> Cavete > by S3xySnufflez > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > What just Happened?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What Just Happened?! A swift breeze picked up and thrust Rainbow Dash of her plush cloud, awakening her from her mid-day nap. “Hey there RAIN-BOW DA-ASH!”, hollered Pinkie. “Sup Pinkie? Wait, what time is it? I have a busy day today. Gotta help AJ with some applebucking and clear up the sky before Rarity’s midnight ‘Fashion Exquisite’ premiere.” Rainbow conversed as she glided down to Pinkie’s side. “Oh, okie dokie lokie! Can I help you help AJ at the farm? Please please PLEASE?” Pinkie jumped up and down in delight. “Me and Applebloom can collect apples while you help Applejack with the applebucking?! Oh pretty pretty please?!” “Ok... why not? C’mon then, let’s get going. AJ goes nuts when we are late.” sighed Rainbow. The two gals jogged down to Sweet Apple Acres to meet their friend Applejack. Applejack, seeing Pinkie and Rainbow, sprinted down to greet her friends. "Howdy y’all? Got here fine then I see. Hey there Pinkie! Would ya be pleased to help me at the farm? C’mon now y’all, we’ll have fun!” Rainbow Dash looked around, impressed by AJ’s speed “Hey AJ! Well what are we waiting for? Lets go buck some apples!” Rainbow dash and AJ walked over to the orchards while Pinkie stood grounded, staring keenly towards the floor. “What is that?” she wondered out loud. An engraving, just there on the floor. Gold and shining. The word ‘Cavete’ inscribed into it’s fine back. “Hmm.... What does that mean? Oooo! Since Twilight left back to Canterlot, why don’t I go to the library?! Then I can find out what ‘cavete’ means! YAY me!” Pinkie squealed in delight and skedaddled of to the library. Wheezing slightly as she ran past Fluttershy’s hut, she stopped in her tracks. There it was again. A simple word carved in a scrap piece of metal casually thrown in front of the cottage. ‘Cavete’ it said. Just ‘cavete’. Now even more confused Pinkie decided to go check inside. Fluttershy came to the door and invited Pinkie in. “Hey... would you like to come with me to Cloudsdale for a visit, Pinkie? Pinkie? Are you alright?” Pinkie had a glazed, thinking look in her eyes. “Yea, I am OK Fluttershy, but there is something I want to tell you...” And Pinkie explained the strange signs she has been seeing. Fluttershy was struck with an idea. “Oh, Pinkie, if it is alright with you, I think I have an idea. What if this sign is on all our friends doorsteps? Lets go to Rainbow’s place to check!” Pinkie, with the help of Fluttershy got into her Pink Air Balloon and flew to Dash’s house. once there, Fluttershy immediately saw what Pinkie was talking about and confirmed her hypothesis. Fluttershy flew back to earth and went to visit Rarity. And there again she saw the golden engraving. ‘Cavete’. Meanwhile Pinkie left to her home and to her not so much surprise, there it was. Hauntingly strange. Showing up everywhere. ‘Cavete’. “HEEELLLPPP! Now! Someone head over to Sweet Apple Acres! HELP!” Applebloom cried and ran through the town square. She rammed into Fluttershy. “Oh, Fluttershy! Please come... My sister and Rainbow Dash are injured! They were applebucking when Applejack heard a cry from the Everfree Forest! Oh, and then Rainbow Dash and Applejack dashed to the sound and.... oh... I don’t know... I heard a big boom and saw an explosion.... they could be anywhere.... Oh PLEASE HELP!!” “Oh my... oh my.... OH!” Fluttershy burst into a flurry of tears and fell backward in fear. Pinkie, hearing the tears, rushed over with a joke but to only find that she too will soon break into a pool of tears. “What.... no one should be sad! That is why I’m here! Weeee! What happened?” “Appleja-... Rainb-... Oh noooo! We are doomed!” Fluttershy wailed. “Wha- wha- happened?” Pinkie Pie worriedly asked. Applebloom had regained speech and told Pinkie the saga of what had happened. And Pinkie to doubled over and wailed. Rarity sashayed over with a worried look on her face. “Oh my dear lord, Pinkie! You look like someone forced you to wear chartreuse, the most hideous of greens! Why what happened?” “Oh Miss. Rarity...” cried Applebloom as she told Rarity to the story of what had happened to the two best friends. Rarity seemed shaken but took action. “Well then girls, we can’t just lay around crying, we should go look for them! Duh?!” explained Rarity in a shaky voice. “Meet me at my Boutique in 15 minutes girls, Applebloom, sweetie could you go get your sisters and Rainbow’s duffel bags to, just incase we find them? They must smell putrid with all the mud and ickiness in the forest!” Rarity bossed. *** 15 min. later *** The 3 girls trekked down to the forest. Rarity was disgruntled by the mess and muck. “Ugh! How does Applejack work in a farm.... has she no womanly-ness!” Pinkie; recovering from her mental breakdown was in charge of pushing on poor Fluttershy who just can‘t stand the forest. “C’mon now.... you can do it....eurgh.... just move!” Fluttershy was still weeping continuously into Pinkie’s shoulder. They took one step into the forest and BLACK OUT! “Aarrgh! Will you watch where you're going?!” hollered a sportster. “Oh, dear lord, Rainbow you're alright! Where's Applejack?” Rarity tittered. “Right’ here ma'am! We are alright’!” Applejack replied. They had all been too tired to ask anything about what had happened. The only who could be all jumpy was Pinkie. "So what happened? Were you fighting monsters? No don't tell me. Lets play the guessing game!!!" "Me and Rainbow Dash-" "Rainbow dash and