• Published 20th Feb 2014
  • 1,985 Views, 248 Comments

Climbing the Mountain - Talon and Thorn

The story of Baron Mounty Max and his early years as part of the Night Court of Equestria and how his destiny became intertwined with Duchess Fragrant Posey during that momentous time.

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“So what do you think about extending the squire program?” asked Max.

“I’m not sure how that would work out, it seems a good way of training new courtiers but in most cases their family would already have done that, and the newcomers could learn bad habits from their mentors,” said Fragrant.

“It seems to have worked out for me,” he leant forwards and gently kissed her on the cheek. “It could be used as a way to have the court keep an eye on each other in case of anypony getting tempted to do wrong. The mentors and squires could be selected to try and stop feuds, let them see that the other side isn’t really that bad.”

“I somehow doubt that most of the mentors and squires will end up like us,” she noted with a small smile as she leant back into his chest. “Still, I’ll add it to the maybe list, we can talk it over with some of the others later.” The two of them were sitting in a couch in Max’s house. The stallion was stretched out while Fragrant laid out against him with a scattering of papers surrounding them. They had just finished their brunch and were going over Fragrant’s proposal for the reform of the court. Baron Field’s impassioned speech from last night had inspired many courtiers to agree to the changes, now they just had to write up a formal declaration of intent and get it signed. Hopefully not many of the courtiers had gotten cold hooves overnight.

Fragrant picked up a pencil in her mouth and started to scribble some notes on the parchment in front of her. She seemed happy, almost joyful, but Max was still a little troubled by last night, she’d looked positively terrified after he’d gotten a little over amorous, she seemed to have forgiven him but he should have known she was a proper lady, not some country lass willing to roll in the hay after a second date. Still, she didn’t seem un-affectionate, she accepted his kisses, although they were less passionate than last night, and was happy to curl up next to him separated only by the thin material of her summer dress. He guessed he’d just have to be patient and make sure she was comfortable before he made any move. He could wait. It was just a shame she wasn’t willing to make their relationship public.

“Now the funding of the new regulatory body...” began Fragrant, suddenly there was a frantic knocking at the door and her ears pricked up.

“Are you expecting anypony?” she asked.

“Not really, Mrs G might be coming along later but it doesn’t sound like her and she has her own key.”

“You should probably answer it then,” she prompted.

He wiggled a bit in place. “I’m sort of stuck here,” he pointed out.

“Oh,” said Fragrant standing up and brushing down her dress.

Max prized himself off the sofa and trotted over to the door. “Hello?” he asked opening it. He staggered back as he was struck in the chest by a sobbing mare. “Wha?”

“M-M-Max,” wept Buttercup clutching him to her.

“Buttercup! What’s happened, is it Dirt?”

“I-It’s dad, h-h-he he’s gone!”

“Gone? What do you mean? He’s wandered off?”

“He’s dead!” she wailed.

Max’s eyes widened, he couldn’t believe his ears, Baron Field? The old stallion had not been well, but to be snuffed out just like that, there must be some mistake!

Fragrant rushed into the room having heard the conversation, for a moment she felt a spear of jealousy at the younger mare clutching Max, then it was washed away by pity for the filly. “Dead!” she gasped. “What happened?”

“I came to wake him up this m-morning, he looked so happy, so peaceful, h-he was hu-hugging a pillow. I thought he was asleep, I-I let him lie in, did some paperwork, and then when I tried to wake him, he-he was so cold.” She leaned against Max, her sobbing quieting as she explained. “Somepony called a doctor, it might have been me, I-I don’t know. She said, I don’t know, something about his heart I think, I couldn’t... Somepony, I was downstairs, the Canterlot times was missing, dad always reads it each morning so I went out and got a copy... then I remembered... r-remembered... that he-he wouldn’t...” She collapsed against him again.

Fragrant rushed over and gently ran her hoof through the mare’s mane. “Let it out,” she whispered, “Let it all out.” Suddenly Buttercup released Max and gripped the other mare instead burying her face in Fragrant’s mane.

The older mare stiffened for a moment at the unexpected action but then relaxed taking the earth pony’s weight onto her and stroking her back.

“W-wha-what do I do?” wept Buttercup as Fragrant slowly maneuvered her into Max’s living room and onto the sofa. Max stood around feeling awkward, he really didn’t know what to do with a crying mare and Fragrant seemed to have things in hoof for the moment, he took a lead from what Mrs G would do in this situation and started to make some tea.

