• Published 1st Jan 2014
  • 2,078 Views, 40 Comments

No Reservations - Scantrel

Equestria Girls Universe: Rainbow Dash, Applejack, & Big Mac head to Appleloosa for the grand opening of the Apple family Dude Ranch. Rainbow Dash plans to tell Big Mac about her feelings for him. What will she do when Mac falls for someone else?

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Act I

Rainbow Dash stared through the window at the featureless landscape that rolled past. While there was the occasional mesa, scrub brush, or cactus patch, by and large the view had become one boring brown, flat, totally not awesome prairie. With a slight sigh, Rainbow Dash turned away to flip open her copy of Daring Do and the Pit of Anguish for the fifth time in an hour. Rainbow had finished the book not long into the train ride, but she kept re-reading the end chapter to pass the time. The ending made her wonder as well if A.K. Yearling might be losing her touch just a little.

"You ain't finished that yet?" Applejack asked from the seat across from Rainbow Dash, jarring Rainbow out of her thoughts.

"Oh, heh, yeah I did a while ago, I just was re-reading the last part where Daring was able to collapse the tunnel to the underground laboratory by using a hammer to set up a resonance in the crystals. That sounds more like something Twilight would write," Rainbow Dash replied, closing the book once again and setting it down by her backpack.

Applejack chuckled. "I reckon so. I bet Twilight's too busy with summer school though to do anythin' really creative."

Rainbow Dash smirked in agreement. "Three classes a week all summer. She's such an egghead." Rainbow Dash pulled a bottle of water out of her pack and took a large sip, then wiped her lips. "I'm glad Twilight decided not to graduate early. It would have sucked if she was gone again after only one semester."

Applejack stretched a bit in her seat and nodded. "Eeyup, now that she's with us at CHS, it really does feel like something we were missin' is back together again."

Rainbow Dash smiled in reply. The previous school year certainly had been eventful, for lack of any better term. Good things had come from it though, especially their close bonds of friendship with Twilight and Sunset Shimmer. Already, some of the other students at Canterlot High were calling them the "Seven Wonderscolts", a play on words of the Seven Wonders of the World. At least that was what Rainbow guessed.

Rainbow Dash gazed back out the window. "How much longer until we get to Appleloosa?" she asked, fidgeting a bit.

Applejack reached into her pack to pull out her phone and glanced at the time. "The train's s'posed to arrive at 3-ish, so about another two hours." Applejack slid the phone back in her pack and took out a pair of apples. "Hungry?" she asked.

Rainbow Dash looked back and nodded and Applejack tossed over one of the apples, which Rainbow caught one-handed. "Thanks, AJ," Rainbow said.

"My pleasure, sugarcube," Applejack smiled in return. She bit into the juicy Sweet Apple Acres fruit, slowly chewing and savoring the flavor. "Hard to believe it's gonna be our senior year already, only one more year of school an' then who knows what," Applejack mused after swallowing.

"Yeah, I really haven't tried to think about it," Rainbow Dash shot back, but the look on her best friend's face told her that Applejack didn't believe her. "OK, I guess I have been thinking about it lately. My folks are already starting to ask me about college and I might be able to score a full scholarship to a good school, but I'm not sure I want to go too far from Canterlot."

Rainbow Dash took another bite of apple before continuing. "Scoots will be a Freshman at Canterlot High the year after we graduate and I'd like to be there for her as much as I can. You remember how not cool it was being a Freshman."

Rainbow fell silent as her thoughts then drifted to her other friend's futures. Fluttershy would begin her undergraduate work, hopefully at the University of Canterlot before selecting where to earn a Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine. Rarity would have to choose between maintaining her shop or going to the Parsons School for Design in Manehattan. Twilight would easily get into one of the egghead colleges, such as Harvard or Pranceton. Pinkie Pie was a wild card, but Rainbow Dash suspected she wouldn't go far from Canterlot either. As for Applejack, well...she was certain to remain on the farm with Big Mac, who had just graduated that spring.

Sunset Shimmer was undecided and Rainbow Dash couldn't blame her for her uncertainty. Rainbow somewhat hoped that Sunset might get an athletic scholarship as well, perhaps even to the same university as herself. It would be totally awesome if they could be roommates in college, Rainbow Dash decided.

