• Published 18th Sep 2013
  • 924 Views, 8 Comments

Cavete - S3xySnufflez

Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Pinkie go on an adventure unaided by Twilight

  • ...

What just Happened?!

What Just Happened?!

A swift breeze picked up and thrust Rainbow Dash of her plush cloud, awakening her from her mid-day nap.

“Hey there RAIN-BOW DA-ASH!”, hollered Pinkie.

“Sup Pinkie? Wait, what time is it? I have a busy day today. Gotta help AJ with some applebucking and clear up the sky before Rarity’s midnight ‘Fashion Exquisite’ premiere.” Rainbow conversed as she glided down to Pinkie’s side.

“Oh, okie dokie lokie! Can I help you help AJ at the farm? Please please PLEASE?” Pinkie jumped up and down in delight. “Me and Applebloom can collect apples while you help Applejack with the applebucking?! Oh pretty pretty please?!”

“Ok... why not? C’mon then, let’s get going. AJ goes nuts when we are late.” sighed Rainbow.

The two gals jogged down to Sweet Apple Acres to meet their friend Applejack. Applejack, seeing Pinkie and Rainbow, sprinted down to greet her friends.

"Howdy y’all? Got here fine then I see. Hey there Pinkie! Would ya be pleased to help me at the farm? C’mon now y’all, we’ll have fun!”

Rainbow Dash looked around, impressed by AJ’s speed

“Hey AJ! Well what are we waiting for? Lets go buck some apples!” Rainbow dash and AJ walked over to the orchards while

Pinkie stood grounded, staring keenly towards the floor. “What is that?” she wondered out loud. An engraving, just there on the floor. Gold and shining. The word ‘Cavete’ inscribed into it’s fine back.

“Hmm.... What does that mean? Oooo! Since Twilight left back to Canterlot, why don’t I go to the library?! Then I can find out what ‘cavete’ means! YAY me!” Pinkie squealed in delight and skedaddled of to the library.

Wheezing slightly as she ran past Fluttershy’s hut, she stopped in her tracks. There it was again. A simple word carved in a scrap piece of metal casually thrown in front of the cottage.

‘Cavete’ it said. Just ‘cavete’.

Now even more confused Pinkie decided to go check inside. Fluttershy came to the door and invited Pinkie in.

“Hey... would you like to come with me to Cloudsdale for a visit, Pinkie? Pinkie? Are you alright?”

Pinkie had a glazed, thinking look in her eyes. “Yea, I am OK Fluttershy, but there is something I want to tell you...”

And Pinkie explained the strange signs she has been seeing. Fluttershy was struck with an idea.

“Oh, Pinkie, if it is alright with you, I think I have an idea. What if this sign is on all our friends doorsteps? Lets go to Rainbow’s place to check!”

Pinkie, with the help of Fluttershy got into her Pink Air Balloon and flew to Dash’s house. once there, Fluttershy immediately saw what Pinkie was talking about and confirmed her hypothesis.

Fluttershy flew back to earth and went to visit Rarity. And there again she saw the golden engraving.


Meanwhile Pinkie left to her home and to her not so much surprise, there it was. Hauntingly strange. Showing up everywhere.


“HEEELLLPPP! Now! Someone head over to Sweet Apple Acres! HELP!” Applebloom cried and ran through the town square.

She rammed into Fluttershy.

“Oh, Fluttershy! Please come... My sister and Rainbow Dash are injured! They were applebucking when Applejack heard a cry from the Everfree Forest! Oh, and then Rainbow Dash and Applejack dashed to the sound and.... oh... I don’t know... I heard a big boom and saw an explosion.... they could be anywhere.... Oh PLEASE HELP!!”

“Oh my... oh my.... OH!” Fluttershy burst into a flurry of tears and fell backward in fear.

Pinkie, hearing the tears, rushed over with a joke but to only find that she too will soon break into a pool of tears.

“What.... no one should be sad! That is why I’m here! Weeee! What happened?”

“Appleja-... Rainb-... Oh noooo! We are doomed!” Fluttershy wailed.

“Wha- wha- happened?” Pinkie Pie worriedly asked.

Applebloom had regained speech and told Pinkie the saga of what had happened.

And Pinkie to doubled over and wailed. Rarity sashayed over with a worried look on her face.

“Oh my dear lord, Pinkie! You look like someone forced you to wear chartreuse, the most hideous of greens! Why what happened?”

“Oh Miss. Rarity...” cried Applebloom as she told Rarity to the story of what had happened to the two best friends. Rarity seemed shaken but took action.

“Well then girls, we can’t just lay around crying, we should go look for them! Duh?!” explained Rarity in a shaky voice. “Meet me at my Boutique in 15 minutes girls, Applebloom, sweetie could you go get your sisters and Rainbow’s duffel bags to, just incase we find them? They must smell putrid with all the mud and ickiness in the forest!” Rarity bossed.

*** 15 min. later ***

The 3 girls trekked down to the forest. Rarity was disgruntled by the mess and muck.

