• Published 10th Feb 2014
  • 12,227 Views, 1,119 Comments

Absolution - ed2481

An Absol's life is full of pain and the tragedy of others but for one, Cres, that pain is much closer to heart. After a year and a day spent praying atop Mt. Coronet Cres is finally given the chance to obtain his long sought after Absolution.

  • ...

Chapter 9

Edited by distortedtruth92

I sat dejectedly in front of my Master’s house. My coat was the brightest shade of pink imaginable. So much so that even Henry had been too distracted by the site of my small pink furred body to be angry at me for having ruined his ink, though he had kicked me out of the house until it dried. So here I was, sitting on my front step, head bowed in shame as occasional inhabitants of the village walked by, most of them snickering at me. It was enough to make me want to weep.

“Cres? Is... is that you?” Belle’s voice spoke out to me with a bemused tone. I blushed deeply and I bowed my head even deeper. It was her! My best friend/crush! Belle!

I tried to ignore her. I didn’t want to acknowledge my own existence at the moment, let alone have Belle, the most perfect and beautiful Absol on earth, see me this way. Maybe if I just kept my head down she would forget I was he-


“Cres... are you okay?” she asked as I felt the front of her nose slightly poking against my forehead. I jumped backwards in surprise at the contact, my limbs flailing. I landed on my back in a scramble of claws and tail before I finally regained my composure and looked up to find Belle looking at me with a small confused frown.

“I’m sorry, didn’t mean to make you jump like that,” she said sincerely. “Just you didn’t reply and I thought something happened... other than seeing that your fur has suddenly turned pink.” Her beautiful blue eyes studied me worriedly.

“I’m... I’m fine,” I said, patting myself lightly with a forepaw. “I was just... meditating. Yeah, that’s it, meditating,” I told her with a big smile, maybe a bit too big. “And I was meditating so long that my fur turned pink.”

She raised an unconvinced eyebrow at me. “What happened, Cres,” she asked me simply.

I sighed. “Well... you remember how Henry bought that really fancy bottle of stuff?” I asked her. “And how I really wanted to see it?” She nodded her head to both of my questions. “Well... it turns out that it was full of permanent ink... permanent pink ink.”

“Ah...” she said with a slow nod of her head. “So... you tipped it over yourself accidently.”

“Yeah... that’s what happened,” I said with a sigh. “I liked my version more.” I gave her a small smile.

She smiled back at me. “Well... at least we’re both red now right?”

I thought about that for moment and then shook my head. “No, Belle, you’re crimson,” I told her, putting extra emphasis on the word. “I’m pink!” I wailed as I threw my paws up in the air dramatically.

“Well... they’re both technically the same color... or at least shade of color,” she stated matter of factly. “And stop overreacting... it’s not that bad.”

“Not that bad?” I asked with a moan. “I’m going to be pink for yearssss Belle!”

“So?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. “It doesn’t change the fact you are still you.”

“But I’m piiiiinnnnnkkk,” I whined. “No one is going to respect a pink Absol! It’s like a lime green Ursaring!”

“Not in the way you’re acting they won’t,” Belle said flatly. “In fact, you should see your pink fur as an advantage, not a disadvantage.”

I frowned. “What are you talking about, Belle?” I asked her in confusion.

A big energetic smile crossed her face, a smile I knew all too well. She was going to ‘lecture’ me on something. “Well, like you said, other pokemon won’t treat you the same as a normal Absol, but use their fault of being distracted to take the upperpaw. Like using a Quick Attack and, *pow*, they won’t know what hit them.” Her smiled grew a bit bigger. “I bet they’ll respect you then.”

I cocked my head to the side for a moment before a big smile of my own crossed my face.

“Do you really think so, Belle?” I asked her with wide eyes.

“Of course I do, silly,” she replied with a light giggle. “Why else would I tell you so?”

“Good point,” I said with a small giggle of my own. “You’re really smart, Belle!”

“Thanks, and you’re welcome, by the way,” she replied.

“What would I do without you?” I asked her as my smile became bigger.

“Still be wailing ‘oh, woe is me’ for your fur being pink,” she answered with a playful chuckle.

“Oh, right, that,” I agreed with a blush, though I’m not sure if she could tell.

“So, do you feel like playing tag with Jerry and Max?” she asked me in a hopeful tone.

“Sure,” I said with a smile. “And if they make fun of me for being pink I’ll just clock them,” I told her enthusiastically.

“Just not to hard, okay,” Belle replied with a small chuckle.

“It’s Max and Jerry, one is too happy to hurt, and the other one would probably run away if I tried,” I replied with a grin. “I don’t think I’ll even have to, now that I think about it...”

“True,” Belle agreed with a short nod of her head. “Now let’s get moving, they’re already waiting for us in the forest.”