I." Rarity corrected. "Rainbow dash and I," “Yea... all that fancy shmancy language of yours Rarity! Well... Rainbow Dash and I were stuck in this dark forest for hours.... y’all couldn’t have come joined us earlier could ya?” Applejack shot back at Rarity. “ Calm yourself my sweet. I just didn’t want to miss my fabulous Fashion Exquisite... Oh it was premiering tonight. Oh the monstrosity!” Rarity complained. Rainbow rolled her eyes “Fashion smashion... AJ and I were having a brilliant time fighting of monsters and showing the forest who is boss.” Applejack turned to Rainbow Dash with a stern look “Now now, lets not get too cocky!” Fluttershy regained her senses and turned to look at the rest of the girls. “Umm... if it’s ok with you, can we please stop fighting and find a way out the forest?” “No can do Fluttershy. There is an invisible force field and that’s why everything went dark! Lets have a PAR-TAY!” Pinkie skipped around laughing her bright laugh. “Not the time Pinkie... we have to find a way out!” Rainbow said as she shook her head in disbelief. “Well then y’all, since we can’t go back we gotta go forward. Heave ho.... lets get going...” Applejack suggested. Fluttershy stopped. “Noooo.... please don’t I’d rather not, thank you!” Applejack sighed in exasperation “C’mon now, get up on my back and I’ll carry you till we stop.” As Applejack heaved Fluttershy on her back, Rainbow took up the duty of carrying all the ruck-sacks. “He, he...” Rainbow snickered. “Ehhrughhh... AHHH! Oh the pain! Oh the pain!” Rarity screamed. Pinkie hurried over to her side. “Oh Rarity, what happened?!” “*sob* The mud.... ohhh... the mud! It stings! It burns! Oh, I must look hideous! Oh! The monstrosity!” said Rarity once again wailing in despair. “I gotcha, just climb on my back and Pinkie can get the bags right?” Rainbow sighed. Applejack chuckled and shared a quick smirk with Rainbow. “He, he, right back at you.” Fluttershy had fallen asleep. Soon enough, so did Rarity. Pinkie’s eye gleamed in pride as she said “Weeeeeeeeeeeee! OMG! We should stop here Jackie and Dashie! And then I can get the grass for pillows and Dashie can get logs for the fire and Jackie can get Rarity and Fluttershy comfortable and then -” “ We can go find some, we get it...” Rainbow Dash said as she handed Rarity to Applejack and headed off to find some logs. Rainbow Dash arrived back with some logs and started a fire. Pinkie had already got comfortable and fell asleep along with Rarity and Fluttershy. Once Applejack awoke Rarity and got her into her soothing pink night gown and gave Fluttershy her ‘Care Bear’ named Angel, she sat down and closed her eyes, thinking deeply. “AJ, are you asleep?” Rainbow asked “Nup.. you?” “Nup” And both girls fell into a deep calming sleep. What happened next, was something queer. Really queer. PINKIE PIE queer. The sun rose up into the open blue sky. Rainbow Dash peeled her eye’s open to the smell of roasted apples and berries. Applejack was awake. “Hey, so you started breakfast already, AJ? Thanks , toss me some kip will ya?” Rainbow said. Suddenly, Applejack cried, "What in tarnation?!" She saw Pinkie Pie dressed as a hula dancer. "Would ya stop yer foolin' around, and get back here Pinkie?" “ OMG... What do you think you are doing-” “ Ahhh!! Pinkie! No! That shade of pink doesn’t suit you at all!” Rarity crudely interrupted Rainbow Dash. “Hush now! Girls, Fluttershy is still asleep... now eat the stinkin’ grub I gave you and chill your pants... You need your energy for later.” an agitated Applejack hollered. “AJ is right, c’mon. We have a long race against time here!” Rainbow Dash spoke up. “Who knows the dangers that might threaten us ahead...” “Rainbow,” warned Applejack. “It’s said that in these very woods, the headless horseman lurks...” ”RAINBOW!!!” Pinkie was very sad that she couldn’t wear her hula dress “Hmph. Party poopers....” grumbled Pinkie as she changed back into her neon blue jeans and pink party shirt. After breakfast Fluttershy woke up and soon enough all the girls got dressed and started setting off. “NO... you can’t leave yet! Rainbow, you barely brushed your hair! I will do it for all of you! Pleaaase?” begged Rarity. Rainbow looking stung, shook her head in disbelief. “ Oh, if that is Ok with you, can we please freshen up before we set of?” mumbled Fluttershy. Rainbow and AJ looked skeptical while Pinkie took her chance to jump up and down. “YAY YAY YAY!” “Now now, Applejack first.... oh darling you look absolutely pretty in your orange button down shirt. And do I adore that belt around your stomach, ooo! And your jeans, though a bit torn gives you a ‘devil may care’ look! And ugh if you please clean that mud of those perfectly good boots! I know just what to do with you!” Rarity said excitedly. “Umm... ya know what, you can just hand me that comb and I’ll just brush my hair and tie it at the end and slap on my stetson hat if that’s ok with you.... I’d rather not......” Applejack quietly said. “ Oh ok then.... Why don’t you guys do it yourself, but let me please do make comments on your dress, I missed my fashion show!” wailed Rarity. “YAY! That’s A OK with me!” Pinkie hollered. “Oh well then, Rainbow, you look ready for a fight in that blue shirt and oh, you ought to clean that mud of your capris but it still gives you a sporty look, I also lo-o-ove your kicks; and preferably, please do a ponytail! Fluttershy, I am digging your dress, that light yellow, mm-mm-mmm... it looks fabulous on you...but sweetie, I don’t think Rainbow or possibly AJ will approve of your designer flats, I doubt it would