Applejack cocked her head curiously at Rainbow as the silence lingered. "Whatcha thinkin' about so hard over there?" she inquired.

"Oh, just thinking about after high school, where the girls will end up. I was just wondering if Sunset's going to try and get a scholarship somewhere," Rainbow Dash answered.

"Mmhmm, I bet you are," Applejack quipped, her mouth quirking in a playful grin.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Rainbow Dash retorted.

"Oh, nothin'," Applejack answered as casually as she could. "Just that y'all have gotten so close that some folks have been wonderin' if y'all might have somethin' more goin' on."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes at Applejack. "Pssh, as if! You know I don't bat for the other team!"

Applejack gave a little laugh. "Oh I know, believe me. But it's fun jerkin' your chain a bit."

Rainbow Dash waved a hand dismissively at Applejack in return. In truth, the Apple of Rainbow's eye was in the next compartment over. The two friends fell quiet as they finished their snack. Rainbow Dash lined up her shot, then tossed the apple core into the wastebasket and exclaimed, "She shoots, she scores! The awesome point-guard beats the buzzer to bury the game-winning shot!"

Applejack just shook her head. "Let's jus' hope you're as good in the saddle."

Rainbow Dash put on a cocky grin. "Many will wonder, only one will ever know." Rainbow was rewarded with a groan for her effort.

"Seriously though, it's totally cool that you and Big Mac invited me to go help out with the opening of your cousin's Dude Ranch," Rainbow Dash added. "What was his name again?"

"Braeburn," Applejack replied. "He's a year older'n Big Mac, haven't seen him since I was in middle school an' he came to visit. It was his idea to use the extra land on the farm as a tourist attraction." Applejack's eyes glimmered a little wickedly as she looked over at Rainbow Dash. "He's right good-lookin' too, best as I can remember."

"Oh no, don't you dare," Rainbow Dash protested, shaking her head side to side.

"Oh yeah? You already got your eye on someone back home?" Applejack pried, her expression turning a bit predatory.

Rainbow Dash's composure wilted a little and she felt herself grow a little flush as her thoughts drifted to Big Mac in the compartment next door. "I, ah...well, no, not really..." she stammered.

"Uh huh," Applejack giggled. "You'd think by now you should know you can't go fibbin' to me, Rainbow."

Rainbow Dash gathered herself and put the best nonchalant look she could on her face. "Yeah, whatever. Just don't get any crazy ideas in your head." Thinking of anything she could to change the topic, Rainbow said, "So we're going to be bunking it like the tourists will, huh? You know this means I get the top bunk."

"Now hold on, what if I wanna be on top?" Applejack huffed.

"I bet you do," Rainbow Dash said with a smirk. Seeing Applejack's unwavering expression, Rainbow Dash stepped up to the challenge. "Only one way to settle this then." Rainbow Dash got up and moved over to Applejack's side of the compartment, putting her elbow down on the seat cushion and raising her curled hand.

"Seriously? Arm-wrasslin' on a train?" Applejack asked with a snort.

"Cool by me," Rainbow Dash responded. "Guess this means I win by default. Top bunk's all mine."

"You wait a goldurn minute!" Applejack snapped. She leaned down and put her own elbow to the cushion, reaching up to grab Rainbow's outstretched hand. "On the count of three. One...two...three!"

The struggle was intense but brief. As one fist slammed down on the cushion, the victor pumped her free fist in a sign of triumph.

"Best two out of three?" Rainbow Dash begged, sounding a little deflated.

The train pulled into Appleloosa Station right on schedule and Rainbow Dash could hardly wait to disembark and stretch her legs. Four hours in a single enclosed room, even one that was comfortable, had pushed her limits. As soon as the train came to a stop, Rainbow Dash grabbed her pack and with a quick "See you outside!" to Applejack, lived up to her name and sprinted out onto the platform.

Rainbow Dash wasted no time in taking a quick walk around the platform, looking past the train station into the heart of Appleloosa. Everything about it screamed "small country town" from the old-fashioned water tower to the single-story buildings lining the main street to the large Walmart parking lot visible in the distance.

