• Published 23rd Sep 2013
  • 12,349 Views, 433 Comments

Celestial Gift - Wolfsalvo

An ODST that was on the Forward Unto Dawn during its destruction is sucked through a wormhole with plenty of other debris. Follow his tale as he crash lands in Equestria.

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A Horrible Night Indeed

(Steel’s P.O.V.)

Groaning a bit, I felt my breath slowly enter through my lips, but as it did, a painful flare erupted in the back of my head, and as soon as the pain was noticeable, other areas began to hurt. My head was spinning slightly, even with my eyes being closed, and the last thing I remembered was the hydra, and my jetpack slamming me forcefully into the mountains side.

Snapping my eyes open as I rolled over and grabbed the MA5B from the ground, I jumped to my feet and scanned the area around me. The night basked everything in an eerie black, and since my helmet was damaged, I wasn’t able to activate my night vision. While I turned my head to the side to try and find my foe from earlier, all the pain that I had momentarily forgotten slammed back into my consciousness, and I doubled over and fell to my knees. “OOOH!”

Clutching my abdomen as the waves of pain ran through me, I heard the far distant cry of howling wolves, but that did little to distract me. My head was the least of my worries, as my chest burned fiercely, and my lungs hurt every time I took in a breath. My legs felt like lead, but there was a pain that I was more surprised that stood out more than anything else; hunger.

I haven’t had a real full meal in over a week, and it was starting to take its toll on my body, more than I wanted to admit. And while I had the opportunities to achieve a full healthy meal more than once, I had failed to jump at the opportunity when it had presented itself. Now though, I didn’t even have the necessary supplies to help heal myself.

Feeling that I was about to hurl, I stopped thinking about everything else, and instead focused on keeping what little stomach contents I had in place with a few breathing exercises.

Once that was finished, I grabbed my acquired battle rifle, and leaned back against the mountain face. Before I ran around blindly again, I needed to formulate a plan. I could try to retrace my steps, and this time, I could focus on the surrounding foliage to try and find my way back to PonyVille... problem was, that hydra must reside in that bog. And while I had also encountered the wolves from earlier, those were the only two predators I had seen in the forest, and that was daytime. Whatever lurked in this forest at night would be much worse if the nocturnal animals were like anything on all the other worlds I have been to. While most of the worlds had been terraformed by melting ice and using boosters on the soils for over a decade, more than half of the naturally occurring terra planets had abnormally large or viscous predators. Equestria was proving to have the same...

Shaking my head as that plan wouldn’t be valid enough to risk fighting a hydra at night; I could focus on a safer alternative. Looking down and seeing how I was on a wide ledge, I also noticed that it apparently led in a direction away from the bog. The only thing I could think of that would be able to attack me here was those wolves I had faced earlier, but that howl I had heard before was far off...

Standing up, I closed my eyes, before I began to walk in that direction, not sure if it was such a wise idea to have saved that pony earlier... or the other day, depending on how long I had been knocked out. Feeling that it would probably be best to save regrets for when I was actually and thoroughly dead or dying, I started to walk down the path, but I did let my outer helmet lights flash on, as to give me a sense of direction so that I didn’t somehow end up walking off the ledge.

Looking at the assault rifle in my hands as I clicked the button that would activate the luminescent ammo counter, I looked at it, and saw that it read a solid ten bullets left in the magazine. Feeling my jaw tighten a bit, I felt for the magazines inside the ammunition holders strategically placed around my armor, and I found I had four clips strapped to my suit. Then again, they weren’t guaranteed to be full, or even if all the rounds were intact. Glancing behind me, I made sure I wasn’t being followed, and then I looked over towards the forest on the other side of the cliff, and when I saw a pair of red glowing eyes looking towards me across the distance, I felt my heart nearly stop, and that was when I shut off the external lights. The chills that ran through my neck as the glowing red eyes seemed to enlarge in the distance; I slowly and carefully slid the assault rifle onto my back, and took my pistol out of its holster. Activating the limited zoom function on my helmet, I saw the image of the eyes jump up at me, and the moons vibrant rays barely punctured the canopy above the diminutive creature. The more I observed it, I noticed that its eyes were roaming the area all around me, meaning it couldn’t see me, and that was just what I was hoping for as I saw something that made my blood run cold.

Whatever it was seemed to be similar to a chicken I had seen on the occasional farming colonies, but as its wings opened up, I saw a pair of fearsome razor sharp teeth appear from its beak. Something that no natural bird should be capable of owning. As it started to flap its wings, I made a startling realization. Unlike chickens, it was capable of flight... and it was flying directly towards me. The hairs all along my neck stood up on end, and I quickly slammed my pistol back into its slot, before grabbing the assault rifle from my back, and turning my helmet lights on as I opened fire at the demonic looking chicken, feeling my blood start to run cold at the sight that was now approaching at a fearsome speed.

BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM! BOOM BOOM clap clap BOOM! Clap click!

Feeling myself freeze as nearly a third of the bullets had been cooked off, I turned, and started to run as fast as I could, which was pretty fast. The average ODST could sprint up to ten MPH with their armor on, but when you add fear to that counter, and a fairly light load, I was probably running around fifteen MPH.


Letting out a nervous shout as I tried my best to speed up, I looked behind me, and what I could only describe as a demons servant flying, and catching up to me, was all it took to look back forward and feel a very unmanly screaming yell come from me.

Fuck fuck fuck!!!


(Princess Celestia’s P.O.V.)

