• Published 23rd Sep 2013
  • 12,343 Views, 433 Comments

Celestial Gift - Wolfsalvo

An ODST that was on the Forward Unto Dawn during its destruction is sucked through a wormhole with plenty of other debris. Follow his tale as he crash lands in Equestria.

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Interesting Situations

Chapter 6: Interesting Situations

(Steel's P.O.V.)

Letting out a tired yawn, I smiled as looked up and at the decorations that Celestia had hid with magic the previous day, but I couldn't help but notice a single flaw to the entire setup; where was the birthday cake? Looking back towards Celestia, I looked down, and I absent mindedly looked at her hooves as I tried to find the best way to word my question. It wasn't until she shifted her hooves a bit that I shook my head and just said it bluntly, "Where is the cake? Every birthday needs a cake..."

I swore there was a small reddish tint on Celestia's cheeks, but when I rubbed my eyes to get the slight fuzzy distortion of sleepiness out of them, it wasn't there. Letting it go as I mistook it for something that wasn't there, the royal alicorn princess finally said with a peculiar look in her gaze, "Ah yes, the cake. It won't be brought out until later, as we will be celebrating closer to night time, at which point gifts will... oh no..."

Bringing my wandering gaze back into focus as my eyes slightly narrowed, I looked back at the princess, and saw the worried expression cross her features. Her eyes were slightly unfocused while they seemed to scan an invisible list, but I however was still in the dark, "Princess, what is the matter?"

She seemed to come from her revere all of a sudden, and sadness came to her eyes as she said, "I forgot to get my dear little sister a present..."

"Oh, well that isn't a good thing..." I murmured to myself, and I looked towards the ground, until it hit me like a ton of bricks. Last night had probably been a stroke of luck, for Celestia that is, as Luna and I had quite the conversation while we had walked through the castle and gardens. Looking towards the distressed Celestia with a smirk, I let out a brief chuckle as I said, "I know what you can get her. Why don't you have the best baker in all of Canterlot bake her up a batch of mint and chocolate chip cookies? She told me last night those were her favorite snacks when she was young, but she can't seem to find them made like how they used to anymore..."

Looking over my shoulder, I felt a breeze flow over me, before Celestia laughed loudly, and I felt a smile cross my lips, until I felt myself shudder as a large yawn came over me. Blinking a few times to rid the white spots from my vision, I couldn't help but notice how much that had affected me. I might be an ODST, but I had gotten little, to no sleep for the past few nights. The longest sleep I had all this week was a merciful 8 hours, with the brief two to four hour naps between a few days, I'm not in combat, I don't need to force myself through this all...

"Princess Celestia?" She stopped writing on a piece of parchment that had come from nowhere, and she looked towards me with a new light to them, before I said, "I would appreciate it if I can possibly get a room in which I can sleep, and hopefully a bath before I take a rest as well."

The recoil from her was just as unexpected as when I came across an Elite with an energy sword, and she said apologetically, "Sorry about that Steel, I have been meaning to get the room situation dealt with, as for the bath, I will have a servant escort you to one, before you go to a room." She quickly conjured up another piece of parchment, before she wrote something on it quickly, and it was sent out of the window and to wherever else, before she asked, "When would you like to be awoken to attend Luna's birthday?"

As the front of the palace room door was opened, I heard the sound of someone... er, somepony approaching, but I politely replied to the princess in front of me, "Whenever you see fit will be best."

When her gaze shifted next to me with a soft smile, she said, "Please show our guest here to the bathing chambers, and then show him to a guest room so he can get some rest."

"Yes your highness."

Turning and walking with the servant, I glanced over my shoulder and saw Celestia had went back to writing, and that meant she was going to be just as busy as today as the other days. I need to meet more people around here if she is my only real socially interactive outlet...

(Princess Celestia's P.O.V.)