The act of preparing the brew settled his mind a little, maybe this was why Mrs G did it. It gave him time to think. Baron Fields was dead. It was a shock, he’d liked the stallion, had only gotten to know his whole life last night, but he supposed it wasn’t a total surprise. He had been a very old stallion, but still he’s have hoped he would have had a few years left. What effect did the withdrawal of Buttercups ‘treatments’ have on him? Had she... had he... had they... no, he couldn’t blame himself for that and he hopped Buttercup didn’t either. He picked up the teapot and for a moment considered adding a little spirit, Mrs G would, but he hoped it wouldn’t be necessary.

Carefully balancing the tray on his back he headed into the other room, to his relief, Buttercup seemed to have calmed a little, she was perched on the edge of the sofa, Fragrant was sitting next to her gently running a wing up and down her back soothingly. The young mare’s red raw eyes flickered up to him as he entered. “I thought you might like a drink,” he said wishing he knew some words of comfort that would make her feel better.

“Thank you,” mumbled Buttercup, mechanically taking the drink and sipping the hot liquid without looking at it.

The three of them sat in silence for a few minutes, finally Fragrant spoke. “You’ll have to go home soon, ponies will be looking for you.”

“Oh,” said Buttercup looking down, “Do... Do I... have to?”

“We’ll be there to help you,” said Max soothingly, reaching out with a hoof.

“Do you have any family or friends in town?” asked Fragrant.

“Some servants, auntie Quicksilver, but she didn’t come back with us last night, I don’t know where she is.”

“Auntie Quicksilver?” asked Max, he didn’t know the pegasus was related to the Fields’.

“We’re not actually related, she’s a friend of the family, she served with... with d-dad,” her eyes began to water again.

“You have to be strong,” said Fragrant gently, “You’re a Baroness now, you need to be able to hide your feelings.”

“I.. I know,” said Buttercup seeming to brace herself, she blinked a few times clearing her eyes. “I have to be able to deal with this, it’s what d-dad would have wanted. I-I need to clean myself up, can I, can I use your bathroom?” she asked.

“Of course,” said Max, “It’s that way.” He pointed in the relevant direction.

“Thank you,” said Buttercup walking a little unsteadily in the direction indicated.

Once she had left Max moved over to Fragrant and whispered to her, “Aren't you being a bit harsh on the filly? Her father just died, and she found the body.”

Fragrant sighed. “She is a member of the nobility, a Baroness now, she has to stand strong for her people.”

“Can’t she at least have time to mourn?”

“Only in private, she needs to show the rest of the court, and Equestria that she can take the pressure,” said Fragrant with certainty.

Max tried to weigh it up, he supposed it made some sense, but it seemed wrong that she would have to bottle up her feelings. “But we can still help her, right?”

“We can help her, but not coddle her, she has to go through this herself. And we have other, more important, things to do. We still have to rally the nobles. Although this may be an opportunity...”

“Opportunity? What do you mean?”

“Baron Field’s speech last night convinced many nobles to join our cause. Now that it turns out that it was almost his dying words, it will sway even more.”

“Fragrant!” gasped Max, “How can you use his death like this!”

Fragrant looked blank, then pain crossed her features. “I know, its emotional blackmail, but it’s for the good of Equestria! Isn’t it?” she seemed unsure.

“I... I don’t know, you’re much better at this sort of thing than me, but don’t Fisher and ponies like him say that about everything they do?”

“I don’t know either, it feels like the right thing to do, but is it just the right thing for me? What do you think?”

Max moved forwards and nuzzled her for a moment. “I think somepony like Fisher wouldn’t even give it a second though, which is why you’re a much better pony than him.”

“And I think my father would agree with you,” same Buttercups voice from the door.

Max and Fragrant turned to see her. The younger pony was standing tall and composed, her eyes were still somewhat puffy, but she was much recovered from earlier. “He wanted to return honour to the court. If he can help with that, even after his... after his death, then he would want to help. I will help.”

“Thank you,” said Fragrant. “Thank you Baroness.”

