• Published 28th Feb 2012
  • 9,128 Views, 410 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: The First Year - Cloudhammer

Ponies and Humans meet for the first time and come to terms with a new, shared existence.

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07 - Cowards, Bastards and Broken Things

Week 6, Wednesday

“Tall Beam!” Captain Shimmer jolted awake with a shout, only to wince as his chest sang in agony. Looking around the place he found himself in, the cyan-coated pegasus could see plain white walls and feel a gentle rocking. He was lying on his left side, his right wing completely wrapped in bandages and firmly secured to his side. His chest had a large bandage on it secured with tape, and he could feel another on his back. His armor lay stacked in the corner, a ragged hole visible in the chestplate. He squirmed to get his hooves under him, when a voice he recognized stopped him in his tracks.

“Just relax Sky; you’ve been through a lot.” The speaker rose from the corner they’d been sitting in and trotted over. Cloudhammer looked well rested, but his blue eyes were a little sad as he met his friend’s gaze.

“General, what are you doing here? What happened? Where’s Tall Beam?” Cloudhammer raised a hoof and Shimmer quieted down, relaxing back onto his side.

“I’m just here to check on one of my ponies, see how you were doing. As for what happened, the humans brought you back to their vessel and treated your injuries here. Tall Beam is fine, she was only lightly injured. I volunteered to keep you company while she went to get some food. The mare has barely left your side since the human doctors let her in the room.”

Shimmer sighed in relief as he heard Tall Beam was safe, and his wings instinctively tried to flutter. When only the left one moved, his eyes opened wider as he looked at the right wing. Cloudhammer’s expression darkened a little and Shimmer’s heart sank.

“How bad is it?”

Cloudhammer shook his head. “I’m going to tell it to you straight; you nearly lost the wing entirely. The humans were able to save it, but they don’t know if you’ll ever be able to use it again. As soon as you’re able to be moved, we’ll be getting a proper unicorn to see if they can help.” His voice was hollow as he added the last part, knowing that it was unlikely anything could be done.

“I… I see. If it’s alright with you General, I’d like to get some more rest.” Shimmer didn’t wait for the answer, closing his eyes and laying his head back onto the pillow.

“Sure, I’ll have somepony at the door if you need anything. Do you want Tall Beam to come in when she returns?”


Cloudhammer nodded, before leaving the room and closing the door behind him. Two more pegasus guards stood at attention on either side of the room.

“When Tall Beam returns, she is allowed to enter. Otherwise, nopony save the doctor and nurses is allowed to see him. Understood?”

The guards saluted quietly out of deference to their fallen comrade. Cloudhammer returned the salute and trotted down the hallway, to where a unicorn stood waiting for him.

“This is a right mess Cloudhammer, no doubt about it.” General Amber Dusk said, the two turning down a side hall.

“He’s strong, he’ll pull through this.” Cloudhammer muttered.

“Captain Shimmer’s not who I was talking about.” Dusk said softly.

“I know.” Cloudhammer replied.

The two generals made their way down the corridors of the ship to another room, this one with four unicorns standing guard outside.

“Has he said anything?” Dusk asked the second lieutenant leading the squad.

“No sir, he has remained silent since he was placed in here.” Autumn Frost barked sharply.

“I see. Open the door.” Frost saluted, then lit her horn and pushed the door open silently. Dusk and Cloudhammer entered the room and faced its sole occupant sternly.

“On your hooves Flare.”

The teal and orange unicorn slowly got off the floor and turned to face them. His eyes were downcast, bloodshot from lack of sleep.

“How are you doing?” Cloudhammer asked, to Dusk’s annoyed glance.

“Could be better sir.” Flare replied, his voice raspy.

“I assume you know why we are here?” Dusk spoke firmly, hoping to forestall any more idle talk.

“I can guess.” Flare replied, sitting a little straighter, a bead of sweat snaking its way down his muzzle.

“Very well then. Captain Flare, you have disgraced both your station and the Royal Guard as a whole with your behavior a week ago. You are hereby stripped of your rank, and all privileges that go with it. You are demoted to the rank of Private effective immediately, and will report for correctional duty on the morrow at dawn to Second Lieutenant Frost. Do you understand the punishment as I have told you?”

“I do sir.” Flare replied, his body trembling a little despite himself.

“Very well. I’m returning to Canterlot, are you coming, General Cloudhammer?”

Cloudhammer shook his head. “With respect, I will stay to personally oversee the recovery of Captain Shimmer.”