Glancing out of the corner of my eye as Steel looked back forward, I felt a small smile cross my muzzle as he continued to walk away, and I felt oddly glad that he had crashed through my castle. I hadn't felt this much curiosity since meeting Twilight as a little filly. Returning my attention back towards the parchment, I used my magic to bring the quill across the paper, before writing down the specifics of what I remembered of the cookies Steel had referred to.

(Steel's P.O.V.)

Leaning back as the warm and steaming water eased all the soreness and tensions from my muscles, I let my body relax more than it had in a long time. Compared to the showers aboard the ships I was always on, this was pretty damn close to heaven, and it was all mine to relax in, completely by myself. I kept my eyes open for fear that if I truly did relax and close my eyes, that I would drift into slumber before I even finished washing.

Stirring the water in front of me with my hands, I let my mind wonder back to earlier days in the war, to how it had first been just elites. It was a frightening prospect when you came across them, as they stood taller than I would like to imagine, and then there were the jackals, who I had heard stories were they would eat captured marines. Shaking that thought from my head, it went next to brutes, which were even worse than elites, with how they were capable of-

NO! Stop it! You don't need to torment yourself with those horrible memories anymore...

Think about happy thoughts! Think of anything... Equestria, how about that? It is so peaceful here, and it is perfect! No wars, no pollutions, not even any sound if no one is talking... this is truly a perfect haven from all those horrible battles...

I felt the tension once more leave my mind and body, and even then, for some unknown reason, Celestia came to mind. Then it clicked in my head, and I let a smile cross my lips as a chuckle echoed across the empty room, and I quietly spoke to myself, "Every great country needs an even greater leader... not to mention she keeps war from breaking out from her people..."

Feeling another yawn cross my lips, I shook my head, before I went to work on cleaning myself so that I can get to a bed already...

Taking my last piece of armor off of my body and setting it down beside the cushion for a bed, I placed the helmet at the head of the armor. Sliding myself under the blankets, I looked around for a pillow, but upon finding none, I simply shrugged, and slid my arms across the plush cushion, and lying my face across my arms, and feeling sleep slowly start to come to me. The warmth of the bed, the brief amount of my daily memories, and the amount of sleep I was deprived of started to get to me, before I slowly fell into a deep slumber...

My slumber was interrupted for an unknown reason, and I groaned quietly as I rolled back onto my back, where I felt warmth once more start to seep into my body. Everything began to become a fuzzy mess once more, before it was disturbed by a gentle nudging sensation. Whatever it was, it felt warm, yet soft, and I felt my cheeks twitch briefly, almost forming a smile as I thought of a pillow; the sheer thought of something as comfortable as that made me sigh briefly. It wasn't until the sensation came back however that I heard a feminine voice saying gently, "Steel, it is almost time..."

Cracking open one of my eyes, I caught sight of Princess Celestia standing next to the cushion bed, and when I registered it was her entirely instead of just thought, I gradually pushed myself up. Bringing a hand up to my eyes, I rubbed the sleep out of them so that I could actually wake up entirely.

Instead of the slow wakeup call that I had been expecting, I was drawn into a tight hug by none other than the princess herself, and I felt myself flush red. The heat I felt resonating from her chest into my own was only one reason, but I felt the blush only grow stronger when I remembered I was only in my boxers, as I hadn't wanted to wear my jumpsuit into the bed. "Steel, thank you for that wonderful suggestion earlier. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been able to get as much done today, for I would have been too worried over what to get, or in this case, make for Luna."

It felt more awkward than it really was, but I slowly put my arms around her and gave her a gentle hug back as I said, "Uh huh... y-yeah, no problem"

Her coat of fur felt extremely soft... almost like the silk blanket that I used to keep myself warm, but it wasn't until she pulled away did I release my grip on her, and she saw my current state. There was no possible way she didn't notice the blush on my cheeks, but it was when she moved away did I look up again and saw her smiling towards me with a humorous expression, before she said, "You look so different without your armor on..."

Chuckling nervously, I asked, "How so?"