The sound of bustling people drew Rainbow Dash's attention back. The others had started to disembark and Rainbow Dash went to rejoin her friends. Applejack was scanning the crowd, looking for her cousin.

"Braeburn! Hey, over here!" Applejack called out, taking off her Stetson and waving it. A tall, lean, muscular young man dressed in a denim shirt and slightly worn-out jeans turned his head at the sound and his face lit up in recognition. Braeburn smiled as he walked up to greet them and he scooped Applejack up in a big hug, spinning her around.

"Howdy, cuz! My stars, you done grown up and got all purty!" Braeburn exclaimed. Applejack chuckled as she hugged her cousin back. After a long moment, Braeburn let Applejack go and reached over to grab Big Mac's outstretched hand in a firm shake, before the two farmhands grinned and hugged.

"Been too long, Mac! Sure am glad you could shake loose fer a couple of weeks an' come enjoy the ranch before we open," Braeburn said happily.

"Eeyup, wouldn't have missed it fer the world," Big Mac replied with a smile. "Can't wait to see what all you've done." Braeburn detached himself from Big Mac and turned to look at Rainbow Dash, his smile growing even wider.

Braeburn swept his hat down from his head and looked over at Big Mac, "Well now, who is this lovely lady? Is she a friend of yours, cuz?" Braeburn asked curiously.

Big Mac cleared his throat, looking a little sheepish. Introductions weren't his strong suit. "Braeburn, this is Applejack's best friend Rainbow Dash. She ain't never been to a Dude Ranch before. AJ thought she might enjoy a couple weeks of the country life," Big Mac replied.

Rainbow Dash stepped up and shook Braeburn's hand. "Thanks for letting me come, your place sounds awesome." Wow, that sounds so lame. Is that really the best you could come up with? Rainbow Dash thought to herself.

Braeburn held on to Rainbow Dash's hand for a moment and said, "The pleasure's all mine. May I call you Rainbow? It's a right pretty name for a pretty lady."

Rainbow Dash blinked, not expecting such a compliment. "Ah, thanks and sure, that would be cool." She heard Applejack's muted cough, trying to cover her snicker. Rainbow Dash withdrew her hand and went to stand by Applejack while Braeburn helped Big Mac fetch the luggage from the baggage car.

"Told ya he was cute," Applejack whispered, giving Rainbow Dash a playful nudge.

Rainbow Dash didn't answer, she walked over to the suitcases while keeping her steely gaze on Applejack as her way of saying "Shut up already." As she reached out to grab the handle of her suitcase, she instead felt something softer, warm, but a little rough. She turned and looked to see Big Mac holding her suitcase towards her, a surprised grin on his face at the sight of Rainbow's hand on his. "Here you are, Rainbow," Big Mac offered.

"Thanks, Mac. I've got it," Rainbow Dash muttered, feeling her cheeks flushing a little. Trying to get past how cliché this felt, Rainbow Dash took the handle from Big Mac and pulled it out to extend it before rolling her suitcase off to the side. Applejack came forward to claim her bag and soon the group headed to the parking lot where they loaded their luggage into Braeburn's van and piled in for the drive out to the ranch.

While he drove, Braeburn proudly gave them all a run-down of the facilities.

"We set aside 'bout a hundred acres fer the ranch, the soil's too rocky to expand the orchards," Braeburn explained. "The ranch borders next to the tribal lands, an' we've been negotiatin' to have them allow guests onto their land as part of the whole experience, see their culture an' such. In fact, there's a meetin' in a while with the tribal representative. I'd appreciate it if y'all would be there."

"'Course we will," Big Mac assured Braeburn. Braeburn nodded his thanks and went on to describe the various activities; horseback and hay wagon rides, hoe-downs, campfire cookouts, storytelling, and lasso classes, which perked up Applejack.

Rainbow tuned Braeburn out for the majority of the ride, her thoughts were more focused on Big Mac. He was usually reserved and quiet, but Rainbow could tell that out here among his family and in this element, Mac was much more at ease, allowing his gentle and kind personality to shine. This was the side of him that had drawn Rainbow Dash to Mac and it was the part she wanted to get to know more closely during this trip.