The three of them made their way back to the Fields estate. To Max’s surprise and Fragrant’s annoyance a small group of reporters had already set up outside. She was ready to try to organise a group of guards to send them on their way when Buttercup stopped her. The new Baroness instead strode over to the reporters and started an impromptu press conference. She calmly provided the little information she had about her father’s death and confirmed that as his heir she was immediately taking over his role.

Max was surprised by how easily she seemed to be dealing with the situation given how upset she had been only an hour ago. However from his position next to her he could see her tail flicking in distress and realised the calm was only skin deep. Eventually the reporters’ questions began to cut a little too deep and Fragrant called an end to things.

Together the three of them entered the estate. Quicksilver had apparently arrived at some point while Buttercup was with them and the old military mare had sadly begun to organise the removal of her friend’s body. Once she saw Buttercup the old mare threw a wing around her ‘niece’, now that she was away from prying eyes Buttercup allowed herself to start to cry again. Although more controlled than before it still took her several minutes to regain her composure.

Between the four of them they began grisly business of organising the funeral.

The funeral, two days later, was overcast but not rainy, precisely the conditions that Fragrant had ordered. The Canterlot weather team, well used to specific weather conditions being request for events, had quickly and efficiently moved the required clouds into position earlier this morning and then made themselves scarce. Max could never decide if a funeral should be like this, or if it should be bright and sunny, should you mourn the loss of a life, or celebrate that life’s achievements? He thought he preferred the second, but it probably varied from pony to pony, he’d heard down south in Neigh Orleans they held big parades for funerals, that sounded interesting. But Fragrant had told him that Canterlot funerals were traditionally gloomy events, although if her plans came to fruition that might not be entirely true for this one.

Technically, he thought, this was not really a funeral, more a sort of saying goodbye. The Baron’s body was not being laid to rest here, after the ceremony it would be loaded onto a cart to take it to the train station for the next step of its long journey back to Houyhnhnm when it would finally be consigned to the sea as per the baron’s wishes and the provinces traditions, there to rest with his wife and ancestors, still this would be the last time Max would see his friend. He’d never really thought of it like that before, that he wouldn’t see the Baron again, that he wouldn’t be there to ask for advice from. It still felt that he might bump into him in the corridors of Canterlot someday. The day suddenly seemed so much more final, although if things went to plan it would also be a beginning.

He looked around. The ceremony was being carried out in one of Canterlot’s many parks, despite the weather rows of bright flowers in the colours of the Baron’s province surrounded the area.

It had rather surprised Max when Greengrass had volunteered to arrange that detail. Fragrant had suspected some sort of trick but Greenmeadow had vouched for his sons good intentions in this matter, and given the speed of the preparations they hadn’t had much of a choice. Almost overnight a small army of gardeners had moved in and planted the gardens. Max hoped the Baron would have appreciated them.

Even more bouquets covered the coffin itself, the top was half open to allow the body within to be viewed, the bottom half was draped in the Equestrian flag. Within the casket Fields looked, content, thought Max, as if he was taking a nap, an almost smile covering the old stallions face.

Scattered around and above the field were hundreds of ponies of all tribes, even more than at the retirement party. It seemed like most of the court was here as well as many of their families and baron Fields own friends. There off got one side was Puissance and a mob of her family, the old mare’s face was completely covered by a long veil. There near the front was a group of ponies of various ages dressed in a mix of uniforms. As he glanced around Max gaze was suddenly caught by a flash of pink among the greys and blacks, there next to Viscount Blueblood stood a young mare with a tightly curled mane, bizarrely she had a single black balloon tied to her hoof. Normally Max would have thought it was tasteless but on the mare it seemed oddly fitting.

“Are you alright?” asked Fragrant from nearby, shocking him from his distraction.

“Just thinking,” he said turning to face her, she was dressed in a modest black dress with a short veil covering the top of her face.

“There is something about a funeral which makes you weigh up your life,” she agreed. “I just hope what I’m planning to do is right, it doesn’t seem that tasteful, using the Baron this way.”

“Buttercup agreed, and you know he would have as well.”

“True, but it’s more important what the princess will think of it.”

“She’s still not replied?”

“No, she would normally officiate at the funeral of a court member, but there’s been no reply from her office. Has she really given up on us?”

“No, I’m sure it not that, we just...”