"For starters, you are a smaller without it... and now I can fully see you." Celestia actually looked over my body, and I felt myself blush even more, before I slid my feet over the bed.

Grabbing my jumpsuit, I quickly put it on, and I started to don my armor, before Celestia asked, "Steel, if you would, can you leave your armor... I can assure you that there will not be need for it."

Holding the arm guard halfway to its mark, I looked at it, before at my remaining gear on the floor, and the reply should have been an instant, 'no, I need to keep it with me at all times.' Yet, instead of giving her that answer, I looked over towards her, and I felt myself suddenly feel uneasy, First your guns Steel, now it is your armor... what will she ask for next? But... it isn't like she isn't looking out for me, if she really wanted anything to happen to me, she could've just had her guards do so after I gave her my weapons.

Letting out a huge sigh as I resigned, I looked towards her eyes as I lowered my arm guard, and I said, "Only for you princess... only for you..."

"Please, when we are alone, you need only to call me Celestia." She said with a smile and a faint, but still noticeable blush on her own cheeks.

Slowly taking off my shoulder pauldrons, I removed the arm guard for my right arm as well, before sliding my gloves off, but I held the latch for my chest plate, and that was when I hesitated. This was the last piece of armor that I was going to take off, as I was going to keep what was on my legs on, but this was upper body armor... this was my last line of defense against anything that could, and would, harm me. I felt a worried frown cross my neutral façade, and as I looked up into Celestia's eyes, I couldn't help but feel that it would be wrong to betray her, even in such a small way as this. Popping the latch, I let out another sigh as I slowly took it off, and when it joined its comrades on the floor beside me, I slowly made my way towards Celestia.

When I was standing beside her, she gave me her traditional warm smile, before the door opened with a glow of tan gold. I followed her out of the room, and I looked back towards my armor from in the hallway, before she closed the door once more.

Making my way down the hallway beside Celestia, I noticed the feeling of being drawn closer as her wing wrapped around my shoulder, and I looked over and saw Celestia watching me from the corner of her eye as she said, "I understand that you feel protected by your armor, but it is time those of this land meet you and learn of your existence before you roam around the city. You and I will be greeting the nobles and guests as they arrive." Looking back forward as her wing held me there beside her as we walked; I felt a nervous build up in my gut as what she said just now sunk in.

"Wouldn't it be a better idea if I remained hidden off to the side... what if my appearance frightens the guests instead of them welcoming me?" I asked. Those that were scared tended to become more violent or dangerous from past experiences, and while I'm sure I could handle one of the guards here at the palace, I wasn't sure if I could fend off multiple ponies the size of Celestia, especially as under armed as I currently was.

Princess Celestia, ever there to remind me about the trust I held for her, said, "Nonsense, I'm sure they will welcome you all the more if you're there at my side during their arrival. Don't you trust my judgment Steel?"

Glancing back over at her, I nervously smiled, before it dropped as I spoke, "Of course I trust you Princess… it is the others I don't trust."

The longer I walked beside Celestia as close as I was, it was becoming painfully aware that I was going to be expected to remain there, so just how her wing was wrapped around me, I lifted my arm up, and draped it over her back and near her shoulders. While it felt odd, and extremely out of place, I found myself feeling more how I had before I joined the fight for survival with the UNSC; like a civilian. I was an ODST, known for our ruthlessness and our effectiveness in combat; we weren't expected to have the capacity to act how I was currently exhibiting. I may not show traits of the ninety-nine percent of other ODST's, but I still had those traits, along with carrying the reputation on my shoulders; yet here I was.

Still unsure of what my current position was other than an ally, I didn't know if I was expected to put my palm to her shoulder, hold my arm there, or what else; so I just closed my hand into a fist and kept my hand lightly on her opposite shoulder.

Walking down the hallway, I tried effortlessly to keep my mind calm, but it wasn't until we came to a large open room with a large staircase did I feel the uneasy feeling return in full force, and my heart slowly began to beat just a little faster.

