• Published 25th Jan 2014
  • 2,095 Views, 45 Comments

Bright Stars & Dark Clouds - Fuzzyfurvert

Luna gets Twilight a special present.

  • ...

Double Moon Power!!


by FuzzyFurvert


“Heheh...Twilight?” Luna edged back from the younger princess slowly.


Luna’s smile faltered further. Twilight was becoming increasingly flushed and her breathing sped up impressively. Luna ducked her head sheepishly. “Twilight...I thought that you would appreciate it.”

Twilight gulped in a lungful of the chill air and let it out slowly in a familiar act of stress relief. She was still shaking slightly when she spoke at a more normal volume. “Appreciate that you’ve endangered the entire population of Equestria? Possibly even the whole biosphere of the planet? You’ve hung a new moon sized object in orbit...all for an anniversary gift?”

“Um...yes?” Luna pulled her wing away from Twilight. “When you put it like that, it sounds terrible.”

“THAT’S BECAUSE…” Twilight swallowed and tapped her hoof against the floor. “...that’s because it is terrible! Doubly so since you got the date wrong. We didn’t have our first date until the 18th, which is still two weeks away!”

Luna frowned and glared back at Twilight. “It’s not for that anniversary.”

“What?” Twilight blinked and shook her head. She was certain that the 18th was two weeks ahead. She had her own gift for Luna stowed away in their chambers.

Twilight’s and Luna’s first date hadn’t been what one might call ‘magical.’ It wasn’t planned for - an embarrassing mistake that Twilight knew she would take to her grave - and had happened more or less by accident. It was little secret to ponies close to either mare that there was an attraction between them. Twilight arrived in Canterlot that day to pick up a shipment of rare books and star charts from the Royal Archives only to find the crates meant to hold them open and the charts scattered about the floor while a certain Princess attacked them with a marker to correct the ‘mistakes.’

“Tonight is the anniversary of our first kiss.”

Twilight turned her head, looking at the floor as her mind whirred. She felt certain that they hadn’t actually kissed until the second date. A memory flashed in her mind and Twilight looked back at Luna.

“Wait.” Twilight pointed at Luna. “I remember that I had a dream where I kissed you - among other things - but how would you know that?”

Luna raised her eyebrows and stared at Twilight in silence.

“Oh. Dreamhopping dark goddess of the Night.”

“Verily.” Luna sighed. “By Faust you are dim at times, my Evening Star. I wished to surprise you and show you just how much I care for you, Twilight! I didst not expect you to take temper with Us! We are not some village idiot! We are quite aware of the magnitude of Our actions. We took great pains to move yonder stone from the far recesses of the firmament and into the sky without your kin of its arrival or Our nightly vanishings to accomplish this feat!”

Luna turned and huffed, knocking her forgotten cup of coffee on the railing around the Archimedes Twelve, the contents sloshing onto the cloud floor before being slowly absorbed. “We traveled each night into the black between worlds. We searched the multitudes of asteroids and comets within Our reach until a suitable candidate was found! We guided its course across the uncounted leagues of space just so, to keep it from your sight, around Equus until it reached the very spot you see it in! We polished it until it was worthy of being named after you and you throw it all back in Our face! You even dare to question Our ability to hold it? After all of that? You are a cur, Twilight Sparkle.”

“I...I-I’m sorry, Luna.” Twilight stammered. “I didn’t even think about what it must have took for you to give me something like that.”

Noli appologize contumeliam, post meum:” Luna replied, her tone curt.

Twilight sighed quietly, her previous anger and hysterics drained from her voice. “You’ve dropped modern pronouns and slipped into Old Equish. I really stepped in it this time, huh?”

Luna didn’t answer and kept her gaze on the far wall of the Observatory.

“Last time you did that was after I mislabeled Virgo on that 3rd century star chart.”

“‘Tis Our favorite constellation.”

“In my defense, stars shift visible location over time, and I had a cold.”

Luna huffed again, her feathers rustling as she shifted her weight. Twilight fell silent as she continued to stare at the wall. She wasn’t stupid. Luna chewed at her lip while she thought about telling Twilight that her new namesake was mostly hollow and only massed about a tenth of the moon’s bulk. Holding it in stable orbit was like keeping a soap bubble airborne. It took little thought and even less effort on her part. In a few nights she wouldn’t even need to pay it conscious thought to move it.

“Thank you.”

Luna turned on ear towards Twilight as she fought the urge to regard the mare.

“Thank you for the gift, Luna. I’m sorry I didn’t get you anything. And...I’m sorry I yelled and freaked out about the second moon and doubted you. You are the Goddess of the Night after all.” Twilight scuffed her hoof against the cloud floor, its magic holding it steady against her motion.

Luna groaned and looked back over her shoulder at Twilight with a frown. “Are you sorry for implying We are mentally infirm?”

Twilight nodded quickly. “Oh yes! I’m very sorry for that too! I was...being unreasonably harsh. I’m just concerned about possible ecological complications.”

“The tides will be fine. We...I calculated the orbital distance and positioning that would cause the least change. There might be a little shift on the size of waves and the pull of the tides, but it will be hardly noticeable.” Luna shrugged and turned back to look at Twilight and the huge telescope behind her. “The night will be brighter, somewhat. I looked for something rich in crystal, so that it would live up to the name: Sparkle.”

Twilight smiled bashfully and turned to look through the Archimedes Twelve’s viewfinder again. “Now that I look at it...it is pretty. Is that a slight purple hue I see in it’s halo?”

Luna smiled proudly. “Only the best for my Twilight!”

The two alicorns giggled together and fell into a comfortable silence, taking turns at viewing the night sky’s newest majesty. Luna refilled her coffee from the pot on the burner and then again. Twilight stopped at two cups. They spoke quietly with each other, Twilight’s ever-present notes on hoof when they felt like making official observations. The two moons crowned the sky at the peak of their arc when Luna felt a gentle tapping. Twilight smiled at her for a moment before leaning in to gently kiss her cheek.

“Ready to go to sleep, my Evening Star?”

Twilight shook her head. “Ready to go to bed, but not sleep. I haven’t given you my gift yet.”

Luna giggled and blushed. “My gift? Are you certain you aren’t just getting another present from me?”

Twilight smirked and reached out with her wings to run her primary feathers under Luna’s own wings and across her flanks. “Not if I take the lead…”

Luna gulped and her blush flared hot and strong on her cheeks. She could feel her horn tingle as the soft touch of wings caressed her barrel. Luna licked her lips and nodded her head. “That seems like sound logic; I am more than ok with this!”

“Good. Because there has already been a change in plans.” Twilight stepped forward with her wings pressing into Luna’s Cutie Marks, forcing the taller mare back.

“Oh?” Luna grinned as she gave ground, her dock bumping into the large table that held their scattered notes.

“Yeah. Screw the bed.” Twilight smiled in a way that twisted something pleasantly deep within Luna and reared up, putting her hooves on Luna’s chest and pushing the willing alicorn back onto the table. “I want to give it to you now.”

“Oh my!”