Max was interrupted by the arrival of Mrs Grobhar. “It’s almost time,” she said, the goat had dyed her mane blue as per her peoples funeral traditions, “I think Buttercup could do with some support.” She gestured towards the young mare standing off to one side of the stage surrounded by a gaggle of well-wishers.

“She seems alright,” said Max.

“She’s putting on a brave face,” agreed Mrs G. “But I think she needs some help from ponies she’s close to.”

Max nodded, Buttercup had been working hard for the last few days to arrange all of this. But she might have just been distracting herself. She’d been admirably composed so far today but he felt that she hadn’t had enough time to herself to truly grieve. Now that she couldn’t avoid the fact of her father’s death he could understand she might need some more help.

The three of them gently pushed their way through the crowd towards Buttercup, Max could tell that Mrs G was right, the young mare seemed outwardly calm and in control, but the occasional twitch of her tail and ears betrayed the stress she was under. Oddly she had a black balloon tied to her tail.

Without a word Fragrant strode over and took Buttercups place dealing with the well-wishers allowing Max to take the young mare by the hoof and draw her aside to a more quiet part of the field.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

“I’m, I-I don’t know. There’s so many of them, they’re all trying to be so nice, someone gave me a balloon, I’m not sure who, but they just keep reminding me that... that he’s gone.” Her head drooped and came to rest on his shoulder.

“You can let it all out you know, no one is going to think any less of you, if you cry here.”

“No-no, like Fragrant said I have to be strong. I have to show the court that I can take f-fathers place.” She straightened. “I can’t break down.”

“Oh, dearie,” said Mrs G. “Maybe that’s what Duchess Posey would do, maybe it works for her, but you’re your own pony what do you want to do?”

“I want... I-I want my daddy back!” tear started to stream from her eyes and she collapsed against the old goat. “He’s dead! My Daddy’s dead!”

“There, there, dearie,” crooned Mrs G rocking the crying mare.

“Why, why did he leave me? I don’t want to be alone,” she sobbed, “It’s always been him and me, now it’s just me.”

“He didn’t leave you dear, he’s still here,” Mrs G tapped her head, “And here,” another hoof gently prodded her chest. “He’ll always be with you as long as you remember him, you can do that right? Just close your eyes and remember.”

Her tears slowing Buttercup shut her eyes, “I can see him,” she mumbled. “He’s congratulating me for getting the court to allocate funds to an orphanage.” She sniffed a little.

“And you can always see him whenever you want, and when you don’t he’ll sleep in your mind until you need him again.”

Giving a watery smile Buttercup straightened up a little and began to dry her eyes. “Thank you, Mrs Grobnar,” she said politely.

“Any time dearie,” she held out a hoofkerchief. “Now blow,” she ordered.

Buttercup took the cloth and loudly blew her nose blinking away the last of the tears before passing it back to the goat.

“It’s time to start dear,” said Quicksilver walking over to the small group. “Do you think you’re up to it?”

“Yes, yes,” repeated Buttercup with increasing strength. She untied the balloon from her tail and watched as it slowly ascended into the sky. She watched it for a moment before taking a deep breath. “I’m ready,” she said.

“That was nice of you,” said Max to Mrs G as Buttercup and Quicksilver made their way off to the stage.

“Well when you get to my age you’ve had some time to get used to this sort of thing. Of course sooner or later it’ll be my time,” said the goat matter of factly.

“Don’t say that Mrs G,” said Max, he wasn’t sure what he’d do without her.

“Sooner or later, although I’m not planning on going anywhere anytime soon you know.”

“Come on,” said Fragrant trotting over to meet both of them. “We should take our places.”

Max watched as Buttercup slowly mounted the stage, around her stood himself, Fragrant, Quicksilver, Greenmeadow and a few of the baron’s other closest friends, all there to provide support to the young mare. Max looked out at the sea of faces in front of him, it was good to know that so many had cared for Rolling Fields, Buttercup had originally wanted a smaller more intimate service but Fragrant’s plan had required a larger gathering and Buttercup had recognised and agreed to that need.

Buttercup stopped in the centre of stage and looked over towards her father's coffin, half a dozen ponies in the padded armour of the Equestrian Royal Marines, two of each tribe, standing motionless at guard around it. She closed her eyes for a moment to gather her strength before raising her head and staring out towards the crowd. “Friends, colleagues,” she began before stopping and looking up towards the sky.