When Celestia removed her wing from my shoulder and back, I brought my arm back to myself as it seemed to right thing to do. I don't think the guests would take to kindly if I'm practically holding the Princess under one of my arms... from what I saw while with her and Luna, neither of them even made physical contact with any of the others that moved about the castle. The only contact I ever made with Luna was that kick, and an accidental bump, and those were both brief...

Glancing over at Celestia as I thought about it some more, I now realized just how odd it was that Celestia was the only one to make physical contact with me, along with being the only one to actually purposely do so. Does she not mind as much as the others, or does it actually run deeper than that?

What am I even thinking? Romantically...? That thought formed a heat feeling sensation to surge into my cheeks, and I forced my gaze away from Celestia to try and avoid any awkwardness, yet that wasn't to be. Feeling myself pulled back by a gentle force all over my body, I nearly shouted in surprise, until I saw the tan goldish glow surround my body, and I instantly knew it was Celestia's doing. When I was at her side, she smiled towards me with a hint of humor in her eyes, and said, "We will wait and greet all the guests here."

As the glow dissipated, she looked back forward, and I did the same, and that was when I saw the first of the guests start to arrive. As the small wave of ponies began to approach, I saw I was going to surprisingly be larger than them, even without my armor. I did my best to put my previous thoughts into the back of my mind as they came up the stairs, and the first pair of guests that were going to reached us eyed my curiously, with the small hint of fear in their eyes. It wasn't until I felt a small breeze did I glance over, and see Celestia had opened her wings slightly.

Upon looking back in front of us, the guests both seemed to bow slightly, before Celestia spoke from beside me, "Welcome, thank you for coming."

They both nodded, before the thicker pony to the side asked, "Princess, what is this creature...?"

Looking over at Celestia, she smiled towards me, before nodding towards me. Feeling a bit more nervous as she felt it would be better for me to reply, I turned my view back to those in front of me, and I cleared my throat. "Uh... I'm a human..." Not quite sure what else to say, I decided it best to repeat the princess, "W-Welcome... thanks for coming..."

The curiosity on their faces grew, and those behind them caused them to peak around them, and all their gazes fell onto me. Taking a few small steps back, I was stopped almost instantly by Celestia's already outstretched wing, and I glanced over, only to see her smiling encouragingly to me, before my attention was grabbed by a chuckle in front of me, and a feminine voice spoke up from the slimmer and smaller pony, "He appears to be quite the shy one... how come we haven't seen more humans like you?"

Once again, I was expected to do the talking, and I needed to come up with a quick answer, "I'm only here by accident... I come from the stars." The widening of eyes and the increase in ponies approaching only further made me wish I had my armor, and possibly my helmet so that I could hide my eyes and polarize it so that they didn't notice my searching for an exit.

"Everypony, if you would like to learn more about my guest here, then you may consult him with any questions you may have once the celebrations begin." Celestia stated, and I sighed lightly, before I realized that I would be surrounded on all sides once we really were talking.

They all seemed to accept that, before they and a dozen others all walked up the side of the stairs as I leaned over and whispered to Celestia, "Princess... I am a soldier... not a diplomat or a representative."

When a pair of ponies bowed in front of me, they gave me curious glances while the princess whispered back, "That was before you came to Equestria Steel... for tonight, you're my... escort."

Looking towards her, I was about to ask a question that had suddenly taken hold of my mind, but it was interrupted when she bowed her head and said, "Welcome, thank you for coming."

When the single pony walked past me, I noticed how it was thicker than the slimmer ones behind it. I think I know how to tell the genders apart from just voices now... but back to Celestia... maybe I will ask that question later...

Celestia and I were standing side by side, and I may have seem intimidating to her and her sister when I had first arrived, but now, I felt intimidated by all the ponies that crowded around us to question me about various subjects. The questions had stopped for now, and I finally had time to relax as much as I could, and as I peered over Celestia's back, I saw Luna appeared to be in a much similar situation as myself; although she appeared to be enjoying all the attention.

