• Published 18th Sep 2013
  • 924 Views, 8 Comments

Cavete - S3xySnufflez

Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Pinkie go on an adventure unaided by Twilight

  • ...

We are your Family

We are your Family

“I ain't moving. I wanna stay here.” Applejack firmly said.

She looked dazed, weird and sad at the same time.

“WHAT?! AJ, c’mon, we have to go! Ok, sure thing, we all did see something weird on that tree but... c’mon don’t be like Fluttershy and start loving trees.” Rainbow Dash yelled sounding exasperated.

“My.... parents...” Applejack mumbled.

Rainbow Dash and the others looked agitated as they waited.

“Ok, Pinkie, make sure these guys don’t lose it either while I go check on AJ.” Rainbow Dash muttered as she climbed over the loose branches.

Applejack was looking dumbstruck at the tree.

“C’mon, what is it?” Rainbow asked.

“My... parents....” Applejack said quietly.

“Oh, pfft, is that it? Just get a move on will you?” Rainbow Dash smirked as she watched Applejack.

Applejack turned around. Slowly, it was as if time had stood still.

Glaring right at Rainbow.

Her eyes filled with a strange fury.

“Is that it?!Is that it?!" Applejack mocked crudely.

"My parents are DEAD.... Oh wait, it’s not like you damn care... you have your rich ones, Rarity has her’s, Pinkie literally LIVES with them, though they might not be her real ones; she still has someone that's like a guardian.... Fluttershy moved away from hers by her choice, but her parents were there to raise her! I had to raise myself and my family. My parents are DEAD!” Applejack raged as she let her fury out.

Tears glistening in her eye.

“Bu-u-u-t you had Granny Smith?!” Rainbow asked timidly.

“Yea, and a great help she was, took care of Applebloom. The only problem was she couldn't move her hind off her chair without shrieking in pain, and it didn't matter AT ALL did it? When she passed away, not staying even for my 15th birthday; DID IT? And do you think having a grandma will be as good as having a real parent? No, I didn't think so.” Applejack continued

“I saw them, loved them and grew up with them till I was 5. You don’t know the pain of losing someone you love so much.” Applejack stammered, gulping back tears, her eyes gleaming in rage.

Rainbow blushed, feeling deeply sorry, thinking of what she just said and what Applejack said.

“Whoops...” she muttered under her breath.

She hadn't realized how Applejack must feel about the whole ‘family’ thing. It was true, her parents were rich and though never home, always provided Rainbow with everything she needed. She hadn’t known how hard it would have been for Big Mac and Applejack to run the farm by themselves. And now that Big Mac started his own family, Applejack was left with all the responsibility.

Suddenly, she regretted everything she said “Oh gawd, I am so sorry.... I didn’t-” Rainbow Dash trailed off.

Blushing a dark pink in shame, looked up at Applejack, waiting for her response.

“It’s fine” Applejack said gruffly, a tear streaking down her tanned face.

Rainbow thought for a minute. “I didn’t realize the pain you must have gone through. But you have to understand, even in the darkest of times, there is light, but you have to remember to turn it on. Even if you feel alone, we're here. We'll always be there. We are you family too. Please?”

“Thanks, that was one heck of a speech Dash.” Applejack said. She Smiled at how kind her friend was even when she lashed out at her.

Rainbow Dash grinned, and dashed across the large tree and collected the others to come.

“Hey, Applejack, are you alright?” Fluttershy asked kindly.

“Never been better. There is nothing wrong with me. I just had a short burst of temper on Rainbow...” Applejack muttered, hiding a smile that was slowly creeping up on her lips..

“A mighty short one it was” Rainbow said sarcastically.

“I'm real sorry! Ya know I didn’t mean it!” Applejack said indignantly, laughing at the same time.

Rainbow smiled “ I am not mad at you... chill dude.”

“Awwwwwwwwww..... Applejack! You shouldn’t be so sad! I got an idea that will turn your frown upside down! A PARTY!” Pinkie squeaked.

“No, it’s not the time. Look at the poor thing, she is a mess” a wide eyed Rarity said.

