• Published 10th Feb 2014
  • 12,226 Views, 1,119 Comments

Absolution - ed2481

An Absol's life is full of pain and the tragedy of others but for one, Cres, that pain is much closer to heart. After a year and a day spent praying atop Mt. Coronet Cres is finally given the chance to obtain his long sought after Absolution.

  • ...

Chapter 15

Edited by SwirlingBlade

“Are you both sure about this?” Roxanne asked cautiously as her foot hovered above the ice.

“Yes I’m sure,” Matt replied from behind. “You won’t immediately fall down once you’re on the other side and you won’t pass out,” he assured the woman. “It’s perfectly safe, I’ve done it a hundred times.”

“Yes, the worse thing you’ll have to worry about is if I feel like playing a prank on you,” Giratina added on from the other side of the ice.

Matt looked down at the ice with a flat frown. “You’re not helping,” he stated.

“What? It’s true,” the legendary dragon replied nonchalantly. “Beside, it’s not like I’ll do anything too bad to you. You’re my friends after all, and is it wrong for friends to play pranks on one another now and then?”

“Not when one of them is having seconds thoughts about something new to her,” the man replied.

“Fair enough,” Giratina replied indifferently.

Roxanne shot Mat a smile before she brushed her dark hair out of her eyes. “Well then, as Professor Sycamore says when he thinks no one is listening; FOR SCIENCE!” She then jumped forwards through the ice. The ice rippled like water as her body passed through it and she jumped out of a pool of ‘water’ on one of the many floating island in the Distortion World.

She gazed around herself with wide eyes before reaching for her sketchpad and quickly beginning to sketch the amazing scene before her.

“Wow...” she whispered as she worked. “It’s beautiful here.”

“Why thank you,” Giratina spoke behind her. “I try my best to keep the place neat and orderly.”

Roxanne turned and nearly dropped her sketchpad. “You... you... you’re huge,” she gasped looking at his massive length.

“And you’re tiny, smaller than I thought,” the Legendary replied with a small chuckle. “Then again, I don’t have much human interaction, so it’s not really surprising.”

Roxanne shook her head and then smiled as she stepped around the island. “This place feels so much... lighter than reality.”

“Indeed,” Matt replied as he stepped onto the island and walked up next to the woman unhindered by his cripple right leg. “One of the few reason I come here often,” he commented with a small smile.

“Thank you... thank you both so much for bringing me here,” Roxanne told them both as she got back to looking around herself. “It’s so... amazing... I can’t wait to map it!”

Matt’s smile grew a bit. “Oh, I think you’ll find that will be a bit tricky to do,” he told her as he gazed out too. “Since many of land forms floats around and such,” he informed the woman.

“Well... then I’ll find a way to chart where they float,” she replied with a chuckle as she looked around the veritable wonderland. “It’s so... beautiful.”

“That it is,” Matt agreed as the two stared out at the vast realm. “A land full of chaotic laws, but order can still be found. And within that order, lies such wonderful marvels you can’t really find back home.” A small smile formed as he glanced towards the woman. “Like a waterfall where the water flows up instead of down.”

Roxanne’s eyebrows furrowed before she smiled and took another step towards Matt. “I hope you won’t mind showing me that... I don’t think I could find it by myself.”

“Of course,” the man replied with a short nod. “I know the way there like the back of my hand.”

“And here I thought ‘everything moved to much to be mapped,” the woman said while glancing at the man.

“Yeah, but like you said, you just gotta chart where they normally float,” he replied with a sly grin as he held out his arm, bending it slightly for the woman to grab hold of.

“Well then, lead the way?” Roxanne asked him with a coy smile as she slipped her arm into his.

“Right away, my lady,” he said in noble way before bending his knees and taking a large leap into the air. Roxanne found herself being carried away by Matt as if she weighed nothing, but she simply let out a happy laugh at the sensation.

Giratina watched the two soar off the island and towards another before jumping to another.

“They’ll make a good couple, don’t you think?” he asked out loud towards the ‘empty’ island.

“I’d think so,” Belle agreed from the place she’d slipped in behind the two humans.

“Maybe they’ll figure that out too once they reach the waterfalls, which was my idea for Matt to show to her,” he commented while he turned to face the shiny Absol.

“Wonderful idea, waterfalls are very romantic,” Belle agreed with a small smile as she remembered her fight night in front of a waterfall. “Now then, you’re going to take me to Cres.”

Giratina tilted his head towards the Absol. “And why should I do that, young Belle?”

“Because if you don’t I will make your life incredibly difficult,” Belle replied smartly.

The Legendary blinked blankly at her. “Oh really?”

“Indeed,” Belle answered with a nod.

“And just how are you planning to make that possible?” he asked. “Lecture me to death?”