Reaching over and managing to snag a small pastry like thing from a passing platter, I brought it closer and lifted it up so that I could observe it. It looked like a small berry rested in the middle of it, and it wasn't until I sniffed it did I feel satisfied enough to consider it safe for consumption. Opening my mouth and taking a bite from the small pastry like snack, I tasted something that resembled the flavors of apples mixed with grapes. I felt a small smile tug at the corners of my lips as I swallowed, having been reminded of my childhood, but when I saw the curious and watchful expressions of those in front of me, I suddenly felt awkward. Did they all seriously just watch me eat?

Lowering the pastry, I tried to back away, but I was met with the resistance of Celestia's wing, yet she didn't look towards me as she spoke to the crowd in front of us, "Everypony, if I may, I believe it would be better if Luna receives your attention, as it is her birthday party, instead of ours."

The nods and murmurs of agreement caused me to release a silent sigh, and I looked towards Celestia and gave her an appreciative nod.

Now that the Princess and I were alone, I finally had time to ask the question I had for her, "Princess, earlier, you said I am acting as your escort for tonight, but you have been constantly telling me how safe it is... why is it you will require an escort, especially if your 'escort' doesn't have any true armor on?"

The small smile and laugh that I received were anything but reassuring, and it was only as she brought her wings back to herself did she say, "I don't need a true escort, but it is important that I see how you interact with other ponies beside myself..." her tone saddened slightly as she let out a sigh, "I enjoy your company Steel, but I will be sending you to a place called Ponyville so that a student of mine can further discuss your world with you. I won't have any time in the coming days, as I will be too busy with my royal duties."

When she said I was being sent somewhere, alarms suddenly went off, as that meant I wasn't going to stay here, and I wouldn't know anyone, and if I didn't know anyone; that meant I would be more in danger from those around me. Even on the field, I knew my team mates, while separated, were within a mile or two of my position; yet here, I would be alone the entire time.

"Celestia, perhaps I can stay here and help you instead of just take your time... or what if I truly do act as your escort so that I can just stay here?" I asked, but if she refused that, I was already formulating other means of negotiating.

Instead of receiving a confirmation or not, she simply nudged be to the side and began to walk as she said, "Do not worry about that right now Steel, we can discuss the specifics more at a later time, but for now, I believe the cooks are bringing out the cake."

Looking towards the direction we were now walking, I saw that indeed, a three tall white colored cakes with star designs along their sides being placed on a table, but then I saw something that looked more along my lines; an amber colored pie was sitting there, just calling to me. If it really was pumpkin pie, then I just had to get a slice, as it was one of the few things I missed from my own planet when I had lived on it, before it was glassed and I became an ODST...

Shaking away those sad thoughts, I looked towards it again, but then something hit me, It can't be pumpkin pie... what are the chances that a world, far away from UNSC controlled space, have the same foods as humans?

Ah who cares! I might as well enjoy myself before I'm forced into talking with more ponies...

Walking through the halls with Celestia beside me, I couldn't help the slight chuckle that left me as I licked my lips. Surprisingly to Celestia and many of the guests, I was able to eat quite a lot of pie. I don't know what it was, but whatever those chefs put into the pie; it made it taste ten times better than anything else I had ever had the luck of trying before joining in the war efforts. Celestia herself may have enjoyed that cake she had managed to get, but I enjoyed over a dozen pies, which luckily for the other guests, never ran out of, as the cooks kept bringing more out.

Smiling as I continued to walk, I was content with just walking, and it didn't bother me too much when Celestia broke the silence with a question, "Steel, would you mind joining me in my quarters? We can discuss your departure to Ponyville tomorrow."

Oh man... happy mood... only dampened...

