• Published 28th Dec 2013
  • 1,262 Views, 17 Comments

The Magic of the Earth - Cameron Nightshade

What if one day you found that you happened to be different from everyone else in the world? How would you react, and what would you do?

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A School Day

When I woke up the next morning, I happily jumped out of bed. After I brushed out my mane and tail, and brushed my teeth, I teleported to the kitchen to eat my breakfast. When I arrived in the kitchen, my sister was staring at me with shock on her face. “What?” I asked nonchalantly.

“Y-you just. You just appeared out of nowhere! How did you do that? Only unicorns, and especially high-level unicorns can do that!” she noted to me, still having a look of shock plastered on her pale face.

I laughed. “Haven’t you been told? I can do magic. Look, I even got my cutie mark,” I showed her my flank.

Her eyes lit up. “Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh! You got your cutie mark! Uhhh, what is it, exactly?”

I started at her in disbelief. “Doesn’t it look familiar to you at all? 6 pointed star? Kinda like the cutie mark of a certain Princess Twilight Sparkle? The princess of magic? 6 pointed star equals magic!” she still looked confused. “I have a cutie mark in Magic, you dodo.”

Isabelle’s mouth formed an ‘o’. She resumed drinking her strawberry hayshake.

I shook my head. As I gulped down my food, I could only think about what today would bring. I would get to see Cloudy, Miss Cheerilee, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle again. But I would also have to see Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon again. Once I finished my hay pancake, I rushed out of the door and made my way down to the school yard. Cloudy was sitting on the swing, lazily kicking back and forth.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were playing a game of hoofball, and Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were doing… whatever they were doing. I was never sure what they were doing unless they were tormenting another filly.

As I walked onto the school grounds, Cloudy looked up from her place on the swing. “Dawn!” she gasped. She flew -literally- off the swing and landed gracefully in front of me. “I’m so glad you’re back! It was so boring sitting alone. Even though I could have played with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, it wasn’t really the same without you. Hey, what’s that?” she asked as she pointed a hoof at my flank.

“It’s my cutie mark. I finally got it when I was practicing with Twilight,” I explained happily.

“Well, well well. If it isn’t the blank flank. Wait, you got your cutie mark? That means you aren’t some lame blank flank anymore. What are we gonna call you now?” Diamond Tiara snickered while Silver Spoon just stood next to her.

Silver Spoon always seemed like a nice filly when Diamond wasn’t around. Silver Spoon never talked much, except for the occasional agreement with Diamond. Whenever Diamond Tiara was off at her home sick, Silver Spoon always seemed relatively nice.

“Yeah, well at least mine is good. I like mine, and I’m not stuck with a tiara or a spoon on my flank for the rest of my life,” I retorted as I walked away from the two bullies.

Before I could say anything else to Cloudy, the school bell rang. “Ugh,” I groaned. “I guess I’ll talk to you later, Cloudy. Wait for me in front of the swings before lunch starts. I have so much to tell you,” I set off towards Miss Cheerilee’s classroom.

It felt like the first day of school again. I hadn’t been at school for a few days, and it seemed so different. Maybe it was because that I found what I’m really good at, but I didn’t exactly know how to act upon it. As I stepped into the full classroom, I took my regular spot in the front of the classroom.

As the late bell rang out, Miss Cheerilee began. “Welcome, students. And welcome back, Dawn. Pleasure to have you back. Now if I may ask, where have you been the past few days?” she questioned me.

I looked at her, unsure of what to say. “If you wish to know where I was at the past few days, I request that you talk to Princess Twilight Sparkle. She will be able to fill you in on my absense,” I concluded.

Whispers were heard throughout the small room. “The Princess?” “Why wasn’t she here?” “Was there something bad going on?” I kept looking at Miss Cheerilee, careful to not draw too much attention to myself. Miss Cheerilee only nodded her head and started on the lesson for today. I had a feeling lunch would only be so fun. Ponies would probably keep coming up to me asking what I was doing with our newly appointed Princess.

The lesson seemed to drone on forever. Today, it was all about the mystical creatures that inhabited Ponyville, and the Everfree Forest. I loved studying creatures; when I was younger, I thought that helping animals would be what my super special talent was. I would usually go over to help out with Fluttershy on the weekends, even though she didn’t need it. It helped me learn how to take care of animals, and I was thankful for her to let me into her home and trust me enough to help her out with her animals. I wasn’t particularly fond of Angel, but he was sweet when he wanted to be.

I do have to admit, however, that working with Discord around there was really strange. He would never stop staring at me, and I could never figure out why he did that all the time. There was nothing different about me -well, that I knew- that would mark me as different. Maybe it was my pure white coat, like Rarity’s. White coats were rare, they usually had a hint of gray in them, but to have a pure white coat was extremely rare.

