillies waved sheepishly.

Dustin and Alistair looked at each other as the mullet boy spoke, "We were teleported here by kids?"

"Looks like it, but where is here?" Dustin asked.

"You're in Fluttershy's cottage, located in the town of Ponyville in the land of Equestria." Twlight explained.

"Ponyville?" Dustin asked.

"Equestria?" Alistair asked.

"Mhmm, now would you be kind as to introduce yourselves?" Twilight asked.

Dustin nodded and went first, "My name is Dustin Bowers, the big guy here is Zyphon, and the crow here is Domino."

"A pleasure ladies." Zyphon greeted them.

"How do ya do?" Domino greeted them.

"My name is Alistair Savage, and this little guy here is Fievel." He motioned to the mouse on his shoulder.

"Hiya." Fievel greeted the ponies.

Suddenly Pinkie started bouncing around them and spoke in a fast pace, "Wow, how're you standing on your back legs, and why do you have different colored bodies? Oh Why is Zyphon made out of metal? What is he? And how come your animals can talk?" she continued talking fast until Twilight used her magic to poof her friend back over to them.

"Pinkie, calm down. Sorry. Pinkie's always loaded with questions." She apologized to the boys.

"We'll gladly explain everything, but first tell us about this land and how we got here." Dustin requested, and ponies nodded and decided to explain things to them.

When they were done, Dustin, Alistair, and their three comrades were in shock, "Ok so let me recap what you all just said," Dustin began as he pointed to the CMC, "Those three were trying to use magic to help them find their cutie marks, which is a symbol you ponies gain when you discover your hidden talent." They nodded seeing he was on the right track as Alistair spoke.

"But according to you Twilight the magic ring they made along with the spell they used from your magic book backfired and brought us here to your world. Now you have no other spell that can send us back, and we could be stuck here for life?"

"Not necessarily, Alistair," Twilight injected, "I admit there are no spells in the books I have or even at the library, but maybe there are more in the ones my mentor Princess Celestia has."

The two sighed in relief, until a thought crossed Dustin's mind, "Alistair, grab your cellphone!"

"What?" his friend asked.

"Maybe we can try sending a message or call to my dad or Xever," Dustin said as they pulled out their cells that beeped, "No service!" they cried in shock.

"Zyphon, can you send a signal to my dad?" Dustin asked.

"I've been trying but my signal's not going through." Zyphon explained.

The two boys sighed once again, but this time in despair, "Well things could've been worse. We coulda got teleported to someplace dangerous instead of here." Dustin said.

"Sure as sugar partner," Applejack answered and turned to the CMC, "Now what do yall have to say to the nice boys?"

The CMC looked up at Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash and guiltily approached the boys and spoke together, "We're sorry for taking you from your home."

"Hey come on no sweat. It was an accident right?" Dustin asked.

"And we've done some accidental stuff as well." Alistair admitted.

"Like what?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"We'd rather not say." Alistair answered.

"Now would you mind telling us about yourselves like what are you and what is Zyphon?" Twilight asked.

"I Ms. Sparkle am a fully sentient multi-functional automaton or in short, a robot." the robot explained.

"A robot?" Twilight asked in confusion.

"Yeah. A machine I invented." Dustin admitted.

"Machine? Oh no." Applejack sighed.

"You have a problem with machines?" Zyphon asked puzzled.

"I just have bad experiences with them." Applejack admitted, recalling how she and her family the Apples were almost run out of business by two scheming stallion brothers who used machinery to make apple cider.

"Well don't worry, Zyphon's unlike other machinery. He's capable of feeling and understanding like a real sentient creature." Dustin explained.

"And you just created him?" Twilight asked.

"Yup, with my own bare hands." He explained as he held his hands out to prove his words.

"So then why is it you and Alistair look so different?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yeah like why is his body so blue, and why does he have pointy ears?" Pinkie said tugging on one of Alistair's ears before he swatted her hoof off.

"Please don't do that." He said calmly with a hint of discomfort.

"Sorry." Pinkie said sheepishly.

"To answer your first question about us is like this. Alistair and I are humans." Dustin explained.

"Humans?" they asked.

"Yeah, that's our species." Alistair answered.

"And humans aren't native to this land?" Dustin asked.

"Not at all. So this makes you two the first humans in all of Equestria." Twilight replied.

"So do all you humans look like this?" Rainbow said eyeing the boys up.

"Not all of them." Alistair answered.

"Most of which look like I do but are all different looking like you girls in this place," Dustin continued, "Alistair however is a special case, same said for me."

"Special? Special how?" Pinkie asked eager to know.

"Well I'm a spirit warrior and Alistair here is a dark warrior." The spike head answered.

"Spirit warrior?" Twilight raised a brow.

"Dark warrior?" Rainbow raised her own brow.