“Why yes, yes I will,” she replied with a wide smile. “Now tell me, Giratina, how much do you know about the basic atoms that make up our reality?”

“They’re made out of a nucleus which consist of protons and neutrons with electrons orbiting, to put it lightly, around them,” he replied casually.

“Oh good, so I won’t have to go over the very basics with you,” Belle replied with a smile. “That just means that I have more interesting ground to cover.”

“And if you’re going to talk about the periodic table and how each element are consistent in a energy level, how some can become positive or negative ions, and how they bonded with one another, don’t,” he stated flatly. “I’ve seen a lot during my time here watching your world, I doubt there’s anything new you can tell me.”

“How about quarks, have you ever heard of those?” Belle asked inquisitively.

Giratina blinked once more. “You’re not going to let this up are you?”

“No, and I’m just getting started,” Belle replied with narrowed eyes. “So you’re going to take me to my mate before I lecture you so hard that your ears wish they’d evaporated.”

The Legendary closed his eyes let out a sigh. “You know I could just fly away to a sector of my realm where you can’t get to, or just kick you out of my realm in general,” he commented as he opened his eyes and looked at Belle.

“In that case I guess the legends really are true,” Belle said casually. “You really are nothing but a dirty coward. Afraid to face a single Absol.”

“If you’re expecting me to get angry at that or lash out at you to try to prove you’re wrong, you’ll be waiting a long time,” Giratina told her causally. “Besides, most legends of me consist of me attacking any living thing in sight and that was true until...hmm... five thousand-ish years ago.”

Belle sighed and sat down on the hard stone ground, small tears beginning to well up in her eyes. “Please... just take me to him... it’s been a month since I last saw him... I don’t... I don’t know how much longer I can stand waiting,” she whispered softly.

Giratina looked down at the weeping Absol for a while before letting out a hard sigh. “Damn my new soft hearted nature...” he said before lowering himself down and placing the top of his head next to the side of the island. “Get on... I’ll show you where he is and that he’s okay,” he said a bit reluctantly.

“Really?” Belle asked, looking up at him, tears still streaming down her face.

“I’m not offering you to ride on top of my head for nothing,” he replied a bit flatly.

“Oh, thank you so much!” she exclaimed before she promptly hopped onto his head.

“Yeah, yeah... just don’t tell this to the others alright?” he grumbled before he took flight through the space like world.

“I won’t,” Belle replied, her tears drying up very quickly. “Thank you, Giratina... I really am worried about Cres... the fact that he survived two years without me is still surprising to me... my poor mate can barely make it through the day without causing some kind of accident.”

“Or do something stupid...” Giratina added. “Watching him during his whole time at Mt. Correct just made me want to facepalm sometimes... if I had hands to do it with.”

“I... know what you mean, he’s an idiot sometimes,” Belle agreed but a small smile appeared on. “But... he’s my idiot... and you watched him?” she added, her smile turning into a frown.

“Ever since his third day here,” he replied.

“Really? Did... he ever talk about me?” Belle asked curiously.

“I don’t know, I only saw him if he was on the summit or near one of the pools of water in the mountain,” Giratina informed her. “And most of the time he was either hunting, drinking, or praying non stop.”

“I... see,” she replied quietly. “And... was he okay most of the time? I know he was starting to lose it near the end but... what about the middle?”

“Nearly died when winter came; had to inform Matt to get out of Hearthome City and make a hasty journey to the summit to save him, but other than that he did well,” the Legendary replied.

“He... nearly died?” Belle asked in a small voice. “I knew he was in danger up here but... I didn’t think it was that bad...” she trailed off and shook her head. “I just... I’ve been so worried about him for two years now... before that I was always with him and knew how to make him feel better... but then he was just gone one morning.”

“Well at least now you’re here for when he comes back, and hopefully he’ll be a better Absol when he does,” Giratina commented.

“I hope so,” Belle murmured softly. “If he’s not... well, I’ll stay by his side, he needs me.”

“He needs someone... and it’s not Arceus I can tell you that,” Giratina muttered as they neared an island with a pool surrounded by trees. He lowered his head next to it to allow Belle to hop onto the island before lifting it back up and glanced down at the pool.

“Now then... let’s see if I can change it’s point of view to somewhere Cres is located,” he muttered to himself as one of his red tips of his ghostly wing tentacles bent down and dipped slightly into the water. Belle walked up to it and stared into the water as it went black for a few seconds before changing into a picture of Cres mildly walking through down a dirt path.

Belle stared at it for a moment, looking down at her mate as he broke into a light trot and closed his eyes, clearly thinking deeply about something. She also noticed a new scar on his chest but it looked as if it had healed. All in all... he was fine.