Nodding my head, Celestia smiled towards me, and when I looked over, I found myself staring at the bottom of her muzzle blankly. She noticed my staring quite quickly, as I soon saw her looking back at me with a curious and questioning gaze. The curious glint in her eyes became all the more strong when I let loose a restrained but still audible chuckle. Grabbing a napkin I still had in my pocket, unused, I brought it up, and said, "Try not to move Celestia, you have a bit of cake on your jaw line..."

"Oh, that is alright, I can take care of that myself." She said with a small blush, and the napkin levitated out of my grip, and she wiped her jaw with it, but after that, I felt my chuckled come out louder.

Holding my hand out, palm up, I said, "Just let me get it for you Celestia, you're only smearing it now..."

She seemed hesitant at first, so I decided to pull out a card she had used on me earlier, "Don't you trust me Princess? I'm only weaponless and armor less because I trust you with all my heart Princess; don't you have faith in me?"

Alright, so I twisted it a bit, and I used her better nature against her, but the nervous smile I saw come to her muzzle along with the faint red hue in her cheeks; I knew I might have just said something the wrong way. It wasn't until the napkin found its way into my hand again did I push those thoughts aside, and I looked up and shrugged my shoulders apologetically.

Stepping closer and grabbing her jaw, I brought my other hand up, and gently, yet firmly, wiped all the cake from her short fur. I made sure to get every single piece so that she wouldn't need to worry about having messy fur, and once I was finished, I backed away and crumbled the napkin up, before shoving it into a nook between my leg armor and jumpsuit. Before I had a chance to even give Celestia some personal room, confusement came from down the hallway in the form of a voice, "Princess Celestia...?"

We both looked towards the speaker, and there at the intersection of three hallways stood a stout looking pony with brown fur. The pony looked away with an embarrassed expression, and voiced a question that I had not expected, especially when it was directed towards the princess and myself, "I'm not interrupting s-something, am I?"

Glancing over at the princess beside me, her expression easily matched my own, but I wanted to get this cleared up as fast as I could, "N-No, I w-was just getting some cake from the P-Princesses chin..."

Taking another brief look towards Celestia, her eyes met my own, and I looked away once more as I felt my cheeks burn with an even stronger fire. Not only had I not been expected to accompany her everywhere tonight, along with the time that I had spent with her over the course of the week so far, I now couldn't help but think of our time like we were a couple. Looking back towards the stout pony as I took a small step back, she looked towards us, before she said, "I j-just wanted to let you know that your personal bath is ready..."

"T-Thank you Wild Bloom... you may go."

The shakiness of the Princess's voice didn't bide well with my fluttering heart, and as soon as Wild Bloom left the hallway, I took a little bit of time to slow my heart and breathing, but for the love of god; I could not force the heat from my cheeks.

When I was finally able to look towards the Princess again, I couldn't find myself looking anywhere but her eyes. She gazed back into my own, and I only chuckled, before I said, "I don't know about you, but I blame the cake..."The embarrassed smirk she had quickly changed to a humored one as well, before I asked, "Now, before the royal princess goes to her bath... can you show me to my room... I can't remember which one it is, or where it is..."

She laughed lightly, before she nodded, and we were once again on our way...

Author's Note:

Alright, here goes this chapter. The gears for this story are rusty and slower than most of you would like, so if you do not want to read this story, nobody is forcing you to do so. Before any real violence even shows up in this chapter, I want you all to know this, my story, my pace. This is a sweet romantical story, not one of my fast paced romantics where fighting with a common enemy becomes reality later on. This is also my first MLP fic, and from what I have watched so far, there really isn't any true violence in the show, ESPECAILLY in Canterlot. Medics, no matter the military, the country, or even the time of history, they all aren't as violent as the typical ground forces and infantry you may all believe. Here in America, we got TV and internet, and with those 2 tools, I can watch the military channel, or talk with those that are retired from the military, or if im not satisfied still, I can go to the vets that live around me where I am currently at. So I know that medics actually think about the situations they are placed in. Marines though... do they even have medics?