Dusk looked like he had more to say, but only shook his head and trotted out of the room. Once he had left, Cloudhammer closed the door and sat down opposite his friend. The silence dragged on uncomfortably for a few minutes before Flare finally couldn’t take it.

“Sir, I…”

“You don’t need to say anything Flare. I understand your feelings, but you knew this would happen the second you used your magic like that. I won’t say I’m not disappointed in you, but you’ve been given a second chance. Prove that you’re a pony worthy of wearing the armor and you’ll be a captain again before you know it. But never forget that you nearly killed a captive out of rage.”

Flare hung his head. “I won’t sir.”

“Good. Get some rest private, you’ll need it.” Cloudhammer said as he walked out of the room.

Miguel was terrified. After marching him back to the docks, the Marines had locked him up in a storage building and held him there since. It was the fourth day when the door suddenly swung open and three Marines marched in. Two of them moved forward and seized his arms, hauling him to his feet.

“Where are you taking me? Let me go!” he shouted, trying to tug his arms free of his captors. They ignored him, force-marching him out of the room and across the dock area toward another building that looked like the command center. They passed the guards on the way in, and Miguel noticed that they were holding their rifles tightly, eyes boring straight ahead. He began to struggle harder, but could not break free. Eventually they came to a closed door with an officer standing in front of it. As they drew closer, Miguel saw that he was clutching a piece of paper in his fist and his eyes were angry yet resigned. Nodding to the escort Marines, he opened the door to reveal a room shrouded in darkness, and spoke to whoever was inside before gesturing to the Marines. With a shove they pushed him into the room and shut the door behind him.

He took a few halting steps forward, and froze as he heard a rustle of movement behind him.

“So, ‘tis true what I’ve heard. You humans cannot see in the dark. A pity.” The lights suddenly flicked on and Miguel, blinking hard, turned around and stumbled back in terror at what he saw.

“Now, you and I are going to have a talk.” Luna said softly, her eyes narrowed as she stood in front of the door.

Captain Shimmer yawned and opened his eyes, smelling another pony in the room. His left wing straightened a little before he could force it back down, and he looked to the floor where a crimson mare was lying peacefully. Her left foreleg still showed the wound received when the human had attacked them, the coat starting to grow back in. Her sides rose and fell with her breathing, but Shimmer picked out her eyes twitching every so often to look at him.

“You’re pretty bad at faking sleep Tall Beam.” He laughed a little, though his chest flared up again and he grunted.

The mare bounded to her hooves and rushed to the bedside, having to stand on her hindlegs to be able to see over the bed. “Sky! Are you feeling alright?”

“Yea, just a little twinge.” He hoped she hadn’t seen him gritting his teeth. “How are you feeling?”

“Much better! The human doctors helped clean my leg, though they said you were hurt a lot worse.” Tall Beam dropped back to the floor, standing on her hindlegs was more than a little taxing for her.

Shimmer snorted in amusement and scooted to the side, thankful that the human beds were much bigger than a pony bed. Tall Beam got the hint and jumped up onto the bed as gently as she could. Looking at the bandage wrapping his wing, she shuddered at the memory of it hanging by a few scraps of muscle.

“Is your wing alright? It looked so horrid when it actually happened.”

Shimmer tried to hide it, but his eyes grew distant and Tall Beam sucked in her breath.

“Oh no… I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it. They said I won’t lose the limb, and I’m sure the unicorn doctors back in Canterlot will be able to fix it right up.” He tried to project some confidence into his voice, but it still came out hollow.

“I shouldn’t have wandered off. Heavy Lifter warned us about not going anywhere alone, and if I’d just listened, you wouldn’t have gotten hurt…” Her eyes started to water and she looked away.

Shimmer wanted to brush off her worries, but as he tried vainly to move his right wing, he just couldn’t bring himself to say anything. They lay like that for a while, before Tall Beam’s stomach growled again. She forced a small laugh and lifted her head.

“I guess I’m hungrier than I thought. Do you want me to bring you anything?”

‘Yea, a new wing.’ Shimmer snarled inside his mind, but he only shook his head. “I’ll be fine; you go get something to eat.”

“Alright then… if you’re sure…” Tall Beam climbed off the bed, trotting out of the room with one more look back. Once she was gone Shimmer laid his head back down and stared sullenly into space.

‘What kind of pegasus am I if can’t fly?’ He wondered sadly, his eyes watering in shame as the rocking of the ship lulled him back into sleep.