Max blinked and followed her gaze, there were three dark blue flying shapes approaching quickly. A hubbub erupted from the crowd as the shapes resolved themselves into Princess Luna and two of her guards. The three ponies landed on the stage next to Buttercup. After a moment of shock all present bowed at their ruler’s sudden appearance. Luna gestured to Buttercup. “Arise Lady Fields,” she intoned. “I am sorry for not contacting you earlier, but with your permission I would like to have the honour and sorrow of conducting this ceremony for your father.”

“Of course your majesty,” said Buttercup, sounding both shocked and relieved.

“Thank you, all rise,” said Luna.

Max glanced over to Fragrant she seemed deep in thought at this event, it would clearly change her plans.

Luna stood silently for a moment looking over at the coffin before turning back to the assembled crowds.

“Did you think I would not come?” she asked. “For a time I did consider it. You know that I am displeased with many of you, that you have not reached the heights that I know you could. This is true, but still, you, like all of the ponies of Equestria are my little ponies, it is I who induct you into the court and it is my duty to speak of you at your end. I let my anger overshadow my responsibilities recently but in this matter, this final end, I swear, whatever you do, I will do this for you, always. Death, or life, may take your memory from all others but I, I will remember.”

She let her words roll over those present before continuing. “In my long long life I have seen many pass through the court, pony after pony, year after year. You might think that after such a time I would lose track, that you would all blending into a single mass.” She shook her head. “That that is not true, even after knowing millions of ponies, each and every one of you is unique, each of you live your own lives, you are born, you live and you die, each in your own way. And like all of you, Baron Fields was also unique.” She turned once again to the coffin. “I first met him over eighty years ago, when his father brought him and his brother to court for the first time. I think he was a little scared of me, it took the promise of many sweets to make him come out from behind his mother's legs,” she smiled at the recollection. “It was several decades before I met him again when he took up his position at court, he was a rather handsome stallion as I recall, just as nervous as at our first meeting but he hid it better. At our meeting after his ennoblement he mostly spoke of his late sister, family was always important to him,” she gave Buttercup a kindly smile.

“Then over the years I watched him grow into a model courtier, although he was never at the forefront, he served his people well with the less glamorous but far more necessary background work. Over time I saw him age and physically weaken but his spirit always remained strong, as it is now in his daughter, who I am eager to induct into the court. Even at the end he pleaded with the court to show unity and contrition for their recent wrongs.” The princess’s eyes scanned the crowd and few could meet her gaze. “He recognised his failings and tried to overcome them, as should we all. Myself no less than any other.”

The Princess paused before continuing. “I have been asked many times over my life what, if anything, comes after death, as if I would know! My nature means that I have less understanding of that issue than others, but still I am asked. The truth of it is, I know nothing and I am content with that, the universe should have some secrets or there would not be a reason why it should continue. If I was asked to make a guess then I would say that as life is a search for harmony, than ultimately death is the completion of that search. I hope that Baron Fields is now at harmony.”

Looking around Max saw several brows furrowing at the princesses words. It sounded nice to him although he didn’t really understand what it meant, but then she was the princess and he wasn’t, of course she would understand such things more than him.

“Now,” said Luna, “Is there anypony else who would like to speak?”

One after another a small number of ponies stood up to talk about the Baron, many repeated what had been said at the retirement party. Quicksilver told a tale of the Baron’s days in the military culminating in a filthy joke. Much of the crowd tittered nervously until the princess herself broke out in a belly laugh.

Near the end of the ceremony Vicereine Puscience stood up to talk. With a shallow bow to the Princess she took her place at the front of the gathering next to the Barons body. To Max’s surprise the normally spritely old mare seemed every year of her age, tired, worn out and even a little confused, as if she didn’t quite understand what had happened. “I am old,” she intoned, or at least Max thought she did, her voice started as a mere whisper. “I have seen many ponies pass in my time,” she continued at an increased volume, “Colleagues, family. I have over the years seen the court change, seen ponies arrive and leave but Rolling always seemed to be a changeless feature, as I thought myself to be. His death has... has changed things, once we were young together but time passed and now, now he is gone, and I, I am old.” She sounded like she didn’t quite understand how that had happened.