“See? Fitt as a fiddle, as the saying goes,” Giratina commented.

“I... I guess he is,” Belle said with a small sigh of relief. She turned up to look at the Legendary. “I’m sorry for dragging you out here, Giratina. I was just worried about my Cres.”

“It’s no problem, like I said ‘damn my new soft hearted nature’,” the dragon brushed off the apology. “That, and you’re good at using Fake Tears.”

Belle blushed. “I... thank you,” she said in an embarrassed voice. “I don’t use them much but they’re useful sometimes and have gotten Cres and I something to eat on more than one occasion.”

“Well at least it’s nice you didn’t try to ‘Charm’ me,” Giratina remarked with a light chuckle. “That would be a bit awkward, wouldn’t want Cres think you were cheating on him,” he added jokingly.

“I don’t even know the move any more... I made sure I got it ‘deleted’ from my memory after an embarrassing encounter with a Houndoom,” Belle replied with a light blush though she chuckled as well. “The poor dear looked so sad when I told him afterwards that I was taken.”

“Such is the nature of Charm,” Giratina said with a shruggish tone. “Are you ready to go back?”

“Yes, I believe so,” Belle said as she used the lower gravity of the place to land flawlessly on Giratina’s still elevated head.

Belle emerged from the portal to find Reva sitting quietly by herself awaiting the return of Matt. Zeb must have still been recovering from his twisted ankle that he’d received on the hike up earlier because this was one of the few times the Absol hadn’t seen the Zebstrika at the Rapidash’s side.

Belle pushed the thought aside let out a sigh.

“He’s fine,” she said. “He doesn’t need me... or at least there was no good excuse for me to go chasing after him.”

“That’s good to hear,” Reva said, though she looked at the dejected Absol with a compassionate smile. “Maybe that means he might come back soon. And once he does, you can find a way to ‘nail’ him to your side so he won’t run away again,” she said, trying to cheer Belle up with a witty joke.

The Absol sighed again as she walked over and lay down beside the Rapidash, enjoying the warmth of her fur. “Hopefully,” Belle replied before shaking her head. “And I’m not possessive... but whenever Cres goes off by himself he gets hurt or does something idiotic...”

“You feel responsible,” Reva finished knowingly.

“Yes,” Belle said before glancing up at her. “Thank you for letting me lean against you by the way. I know not all Rapidashes are nice enough to do that without burning you first.”

“You’re very welcome, and I don’t mind at all,” she replied. “It’s not the first time I’ve been used for warmth; Matt does it all the time during the nights of winter, so I’m used to it.”

“Still... thanks,” Belle said, once more, meaning more than she’d said.

The two fell into a calm silence as they sat beside the ice, patiently waiting for their masters to return.

“So... how did you meet Roxanne?” Reva asked, feeling the need to fill the ambient silence. “If you don’t mind me asking that is,” she added while glancing down at the Absol.

“Not at all,” Belle said with a small shrug of her crimson shoulders. “It was about a year ago, a year of looking all over Kalos for any sign of Cres after he disappeared. As you can probably guess, I never found him so deduced that he’d left the Region... Now I could have followed him by myself... but you know how dangerous it is for a Pokemon to go from Region to Region by themselves...” Belle explained as she glanced up at Reva.

“Actually I don’t, but I can imagine,” she replied. “The risk of running into a strong Pokemon is high, and most of the time they aren’t in a good mood.”

“Yes, that’s one of the reasons,” Belle agreed. “Not to mention knowing if another Pokemon is toxic or poisonous to eat, though I doubt you have that problem.”

Reva chuckled a little. “No, I don’t think I do,” she agreed.

“Anyways, I knew I couldn’t pursue him alone so I did something that I’d been wanting to do for a long time... I found a new master,” Belle explained. “I started out by looking for someone intelligent who was young enough that I wouldn't have to worry about outliving them by too long and that led me to Roxanne. I attended several of her outdoor lectures along with a number of her battles and eventually decided that she was the one. So... one day she was out sketching something, I don’t remember what it was now, and I walked over and lay down beside her.”

“Oh? How did Roxanne react to that?” Reva inquired.

“She stared at me for a moment before jokingly saying ‘well if it isn’t the my little stalker’,” Belle replied. “Then she took out a ball from her belt and well... you know.”

The Rapidash chuckled a little as she nodded her head. “Well, that’s one way to find a trainer.”

“Heh... yeah,” Belle replied with a nod. “It was the most logical way. What about you and Matt?”

Reva glanced down slightly in thought. “Well... the simple way to answer to that is he hatched me,” she answered before looking back at Belle. “Matt’s parents gave me when I was still in my Pokeegg as sort of birthday present. Though I wouldn’t say Matt’s my mother,” she said with a small chuckle.