“Would you like some tea? I admit my sister is more of a fan than I, but this particular blend always helps me relax.” Luna said calmly, moving past the terrified Miguel with an ethereal grace. Turning to keep her in his sight, Miguel could see a delicate tea pot and a pair of cups on the table. Taking a seat on the floor opposite Miguel, Luna’s horn lit with an azure glow and lifted the pot, pouring tea into both cups before setting it down. Lifting one of the cups gently, Luna took a sip and smiled warmly. “It is quite rude to refuse your host you know.”

Miguel trembled before he suddenly bolted for the door. Gripping the door handle in both hands, he tried to wrench the door open, but staggered back as his fingers began to itch. Peering closer, he saw an azure field glimmering faintly around the handle and the hinges. He fell to the floor with a thud and hung his head.

“Now, I’d suggest not doing that again. I’ve heard magic is very harmful to your species.” Luna suggested calmly while taking another sip of tea.

“Please, just make it quick.” Miguel muttered quietly.

“Whatever do you mean?” Luna tilted her head curiously.

“You’re going to kill me, aren’t you? Just hurry up and get it over with.” Miguel was broken inside. He didn’t know what else to do, and had resigned himself to his fate.

“Goodness, where in Equestria did you get a notion like that? We do not execute captives in Equestria. The very idea is barbaric.” Luna finished her tea and looked at him curiously. “I have heard the reports from everypony who was involved, and they agree that you did not in fact use your weapon until struck. This implies that it was in fact a tragic accident. However, this does not excuse your deception and intent to cause harm to one of our subjects. What, pray tell, caused you to choose this course of action?”

“You ponies are the spawn of the Devil, bent on corrupting men’s souls with your offers of peace. I will not risk the sanctity of other men’s souls by speaking their names to you.”

“Well, I know not of this Devil you speak off, but as for corrupting your souls, I can assure you that we have no such intention. The only thing I desire from you is the truth. If somepony else was involved in this plot, they could bring harm to other innocents.”

“No servant of the Devil can claim innocence; their very existence is a lie.”

“So just because our ponies are different in form from yours, they automatically must be the servants of your Devil? I apologize, but I fail to see the logic in your claim. All these ponies who’ve come to your country seek to do is help rebuild your city that was destroyed by your peoples own hand. Do you humans hold charity in such low regard as to consider it a sin?”

“No, but devilspawn come in all manner of forms promising all manner of things…”

“However, you still have not convinced me of how our forms’ being different than yours makes us ‘devilspawn’, as you so eloquently put it. By your logic, perhaps I should start viewing you and your race as devilspawn given your propensity for violence, especially with how readily you commit it upon yourselves. Now, I’ll ask again, was there somepony else involved in this plot? And I’ll ask you not to lie, I’ll know if you do.” Luna’s eyes narrowed as she looked coldly at Miguel.

Miguel sat there, struggling to piece together some form of argument that could hold up against her relentless assault. Every time he came up with one, his mind took him back to see that crimson pony begging, the gold and white pegasus putting itself in harm’s way for another, and the look in its eyes as it said ‘Please’. His convictions, which had been rock solid a minute ago seemed now to be made of sand, collapsing down around him. He briefly had something solid to hold on to with the unicorn’s reaction, but even that fell apart as he recalled the look of rage that had burned in its eyes. He knew that if their roles had been reversed, he’d have reacted in much the same way to seeing one of his friends getting shot.

Luna watched the human wrestle with himself for a few minutes more; his slight facial twitches and eye movements as plain as day to the alicorn. She allowed the barest ghost of a smile to flicker across her thoughts and no further as Miguel looked up at last.

“I did not see his face, but he was dressed as a priest. He asked me if I wished to strike against God’s true enemies, and I agreed. But when I was face to face with the crimson one and the armored one…”

“Their names are Tall Beam and Captain Shimmer. I can take you to see them if you so desire,” Luna stated calmly, despite her inner turmoil at revealing their names like this. ‘Tia had been confident that no harm would befall them if she did so, and even if she was wrong, they could use the Beacon Stone to send them back to Canterlot.

“No, I do not think they would like to see me. I’m not even sure if I’d want to see them.”