Around Max a rumble passed through the crowd, they had not expected this rambling from the Vicereine. Realising what she had been saying Puscience visibly pulled herself together. “Baron Fields death,” she began again. “Has come as a shock to many of us, it was sudden but the same thing could happen to any of us. Ultimately we are mortal beings, only the Princess has the gift of immortality,” she nodded to Luna. “But our actions, they can be eternal and the Baron’s actions will be remembered for many years, by his people and by the court. He is succeeded by his daughter, again a form of immortality,” she looked down at the her family in the crowd, “She, I am certain will follow in her father's hoofsteps, he has trained her well, and that is the way it should be, pony after pony following each other’s hoofsteps through eternity.”

She paused again frowning as if her words had once again gotten away from her. “In this way even though his body is dead Rolling Fields will continue to live on for ever,” she concluded.

She stopped again and after a moment there was a cautious stomp of applause through the crowd and the old mare stood down and returned to her seat.

Finally Buttercup took the podium again to speak of her father. “My father is... was... is the most important pony in my life. After the death of my mother he raised me almost single hoofed, everything I now have is thanks to him. He raised me, and raised me well, taught me to put the needs of others before my own, to serve Equestria. I-I used to be frightened that I wouldn’t be able to carry on without him, but somepo... someone told me that I’ll never be alone, that he’ll always be with me.” She turned to the coffin, “So I won’t say go-goodbye dad, I’ll just say farewell.” She walked over and nuzzled the wooden box with her father’s mortal remains in it.

As Buttercup stood aside the guards around the coffin began to move, the unicorns took the edges of the flag on the coffin in their auras and gently and solemnly began to fold it. Next to them the earth ponies and Pegasus presented their halberds locking them together over the coffin, saluting their fallen colleague. Behind them a band began to play the Equestrian national anthem. Once the ceremony was completed the leading marine saluted the Princess before presenting the flag to her. Luna nodded, took the bundle in her aura and turning to Buttercup gave another nod before gently placed the flag on her back.

Pausing for a moment the young pony slowly walked towards the coffin where she was met by Quicksilver, Greenmeadow and the marine officer who gently took the wooden container on their backs and slowly carried their load off the stage to the waiting carriage which was ready to carry it on the long journey to the Baron’s final resting place.

The funeral over the crowds below started to disperse and Luna turned to leave. Fragrant nodded to Max, Wallflower and a few others in the audience. They started to pass out scrolls to a number of the members of the audience. The Duchess stepped forwards and turned to face the Princess. “Your highness,” she began, “Me and many of the courtiers would like to present something to you, something we hope will change the face of the Night Court.”

The Princess looked surprised, and then intrigued.

“Something we want to do for everypony, for everyone in Equestria,” said Fragrant. She took a deep breath before beginning to quietly sing.

When I’m working, well I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the one who’s working for them all
When I’m leading, well I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the one who leads well for them all, down among the audience Max joined in with Fragrant, their voices twining together.

If I’m humbled, well I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the one who’s humbled by them all
And if I fail, then I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the one who tries again for them all, more and more ponies in the crowd were taking up the scrolls and stamping their marks on them. Wallflower stepped forwards towards her ruler and took up the song.

When I'm working, yes I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the one who's working for them all
And with the money that comes in from the working pony
I'll pass every single jangle back to them

And as I grow wise, well I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the one who grows wise for them all said Greenmeadow struggling to stand with his cane.

And when I’m planning, yes I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the one who makes plans for them all cried Kibitz and Mellow in harmony

If I’m tempted, well I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the one who resists for them all sang Nightlight lowering his head.
And when I'm dreaming, well I know I'm gonna dream
I'm gonna dream about the future that’s best for them all added Buttercup

When I’m playing, well I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the one who has to play against them all, mumbled Greengrass to Notary. He looked intrigued by the idea, he scanned the scroll someone had passed him with a raised eyebrow.

And when I make planning, yes I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the one who makes plans for them all

I'm gonna be the one who makes plans for them all, echoed the rest of the court present

For a moment the singing died down and Princess Luna continued to look coldly at the court.

And we will go that extra mile cried Max stepping forwards and kneeling towards his monarch.
And we will do so much more
To give our all for this land, to prove ourselves worthwhile
To be the courts saviours He held out the form he had just signed to Wallflower.

And we will go that extra mile
And we will do so much more
To give our all for this land, prove ourselves worthwhile
To be the courts saviours, in turn Fragrant did the same passing her scroll forwards to the Vicereine.