"Yes, we're warriors from our world that are capable of using our own spiritual or dark energies as a form of attack and self defense." Dustin explained.

"Spiritual energy and dark energy?" Twilight asked before realizing, "That must be what my horn was picking up off you two when we came into contact with you."

"My horn felt the same way." Rarity admitted.

"Yeah. Think of our energies as a form of magic." Dustin explained so they'd see it clearer.

"So what exactly are you warriors of?" Rainbow asked.

"Well a spirit warrior is a race of warrior who is mostly capable of using the light side of their energy. Their motive has been to defend, protect, and aid those they deem their allies, but their most important mission is to keep balance in the world and keep those who wish to disrupt the balance in their place."

"Balance?" Fluttershy asked.

"Of course, like when Discord cursed Ponyville with chaos and disorder? So in a way it's up to spirit warriors to keep order. Am I right, Dustin?" Twilight asked.

"Well in a sense." Dustin admitted, feeling its best not to complicate things for them.

"So then what's a dark warrior?" Applejack asked.

Alistair explained, "Dark warriors are almost like spirit warriors, only our energies come from the dark side of spirit energy in the body. And most dark warriors who're humans tend to undergo or are born with looks like this." He motioned to his skin color, his eyes, and his ears.

"When Alistair steps outside in public he has to use a special camouflage charm to make himself look more like me. Believe me more than half the population of our home city isn't accustomed to seeing dark warriors on a daily basis." Dustin added.

"So what's a dark warrior's motive?" Rainbow asked.

"Well the thing is. Most dark warriors in existence have shown to be well… Evil." Alistair admitted while feeling guilty.

The ponies gasped as Applebloom asked, "Evil?"

"Don't worry, Alistair is not like that," Dustin quickly interjected, before they started jumping to conclusions, "While it's true many dark warriors in existence have shown to be evil. There have been multiple ones who've proven that while they have dark energy they don't let the dark influence of their power go to their heads. In fact Alistair's not my only dark warrior allie in our world."

"That's right I also have my brother Xever and his closest friend Valmont." Alistair explained.

"And his twin brother Belmont is a spirit warrior and they love each other like siblings should, despite being born with different energies," Dustin added, "And for the record not all spirit warriors are good either. Some like to use their powers for personal gain which is an abuse of power."

"I've seen ponies like that." Twilight replied while remembering a stuck up unicorn that seemed to have turned over a new leaf, in a sense.

"But Alistair and I grew up together like brothers. We learned to not be biased against others who're different from us." Dustin said.

"What a valuable lesson." Twilight admired.

"Yeah." Alistair nodded.

"So what do you reckon we should do with them, Twilight?" Applejack asked.

"Well I'll send a letter to Princess Celestia tonight. Maybe she can help us with sending them home." Twilight answered.

"And I hope it's soon, otherwise my dad's gonna have an episode." Dustin feared.

"Same for my brother." Alistair added.

"Well that takes care of that, but where are we going to be bunking for the night?" Domino asked.

"Um, if you want you're welcome to stay here with me." Fluttershy offered timidly.

"Really?" Dustin gasped, and the yellow coated pegasus nodded and found herself embraced by the spike haired, "Thanks Fluttershy, you're the best!"

"You're welcome." Fluttershy answered and smiled.

Alistair sighed and thought, 'I feel as if the strength of my masculinity is going to be tested here.'

Soon the other ponies left the cottage, with Rainbow Dash showing Scootaloo home. Upon returning to her library home, Twilight motioned to her assistant Spike who was the towns resident baby dragon, "Spike, I need you to take a letter."

"Ready, Twilight." Spike said as he held up a quill over a piece of parchment.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I am writing this letter to inform you of an urgent matter. Earlier today, the Cutie Mark Crusaders had 'borrowed' the book you gave me to study and created a magic ring and ended up bringing two boys, a metal being, and their animal companions from another universe, parallel to ours. The boys are named Dustin Bowers and Alistair Savage.They say they're members of a race of two-legged beings known as humans, but are also warriors from where there from who use light and dark powers to fight and defends themselves and others. None of my magic books have any spells with the means of sending them home. I was hoping you had something that could help them. I feel this could also be a perfect opportunity for us to gather information about this new race of species and chronicle it for future reference. They really are confused and worried about being in our world and wish to return home as soon as possible. Please, help them.

Your most faithful student and fellow princess, Twilight Sparkle.

"Finished," Spike said as he rolled it up and breathed green fire on the parchment that dissolved and traveled out the library window and off into the sky, "Now what exactly did you see today?"

"It's complicated, Spike." Twilight sighed still not sure how to explain it herself.

Meanwhile in the kingdom of Canterlot inside the royal castle, the monarch of the land Princess Celestia had just received the letter from her faithful student. After reading through the letter carefully, she sighed and used her magic to place it down and spoke to herself, "If what she has informed me is true, then these boys most certainly need our help."