be good for running, or according to Rainbow, anything except shows! Leave your hair out darling. Pinkie, your clothes are extremly you! Do pigtails! And won’t going barefoot hurt?!” “Oh, and Rarity you looks totes adorable in your purple frou-frou dress, oh, by the way, have you heard of something called a T-SHIRT, and JEANS?” Rainbow Dash cruelly imitated insensitively. “Humph!! Why don't you try a dress on once in awhile? It might as well be the only proof that you are a GIRL!” snapped Rarity. “Oh, yeah do ya wanna go gi-” “Not the time Rainbow!” Applejack sternly said as she yanked Rainbow’s ponytail. “Alright, alright, I’ll calm down.” Rainbow Dash grumbled, backing out of the scene, not after throwing a death stare at Rarity. Rarity put her nose up in the air and strutted along. “Well now that we are done with that nonsense, LETS GO!” Rainbow yelled. “Oh... please... can you be quiet please...” Fluttershy whispered. And at last, the girls set off deeper into the woods in unison. Deep inside the forest, they came upon a cavernous pit. Pinkie pie bounded forward, not looking where she leaped, And stumbling into her doom. *Eerie Silence* “Oh my,” whispered Fluttershy. Pinkie was hanging for her dear life on a little tiny branch. Every minute that passed by, the branch started to crack. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were too busy with Rarity, she had along the way, fallen and apparently needed tending to. Fluttershy whimpered, if she chose to back out, Pinkie her close friend might die. If she went to chase after Pinkie, she might be scared eternally. “Get over here Fluttershy! Please! THERE WILL BE NO MORE PARTIES IF YOU DON’T SAVE ME!” screamed a terrified Pinkie. “Um, um, ok.” Fluttershy whispered. Suddenly, the last crack holding Pinkie broke off. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Fluttershy winced. She remembered the good times with Pinkie, and how much fun they had together. Fluttershy soared. She raced down to save her friend. Pinkie Pie screamed, as she fell deeper and deeper into the cavern. Fluttershy caught her just in time. By the time they got back from the cavern, Pinkie was still screaming. Fluttershy whispered, “It’s over Pinkie.” Pinkie Pie stopped crying, and said, “That was a fun ride!” and hopped on. “Boy am I glad to get my feet back on the ground!” Pinkie shivered at the thought of what had just happened. Fluttershy gleamed with pride, as she realized how much Pinkie meant to her, and that the memories were all it would take to go past her fear and go rescue her friend, even if she could be extremely annoying at times. Everyone patted Fluttershy on the back, praising her for saving Pinkie. Pinkie pie was the most grateful of all. “Thanks to you, there will still be parties!!!” Fluttershy blushed, as they congratulated her so welcomingly. They soon continued their journey through the forest. But something no one noticed in the chaotic events, a deep sigh went through the air carrying an eerie Pinkie Pie-ish giggle. And yet, Pinkie wasn't talking... > Grim Defeat >:( > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grim Defeat Flutters was wheezing, perspiring and yet gleaming in pride as they resumed back on their trek. “Well, that was great, at least now I know that you can actually use your wings!” Rainbow giggled... The girls laughed and continued on, remembering their conquests with Twilight; wishing she was here for some fun and magic to aid them. "I wonder what she's doing now..." Fluttershy murmered. "Who?" Dash stared. "Twilight." "I heard she's very busy with her duties. I mean, being a new princess and all..." Rarity, AJ and Pinkie nodded. "Yea, I wish she was with us on this adventure. It would rock." "Yea." "I miss her." Fluttershy whimpered. "Me too." AJ said "Moi aussi" Rarity sniffled. "I feel sad..." Pinkie cried. "We all miss her." RD finished. "Well, on that less than tragic not.... Twi isn't dead... she's just a million miles away... she promised to visit soon so that's no biggie... we should concentrate on what's happening today. Listen. We should never part our ways and always stick by each other. Deal?" Rarity and Pinkie said. "Deal." The other 3 replied in unison. "I wonder what's gonna happen." Fluttershy said. *a sigh went throughout the forest* “Hush darling, did you hear that?” Rarity questioned. “Why yes I did, you mean that scary, dark noise?” Fluttershy gasped. "OH no... this is not good......" AJ muttered. "This is waaaay not good." Pinkie whispered. "Zut! J'naime pas! Je'naime pas! I don't like this!" Rarity stuttered. "Wait for it....." Fluttershy said. "Wait for it....." “Arrrrrrgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Holy shit.....No, no, no.... it can’t be!” Rainbow looked terrified for the first time. Her wings had disappeared. So had Fluttershy’s. And Rarity’s wand. They were just plain humans now. “Oh, suga’ cube... it’s alright! Your OK! Look, Fluttershy doesn’t have her wings either. This just means that some evil force is working against us and we have to use our brains and brawn to defeat it! C’mon Rainbow!” Applejack said half hallucinating, half comforting. “NO nononononono!But they are my wings, the only thing that I really felt that I could beat ANYONE at, not just average people” Rainbow stuttered. This was damn important for her. Very MUCH. “C’mon, sugar, you are really good at things, you nearly win all the time! And you can still run; cant you?!” Applejack said confused. What was going on? “Yes but, you can beat me if you try hard enough and I hate coming second or even