“More like your brother,” Belle replied, thinking of the way the pair had acted throughout the month she’d known them. “And I’m assuming that they got you for him to help him deal with his disability?”

“Oh yes, though I think they were hoping to get a Ponyta already hatched, but I think the ranch they got me from only had eggs at the time,” Reva answered. “I don’t fully know... but it would seem they didn’t mind since they got me anyways. Still, after I was around few months old, they allowed Matt to ride on my back. And from there, well... many adventures soon follow.”

“Well that’s wonderful,” Belle said with a smile, her thoughts temporarily lifted out of their dreary resting place.

“Yes... though I do have to admit, many of our first ‘adventures’ could be described as clunky, but fun mishaps,” Reva said with chuckle.

“Trust me, I know the feeling,” Belle replied. “Like the time Cres convinced me to ‘explore the abandoned mine’ together. I’ve never, ever, seen so many irked Woobats in one place since.”

“Oh, that’s nothing compared to the time Matt decided that he wanted to do a cannonball off of the diving board... with me beneath him,” she said with a shake of her head. “He was one active child back then, even with limp leg.”

“He sounds adorable,” Belle said, chuckling at the thought. “I hope you were okay, I know that Rapidashes and water don’t really mix.”

“Oh I was, though it’s definitely something I’m not willing to do again,” Reva replied with a slight shake of her head. “Or Matt for that matter... he had bad steam burns for days.”

“Oh I’m sure,” Belle agreed, nodding her head matter of factly. They lapsed into silence for a little while longer before Belle frowned. “I hope Roxanne didn’t do anything rash in there... I don’t think Matt is ready for that yet.”

Reva blinked a bit blankly. “Nor do I think Matt would eagerly go along with it... he’s not that type of man,” she added.

“Neither is Roxanne for the most part, sometimes though she tries a bit too hard,” Belle replied, shaking her head. “I think it’s because of her ex.”

Reva frowned and glanced over at Belle. “Ex?”

“Yes, her ex-fiance,” Belle replied. “According to Trill, the guy joined Team Flare and tried to force her into joining.”

“Team Flare... they’re the one who caused some trouble in the Kalos region right?”

“If by trouble you mean ‘tried to kill everyone on earth’ then yes, that’s them,” Belle replied with a snort. “Arrogant pieces of trash. Apparently he thought Roxanne was of a like mind... she kicked him in the groin and stalked out while fighting off some of the man’s cronies.”

“Huh... that’s one way to break up a relationship,” the Rapidash mused. “Though what does that have to do about her hitting on Matt?”

“Well... apparently she’s grown a bit more desperate to find someone,” Belle said with a small frown. “My guess is that what happened hurt her self image a bit.”

“And with Matt becoming a Gym Leader, you think she might try and used that to ‘fix’ that self image?” Reva inquired.

“Not consciously,” Belle said. “It just makes her more likely to do something rash, at least that’s what I’ve been told. She’s always seemed fairly stable to me.”

“Well, I can assure you if she did something ‘rash’, Matt will be the one who will steady her,” Reva told her before her eyes glanced upwards. “Or if he becomes nervous, he might say Giratina might be watching them to get out of the awkwardness.”

“Oh good,” Belle said, feeling suddenly stupid for having opened her mouth about it in the first place. “Sorry... I’m just trying to avoid thinking about Cres.”

“I understand... I’ve been trying to avoid that topic as well,” the Rapidash replied before she frowned in thought. “You know... there might be one way to avoid the topic for a good long time.” She glanced at Belle with a small smile. “We could have a battle.”

“You and I?” Belle asked with a frown as she glanced at Reva. “I have the feeling you’d pulverize me.”

Reva chuckled lightly. “Maybe, but Matt does have other Pokemon with him that would provide more of a fair battle for you. If you asked him when he and Roxanne get back, I’m sure he’d be happy to oblige.”

“Hmm... it has been a while since I, or any of Roxanne’s party had a good fight,” Belle mused with a frown. “The closest we got was a self titled ‘cool trainer’ who used nothing but Shedinja... it went on for close to half an hour.”

“Well, with Matt becoming a Gym Leader, I’m sure he’ll give you more of a challenge and variety in this battle,” Reva told her.

As if on cue, Matt and Roxanne emerged from the portal, the woman’s arm still within the man’s.

“Speak of Giratina,” Belle said in an undertone to the Rapidash.

“That was amazing!” the woman said with a happy laugh. “Thank you so very much, Matt!”

The man chuckled lightly. “You’re very welcome,” he replied. “Next time we go, I can show you the crystal island. The light bounces off in an array of colors you wouldn’t believe could be created.”

Roxanne grinned. “I look forward to it,” she said before glancing towards Belle. “Sorry you couldn’t come sweetie, maybe next time okay?”