“OK, that wasn’t needed. Oh, AJ I am so happy you are not mad at me. Cus seriously, you should have seen yourself back there. You looked like a raging bull, angrier than Fluttershy when animals don’t love her...” Rainbow smiled and said.

Applejack chuckled “Hu, why thank you Rainbow! And for your information Rarity, I do not look like a mess! And Pinkster, we'll have a party later! OK?”

“Okie dokie lokie! Oooo! I wonder what that tree was!?” Pinkie squeaked.

“I don’t.... get.... mad...” Fluttershy quietly said cowering under the skeptical stares from her fellow friends.

Meanwhile, Rarity was bustling around her backpack. “Hey, listen up.” Rarity said.

“I took this book that Twilight gave me before. ‘Strange sights and the Unknown’.”

“OH! That book must have a clue on what that tree was.... and why our powers disappeared!” Fluttershy for the first time, said out loud.

“Look, here it is: The Family Tree, a mystical tree that forces you to re-encounter your family. It brings sorrow, and guilt naturally.” Pinkie Pie read out loud.

“Well, shall we look for what happened to my wand?” Rarity said with a tone of bitterness. Rainbow scowled and look to her back, still missing her wings.

“Hmm... Oh yes here it is: 'Disappearance of power usually means that you have a quest, asking you to only use your bravery, guts, and brains'... Just what Applejack said. 'It affects the way we think and do things. It forces us to give up'.” Fluttershy read.

Everyone shuddered.

"Just remember, we aren't just a group of 'friends' or a gang.... We are family and we always will be." Rainbow Dash said.

Applejack smiled, Pinkie latched her arms with Rarity and Fluttershy.

"Group hug?" Applejack said with a goofy grin, her hands held out.

The girls piled in, Pinkie first, then Rarity, then Fluttershy, and Rainbow jumped in. The girls fell to the floor, laughing wildly. Pinkie got up and helped the rest of them up. Smiling and laughing, the girls climbed back over the tree, and with a bit of persuading, got Rarity to jump down into the muddy ground below.

They continued on, following the muddy lane.

Rarity wailing in despair... “Oh... my muddy heels! Wherever can I find such signature Arturo Vitali high heels!”

“Hey, um.... can you please quiet down? We are heading towards another obstacle....” Fluttershy sighed.

A huge cavernous mud pit lay in front of them.

“Oh dear me! Look at that murky muddy place!” Rarity shrieked.

“It looks perfectly fine to me!” Rainbow dash said.

“Well, lets skidaddle across that muddy-licious mud bath!” Pinkie Pie hollered.

“Eeyup...”Applejack finished.

Pinkie Pie did her ‘hop skip and a jump’ thing, landed on a stone and did it again, to find herself safe on a dry grassy plain.

Applejack climbed a nearby tree and swung herself across to dry land. Landing softly next to Pinkie.

Dash jumped, expecting to have her wings so she could fly.

Yet, after two seconds, she found herself in middle on the mud pool.


Covered in mud.

Rainbow lugged her self up to the rock, hoping no one saw what happened.

She looked up to find Applejack and Pinkie doubled over in fits of laughter.

“Damn... shut...up......Apples” she muttered.

Luckily no one else noticed.

Dash stood up, wiped most of the mud of her clothes and did a stunning high jump over the rest of the mud pond; aiming a kick at AJ, and glaring at Pinkie.

“You are awesome, it’s ok, it’s just a hop, a skip, and a jump... and then do it again.” Fluttershy muttered.

She closed her eyes and slowly landed herself on the rock in the middle of the pool. Did the thing over, landed and helped an amused Applejack up from Rainbow Dash’s kick of revenge.

Rarity, stood still, looking at the pit, her eyes outraged.

Her face in a mixture of fury and discomfort.

She is not going to move.

Author's Note:

Well... that's that and whats done is done. I hope you liked it so far, Thanks for taking your time and reading this :)
Once again, this story is dedicated to by best friends and Padfoot. *Sirius hugs me*
And one of my besties have a good hand of writing this with me too.

Thanks you!! :)

S3xySnufflez and Padfoot signed out