“I think you would be surprised, though I do understand your reluctance. But facing those you have grievously wounded and seeking forgiveness is important as well, believe me,” Luna’s eyes darkened as she remembered casting three pegasi to the floor of Ponyville’s town hall, the smell of scorched hair and skin filling the air, "However, you have not even tried your tea.” As Luna poured herself another cup of the fragrant beverage, Miguel sat down in the other chair and gingerly lifted the cup. Taking a tentative sip, he followed it with another.

“This is very good, I see why you like it so much.”

“Thank you very much. Now, tell me more about yourself. I have only known you for these few minutes, but I can already tell that you are carrying a burden of your own.”

Miguel stared forlornly into the tea swirling in his cup. The silence dragged on for a few more minutes before he took a deep breath. “Her name was Marina.”

Luna took another sip of her tea, but said nothing.

“She was beautiful, funny, smart and talented. I loved her, and was going to ask her to marry me.” Miguel could feel his chest tightening as he remembered her laugh, he smile… all the little things about her that came together to make her who she was.

“But something happened, didn’t it?” Luna asked gently, the tea forgotten.

“It was the second day of the riots, when the favela gangs began to fight each other for the food. I was trying to get home to get Marina so we could flee the city. But when I got to our home, it was gone. A RPG had gone through the window and exploded inside the bedroom. Where Marina had been packing.”

Luna rose to her hooves and walked around the table to stand over Miguel. “And you blame yourself for her death.” It wasn’t a question, though the alicorn’s voice carried a note of sympathy.

“If I’d only gotten home sooner, or not left at all, I could have done something…” Miguel trailed off, trying hard to force down the lump in his throat.

“Dwelling on what you could have done will achieve nothing. It only what you do now that will have any effect. It is true that you intended to do a monstrous thing, and should be punished for the harm you have done to Captain Shimmer. From speaking with you here, I have decided what punishment befits one such as you.”

Miguel lifted his head as Luna paused, her eyes stern as she regarded him not as a sympathetic listener, but as the Regent of the Moon.

“You shall remain here, and assist with the efforts to help repair your city. Upon the completion of our task, many of us will be departing to Equestria. Captain Shimmer, however, will be returning to our embassy in Hawaii to complete his recovery. Should you choose to do so, you will have the option of traveling to the embassy as well, and work to make amends for what you have taken from him. You do not have to answer now, but you must make up your mind before we depart. You may give your answer to either Heavy Lifter or General Cloudhammer.” Luna made to leave, but stopped as Miguel got to his feet.

“What happens if I refuse?”

“Then you will be left here, alone. The choice is yours. When you are ready to leave the guards are waiting outside. They shall take you to report for work.” Luna opened the door and walked through, turning the corner and leaving his sight.

Miguel sat down heavily in the chair, noticing that his teacup had somehow been filled again, the contents steaming hot. He lifted the cup and took another sip, letting the warmth flow through him. He felt somehow better, as if the heat of the tea was relaxing not only his body but his mind as well. He sat alone in the room for a few more minutes before finishing the tea and walking to the door.

“I am still surprised you were able to convince the leaders of the Free Brazil Council to allow you to pass judgment on this Miguel fellow.” President Foster said as he read through the files on his desk.

“Well, they were quite reasonable once I explained what my sister and I had in mind, given that it was a horrid accident.” Celestia took a sip of the tea that had been served. “This is an excellent blend. Might I be able to acquire some of the seeds?”

“I don’t see how it would be a problem. I’ll have some ready for you by the time you return to Honolulu.”

“Thank you most sincerely.” Celestia inclined her head gratefully. “Oh, were you able to use any of the information you acquired from your device that we brought to Canterlot?”

Foster smiled. “Indeed we were. The video recordings were somewhat fuzzy, but the audio was recorded nicely. I admit I am both pleased and disappointed to hear that the scourge of bureaucracy seems to know no borders. Not even different dimensions are safe from their reach.” The two shared a short laugh at their mutual dislike. “However, I do admit that things seem to be going as smoothly as could be hoped for.” He rapped his knuckles on the wooden arm of the chair.

Celestia tilted her head. “What is the meaning of that?”

Foster looked down at the chair. “This? It’s just an old saying, supposed to ward off bad luck if you knock on wood after speaking of something going well.”

Celestia smiled and finished her tea. “A charming saying. However, the day runs late and I’m afraid I must be going. I do hope that we will have the opportunity to talk like this again soon.”

“As do I. Oh, and before I forget, have you had the chance to speak to your Council about the other thing we discussed?” Foster asked curiously.