“Right,” I said as I sauntered up beside her. “So, ready to see my awesome tag skills?” I asked her.

“Depends,” she replied with a sly smile as she leaned over and gave me a nuzzle. “Depends on if you can ever catch me,” she finished while sticking her tongue out at me playfully before turning around and sprinting to the forest, a loud gleeful chuckle trailing behind her.

My eyebrows raised in surprise before I let out a glee filled chuckle of my own and I took off after her. “Come back here, Belle! You’re going to be mine!”

Applejack stood in the living room, staring at the picture of a pair of ponies standing next to each other. One held a pitchfork while the other one just smiled easily at the camera. She gazed at it with a cheerless expression, before looking away and letting her head hang down a little. A heavy sigh passed through her chest before she urged her hooves to walk towards the front door.

“Never again,” she murmured to herself as she passed through the door.

I awoke with a smile on my lips as the first lights of dawn leaked over the horizon, which I could faintly make out from beneath the door of the farm house. That had been a good day... though I had to admit that I may have been a bit more melodramatic than strictly necessary in my youth.

Still, it had somehow managed to convince Belle that I was worthy of her affections, so that was something, right? My stomach let out a gurgle and I got to my paws, quickly going through my stretching routine before slowly making my way over to the door of the barn. I walked up and pressed on the door with a paw and to my ire found it locked. I was going to be rather irritated if Applejack was late, after all, the longer after dawn you waited, the harder the hunt would be.

However, just after I pushed on the door I heard some sort of lock being lifted and the doors opened to show Applejack standing there.

“Morning,” she said in a neutral tone.

“Good morning,” I replied with a nod as I padded past her. “So, will you be coming with me into the forest? After all, you’re not letting me out of your sight, right?” It was not as though I wanted her to come, I was sure she would make my hunt that much harder, but I supposed it was better than having her ‘stealthily’ watch me from a distance.

“Yeah, though it had better be in the forest,” she replied.

“No Applejack, I planned on starting with your farm,” I deadpanned before shaking my head. “Come on then, let’s get going,” I added before taking off at a light trot more designed to wake up my muscles than anything else. Applejack turned and followed, keeping a moderate distance between the two of us.

Our journey was fast this time, instead of taking the main road I simply cut across a road or two and ended up beneath the threatening eaves of the forest. I lifted my nose to the sky and took a few sniffs, there were several ‘animals’ about already and my knees bent as I fell into a crouch. Applejack continued to watch me with her never ending stare, but to my mild surprise, she too crouched slightly.

“Father Arceus, give me luck on this morning’s hunt,” I whispered softly. “Give me the speed and strength to catch my prey and by your grace welcome it to your breast.” I finished my prayer and turned to Applejack, a small smile on my face. “Now then, let’s go,” I told her before darting into the brush.

She rolled her eyes slightly and followed suit, though it was less darting and more like a ponyta trying to crawl through a cave crevice. Possible but not exactly graceful. I drew far ahead of her as I moved through the brush, dodging around thorn bushes and beneath briar patches (I distinctly heard some of what I believe was cursing from behind me as she avoided to see the dangers in time) until I came to a clearing.

Sitting on the edge of it was a large bird of some sort, it faintly reminded me of a Staraptor though a bit less predatory. I frowned at it for a moment. Ordinarily I wouldn’t have considered such a thing a meal, predators don’t hunt other predators after all, but I was rather hungry and there was nothing else in the area.

I crouched there at the edge of the brush, carefully inching my way towards it. Suddenly, the sound of a stick cracking behind me, and the bird took off in a rapid flap of wings. A low snarl worked its way out of my lips and I turned to confront Applejack, her fur was covered in burs and thorns not to mention twigs and leaves. It was a far cry from my nearly spotless ruff.

“Be more careful,” I growled, a bit miffed by her lack of care. “If I go hungry because you are too uncoordinated to watch where you put your hooves then you will have a very unpleasant day.”

“Then don’t get so far ahead of me,” she replied back with peeved look.

“I’m not going very fast,” I replied. “You should be able to keep up and still move with a modicum of dexterity.”

“I’m a pony... not some sort of slippery snake,” she said flatly.

I let out a sigh and twitched my blade like tail, cutting through a nearby branch. “Alright... look, when I stop running that means there’s something close by that I want to eat. That means you stop moving too,” I explained. “Can you do that?”

“Yes,” she answered shortly. “Just don’t leave my sight then.”

“I’ll do my best,” I replied as I fell back into my predator’s crouch and took off again, making steps to ensure that she could see me.

It was a painfully slow process for me, an expert hunter, but after half an hour’s roaming I finally found something worth hunting. It was reminiscent of a Tranquill though its coat’s color was off. The thing was simply pecking about the forest floor for food. I came to a dead stop and looked behind me to see that Applejack came to a halt as well, standing still and not moving an inch.

