• Published 20th Sep 2013
  • 4,608 Views, 63 Comments

Rainbow Dash and the Perfectly Awesome No-Bad Very-Good Plan - Twinkletail

Rainbow Dash can't believe she wasn't invited to Twilight's first slumber party. She's upset for reasons she can't explain, and she's determined to be invited to her second.

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The Part Where Rainbow Dash is Awesome and Finds Out What Those Jerks Did!

Rainbow Dash had never felt quite as accomplished as she did after yesterday. At least not in this field; the Sonic Rainboom was her greatest achievement, and that didn't look to be changing anytime soon. As far as her weather-related achievements went, however, last night's storm easily ranked at number one. She hadn't done it all by herself, although she totally could have if she wanted to. The rest of the weather team had done their part, but it was she who had organized most of their efforts. She was the weather team's captain, and without her special brand of guidance, who knew if they would have been able to pull off the perfect storm? Actually, Rainbow knew. Se knew that they wouldn't have been able to. Even though they were very skilled, it took the raw talent of a great leader like Rainbow Dash to spur them on to success.

The rainbow-maned pegasus zipped, zoomed, and even zammed through the skies. "Zammed" wasn't a word, as far as she knew, but with how awesome and amazing she was, she could probably get it to catch on. If other ponies heard that the great Rainbow Dash was zamming, then they would certainly want to zam too. Pretty soon, ponies all over Equestria would be zamming, and it would all be thanks to her.

Rainbow was so distracted with her thoughts of zamming that she couldn't help but close her eyes, in order to better visualize the legions of ponies that would be signing up to receive zamming lessons from her. It was only when she heard a sudden yelp that she opened her eyes again. Thankfully, she had done so in just enough time to veer back up into the air and avoid flying smack-dab into Rarity and Applejack. She was quite thankful for this, because neither of her two friends were very fond of her crashing into them. Rarity would always complain that her mane had been ruined, and AJ would just get loud and angry. Then she would have to apologize, and Rainbow hated apologizing. She tried to avoid doing so as much as possible, lest she get a reputation of being somepony like Fluttershy, who said sorry to everypony and everything. Fluttershy was pretty great and all, but she apologized way too much and was way too much of a scaredy-cat. That stuff was totally not awesome.

"Rainbow Dash! Do be careful!" Rarity called up. Rainbow rolled her eyes. She didn't even hit them and Rarity was still upset? There was no pleasing that mare. Rainbow refused to apologize, but she supposed she could say something back anyway to make Rarity happy.

"Whoops! Didn't see ya there!" Rainbow said as she did a really cool corkscrew down to where her two friends were standing. Rainbow then tilted her head. It wasn't like Applejack and Rarity to spend time together. They were friends and all, but they were kinda like those two friends who dealt with each other because they had the same friends, but never really did anything together without the others. Rainbow inspected them closely to see if something was up. Maybe they'd just finished fighting each other? But they looked too happy for that, and also Rarity was too prissy to fight. Maybe Rarity had kidnapped Applejack and forced her to wear makeup and dresses? Rainbow laughed at that idea. AJ all prettified was a pretty hilarious thought.

"What the hay are you laughing at?" Applejack asked.

"Oh, I was thinking about you in a dress," Rainbow responded matter-of-factly.

"...Why?" Applejack asked.

"Cause you two never just hang out!" Rainbow answered, as if it was the most obvious answer ever.

"That may very well change," Rarity said. "Applejack really is a wonderful pony when you get to know her. And I'm sure she would look quite fetching in the right dress." AJ blushed a bit.

"You're pretty great too, Rare," the farmer responded. "And I reckon you always look great in your dresses." The two just kind of looked at each other for a bit, which made Rainbow get really bored.

"So what WERE you two doing?" the pegasus asked.

"Oh, we were just leaving Twilight's place," Rarity said, looking back to Rainbow.

"Yeah, we just finished giving Twi her first slumber party!" AJ said cheerfully. Rainbow Dash froze in place.

"...You what?" she asked. She had heard Applejack, of course. Her hearing was just as awesome as the rest of her. Still, she couldn't quite believe what she was hearing.

"The two of us and Twilight had a slumber party last night," Rarity reiterated. Rainbow felt weird. It was nice that her friends were having fun, but she couldn't shake this strange hot feeling that she was getting in her chest. It was like anger, but different. It was close enough to anger, though, that Rainbow chose anger as her response.