tied.” Rainbow muttered. “That’s just cuz I am a better athlete than others you have competed with. I mean, you did beat me in the Iron Man contest, though with a few rough edges...” Applejack said as she shook her head in disbelief. “GOD DAMN IT! What am I if I don’t win, and be awesome. You, Applejack, look at you, hard working, tough, kind. And you, Rarity, all fashionista, pretty, got all the paparazzi for fashion. And Pinkie, you are so happy, you are like the happy go lucky girl. And you Fluttershy, you are the most nicest girl I have ever met. You have grace and etc.” Rainbow lashed out “And I have had enough of people who made fun of me. *stupid basketball maniacs* And I showed them up and I want to keep on showing them up. I want to be the best. But I can’t and I never will!” Rainbow Dash shot. “Darling, you are really good at things, besides why do you even care-” Rarity started. “That’s tactless” said Fluttershy. “I CARE ALRIGHT, I CARE! I want to be the best but it always seems that my attempts are in vain! Ugh! Don’t you, DON'T YOU, you know when you win, don't you feel that pride that you did something? I know I can do it and I HATE it when I don't.” Rainbow grumbled. “Well, *ehem* you could always try to be more lady like and sophisticated. Sports and other hubbubs should not matter to us girls.” Rarity drawled. “YOU STILL DON”T GET IT DO YOU! -” Dash roared. "Um... not trying to be mean here but... I suggest you be quiet Rarity...” Fluttershy mumbled. “Suga’ cube, you might not think sports are fun but, Dash here loves them. How would you feel if someone said fashion is the stupidest thing in the world?” Applejack suggested. “Hmph... At least I get mani-pedi’s sometimes.”A snuffed Rarity replied. She was really pissed. “You people still don't get it do you? I want to make people proud to say that they are my friends.... “ Rainbow Dash said with gritted teeth. “Well now don't go feelin’ bad an’ stuff cuz you're still our most loyalest friend, an awesome person and.......... *this is very hard for me to say* the best athlete that I have had the pleasure of meeting. Plus, why do you need to try to be the best, you already are.” Applejack said with a smile. “Ugh, I am so sorry Rainbow, I kinda shot at you. You really are a good person. Don't let my sour mood sour you.” Rarity said. Rainbow seemed slightly cheered up with these complements. “I am sorry too... I kinda got mad too...” Rainbow said, “This forest even got me sappy wappy!” “Hey, um, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie? Look what I found...” Fluttershy mumbled as she pointed to a sign that read: “ You have succeeded the first challenge, and yet created another one. Now you must finish this one without your advantages. Go human, let me watch you destroy yourself. ” “ Huuuuuuuuuuuuu! That’s mean! NO ONE is supposed to be a meanie weenie, grumpy wumpy! It’s just not right!” Pinkie hollered dignified. Rainbow Dash had gone through her temper and they continued their trek. Trying to forget about the sign. As they continued forward, they came upon a large tree, covering their path. It’s branches all twisted and curved. Rainbow passed the tree with ease, knocking a bunch of branches down. Rarity looked at the tree for a moment and passed. Fluttershy stood there for a minute, her eyes watery. But soon enough did so move on. Pinkie took a little while longer, but still was able to make it through. Applejack though, stood rooted to the spot. Staring at the tree with a mingled look of hope and grief. > We are your Family > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We are your Family “I ain't moving. I wanna stay here.” Applejack firmly said. She looked dazed, weird and sad at the same time. “WHAT?! AJ, c’mon, we have to go! Ok, sure thing, we all did see something weird on that tree but... c’mon don’t be like Fluttershy and start loving trees.” Rainbow Dash yelled sounding exasperated. “My.... parents...” Applejack mumbled. Rainbow Dash and the others looked agitated as they waited. “Ok, Pinkie, make sure these guys don’t lose it either while I go check on AJ.” Rainbow Dash muttered as she climbed over the loose branches. Applejack was looking dumbstruck at the tree. “C’mon, what is it?” Rainbow asked. “My... parents....” Applejack said quietly. “Oh, pfft, is that it? Just get a move on will you?” Rainbow Dash smirked as she watched Applejack. Applejack turned around. Slowly, it was as if time had stood still. Glaring right at Rainbow. Her eyes filled with a strange fury. “Is that it?!Is that it?!" Applejack mocked crudely. "My parents are DEAD.... Oh wait, it’s not like you damn care... you have your rich ones, Rarity has her’s, Pinkie literally LIVES with them, though they might not be her real ones; she still has someone that's like a guardian.... Fluttershy moved away from hers by her choice, but her parents were there to raise her! I had to raise myself and my family. My parents are DEAD!” Applejack raged as she let her fury out. Tears glistening in her eye. “Bu-u-u-t you had Granny Smith?!” Rainbow asked timidly. “Yea, and a great help she was, took care of Applebloom. The only problem was she couldn't move her hind off her chair without shrieking in pain, and it didn't matter AT ALL did it? When she passed away, not staying even for my 15th birthday; DID IT? And do you think having a grandma will be as good as having a real parent? No, I didn't think so.” Applejack continued “I saw them, loved them and grew up with them till I was 5. You don’t know the pain of losing someone you love so much.” Applejack