I nodded slowly and then began to creep forward once more. The ‘bird’ hadn’t noticed me yet and I managed to make it much closer to the edge of the brush. Then, with a small snarl I leapt out of the brush and caught the bird by it’s neck. My jaws snapped together and it went limp. I dropped the bird and smiled.

“Find Embrace in the breast of Arceus,” I prayed before I began to process of removing the feathers around the main area I was going to start on. I heard Applejack approaching closer to my position, but she kept her distance and didn’t comment on my deed.

My tongue snatched out to grab a droplet of blood from my jaws before I began to eat the bird. It did not take long until I had devoured every bit of tasty meat and organ on the carcass. When I finished I licked my lips again and looked up at Applejack who was glancing away, though her ears were pointed towards me.

“I’m done,” I announced as I padded over to her, giving my blue lips one last lick. “Ordinarily I might look for something else, but I’m sated for now.”

“Then let’s head back to Ponyville and to Twilight’s library,” she stated. “I’m sure the others are already waiting for us.”

“Of course,” I agreed, beginning to follow her. “Now was that so bad?” I added.

“Don’t get smug with me,” she remarked. “You’re not going to completely change my mind just because you’re following the rules now.”

“Fine then,” I replied with a shake of my head. “I still don’t see why you despise me. I spared your life when by all right I should have taken it, I did not burn you to death with my flames, nor have I made any action against you which was not provoked by you,” I continued while ducking beneath a low hanging branch.

“Because you’re a predator, one who thinks our ‘rules’ don’t really matter,” she answered bruntly. “And that’s reason enough for me to distrust you.”

“Well, they really don’t matter,” I told her. “Any predator should be able to go where he likes and hunt where he likes so long as no humans or owned Pokemon are hurt. Though in this case it’s ponies and their pets.”

“Yeah well, not all predators think like that,” she stated in a low voice. “Meat is meat to their eyes... not matter who they’re ripping into.”

“Ah,” I said with a frown. “I know of Pokemon like that. They are usually cornered by several angry humans and their teams and then either killed outright or captured.”

“Good for them, still doesn’t change my mind about you,” she said flatly.

“Very well,” I said with a small roll of my eyes. It was then that I noticed that something was once more watching me, a small shiver ran up my spine and I frowned deeply. I subtly scanned my red eyes around the forest but found nothing once more.

“We should move faster,” I told her, picking up my pace a bit.

Applejack raised an eyebrow at me, though picked her pace up to stay close. “Why?” she asked.

“Because, something is watching us and I don’t particularly like it,” I answered with a frown.

The pony frowned at me. “This isn’t another one of your stupid reasons, again, is it?”

“Well I don’t know,” I replied, my voice becoming more than a little annoyed. “We’re in a forest full of predators some of whom are probably bigger and more powerful than I am, and we’re being watched by a pair of malevolent eyes,” I said as bluntly as I could before ferociously adding. “So no, I don’t think this is another of my ‘stupid’ reasons.”

“Alright, don’t have to get so feisty about it,” Applejack muttered as her hooves pounded into the ground faster.

“Actually, I feel like I do,” I retorted as I in turn increased my running speed. “You’re letting whatever repressed feelings or other nonsense in your head negatively impact how you feel about me. That’s fine, normally. I don’t really mind you being ‘mean’ to me. I can take that easily enough,” I continued, ducking beneath a branch. “But what I can not take is you ignoring me when I’m telling you something important!”

“Well, I’m sure Mr. ‘I growl at our nonsensical weather and roll my eyes at our claiming territories’, but I’m still questioning your sense of logic sometimes,” she replied back, leaping over a fallen branch.

I let out a growl of irritation as we broke through the edge of the forest. “My logic is perfectly sound,” I told her while my eyes scanned the forest. “It kept Belle and me alive for years when we were together and then it kept me alive for the two years we spent apart.”

“Well, good for you,” Applejack stated as we came to a stop and softly panted to herself. “But you really haven’t proven to me otherwise with your words alone.”

My tail twitched violently for a moment, slashing through the air with an audible *slice*, but I regained control of myself before I could do anything I’d end up regretting. “Fine,” I told her as I sensed the watching presence diminish and disappear. “Let’s just go to Twilight’s house.”

Applejack’s eyes trailed the twitching of my tail with a small frown. She then glanced them up to mine and gestured her head to Ponyville. “Then let’s get a move on.”

I nodded, and we set off.

Author's Note:

Like I said in my last blog, this was supposed to be out a month ago so I wasn't planning anything epic for this particular chapter. In other words, I hope none of you minded getting something this low-key after the long wait.

Oh, and a big thanks to distortedtruth92 for stepping up to be our editor!

(Anyone else who was awesome enough to PM me about it will be on call if he has to stop, thanks for all the responses by the way!)