"And you didn't invite me?" Rainbow exclaimed, frowning at the two jerks in front of her.

"It was rather impromptu..." Rarity told her.

"I don't care how promptu it was!" Rainbow shot back. "You still could have invited me!" This caused Rarity to sigh. Probably because she knew that Rainbow was right.

"She means that it wasn't planned, Rainbow," AJ cut in. "We were outside the library when the storm kicked in, and Twi invited us in. Then she offered to let us stay, rather than making us go home in the storm." Rainbow once again couldn't believe her ears. First they tell her that they slept over Twilight's without inviting her, and now they try to blame it on her awesome storm? They had some nerve.

"Well...fine!" Rainbow shouted. "You just wait! I'll have a slumber party with Twilight and you're not gonna stop me!"

"Why would we want to stop you?" Rarity asked.

"Because you wanna have all the slumber parties with Twilight for yourselves!" Rainbow answered, landing on the ground and flaring her wings out. "Maybe I wanna have slumber parties with Twilight too!"

"You sure seem to have your knickers in a twist over this," Applejack said. "Ain't somethin' ya wanna tell us, is there?" She and Rarity gave each other a little smile. Rainbow looked between them. They were probably plotting another slumber party right now! And AJ was probably trying to get her to tell them her schedule, so they could do it when she was busy!

"Hay no!" Rainbow declared. "I don't have to tell you anything!" AJ and Rarity giggled to each other, which only served to infuriate Rainbow further.

"It's alright, darling," Rarity said gently. "You can tell us." These two just wouldn't give up. Rainbow had to get out of here right now, or else they'd keep bugging her.

"Whatever. I gotta jet," Rainbow said. "And stop giggling!" They didn't stop, of course, so Rainbow just flew away. She had no reason to stick around those two Plotty McPlottersons. She flew for a good minute or so, just to make sure she was far away from the two. She then found a nice, fluffy cloud and flopped down on it.

"Who do they think they are?" Rainbow asked the most awesome pony she could possibly ask: herself. "Having slumber parties with Twilight and not inviting me...blaming it on my perfect storm...and now they're planning another one! That's some nerve!" She kicked a bit of cloud, sending it careening away. "I gotta figure out a way to have my own slumber party with Twilight! Because..."

Rainbow stopped. Why did she want to have a slumber party with Twilight so badly? She was pretty sure it was to get back at Applejack and Rarity for having one without her, but for some reason, that didn't sound quite right in her head. There was something else. Some crazy reason that she couldn't come up with right now. She was no psychologist, but she knew that there were plenty of times before where some of her friends did something without her, and she usually didn't react like this. Except for that time when Twilight went to the Everfree Forest with Pinkie Pie and Applejack to rescue Fluttershy. She remembered being really mad that those two went with Twilight and she didn't. But that had nothing to do with this. That was an adventure, and this was just a slumber party. She finally settled on the fact that it was just the shunning that bothered her. She still felt like there was something else, but if she couldn't tell what it was, it probably wasn't important.

Something had to be done about all of this. There was no way in Tartarus that Rainbow was gonna let those jerks beat her to another slumber party with Twilight. She would have to beat them to it before they beat her to it. She thought back over what they'd told her. Twilight had invited them in to get away from her awesome storm, and invited them to stay the night so they wouldn't have to walk home in it. The answer was obvious; she had to create another storm, then be near the library so Twilight would invite her to a slumber party! It was an absolutely foolproof plan, but that went without saying. Any plan made by the Dash was instantly the best plan ever.

Except for one thing. There was one issue with this plan. It took a pony as amazing as Rainbow to come up with this plan, and in the same vein, she was the only pony brilliant enough to find the flaw in it. She already knew that AJ and Rarity were planning on having another slumber party with Twilight. If they saw another storm approaching, they'd certainly try to take advantage of it and get Twilight to invite them again. Rainbow couldn't allow that to happen. She wanted to be the only pony who spent the night at Twilight's place. Well, besides Twilight.

Rainbow instantly knew what she had to do. The idea came to her so fast that it would have made a normal pony's head spin, but since Rainbow was way faster than a normal pony, it seemed to come to her at a pretty normal speed. Applejack and Rarity had to be taken out of the picture. They were her friends, and good friends at that, but this was clearly what had to be done. Rainbow immediately headed back to her cloud house. That was where she made her best plans, and whatever this plan was gonna be, it had to be the best. Just like Rainbow Dash.