The feeling of disappointment and guilt was a strong emotion currently running through me as my guards and I flew over the Everfree forest. We had found Steel’s knife along the drag site of the Timber wolves, but while there was no evidence of his death, it had been an almost guarantee that he had been killed, or devoured, when we came across the Hydra wondering around the area that the loud noises and flashes of light had been observed from. Yet, I hadn’t wanted to believe he had died to the forest, so I had kept this single platoon of guards out with me to scour the surrounding area for any evidence of Steel, but even after we had deterred the hydra from the general area, we still hadn’t been able to find him... or his body. The only evidence of his being there had been the injuries observed on the hydra... along with one of its three heads having been slain by some unforeseen wound. There had also been small cylinder casings around the area leading up to the cliff where the hydras footprints had been most prominent, and they had brought to me a memory of when Steel had been explaining his weapons to me after I had him give them to my guards.

At least he had put up a fight... but please, celestial heavens, let Steel somehow be alive somewhere... anywhere...

Feeling a small amount of moisture make its way to my eyes, I reached a hesitant hoof up, and when I wiped the area near the bottom of my eye, I noticed that it was a tear. Feeling myself smile weakly at the prospect of having actually shed a tear, I knew it was only right... as Steel was most likely dead. It was my fault as well, as I hadn’t sent any guards to accompany him to PonyVille, especially when the history of this little town seems to be to focal point of the majority of disasters that happen in Equestria.

Before I could even fathom on my own foolishness, I was jarred from my thoughts as I heard that same loud popping like noise from earlier, and I stopped my flight as I shot my head all around me. Anything that would tell as to where it came from was all I wanted, anything that was fueling my hope that Steel wasn’t dead...

“Princess Celestia! Over there!” One of my guards shouted, and I looked over, and saw her pointing a hoof towards a hill in the direction we had been flying from.

Turning and looking back, I saw the streaks of light shoot in the air once more, before a strange light source seemed to be moving erratically alongside the shadow of the hill. I couldn’t tell what it was from this distance, but whatever it was; it just had to be Steel!

(Steel’s P.O.V.)

My external lights temporary charge chose the perfect time to die, and as they did, posed a serious issue that I would have liked to avoid. I ran off the cliff. Knowing I now had limited options, I activated the jet packs thrusters, and rocked away from the demonic bird as it swooped where I had been moments ago. What I hadn’t anticipated was its flight to pass under the thrusters of my jetpack, and when it did, it shrieked in pain.


That screech was the horrors only nightmares possessed, and I felt my heart give a painful lurch as I made it across the gorge, but before I could safely land, my jet pack took its turn to die out, and when I came crashing down into the branches of the tree’s canopy, I felt the wind knocked out of me, but not before hearing the bird swoop by where I had been once again. My equipment chose the right times to die out on me, but at the same time, was the worst times as well.

Slamming into a trunk of a tree, I felt my leg get stuck between two firm branches, and as my body continued to fall, I knew what was about to happen.


Stifling the cry of pain, I hung there for a bit, before the branches snapped each, and I continued my journey with gravity...


Groaning a bit as my already empty lungs took another battering; I was luckily not injured too much, other than an obviously sprained and possibly shattered ankle. Seeing a multitude of dark figures fly by overhead, I quickly pressed myself against the tree as I did my best to remain in the shadows. Whatever type of bird had been chasing me had just managed to get its own form of reinforcements, and with my current state, I didn’t want to make myself known as I was now hidden.

Shutting my eyes, I grimaced as I fought to keep my breathing under control, and while I did, I was fighting the pain that was creeping into my mind that was caused from my newest injuries, along with the ones I had been forced to endure earlier. While I did that, I didn’t notice I was slowly losing consciousness, as the effects weren’t being known with my closed eyes, and as I slowly started to drift off, I swore I heard Celestia’s voice... which was a small comfort in this miniature hell I was being forced to endure...

(Princess Celestia’s P.O.V.)


Feeling a small amount of the Canterlot Royal Voice seep in, I suppressed it, but when my guards and I arrived to the cliff, there were more of those cylinders that I had seen earlier, and I knew it had to be Steel for sure now.

Currently, all my guards were searching the area high and low for him, and I was curious as to why he still hadn’t answered any of my calls. Surely if he wanted to leave the forest, he would have answered... unless he was in danger. Using a bit of magic to light the surrounding area a bit more, I aided my guards in searching for the lost human, but there was no other evidence, other than a few burned feathers, and the smell of ozone that accompanied a teleportation spell.

Though the smell was what usually accompanied a teleportation spell was strong, I knew that nopony was out here, nor were any of my guards capable of a spell, but that raised the question as to how the scent came to be. There hadn’t even been a flash that indicated any magic being used, so that meant either Steel was hiding, or something happened this time that he couldn’t answer back.


Lowering my gaze, I didn’t see him anywhere in the water, but he couldn’t have just disappeared... could he?

“Princess... he is nowhere to be found... we have searched every nook, behind every rock, and even in the water...” Looking over, I saw the guard that had spoken was dripping wet, and I saw the weariness in his eyes, an almost pleading look. To any other pony, he would seem to be holding that standard guard appearance, but I had long ago learned to see past that. And as I looked around, I noticed the more unrestrained weary appearances of the other Royal Guards. Feeling a sigh come from my lips, I nodded my head reluctantly.

“We will rest tonight... but we must find Steel... or retrieve his body in the very least.” I said, before turning in midair, and slowly making my way to the distant PonyVille, with my guards silently following behind, beside, and a few in front of me. My thoughts however, weren’t on my destination, but rather on, where Steel had ended up...

Author's Note:

Alright, this is still short by my standards, and I know most of you can finish this is like 30mins of reading, if not sooner.

Welp... I don't know about you all, but I would only feel safe if I had a shotgun, thick armor, and was well rested, if I had to fight a chicken lizard thing with red eyes and sharp looking teeth. It those teeth gleamed in the moonlight, im sure any rational person would be thinking it is time to get out of that vicinity and run...