“That’s fine,” Belle replied before looking to Matt. “Matt, do you think you’d be fine with battling Roxanne? It’s been too long since any of us had a good fight and I need something to take my mind off of... Cres.”

The man was taken back a bit by the request but nodded his head. “Sure, if Roxanne is up to it,” he answered before looking at the woman. “She was asking if you’re up for a battle?”

Roxanne shrugged. “Sure, it’s been a while since we had a good fight. The last one was an idiot who used nothing but Shedinja...”

Matt frowned a bit. “Did he wear black glasses, along with a Shedinja themed jacket, and like to used double team a lot?”

Roxanne wrinkled her nose. “Yes, yes he did. You know him?” she asked, raising an eyebrow at Matt.

“Had a Gym battle with him in fact... a very long battle with him,” Matt replied with a sigh.

“Please tell me you won it,” Roxanne said.

“Oh I did, just took me a while,” he answered with a shake of his head. “Anyways, if you’re up for the battle, the only condition I’ll ask it be a three on three.”

“Why only three on three?” Roxanne asked curiously as she stretched her shoulders in preparation.

“Because if we do a full six on six battle, you would have to face Reva and two other of my Pokemon who helped me win the battle against Cynthia,” he answered.

“Oh... good point,” Roxanne said, blinking. “Yeah, I’m not that good,” she added with a blush.

“So three on three it is,” Matt said as he walked, with a bit of aid from Reva, to one side of the summit. “Don’t worry, if your battle skills are anything like you said they are, we should have a pretty even battle. Just don’t think I’ll go easy on ya.”

“And the same to you, Gym boy,” she replied with a chuckle as she reached for a pair of balls at her hip and glanced at Belle. “You ready, Belle?”

Belle just smiled and nodded, following her Master as she walked over to the opposite side of the summit.

“You want to go first?” Roxanne called across.

“Sure,” Matt said as he reached down and pull out a pokeball from his belt. “Gerke, come on out!” he said, tossing the ball out. The ball popped open, and a Breloom appeared on the field.

“Yeah, let’s get this battle started!” the kangaroo-like being yelled happily with a jump before landing on his two feet and quickly entering into fighting stance.

“Hmm... grass fighting eh?” Roxanne mused to herself. “Well then, Trill, come out and show him who’s boss!” She tossed a pokeball from her belt causing a graceful and powerful looking Noivern to appear.

“Well then, this should be interesting,” the draconic bat said as she surveyed her opponent.

“Hmm... a dragon flying type eh? Nice choice,” Matt complimented, before smiling competitively. “But don’t think just because you have the type advantage doesn’t mean this won’t be an easy fight.”

“Of course not,” Roxanne said, the wind swirling through her black hair. “Trill, strategy flyflare!”

With incredible speed Trill launched herself high into the air and as Gerke watched the Noivern opened her mouth and unleashed a swirling gout of flame thrower down at him. The stream of fire roared down towards the Breloom, and Matt calmly called out.

“Gerke, Protect!”

Gerke held his arms out, creating a dome around himself. The flame thrower hit the barrier and rolled harmlessly around it, once it was gone Matt called out another attack.

“Now used Stone Edge!”

The dome fell apart and was replaced by dozens of floating sharp rocks.

“Eat this!” Gerke yelled as he launched a volley towards Trill. The Noivern banked to the side and avoided the volley, having seen it in advance, and without hesitation blitzed forwards and delivered a stunning Aerial Ace to Gerke’s face before launching upwards once more. The Breloom grunted in pain as he was flung onto his back, but he got back onto his feet still full of energy.

“Good job taking that hit Gerke, now return it with Sky Uppercut!” Matt told him.

Gerke smiled as he charged forwards and leapt high into the air. He came right under Trill and delivered a powerful uppercut into her chest. The Noivern paused mid flight and was thrown upwards by the punch’s power. However, she managed to right herself in mid air and darted beneath the still falling Gerke.

Without a second’s hesitation she unleashed a flamethrower which washed over the Breloom.

“Protect!” Matt ordered Gerke, which the Breloom did so without hesitation. The protective dome covered it five seconds after the flame thrower hit and prevented it from taking too much damage. “Now return with it Stone Edge again!” The Breloom broke the dome and flipped over to land on his feet, and unleashed another volley of sharp arrow stones hurling towards Trill.

“Trill, use your sonic!” Roxanne shouted. Trill, who had clearly been unable to avoid the arrows of stone pulled up in its flight path and turned to face the oncoming stones, opening her mouth and focusing her ears on them. An ear splitting, and more specifically, rock shattering wave of sound erupted from her and slammed into the oncoming missiles.

“Nice work,” Matt told the woman.