stammered, gulping back tears, her eyes gleaming in rage. Rainbow blushed, feeling deeply sorry, thinking of what she just said and what Applejack said. “Whoops...” she muttered under her breath. She hadn't realized how Applejack must feel about the whole ‘family’ thing. It was true, her parents were rich and though never home, always provided Rainbow with everything she needed. She hadn’t known how hard it would have been for Big Mac and Applejack to run the farm by themselves. And now that Big Mac started his own family, Applejack was left with all the responsibility. Suddenly, she regretted everything she said “Oh gawd, I am so sorry.... I didn’t-” Rainbow Dash trailed off. Blushing a dark pink in shame, looked up at Applejack, waiting for her response. “It’s fine” Applejack said gruffly, a tear streaking down her tanned face. Rainbow thought for a minute. “I didn’t realize the pain you must have gone through. But you have to understand, even in the darkest of times, there is light, but you have to remember to turn it on. Even if you feel alone, we're here. We'll always be there. We are you family too. Please?” “Thanks, that was one heck of a speech Dash.” Applejack said. She Smiled at how kind her friend was even when she lashed out at her. Rainbow Dash grinned, and dashed across the large tree and collected the others to come. “Hey, Applejack, are you alright?” Fluttershy asked kindly. “Never been better. There is nothing wrong with me. I just had a short burst of temper on Rainbow...” Applejack muttered, hiding a smile that was slowly creeping up on her lips.. “A mighty short one it was” Rainbow said sarcastically. “I'm real sorry! Ya know I didn’t mean it!” Applejack said indignantly, laughing at the same time. Rainbow smiled “ I am not mad at you... chill dude.” “Awwwwwwwwww..... Applejack! You shouldn’t be so sad! I got an idea that will turn your frown upside down! A PARTY!” Pinkie squeaked. “No, it’s not the time. Look at the poor thing, she is a mess” a wide eyed Rarity said. “OK, that wasn’t needed. Oh, AJ I am so happy you are not mad at me. Cus seriously, you should have seen yourself back there. You looked like a raging bull, angrier than Fluttershy when animals don’t love her...” Rainbow smiled and said. Applejack chuckled “Hu, why thank you Rainbow! And for your information Rarity, I do not look like a mess! And Pinkster, we'll have a party later! OK?” “Okie dokie lokie! Oooo! I wonder what that tree was!?” Pinkie squeaked. “I don’t.... get.... mad...” Fluttershy quietly said cowering under the skeptical stares from her fellow friends. Meanwhile, Rarity was bustling around her backpack. “Hey, listen up.” Rarity said. “I took this book that Twilight gave me before. ‘Strange sights and the Unknown’.” “OH! That book must have a clue on what that tree was.... and why our powers disappeared!” Fluttershy for the first time, said out loud. “Look, here it is: The Family Tree, a mystical tree that forces you to re-encounter your family. It brings sorrow, and guilt naturally.” Pinkie Pie read out loud. “Well, shall we look for what happened to my wand?” Rarity said with a tone of bitterness. Rainbow scowled and look to her back, still missing her wings. “Hmm... Oh yes here it is: 'Disappearance of power usually means that you have a quest, asking you to only use your bravery, guts, and brains'... Just what Applejack said. 'It affects the way we think and do things. It forces us to give up'.” Fluttershy read. Everyone shuddered. "Just remember, we aren't just a group of 'friends' or a gang.... We are family and we always will be." Rainbow Dash said. Applejack smiled, Pinkie latched her arms with Rarity and Fluttershy. "Group hug?" Applejack said with a goofy grin, her hands held out. The girls piled in, Pinkie first, then Rarity, then Fluttershy, and Rainbow jumped in. The girls fell to the floor, laughing wildly. Pinkie got up and helped the rest of them up. Smiling and laughing, the girls climbed back over the tree, and with a bit of persuading, got Rarity to jump down into the muddy ground below. They continued on, following the muddy lane. Rarity wailing in despair... “Oh... my muddy heels! Wherever can I find such signature Arturo Vitali high heels!” “Hey, um.... can you please quiet down? We are heading towards another obstacle....” Fluttershy sighed. A huge cavernous mud pit lay in front of them. “Oh dear me! Look at that murky muddy place!” Rarity shrieked. “It looks perfectly fine to me!” Rainbow dash said. “Well, lets skidaddle across that muddy-licious mud bath!” Pinkie Pie hollered. “Eeyup...”Applejack finished. Pinkie Pie did her ‘hop skip and a jump’ thing, landed on a stone and did it again, to find herself safe on a dry grassy plain. Applejack climbed a nearby tree and swung herself across to dry land. Landing softly next to Pinkie. Dash jumped, expecting to have her wings so she could fly. Yet, after two seconds, she found herself in middle on the mud pool. *sploosh* Covered in mud. Rainbow lugged her self up to the rock, hoping no one saw what happened. She looked up to find Applejack and Pinkie doubled over in fits of laughter. “Damn... shut...up......Apples” she muttered. Luckily no one else noticed. Dash stood up, wiped most of the mud of her clothes and did a stunning high jump over the rest of the mud pond; aiming a kick at AJ, and glaring at Pinkie. “You are awesome, it’s ok, it’s just a hop, a skip, and a jump... and then do it again.” Fluttershy muttered. She closed her eyes and slowly landed herself on the rock in the middle of the pool. Did the thing over, landed and helped an