“Ugh! How does Applejack work in a farm.... has she no womanly-ness!”

Pinkie; recovering from her mental breakdown was in charge of pushing on poor Fluttershy who just can‘t stand the forest. “C’mon now.... you can do it....eurgh.... just move!”

Fluttershy was still weeping continuously into Pinkie’s shoulder.

They took one step into the forest and BLACK OUT!

“Aarrgh! Will you watch where you're going?!” hollered a sportster.

“Oh, dear lord, Rainbow you're alright! Where's Applejack?” Rarity tittered.

“Right’ here ma'am! We are alright’!” Applejack replied.

They had all been too tired to ask anything about what had happened. The only who could be all jumpy was Pinkie.

"So what happened? Were you fighting monsters? No don't tell me. Lets play the guessing game!!!"

"Me and Rainbow Dash-"

"Rainbow dash and I." Rarity corrected. "Rainbow dash and I,"

“Yea... all that fancy shmancy language of yours Rarity! Well... Rainbow Dash and I were stuck in this dark forest for hours.... y’all couldn’t have come joined us earlier could ya?” Applejack shot back at Rarity.

“ Calm yourself my sweet. I just didn’t want to miss my fabulous Fashion Exquisite... Oh it was premiering tonight. Oh the monstrosity!” Rarity complained.

Rainbow rolled her eyes “Fashion smashion... AJ and I were having a brilliant time fighting of monsters and showing the forest who is boss.”

Applejack turned to Rainbow Dash with a stern look “Now now, lets not get too cocky!”

Fluttershy regained her senses and turned to look at the rest of the girls.

“Umm... if it’s ok with you, can we please stop fighting and find a way out the forest?”

“No can do Fluttershy. There is an invisible force field and that’s why everything went dark! Lets have a PAR-TAY!” Pinkie skipped around laughing her bright laugh.

“Not the time Pinkie... we have to find a way out!” Rainbow said as she shook her head in disbelief.

“Well then y’all, since we can’t go back we gotta go forward. Heave ho.... lets get going...” Applejack suggested.

Fluttershy stopped. “Noooo.... please don’t I’d rather not, thank you!”

Applejack sighed in exasperation “C’mon now, get up on my back and I’ll carry you till we stop.”

As Applejack heaved Fluttershy on her back, Rainbow took up the duty of carrying all the ruck-sacks.

“He, he...” Rainbow snickered.

“Ehhrughhh... AHHH! Oh the pain! Oh the pain!” Rarity screamed.

Pinkie hurried over to her side.

“Oh Rarity, what happened?!” “*sob* The mud.... ohhh... the mud! It stings! It burns! Oh, I must look hideous! Oh! The monstrosity!” said Rarity once again wailing in despair.

“I gotcha, just climb on my back and Pinkie can get the bags right?” Rainbow sighed.

Applejack chuckled and shared a quick smirk with Rainbow. “He, he, right back at you.”

Fluttershy had fallen asleep. Soon enough, so did Rarity.

Pinkie’s eye gleamed in pride as she said “Weeeeeeeeeeeee! OMG! We should stop here Jackie and Dashie! And then I can get the grass for pillows and Dashie can get logs for the fire and Jackie can get Rarity and Fluttershy comfortable and then -”

“ We can go find some, we get it...” Rainbow Dash said as she handed Rarity to Applejack and headed off to find some logs.

Rainbow Dash arrived back with some logs and started a fire.

Pinkie had already got comfortable and fell asleep along with Rarity and Fluttershy.

Once Applejack awoke Rarity and got her into her soothing pink night gown and gave Fluttershy her ‘Care Bear’ named Angel, she sat down and closed her eyes, thinking deeply.

“AJ, are you asleep?” Rainbow asked

“Nup.. you?”


And both girls fell into a deep calming sleep.

What happened next, was something queer. Really queer.


The sun rose up into the open blue sky. Rainbow Dash peeled her eye’s open to the smell of roasted apples and berries. Applejack was awake.

“Hey, so you started breakfast already, AJ? Thanks , toss me some kip will ya?” Rainbow said.

Suddenly, Applejack cried, "What in tarnation?!"

She saw Pinkie Pie dressed as a hula dancer.

"Would ya stop yer foolin' around, and get back here Pinkie?"

“ OMG... What do you think you are doing-”

“ Ahhh!! Pinkie! No! That shade of pink doesn’t suit you at all!” Rarity crudely interrupted Rainbow Dash.

“Hush now! Girls, Fluttershy is still asleep... now eat the stinkin’ grub I gave you and chill your pants... You need your energy for later.” an agitated Applejack hollered.

“AJ is right, c’mon. We have a long race against time here!” Rainbow Dash spoke up.

“Who knows the dangers that might threaten us ahead...”

“Rainbow,” warned Applejack.

“It’s said that in these very woods, the headless horseman lurks...”


Pinkie was very sad that she couldn’t wear her hula dress “Hmph. Party poopers....” grumbled Pinkie as she changed back into her neon blue jeans and pink party shirt.