“Thanks,” Roxanne called back before shouting. “Trill, Hurricane!”

The Noivern’s wings became a blur of motion and the Breloom was surrounded by a lethal column of lashing winds.

Gerke screamed in pain before being flung out of the column, tossing around on the ground. He pushed himself up before completely collapsing.

“Uhh.... I see stars....” he muttered.

“Gerke return,” Matt said as he pointed his pokeball at the Breloom and letting the red beam teleport him back inside. The man looked the the ball and smiled. “You did good, but you were a bit outclassed for this one,” he said before returning the ball to his belt.

“Good job, Trill!” Roxanne shouted with a grin as the Noivern swooped overhead and landed in front of her for a pet on the head.

“Thank you, Master,” Trill said with a slim smile.

“Want me to go next?” Roxanne called as she idly scratched the underside of the dragon-bat’s chin.

“Sure, go right ahead,” Matt replied. “Or you can still use Trill of course, won’t really change what Pokemon I’ll use next.”

“Hmm... I think I know who I’ll use,” she said as she reached for her pokeball and returned Trill before reaching for another Pokeball. “Come on out, Xemnas!”

The beam of light expanded into the imposing form of a large Metagross.

“Hmm... interesting,” Xemnas said as he surveyed the field from his hovering perch a few inches off of the ground.

“A Metagross eh? This should be an interesting fight then,” Matt said as he tossed out a pokeball. “Come on out, Orion!”

The field flashed as an elegant looking Empoleon appeared on the field.

“Why hello there dear chap, I hate to be the rude kind, but it seems we are pitted against one another in a battle. I do hate to lose, so no hard feelings?” he said elegantly.

Xemnas raised its... X on one side and said. “Of course. The same to you.”

“Xemnas, confusion!” Roxanne shouted. Xemnas’s eyes glowed and a beam of psychic energy launched itself at the Empoleon.

Orion flinched slightly, but didn’t look like he took too much damage.

“Nice try,” Matt said with a grin before ordering. “Orion, how about a little Rain Dance to help us out a little?”

The Empoleon smiled lightly before it held out its flippers and created a small dark ball of cloud before tossing it up into the sky. The sky quickly darkened and shower began to fall over the summit.

“Did you have to do that?” Roxanne called over to the man as the rain fell on her.

Matt chuckled with a grin while shrugging his shoulders. “Hey you have your strategies, I have mine. Now, Orion, used Scald!”

Orion opened his beak and fried hot stream of water at Xemnas, hitting the Metagross square on the X. Xemnas was blasted back several feet through the air but managed to bring itself to a stop. It then used a small bit of psychic energy to rid itself of water before turning back to the Empoleon.

“Good job, Xemnas, take that hit like a tank!” Roxanne shouted to him with a grin. “And now use Grass Knot!”

Ropes of grass like vines erupted from the ground beneath Orion and lashed about his legs. Before the Empoleon could react the grass pulled him off of his flippered feet, into the air, and then straight into the hard rock face.

“Opmh!” he grunted before pushing himself back up and shook his head. “How uncouth,” he said glancing at the Metagross with slightly sour frown.

“A battle is a battle,” Xemnas replied with a slight shrug of all four of its shoulders.

“Then I guess you won’t mind this!” Matt exclaimed. “Use Surf!”

Orion grinned, as much as he could with his beak, before large pulse of water jetted out of his flippers, pushing him off of the ground and creating a large wave of water crashing towards Xemnas.

“Hyperbeam!” Roxanne shouted. Xemnas’s eyebrows narrowed in focus and a powerful beam of energy slammed into Orion just as the wave crashed down. The Empoleon was sent flying towards Matt while Xemnas was slammed into the ground beneath the wave. Matt’s eyes widened and he quickly pulled out his pokeball.

“Orion return!” he said as thrust the pokeball up causing red beam of light to return the Empoleon back into his ball. The man let out a small sigh of relief as he look at the ball with a loose chuckle. “Good job there buddy, though I think you put a bit too much into that attack.”

Roxanne meanwhile bent down to pat the downed Metagross who was lying still on the ground. “You alright, Xemnas?” she asked him.

“No,” Xemans barely managed to groan out.

“Alright then, you did great,” Roxanne said, bending down to give him a quick kiss on the top of his crystalline head before sending him back into his ball.

“So, I’m down to my last Pokemon while you still got two left,” Matt said as he looked at the woman with a smile. “I must say, this is one of the most exciting battles I’ve had in a long time.”

“Looks that way,” Roxanne agreed before she patted Belle on the shoulder signaling for her to join the fray. “And me too, you’re really good, Matt!”