amused Applejack up from Rainbow Dash’s kick of revenge. Rarity, stood still, looking at the pit, her eyes outraged. Her face in a mixture of fury and discomfort. She is not going to move. > Muddy-licious Mud Bath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Muddy-licious Mud Bath “C’mon girl... you can do it....” Applejack wheezed, clutching her chest. Dash’s kick really hurt. “Hehehe... you deserved it Apples... Rarity, just jump!” Rainbow Dash snickered with a malicious smile. “I wonder what’s wrong.” Fluttershy murmured. “I’ll see!” Pinkie Pie smiled to herself, she'll help Rarity, and hopped over back to Rarity’s side. Rarity looked up to see a blur of pink jumping toward her. Pinkie opened her mouth to speak, but Rarity cut through. “I can’t darling, I am sorry.” Rarity said, tears glistening in her eyes. “Why not? Are you saddy-waddy?” Pinkie quietly asked. She knew something was wrong. Rarity looked up, studied Pinkie with her watery eyes, she could trust her? Right? She broke down. “*sniff* I am ugly, horrible... I am not brave... not sporty... I c-can’t do a-anything w-w-w-worthwhile” Rarity sobbed, tragic tear streaming down her face. “I always feel like people underestimate me, think I am not strong enough. I just... I don’t know who I am!” Rarity croaked. Pinkie laughed, so self confidence? She can help Rarity with that. “Oh, pish posh.... Rarity, you are the most generous, most beautiful most amazingest person I know!” Pinkie said with a small smile. “Hey, Flutters, isn't Rarity the prettiest most generous person you know?” Pinkie screamed across the vast pool. “Um... yes” Fluttershy stunned by the strange out turn of events, quietly said. “SHE SAID YES” Dash hollered across back to Pinkie. “See...” Pinkie reasoned. “Thank you dear. Atleast I know you guys like me but what about others? I can see people looking at me with murderous looks, I hate myself...” wailed Rarity, no one liked her, her handsome prince even acted like a total snob to her. “Oh shut up, it’s not murderous looks you see, its jealous looks! You are a great friend Rarity, don’t let yourself forget that!” Pinkie said angrily, she was starting to get agitated. To her, Rarity was her best friend. “But sometimes, I still don’t know if people like me for my looks or for myself...” Rarity said through subdued sobs. “I mean, I have had so many people try to use me for my looks, and money. I want to know if my friends are real or not! I feel worthless, completly ugly. I hate myself. People use me so much, and then they just leave me. And I break my own heart. I don't have a life! I'm just some stupid unicorn who is invisible to everyone. Can't you just live with that?!” Rarity shot. “HAD... and NO! We can't just live with that. You are my bestfriend, I would never want to loose you! You mean everything to us. Without you, were would the element of generousity be?! WHERE? As far as I am concerend, you are the only one that can hold that greatest honor. And Yes... of course we are real.... if I weren’t, would I be here trying to comfort you? Would Fluttershy have agreed to model for you? Would Applejack have even let you touch her hat? Would Rainbow have let you dress her up for that ONE time?” Pinkie said. “No.... but.... oh... I’m so sorr-ry-y-y“ Rarity sobbed. “You guys are such good friends... how could I have ever doubted you?” Rarity said through a watery smile. Pinkie smiled. "Thats what I was looking for!" "Thank you Pinkie, you showed me that I was worth it." “Now lets get through this ugly mud puddle” Rarity said with a beam. She knew that Pinkie was right. She was worth it. She did have a life, she didn't want that to end soon. The two gals ‘hop, skip, and jumped’ over to the other side where the rest of the girls stood waiting. Rarity with a satisfied smile on her face. Pinkie whispered into Fluttershy’s ear what happened. Fluttershy smile was too understanding as she said “Out of no reason, I just want to let you know, you are a truly a Rarity” Applejack catching on said “Mmhmm! Nothing is ever good unless it is a Rarity...” Rarity blushing, thanked her friends. “See, ya got nothing to worry about! We are you AWESOME friends.” Rainbow Dash said with a roll of her eyes. Fluttershy, who had the book “Strange Sights and the Unknown” last, whipped it out of her rucksack and began rifling through pages. “Oh, lookie here! Flutters is looking for what that dirty murty schmarty mud was all about!” Pinkie said catching everyone’s attention. “Um, yes, here it is ‘Waters Of Brown: This is a rare water formation found only in the Everfree forest. Though it’s close resemblance to mud, it is much more sinister. Those waters cause you to hate yourself, and criticize yourself. Most egoistic and proud people can get through easily’ "That’s why Rainbow and AJ respectively got through easily!" "‘Sometimes laughter kills it’ That explains Pinkie! " ‘And if you believe in yourself, you can pass’ That’s what I did... oh and poor Rarity, tired from the travel and all the mud and ickiness, fell for it’s tricks!” Fluttershy finished. “Well, I am quite happy that that ordeal is over.” Rarity huffed as Fluttershy put away the book and started walking. A long way down, the girls finally stopped to rest for the night. The sun slowly falling past the horizon. Pinkie and Rainbow set up the tents, Fluttershy started a fire, Applejack collected logs for seats. Everyone settled down and conversed. The girls laughed, and enjoyed their few moments of relaxation they could find. Rarity did the favors of creating the most exquisite s'mores that happened