The van rumbled to a stop beside a pair of cabins. "Here we are, welcome to the Appleloosa Dude Ranch!" Braeburn said proudly. "We'll be stayin' in these cabins. Ladies, yers is the one on the left. Mac, you an' I will be bunkin' in the one next over." Braeburn pointed to another small building nearby between the two cabins. "That's the outhouse, it's shared fer both. It's got hot water an' a shower. You can see the shared firepit yonder fer campfire cookin'."

"People actually want to pay good money fer roughin' it like this?" Big Mac asked in surprise.

"Heh, yep, we've already got reservations booked fer the first two months," Braeburn replied. "After y'all get settled in, I'll take us up back to the main ranch-house, that's where the meetin' will be an' it's where we will be holding the larger events."

Rainbow Dash and Applejack unloaded their suitcases and walked into their cabin, leaving the boys to sort out their own arrangements. The interior was definitely rustic with simple furnishings, a fireplace, and two sets of bunk beds.

"Guess that wrasslin' was fer nothin'," Applejack mused, tossing her suitcase on one of the lower bunks.

"Probably for the best, this way I might not hear your snoring so much," Rainbow Dash quipped.

"I do not snore!" Applejack protested.

"Like anyone has told you otherwise?" Rainbow Dash teased. She chuckled as Applejack's face grew red. "Don't pop a vessel, I'll be back, going to check out the facilities," Rainbow Dash excused herself, opening the door and walking over to the outhouse.

Once inside, Rainbow Dash went to one of the sinks and splashed a little water on her face, freshening up. The sound of the door opening surprised her and she looked up to see Big Mac standing in the doorway, an embarrassed expression on his face.

"Oh, Gosh, sorry Rainbow...I didn't realize anyone was in here." Mac apologized.

"No sweat, it's cool. I could have locked the door. I guess we'll just have to get used to sharing for the next couple of weeks," Rainbow Dash assured Big Mac. "It's all yours." Rainbow Dash made her way past Big Mac, who kept enough presence of mind to hold the door open for her.

Back outside, Rainbow Dash paused to look around. She could see the split-log fence in the distance, marking the edge of the property. The sky was vibrant and clear, the sun was shining brightly. Rainbow closed her eyes and took in a deep breath of the crisp, clean air; it was going to be nice to get away from the bustle of the city for a while.

"Sure is pretty out here, isn't it?" Mac's voice rumbled quietly behind Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow opened her eyes, reaching to run her fingers through her multi-colored hair as she turned to look back at Big Mac. "Yeah, I was just enjoying the peace and quiet. I think Braeburn will have a hit on his hands here."

"I hope so, I know he was disappointed when he couldn't expand the farm out all this way," Mac replied, reaching down to pick up a nearby rock and tossing it away casually.

"I guess you'll be running Sweet Apple Acres now that you're out of school?" Rainbow Dash inquired.

"Eeyup, Time to let Granny Smith enjoy her golden years. That's my lot in life, an' I plan to make the best of it, " Big Mac nodded. Something about his tone caught Rainbow's notice.

"But you wish you could do more?" Rainbow Dash asked tentatively.

Big Mac lifted his gaze out over the prairie, starting at nothing in particular. "Naw, I'm proud to live up to the Apple family name, an' make Sweet Apple Acres into one of the best farms 'round Canterlot. I jus' want to make sure I can make it thrive without dependin' on AJ or Apple Bloom. I want them to be able to live their own lives, or go to college, or whatever."

The pair stood quietly for a moment, then Mac's gaze relaxed. "What about you Rainbow? You decided what you're gonna do fer college?" Mac asked.

Rainbow Dash puffed out her cheeks. "Well, my coaches think I could probably land a pretty sweet scholarship and if I did I was thinking maybe Virginia or Florida State. But that would be a big change for me, I've never lived anywhere but Canterlot."

"Eeyup, but you'd have the advantage of bein' near the coast. That sounds like fun, always wanted to spend some time at a beach." Big Mac said thoughtfully.