The sharp ring of the bell alerting lunch snapped me out of my thoughts. Fillies began to get up, but Miss Cheerilee abruptly stopped us. “For your homework tonight, you must write a one page paper about the creature of your choice. It will be due tomorrow at the end of the day. Have fun at lunch, my little ponies,” she called out as we rushed out of the classroom.

As I stepped out of the classroom, I saw a purple bat wing? I didn’t know of any ponies who had a purple wing, let alone a bat wing. I decided to follow this mysterious wing, and I ended up behind the school, right at the edge of the small school grounds.

A certain creature lay upon a hammock between two palm trees. “Discord?” I asked.

“So glad of you to finally show up. I was wondering when you silly fillies got let out. I thought you would have some type of recess before lunch, but I have apparently been proven wrong,” with a snap of his claws, a second hammock appeared out of thin air, and I was put upon it.

“What do you want, Discord? You don’t just show up out of the blue and call upon a random pony unless you have a pretty good reason. So what is it?” I asked as I let myself off the hammock. Just as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared.

“From what I have seen with your studies with Princess Twilight, you are skilled in the art of magic, is this correct?” I nodded my head in agreement. “So, I have a proposition for you, Dawn. Give me what I desire, and I will give you all the magic in the world. You just have to agree to my demands,” he declared.

I turned around, and saw Cloudy asking ponies where I was. “Just make it quick. I’ll see if I agree. I have a friend to meet up with.”

“Perfect,” Discord grabbed my hoof and we teleported to somewhere. There were frames of Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Twilight.

“What is this? What do you want me to do?” I questioned, looking at all the video clips of the Princesses lives.

“This is the Hall of Life. It shows the Life of anypony you want to see. In this case, we have the 3 Princesses. Now, Princess Cadance I can deal with on my own. It’s easy to get rid of her-”

GET RID OF? You want me, to get rid of the Princesses? I’m sorry, but no. I will not do it. Now send me back home, now.” I protested.

“No. You will do what I say, when I say it. Correct, pet?” a claw pressed to my head and thoughts swarmed my head. Darkness. Immense power. Banishment. As much as I tried to fight all these feelings, they overcame me like a wave from the sea. I felt trapped inside my own head, but soon, it left.

All the bad feelings, gone. It felt so right. I needed to banish the princesses.

“Correct,” I replied. It did feel a little weird, but then again, I know I had to do it.

Discord grinned. Next thing I knew, I was swept out of the Hall, and back behind the school. “Now, my little pet, let us go. We will get this handled quickly,” we teleported back to his lair.

*Cloudy's Point of View*

I looked around. “Dawn!” I shouted. I saw her behind the school with Discord. I knew it couldn’t be good. I called out her name, but she didn’t even turn around. It was like I wasn’t even there.

Next thing I knew, Dawn and Discord vanished into thin air. Knowing it couldn’t be good at all, I rushed off the school grounds.

As I neared the Library, I was running out of breath. “Princess Twilight! Princess Twilight!” I yelled as I burst through the doors. Princess Twilight looked up from her huge stack of books.

“Cloudy? What’s wrong?”

I breathed in and out heavily. “Dawn- Discord- gone- send- help,” I breathed.

“SPIKE!” the purple dragon came running down the stairs. He had a piece of parchment and a quill in his claw. “Dear Princess Celestia, I know this on short notice, but you must come down to Ponyville immediately with Princess Luna. No time to explain. I’ll fill you in when you arrive. This is an emergency. Signed, Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria.”

The letter was sent immediately and Princess Twilight and I waited for the Princesses while I filled her in on what happened. “So I was looking for Dawn because we were gonna play at lunch. I couldn’t find her, so I decided to look behind the school, and I saw her standing with Discord. I called out her name many times, but she didn’t even turn around. It was like I wasn’t there. Next thing I know, they are gone. Just gone. I knew it couldn’t be good at all, so I rushed over her as fast as I could,” I explained.

With a soft pop Princess Celestia and Princess Luna appeared in the library. “What is it, Twilight? What’s wrong?” Princess Luna asked.

“Dawn has been taken, well I guess a better term would be, err, went off with Discord. I highly doubt it’s good at all.”

Author's Note:

Once again, another long chapter. I originally had this chapter much longer, but I didn't like how I kept going. I had to put in Cloudy's POV only so I could get the story going, and the next chapter will probably be all in Cloudy's POV, then switch it. That way we really know what's going on.

I only edited about half of this chapter due to pure laziness, so this chapter may get revised later on, and if it does, I will make a note of it.

I'm pretty content with this chapter, it was better than my first attempt, and feel free to comment on this! I welcome all comments, even negative ones, but if it is negative, please explain why you hate this chapter- or the whole story-

I am hoping to have my next chapter up by late next week. I'm gonna try to do weekly updates, and this authors note is getting waaay too long, so I hope you like this chapter, and my story all together!

~Princess Ashlynn