“I have spoken with my closer advisors, and they have begun selecting the best minds we can spare to begin researching. In particular I have chosen Twilight Sparkle, her friends and one other, though he shall not be free for at least a few more weeks.”

“And who might that be?”

Celestia winked. “You shall just have to see.” She rose to her hooves and gracefully left the room. Foster simply shook his head as Curtis came in.

“I sometimes wonder if she’s sincere in her efforts to help or if she’s just trying to play the angles so she wins. This job sucks Curtis, it really does. You spend so much time trying to get in here, but then once you get here you find out it’s a cage. You’re supposed to be able to do anything from in this office, but I can’t even tell when humans are friends or enemies, let alone fucking talking horses.” Foster was silent for a second before his brain switched gears again. “Did the other role of Project Traveler go off without any problems?”

“Yes sir, we’re analyzing the samples now.”

Flare sat alone in his cell, the unicorn staring blankly at the wall as his mind spun senselessly. He still felt sick whenever he remembered the rage that had gripped him when he saw what the human had done to Captain Shimmer. He had actually wanted to kill that human, to see him crushed beyond recognition for it. When he tried to sleep, the dreams were always the same: Sergeant Heinrich showed up a few seconds too late, and Flare would wake up as the storm of magic inside him ended.

‘By Celestia, what is wrong with me?’ He looked up as the door opened and Cloudhammer entered. Flare could make out the spot where the white coat was shorter, a parting gift from his journey to the zebra lands.

“Good morning, sir!” Flare barked, snapping to attention with a crisp salute. Cloudhammer returned the salute before sitting down next to his friend.

“Good morning Flare, did you sleep well?”

“Well enough sir, thank you for asking. What brings you here, sir?” Flare replied.

“Your new armor is here, and you’re due for duty.” Cloudhammer replied firmly, though Flare could see that he didn’t like saying it.

“Thank you sir… and, there is one other thing I’d like to ask.”

Cloudhammer tilted his head. “Alright, shoot.”

Miguel hefted the steel beam onto his shoulder with a grunt, carrying it to where the other ponies in the crew he’d been assigned had been piling the debris. At first the ponies had been skittish at working with him, but the presence of two US Marines, one pegasus and one unicorn guard had gone miles to alleviate their worries. As the day had dragged on, they had gradually warmed up to him until they were working together like a team. He’d been leery of them as well, expecting one of the male ponies to simply kick a wall over onto him for what he’d tried to do. But instead they’d just focused on getting the job done; occasionally shooting him narrowed looks as they whispered to each other in their own language. He decided to do the same, hauling whatever debris looked to be unwieldy for them to carry on their own.

Eventually the ponies broke off from the work, trotting to where lunch had been stored for them all. Miguel followed along, and sat down on the other side of the cleared area. He dug into his sandwich eagerly, the hard work having given him quite an appetite. Pausing to reach for a water bottle, he froze as he spotted motion out of the corner of his eye. One of the ponies, a heavily built stallion with a brown coat, yellow mane and a bowl of greens held expertly in his mouth was crossing the space. Stopping in front of him, the pony looked Miguel in the eye for a long moment before snorting and sitting down next to him. Putting the bowl down, the stallion began to eat again, and after another few seconds Miguel did as well. He paused again as he heard more noise and looked up to see the other ponies getting to their hooves and trotting over as well. Soon the entire crew was sitting and eating together.

“Miguel! On your feet, you got visitors.” One of the soldiers barked.

Looking up, Miguel could see a new pegasus guard had arrived, along with a unicorn. Miguel tensed up as he recognized the unicorn as the one that had tried to kill him after he’d shot the other two ponies. He slowly rose to his feet and put his sandwich down before crossing the space to stand in front of the two newcomers. The pegasus looked expectantly at the unicorn, which dug at the ground for a second before looking up at Miguel.

“I’m sorry.”

Miguel was rooted to the spot for a second, those two words being the last things he’d expected to hear. Granted, he’d wondered if something would be done to make up the damage done to his skin from the unicorn’s magic, but given his behavior he hadn’t expected an apology. Shooting a glance back at the work crew, he could see that they were all on their hooves now, watching him intently. Looking back to the unicorn in front of him, he sighed before lowering himself to a crouch so he was looking the unicorn in the eyes. Peering into their brown depths for a moment, he could tell that unicorn was sincere in his apology. Making his decision, he put out his hand.

“I’m sorry too.”

The unicorn looked at his hand for a moment, before raising its hoof and putting it into his hand.

