• Published 28th Dec 2013
  • 1,262 Views, 17 Comments

The Magic of the Earth - Cameron Nightshade

What if one day you found that you happened to be different from everyone else in the world? How would you react, and what would you do?

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The Plan

Dawn’s POV

I lay back against the cracked wall. “When are we going to make our next move?” I asked Discord.

He looked at me. “I’m not to sure. I don’t think Celestia has woken up again, and Twilight is probably rushing around to find an answer. But I would say that we go for Twilight next.”

A voice tugged at the back of my mind. No! Not Twilight. Please, no. I’ll do anything, just not Twilight! I shoved the thought away.

“I agree. If we take care of Twilight, Luna will be left all alone. I don’t think she can handle that, since she has only been back for a little while. We shall begin in the morning,” I concluded.

You horrible monster. Why are you doing this? Ponies may think that it’s me there, but it’s not. I’m still here. I always will be. You will not win this fight.

“Shut up! Get out of my head!” I screamed.

You can’t get rid of the pony who inhabits this body. All you are is filth. Put here by Discord. He shoved me away like I was nothing, and replaced me, with you. You don’t belong here. So I tell you now, get out, or you will never see the light of day again. The voice told me.

“I said get out! You are nothing! Go away!” I shouted. The voice didn’t know anything. What Discord and I are doing is for the greater good. Without the stupid Princesses, Equestria will fair better than it ever had!

“Dawn? Is everything alright in there?” Discord asked from the kitchen.

I shook my head. “Nothing is right! I have this stupid voice in my head, telling me that what you are doing is wrong. It doesn’t know what it is talking about. We are doing what is right. The voice won’t go!” I yelled, as the voice kept on with it’s incessant talking.

Discord walked up to me. “It’s the voice of the nice Dawn. She is trying to tell you what is right. But this is the right thing. And soon, everypony will know it. Just fight the voice. Soon, it will fade away into nothing.”

I put my hooves over my ears and screamed. The horrid voice. Always pestering me. Why couldn’t it leave me alone?

Cloudy’s POV

I groaned as I was pulled out of bed by Princess Twilight’s magic. “What is the big deal? It’s so early,” I muttered.

Princess Twilight stopped in her tracks. “The big deal is that I found out what is going on with Dawn! The real her is still there, but can’t get out,” her magic released it’s hold on me, setting me down on the floor. “I have to contact Spike! Tell him that my friends need to come here immediately,” she raced off. Shaking my head, I took off after her.

When I found her in her bedroom? she was scribbling down on a piece of paper. The next thing I know, it’s flying out of the window in the cloud of smoke. “What was that?” I asked as I stepped into the bedroom.

“Oh, it was just a letter to Spike to tell the girls to travel to Canterlot as soon as they can. To do what I need to do, I’m going to have to have the Elements of Harmony to help me. So the term that I am going to use for what happened to Dawn, will be ‘Discorded’. this has happened to all my friends, including me, and now Dawn. He does this to influence ponies to do something they may not want to do, or something that they wouldn’t normally do. When he did this to my friends and I, we were the exact opposite of ourselves. Now with Dawn, the same thing has happened. But this time, she is being asked to hurt the Princesses. I imagine so Discord can reign ruler of Equestria, and bring Chaos everywhere in Equestria,” Princess Twilight explained.

I looked at her with wide eyes. “HE WANTS TO WHAT?!” I shouted. “Oh, uhm, I mean, what in the world is he thinking?” I corrected.

Princess Twilight looked at me with sad eyes. I knew it was bad. “Unless we can stop Dawn and Discord, Equestria will be full of Chaos, and no Harmony. They already attacked Princess Celestia, and the Princesses don’t usually have guards around them when they are going places, unless they request them. This is going to be dangerous, and without the Elements of Harmony, it won’t get any better.”

I turned around to face them. “Well, then I guess we are going to fight them back.”

Author's Note:

Sorry for such the short chapter. I couldn't come up with anything for this chapter, so I just left it as it is. The next chapter *should* be longer
~Princess Ashlynn