“Why thank you, but don’t think you’ve won just yet. This battle isn’t finished and my last Pokemon will give all he got,” he told her as he pulled out the pokeball. “Let’s go, Shade!” he said before tossing the ball out. The ball popped open and Spiritomb appeared on the field.

“Heheheh, let’s get this battle started,” he said in a mischievous chuckle as he looked at Belle with his distorted green eyes.

“It’s been going on for quite a bit actually,” Belle replied as her eyes glanced over the Spiritomb.

“Really now? Then I guess I’ll just have to finish it! HAHAHA!”

“Shade, use double team,” Matt commanded.

“Hehe, of course,” Spiritomb split off and surrounded Belle with a dozen copies of itself.

Belle closed her eyes, knowing that there wasn’t much point to using them as Roxanne called to her.

“Belle, strategy Sitting Farfetch’d!” she shouted and Belle simply nodded her head, awaiting the oncoming attack.

Matt just smiled. “Confuse Ray,” he said.

“Peekaboo,” Shade said before he appeared in front of Belle and fired a swirling purple beam at her face. Belle’s head recoil before her head started spinning around in loops.

“Double team again,” Matt said to Shade, and the Spiritomb quickly fell back into his array of doubles.

“Frohohoho, round and round I go, where I am nobody knows!” Shade mockingly said.

“I... hate... ghosts,” Belle growled out in slow breaths as she tried to keep her focus.

“Hang in there, Belle darling! Use Thunder!” Roxanne shouted.

Belle stood there unsteadily for a second before her blade pointed skywards and a booming flare of electricity slammed downwards through the air. The blast somehow slammed into the right Spiritomb and thanks to the rain, sent an extra blast of pain through it as Belle stumbled to the side.

“AGHHHHHHHAHAHAHAH; you missed!” Shade mocked as the Spiritomb that was hit faded away.

“Toxic,” Matt said calmly.

Once again Shade appeared next to Belle. “Here, I have a gift for you,” he said before a sickly shade of green spike into Belle’s side.

Belle winced in pain as she was thrown to the side but she gritted her teeth together and got back on her paws. She then grunted softly as she felt the venom coursing through her veins, doing minimal but ever going damage to her.

“I do hope you like it, made it myself,” Shade said as he started to head back to his double team. “Just let m-”

“SHUT UP!” Belle shouted, snapping out of her confused state and appearing on the ghost’s opposite side. Her horn glowed black and before the Spiritomb could react, Belle unleashed a whirlwind of Night Slashes to its body. “I-HATE-GHOSTS!” she shouted in between swings. As the last swing hit Belle jumped back and a blast of electricity left her blade and slammed into the Spiritomb.

Shade took all the attacks head on, not attempting to dodge. He chuckled loosely. “Ouch... that actually stings a bit,” he said with a ghostly grin as the rain began to lighten up. “Now let me return the favor.”

“Shade use Rock Tomb,” Matt called out.

“Heheh...” Shade chuckled as a large set of boulders formed over him. He then flung them towards the Crimson Absol at incredible speeds.

“Belle! Protect!” Roxanne shouted. Belle’s eyes glowed and she was surrounded by the glowing barrier of energy. The boulders bounced off the barrier and landed aside of the Absol, thankfully not making it through. “Now Belle, Thunder!” Roxanne commanded.

Before the Spiritomb could retreat back into its double team a mighty blast of electricity slammed into it from the heavens. Again, he took the hit but only chuckled lightly in amusement.

“Someone’s a bit feisty today, huh?” he asked.

“By Arceus, that thing is a tank!” Roxanne shouted, sharing in Belle’s frustration.

Matt only smiled slightly. “What can I say? I train a lot of my Pokemon to take hits, comes in handy sometimes,” he said before raising a finger and order. “Now, that they’ve used Protect, hit them with Hidden Power!”

“Hehe nice knowing ya,” Shade said as his body glowed with an eerie green. It then blast forth in ball of light, and hit Belle square in the chest. Bell was sent sprawling, hitting the rocky surface of the mountain and rolling twice before she came to rest at Roxanne’s feet.

“Are you okay, Belle?” Roxanne asked as she bent down to stroke the Absol gently. “You don’t have to keep this up. You’ve already put up a great fight.”

Belle shook her head and slowly rose to her paws. “I will not lose... I will not lose here of all places to a ghost of all things,” she said in between pants.

Her eyes narrowed angrily and she charged at the Spiritomb in a slightly unsteady run, her mouth opening. Then she unleashed an incredibly bright blast of fire at it.

“Shade dodge it!” Matt ordered, and the Spiritomb uncannily ‘rolled’ out of the way. “Return with Rock Tomb!”

Once more, a set of boulders formed around him and flung them at the Absol.

“Protect!” Roxanne shouted and once more a dome of light appeared to block the boulders. Belle emerged unharmed within it but staggered dangerously to the side.