After breakfast Fluttershy woke up and soon enough all the girls got dressed and started setting off.

“NO... you can’t leave yet! Rainbow, you barely brushed your hair! I will do it for all of you! Pleaaase?” begged Rarity.

Rainbow looking stung, shook her head in disbelief.

“ Oh, if that is Ok with you, can we please freshen up before we set of?” mumbled Fluttershy.

Rainbow and AJ looked skeptical while Pinkie took her chance to jump up and down. “YAY YAY YAY!”

“Now now, Applejack first.... oh darling you look absolutely pretty in your orange button down shirt. And do I adore that belt around your stomach, ooo! And your jeans, though a bit torn gives you a ‘devil may care’ look! And ugh if you please clean that mud of those perfectly good boots! I know just what to do with you!” Rarity said excitedly.

“Umm... ya know what, you can just hand me that comb and I’ll just brush my hair and tie it at the end and slap on my stetson hat if that’s ok with you.... I’d rather not......” Applejack quietly said.

“ Oh ok then.... Why don’t you guys do it yourself, but let me please do make comments on your dress, I missed my fashion show!” wailed Rarity.

“YAY! That’s A OK with me!” Pinkie hollered.

“Oh well then, Rainbow, you look ready for a fight in that blue shirt and oh, you ought to clean that mud of your capris but it still gives you a sporty look, I also lo-o-ove your kicks; and preferably, please do a ponytail! Fluttershy, I am digging your dress, that light yellow, mm-mm-mmm... it looks fabulous on you...but sweetie, I don’t think Rainbow or possibly AJ will approve of your designer flats, I doubt it would be good for running, or according to Rainbow, anything except shows! Leave your hair out darling. Pinkie, your clothes are extremly you! Do pigtails! And won’t going barefoot hurt?!”

“Oh, and Rarity you looks totes adorable in your purple frou-frou dress, oh, by the way, have you heard of something called a T-SHIRT, and JEANS?” Rainbow Dash cruelly imitated insensitively.

“Humph!! Why don't you try a dress on once in awhile? It might as well be the only proof that you are a GIRL!” snapped Rarity.

“Oh, yeah do ya wanna go gi-”

“Not the time Rainbow!” Applejack sternly said as she yanked Rainbow’s ponytail.

“Alright, alright, I’ll calm down.” Rainbow Dash grumbled, backing out of the scene, not after throwing a death stare at Rarity.

Rarity put her nose up in the air and strutted along.

“Well now that we are done with that nonsense, LETS GO!” Rainbow yelled.

“Oh... please... can you be quiet please...” Fluttershy whispered.

And at last, the girls set off deeper into the woods in unison.

Deep inside the forest, they came upon a cavernous pit.

Pinkie pie bounded forward, not looking where she leaped,

And stumbling into her doom.

*Eerie Silence*

“Oh my,” whispered Fluttershy.

Pinkie was hanging for her dear life on a little tiny branch.

Every minute that passed by, the branch started to crack.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack were too busy with Rarity, she had along the way, fallen and apparently needed tending to.

Fluttershy whimpered, if she chose to back out, Pinkie her close friend might die.

If she went to chase after Pinkie, she might be scared eternally.

“Get over here Fluttershy! Please! THERE WILL BE NO MORE PARTIES IF YOU DON’T SAVE ME!” screamed a terrified Pinkie.

“Um, um, ok.” Fluttershy whispered.

Suddenly, the last crack holding Pinkie broke off.


Fluttershy winced.

She remembered the good times with Pinkie, and how much fun they had together.

Fluttershy soared.

She raced down to save her friend.

Pinkie Pie screamed, as she fell deeper and deeper into the cavern.

Fluttershy caught her just in time. By the time they got back from the cavern, Pinkie was still screaming.

Fluttershy whispered, “It’s over Pinkie.”

Pinkie Pie stopped crying, and said, “That was a fun ride!” and hopped on. “Boy am I glad to get my feet back on the ground!” Pinkie shivered at the thought of what had just happened.

Fluttershy gleamed with pride, as she realized how much Pinkie meant to her, and that the memories were all it would take to go past her fear and go rescue her friend, even if she could be extremely annoying at times.

Everyone patted Fluttershy on the back, praising her for saving Pinkie.

Pinkie pie was the most grateful of all. “Thanks to you, there will still be parties!!!”

Fluttershy blushed, as they congratulated her so welcomingly.

They soon continued their journey through the forest. But something no one noticed in the chaotic events, a deep sigh went through the air carrying an eerie Pinkie Pie-ish giggle.

And yet, Pinkie wasn't talking...

Author's Note:

Aaaaaaaaaaand CUT! So... how is my first FIMfic chapter? I know it may not be the best... but I really really hope you liked it.... Padfoot said he did ;)

In any case I haven't said this before:

I sincerely thank all of you who have taken you precious time to read my story.
And, that this whole story is dedicated to my best friends and sister from everything but blood.
Thanks a lot and please do COMMENT and LIKE or atleast tell me what was wrong.

Thank you

S3xySnufflez ;)