The courtiers who were not signing the documents started to slowly slip away from the commotion with expressions ranging from confusion to horror.

And we will go that extra mile
And we will do so much more, Cried more and more of the court as they rushed towards Luna skidding to a stop and passing more of more of the scrolls forwards.
To give our all for this land, prove ourselves worthwhile
To be the courts saviours

And we will go that extra mile
And we will do so much more
To give our all for this land, prove ourselves worthwhile
To be the courts saviours Countess Quill proved to be particularly spry as she leapt over Duke Sands to pass on her completed document.

For L-un-a, For L-un-a, For L-un-a, For L-un-a, cried all the courtiers present
We will give our all, be the best we can for Equestria-ia
For L-un-a, For L-un-a, For L-un-a, For L-un-a
We will give our all, be the best we can for Equestria-ia

When I’m working, well I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the one who’s working for the them all, exclaimed Fragrant

And if I fail, then I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the one who tries again for them all, added Max

And when I make a plan, yes I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the one who makes plans best for us all

And if I fail, then I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the one who tries again for them all, cried the courtiers

The crowd split into two mares on one side and stallions on the other.

And we will go that extra mile, cried the mares
And we will do so much more
To give our all for this land, prove ourselves worthwhile
To be the courts saviours

For L-un-a, For L-un-a, For L-un-a, For L-un-a
We will give our all, be the best we can for Equestria-ia
For L-un-a, For L-un-a, For L-un-a, For L-un-a
We will give our all, be the best we can for Equestria-ia

And we will go that extra mile, agreed the stallions
And we will do so much more
To give our all for this land, prove ourselves worthwhile
To be the courts saviours

For L-un-a, For L-un-a, For L-un-a, For L-un-a
We will give our all, be the best we can for Equestria-ia
For L-un-a, For L-un-a, For L-un-a, For L-un-a
We will give our all, be the best we can for Equestria-ia

The two crowds rushed towards each other intermingling and twisting around each other. Max took Fragrant in his arms as she passed and quick as a flash kissed her on the lips before she span past.

And we will go that extra mile, cried the whole court thunderously.
And we will do so much more
To give our all for this land, prove ourselves worthwhile
To be the courts saviours, they all skidded to a halt in front of Luna kneeling at her hooves.

For L-un-a, For L-un-a, For L-un-a, For L-un-a
We will give our all, be the best we can for Equestria-ia
For L-un-a, For L-un-a, For L-un-a, For L-un-a
We will give our all, be the best we can for Equestria-ia

Silence finally blanketed the area, many of the less fit court members were panting hard and many seemed dazed by their spontaneous outpouring of emotion.

Luna stepped forwards and took the offered papers in her aura, the wad was thick well over a hundred copies of the same document. “What is this?” she asked.

“It as a plan for proposed reformation of the Night Court, your majesty,” explained Wallflower. “Extra powers for the mayors, representatives and citizens to investigate the activities of the court, increase scrutiny of the Courtiers personal finances.”

“The strengthening of the Internal Affairs Bureau,” added Night Light, “Removing it from court control and giving it additional investigative and judicial powers. Other lesser changes as well.”

“You all agree on these?” asked Luna.

“Yes, your majesty,” replied the courtiers, their voices blending into one.

“We want to prove to you that we can do better, that you can trust us,” pleaded Wallflower.

“There is one more thing your majesty,” added Fragrant, “We didn’t want any one member of our group to gain the prestige of proposing this legislation.”

Luna frowned. “You know that all legislation must be proposed by a named night court member to be accepted.”

“Yes your highness, but look who we selected.”

Luna’s eyes flickered through the scrolls she held, the paperwork was in the name of Baron Rolling Fields. “Ah, I see, most appropriate.”

Luna scanned the ponies still prostrate in front of her, her face unreadable. Tension hung in the air for several long seconds, then a smile spread across her face like the moon appearing from behind a cloud. “Thank you, thank you my ponies. I accept your contrition, now go... go and be the best ponies you can!”

Author's Note:

Getting near the end now, I only have an epilogue to go, which I hope to put up tomorrow before I head to see my folks for Christmas.

Thanks to Grass and Clouds and Rainbow Double Dash for their suggestions.

As always comments are appreciated.