to be on earth. Pinkie ran about setting up pranks, giggling to herself. Fluttershy sat quietly listening to Applejack’s and Rainbow Dash’s intent conversation. After the moon rose high into the sky and everything was dark, and the girls got comfortable, Rainbow Dash started her scary story. “She lived deep in the forest (just like this one)...... > Bloody Mary > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bloody Mary “She lived deep in the forest (just like this one)...... " In a tiny cottage and sold herbal remedies for a living. Folks living in the town nearby called her Bloody Mary, and said she was a witch.” Rainbow Dash started. Fluttershy’s eyes shone with fear, Rarity dropped a couple of berries that she picked along the way, and the rest of the girls watched with utmost interest as Dash continued. “None dared cross the old crone for fear that their cows would go dry, their food-stores rot away before winter, their children take sick of fever, or any number of terrible things that an angry witch could do to her neighbors.” “Soon, the little girls in the village began to disappear, one by one. No one could find out where they had gone.” Rainbow said in an eerie voice. “Oh dear me!” Rarity mumbled. Rainbow snickered and continued. “Grief-stricken families searched the woods, the local buildings, and all the houses and barns, but there was no sign of the missing girls. A few brave souls - like me - even went to Bloody Mary's home in the woods to see if the witch had taken the girls, but she denied any knowledge of the disappearances. WHAT?” demanded Rainbow as her friends smirked at her. “Brave? Anyways, go on, lets see what happens....” Applejack said. Rainbow dash glared around and continued. “Still, it was noted that her haggard appearance had changed. She looked younger, more attractive. The neighbors were suspicious, but they could find no proof that the witch had taken their young ones.” Fluttershy whimpered and buried her head into Applejack’s shoulder and Rarity and Pinkie pie hugged each other in fear. Rainbow dash looked around. “Then came the night when the daughter of the miller rose from her bed and walked outside, following an enchanted sound no one else could hear. The miller's wife had a toothache and was sitting up in the kitchen treating the tooth with an herbal remedy when her daughter left the house. She screamed for her husband and followed the girl out of the door. The miller came running in his nightshirt. Together, they tried to restrain the girl, but she kept breaking away from them and heading out of town.” “Oh the monstrosity! Dear me, what happened?” Rarity asked with a trembling mouth. Applejack narrowed her eyes, her heart thumping fast and listened closely as Rainbow continued. “The desperate cries of the miller and his wife woke the neighbors. They came to assist the frantic couple. Suddenly, a sharp-eyed farmer gave a shout and pointed towards a strange light at the edge of the woods. A few townsmen followed him out into the field and saw Bloody Mary standing beside a large oak tree, holding a magic wand that was pointed towards the miller's house. She was glowing with an unearthly light as she set her evil spell upon the miller's daughter.” “Omgomgomgomgomg! Did they have a p-p-party because someone is dying?” Pinkie shuddered. “Oh, of course not Pinkie, that would be very mean” Fluttershy’s voice said, as she raised her head from AJ’s shoulder. “Do you want me to continue or not?” Rainbow hollered. “G-g-g-go on” stuttered Rarity. “The townsmen grabbed their guns and their pitchforks and ran toward the witch. When she heard the commotion, Bloody Mary broke off her spell and fled back into the woods. The far-sighted farmer had loaded his gun with silver bullets in case the witch ever came after his daughter. Now he took aim and shot at her. The bullet hit Bloody Mary in the hip and she fell to the ground. The angry townsmen leapt upon her and carried her back into the field, where they built a huge bonfire and burned her at the stake.” “As she burned, Bloody Mary screamed a curse at the villagers. If anyone mentioned her name aloud before a mirror, she would send her spirit to revenge herself upon them for her terrible death. When she was dead, the villagers went to the house in the wood and found the unmarked graves of the little girls the evil witch had murdered. She had used their blood to make her young again.” Rainbow said. “Oh how could she do that! I mean beauty is prized but.... *shiver* not in that way!” Rarity shrieked. “From that day to this, anyone foolish enough to chant Bloody Mary's name three times before a darkened mirror will summon the vengeful spirit of the witch. It is said that she will tear their bodies to pieces and rip their souls from their mutilated bodies. The souls of these unfortunate ones will burn in torment as Bloody Mary once was burned, and they will be trapped forever in the mirror.” Rainbow Dash finished. “BOO!” Pinkie hollered. Rarity and FLuttershy jumped up in fear to find out that it was just Pinkie. Applejack looked stunned, her heart nearly stopping, but kept her calm. “Now, who would like to try that?” Pinkie asked with a malicious smile. “It’s on!” chorused AJ and RD. Rarity looked unsure, but with a few minutes of persuasion, she joined in joyfully. Fluttershy point blank refused and walked to her grass pillow and drifted of to sleep. Rarity went through her rucksack and pulled out her hand held mirror. Pinkie, looking at her fellow friends for a cue, started chanting. “Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary.....” The