Matt frowned slightly before ordering. “Confuse Ray!”

Shade chuckled maniacally before it fired the swirling purple beamed at Belle, sending the Absol’s head spinning once more.

Belle growled in anger before she lost her footing and fell to the ground, she struggled to get up but couldn’t quite manage it. Roxanne’s eyes narrowed and her hand flashed to her Pokeball, quickly ensaring Belle in it before she could do herself any further damage.

“You fought well my dear but you’re fading,” the woman said quietly to the Absol before she reached for Trill’s ball.

The draconic bat appeared once more and eyed the floating Spiritomb who looked back with a... happy grin to say the least.

“Oh, pretty, hope you last longer than the Absol,” Shade said with a loose chuckle.

Trill sniffed. “My, aren’t you classless,” she said.

“Dragon Pulse,” Roxanne commanded calmly.

“Sucker Punch,” Matt said back.

Shade disappeared and appeared right in front of Trill. “Peekaboo!” he said before a pulse of dark energy smashed into her face.

Trill was launched backwards but used her wings to steady her as Roxanne shouted X-Scissor! The draconic bat launched itself forwards and her claws slashed across the ghost’s face in an X pattern before she launched herself up and away from it. Shade tumbled backwards a bit, looking as if that did a fair amount of damage, but he was still standing.

“Quick, use Hidden Power!” Matt ordered.

“Hurricane!” Roxanne roared.

The two Pokemon charged and launched their attacks. The two attacks collided, and the summit was quickly filled with a cloud of dust. Roxanne and Matt winced slightly as they covered their faces, before looking out at the field as the dust began to settle.

Both the Noivern and the Spiritomb were lying on the ground, clearly unconscious. The two trainers swiftly returned them to their respective balls.

“You did great, Trill,” Roxanne told the Noivern before pocketing the ball again.

“Great work, Shade, could have used less of your sense of humor, but you did great nonetheless,” he said as he put the Pokeball away. He then glanced up at Roxanne with a smile. “Great battle, you sure have some great Pokemon,” he said.

“Thanks, yours are great too,” the woman said as she walked up to him. Then she unexpectedly grasped his right hand in an intensely firm grip. “And thank you for using Confuse Ray on Belle... I’ve never seen her like that before and she was going to get herself killed.”

The man slightly blushed at the sudden grasp of hand, and he rubbed his left hand on the back of his head. “Hey, it’s no problem. What kind of Gym Leader would I be if I pushed my opponent's Pokemon past its fighting limits?” He then frowned slightly. “Though, I do hope she’s okay. I didn’t mean to make her angry like that... I mean, it was supposed to be a tough fight since Shade is going to be one of my Gym Pokemon but...”

Roxanne released the man’s hand and looked down at Belle’s Pokeball. “I don’t know what’s up... like I said I’ve never seen her like that before,” the woman said with a worried frown. “We should get down to the Pokemon Center while there’s still light.”

“Yeah, good idea,” Matt agreed with a nod of his head. “Belle, along with the rest of the pokemon, need a good long rest after this fight,” he said.

“Yes, yes they do,” Roxanne replied before frowning. “I think Zeb is still suffering from a twisted ankle, would you mind if I rode down on Reva with you?”

“No, I wouldn’t mind at all,” he replied as Reva walked up and knelt down beside the two. Matt got on easily and settled himself on the saddle before offering a hand for Roxanne. Roxanne accepted it and got on behind him, wrapping her arms around his stomach.

“Thanks, Matt,” she said with a smile as she made herself comfortable.

“It’s no problem... Roxanne,” Matt said, thankful that she couldn’t see the crimson blush spreading across his cheeks. Reva glanced back slightly with a sly smile before getting up and turning around to head for the exit, and down Mt. Coronet.

Meanwhile Giratina glanced away from his view off of the reflective ice, chuckling lightly.

“Ah, love it when a plan comes together,” he mused to himself before flying off in some random direction.

Author's Note:

Ed2481: Hey guys... sorry it took so long and didn't focus on Cres and Co., this chapter was finished being written like a month ago but I once again had a problem with editors not talking to me for weeks at a time. On the bright side, the other two that we wrote in the interm are already in the process of being edited so they should be out next week and the week after. Anyways, the two notes beneath this were written a month ago but I liked them enough that I didn’t bother changing it.

Omega_Code: Long chapter, but with the need to get some story elements out of the way and getting an actual Pokemon Battle in a Pokemon fic, we decided it was worth it.

Ed2481: Yeah, that and what with you only seeing these guys every five chapters I thought it appropriate. On a side note; Pokemon battles are hard to write... I don’t know how people make entire fics of it (but more power to them).