Visions of Big Mac in swim trunks sprang into Rainbow Dash's mind and she had to force herself to not run her eyes over his muscular frame. "Heh, yeah, that part would be pretty cool," Rainbow said with a chuckle.

"Am I interruptin' anythin'?" Applejack called out. Rainbow Dash turned to see Applejack standing on the porch of their cabin, a little grin on her face.

"Just shooting the breeze," Rainbow replied as casually as she could. Leave it to Applejack to have the worst timing ever.

Braeburn came out from the other cabin, keys in hand. "We should prolly head on up to the ranch-house." Braeburn made a point to open the side door first before turning to Rainbow Dash. "Ladies first!" he said gallantly.

Everyone got into the van and Braeburn made the short drive up to the main ranch-house, a large single-story home with a corral attached to the side. A few horses were tethered on a hitching post nearby, prompting a curious look from Rainbow Dash.

"Normally we won't use cars much, 'cept in emergencies. Folks will be encouraged to ride to and from their cabins." Braeburn explained.

Once inside, Braeburn led them into the main room and excused himself to put on some coffee. Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Big Mac took seats around the living room. The front bell rang, and Braeburn called out from the kitchen, "Got it!" and went to answer the door. In a moment, Braeburn entered the room with a young Indian woman beside him. She appeared to be Mac's age and was dressed in a plaid shirt and jeans, her long black hair pulled back into braids that hung by her shoulders. Her eyes swept over the room as if she was taking inventory and Rainbow Dash couldn't help but notice they lingered a bit on Big Mac.

Braeburn cleared his throat and said, "Mac, Applejack, Rainbow, I'd like to introduce Leotie, or 'Little Strongheart', as her tribe calls her. She's the daughter of the Chief an' she's who I've been workin' with on establishin' cultural visits for the ranch. Miss Strongheart, these are my cousins, Big Macintosh and Applejack an' their friend Rainbow Dash. They've come all the way from Canterlot to see the ranch."

Little Strongheart smiled at everyone. "O-si-yo, I greet you in the way of my people. It is a pleasure to meet each of you." Braeburn led Little Strongheart to a chair beside the couch where Big Mac was seated then excused himself to go fetch the coffee. "I'll help ya with that," Applejack offered, and she vanished into the kitchen with Braeburn.

Little Strongheart looked over to Mac and Rainbow Dash and said, "You have come a long way, I hope the journey was pleasant?"

Rainbow Dash started to speak, but Big Mac answered first. "Eeyup, was a right nice train ride. Been a long time since I was out here in Appleloosa, not since I came out here as a little boy with my Ma and Pa. Have you lived here yer whole life, Miss Strongheart?"

"Yes, I was born on the reservation and please, no need to be so formal. You can call me either Strongheart or Leotie, my name in my language." Little Strongheart replied kindly.

"Leotie's a very pretty name," Big Mac observed with a gentle smile.

"Thank you. May I call you Macintosh?" Little Strongheart asked.

"Please do, or jus' Mac if you'd like." Big Mac answered, his smile widening.

Rainbow Dash watched the exchange with a bit of surprise, she had never seen Big Mac talk so freely around someone he had just met before. Something about the way Mac was looking at Little Strongheart wasn't sitting well with Rainbow Dash, but she couldn't put a finger on it.

Applejack and Braeburn came out from the kitchen with a tray of coffee mugs, from which Rainbow Dash gladly took one of the mugs. As the discussion turned from casual to more business, Rainbow Dash couldn't help but notice how Big Mac's gaze never left Little Strongheart. Suddenly, it clicked for Rainbow Dash. The look on Mac's face was quite a bit like the look Scootaloo had teased Rainbow Dash about at the Big Brothers/Big Sisters car wash last Fall when Rainbow Dash had first realized how attracted she was to Big Mac.

Involuntarily, Rainbow Dash's eyes narrowed a bit as she took stock of her opponent. If Little Strongheart wanted to try and win Big Mac for herself, she was in for some strong competition...and competition was something Rainbow Dash was very, very good at.

"Let the best girl win, namely, me!" Rainbow Dash thought to herself as she finished her coffee.