girls slowly chanted, turning on the spot. After the third time they said Bloody Mary, the girls peeled their eyes open to see if anything had happened. They smirked and said “Nothing.” Pinkie, Dash, and Apples weren’t shaken but... Rarity felt weird. The girls spent a little bit more time talking and having wrestling fights. One by one, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie fell asleep. A soft scream filled the air, the sleeping girls didn’t notice this, but Rarity was gone. “Ah! No! NO! NOO!” Rarity screamed, her piercing shriek filled the air. But no one could hear. Rarity was lifted in the air, her hair flowing around her face in the most eerie way. She was dragged towards a strange light. To a silhouette of a tall woman, with flowing hair. > Pinkie's Mission > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEANWHILE Rainbow snorted, turned around and fell back asleep. Applejack was passed out on the ground, deep in sleep. Fluttershy, was curled up in a ball, cuddling her bear. Pinkie was sleeping soundly too. She turned around and rolled on one of her whipped cream balls. The cold, mushy sweet cream oozed under Pinkie’s shirt, giving her a shiver of cold. Pinke woke up with a start, looked down to herself and giggled. “Oooo! Everyone is asleep.... should I go back to sleep?” Pinkie thought. She looked around and in a sudden realization, realized that Rarity.... was.... indeed.... GONE! Pinkie frantically looked around, to see if her friend Rarity, was hiding somewhere. Seeing that she really was gone, Pinkie ran to Rainbow Dash, trying to wake her up. “what Pinkie...” mumbled RD. “OH! RARITY IS GONE!” Pinkie shrieked. “Yea, yea.... whatev-” Rainbow dash whispered as she fell back into a deep sleep. Pinkie, running her hands over her poofy hair, ran to the next person who she knew could be a help. Applejack. “Jackie! Wake up! Rarity is gone!” Pinkie whispered. “Hu... wha? Trixie is gone? Well good riddance to her.” AJ muttered. “NO! Not Trixie! RARITY!” Pinkie sighed. “Wha? Oh, Rarity.... Pinkie, just look near the river down there, she must have left to admire herself.... that Bloody Mary thing kinda drover h-h-er t-t-t-t-rip-p-s-y-y....” Applejack mumbled trying to stifle a yawn. “THATS EXACTLY WHAT I’M WORRIED ABOUT! GAAHH!” Pinkie hyperventilated. AJ turned over, and fell asleep. Pinkie hustled over to Fluttershy, hoping she might be of help. Pinkie prodded Fluttershy. Fluttershy turned around and snored. Pinkie had only herself to save Rarity. Pinkie sprinted over to the direction AJ pointed, finding herself in front of a small river. And at the end of it, she could see a silhouette of two girls. One girl, or possibly a lady, had long hair and was taller than the other girl. Her face wasn’t clear at all, it looked hazy. The other girl, had medium length hair, and a short dress, and high heels on.... that one was Rarity. Pinke leaped over the river, and started running towards Rarity. Her feet screeching to a sudden stop. Pinkie was right in front of Rarity. She noticed that her friend’s eyes were glazed. As if she was in a trance. Pinkie turned around, and looked at the other lady. She could not see anything but a shadow. Just a shadow. Rarity, her hands outstretched. could not see anything, nothing, but she knew that warm smell of cupcakes that she would never forget. Pinkie was there. But where, Rarity did not know. But she sensed her friends presence there. Pinkie stretched out her arms, and gave Rarity a tight hug. Hoping with all her mind, that her friend will come to her senses. “Pinkie....” Rarity mumbled. Pinkie lifted her head from Rarity’s shoulders and looked into her friends eyes. Nothing, point blank expression. Rarity knew that Pinkie was there. but she could do nothing. Not even smile. She could talk, barely. “Pinkie.... help.....me..... I.... am..... stu-u-” Rarity exhausted. Pinkie, amazed that her friend could talk, stopped and thought for a minute, her eyes glistening with tears of joy. ‘How did the villagers send away that meanie weenie itchy witchy Mary? Oh! yes..... stones..... hehehehe....’ Pinkie laughed maliciously in her mind. The neon girl skipped over to the river bank, keeping a close eye on the shadow lady. Collected some rocks, and turned around. Poised for attack. Pinkie launched herself forward, throwing rocks in every direction, laughing maniacally. The shadow, assumed to be Mary by Pinkie, turned around, and smiled if she had a face. Not a happy smile, a leering smile, that taunted and jeered. Pinkie, learning that her method was not working. Leaped onto the lady’s shoulders, smacking her with rocks continuously. Mary’s’ smile evaporated, turned into a look of rage. Pinkie laughed and continued to dance on ‘Mary’s’ shoulders, crushing the lady’s shoulder bones. Screaming in pain, the lady let go of Rarity’s arm, tossed Pinkie off her shoulders and ran away. Rarity, returning to her senses, helped Pinkie up and thanked her gratefully. “Oh! I was a damsel in distress.... dear me! And you, Pinkie, only you realized that I was awake.... you were my knight in shining armor! How could I thank you enough!” cried Rarity. Pinkie was sobbing too, but not in pain. She had always thought nothing could make her really, truly sad. She realized that when it comes to losing a friend, that wasn’t true. The girls laughed at their fortune and walked back to their friends, who were still, after all this commotion; deep asleep. What they didn’t notice was as the lady ran away, her body got a figure, and a face. Rarity’s face to be exact.