• Published 5th Sep 2013
  • 27,845 Views, 882 Comments

64 vs. Equestria - Jman9877

When a male human is created in the Canterlot Underground Labs and tortured for experiment, what will he do in order to free himself from his captors and live the life of freedom he craves?

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Chapter 26

Chapter 26

3rd Person POV

“You girls stay here, I’m heading back to Ponyville to see what that was. The only reason I made it here was because Shining Armor was able to fight off Super Nova long enough for me to escape.” 64 said, using Peacemaker to make another Gladius, and made for the ruin’s exit.

“What?! Shining is still back there with that “Super Nova” thing?! How could you just leave my brother back there?!?” Twilight yelled in worry.

“He told me to come find you, and that’s why I was able to get here! I have to get back and make sure he’s ok! So the six of you just hang here and wait for me to get back!” 64 yelled back, already out the door and making his way through the Everfree Forest.

“Hey! Get back here!” Rainbow Dash said, speeding in his path, only to be held back by Applejack quickly biting onto her tail.

“Woah there sugarcube! We ain’t got the same speed that yer used too, so just wait fer us, we can get there quickly. C’mon gals! After ‘im!” Applejack said, waving a hoof towards the door. The six mares ran out of the door, following Project 64.

“Vi! I need a status update in the area of the magical disturbance I just saw. The light was red but it didn’t feel like Super Nova’s magic!” 64 said, sliding underneath a few low hanging branches. Vi attempted to get a reply to 64, but there was too much magical interference to get a clear reading. In fact, 64’s HUD started to shiver and eventually disappeared, leaving him without a Tracker.

“Shit.” 64 muttered, now flying blind through the thicket. Although it would be simple enough to get back to Ponyville, if 64 had to get into another fight with Super Nova it would leave him at a severe disadvantage without his A.I. to help him in combat.

Back with the six mares, they were starting to see the effects of Super Nova’s evil magic affecting the plant life.

“Oh my, look at all these poor trees. Their leaves are starting to burn, but I don’t feel any heat.” Fluttershy said, grazing her hoof along a tree as she flew along with the running group of mares.

“I know Fluttershy, but we have bigger problems to deal with right now, like that Super Nova 64 was telling us about, we still don’t know what is her deal is. She was an Alicorn, and she was giving off an incredible magical force.” Twilight said, giving off her point of view.

“An Alicorn with a twisted version of Princess Celestia’s cutie mark?” Rainbow Dash said worriedly, wondering what that implicated.

“She did?” Twilight said, stopping in her tracks. The rest of the group was startled by her sudden stop, and stopped along with her.

“Yea, she had a weird sun looking thing that looked like it was all twisted and fiery. I think we need to think about that for a bit.” Rainbow said, surprising everybody by suggesting slowing down.

“I do think that is a very disturbing coincidence, paired with the fact that Super Nova was able to recognize you when she crashed into Ponyville.” Rarity said, throwing in her two bits. The group was starting to come to an unsettling conclusion.

Twilight was quickly coming to that revelation as well. She didn’t want to come to it, but with every hint there was to be seen, the facts were becoming clearer and clearer. She was starting realize who Super Nova really was, but she wasn’t ready to come to terms with it.

“She… She can’t… I mean, why would that… That isn’t even…”

Twilight had to sit down at the amount of shock which was going through her mind. It made her world start to spin, and she felt a wave of nausea flow over her, threatening to make her pass out. She didn’t want to believe it, but it was now obvious to her.

Her mentor, and the ruling Princess of Equestria for over 1000 years, Princess Celestia, had turned into the monster known as Super Nova.

Twilight fell backwards in with her eyes rolling to the back of her head.

64 POV

I was starting to break the tree line, and was watching the incredible show of lights which were permeating through the air in the direction of Town Square. I could only imagine what the lights were from, but I hoped it wasn’t from Shining Armor’s encounter with Super Nova. For all I know, he could be a burnt crisp of a pony, and I couldn’t do anything to save him.

“Vi! Can you hear me? Vi?!” I said, trying to get any sort of message to Vi. Entering Peacemaker was useless because of the interference flying through the air, so I had absolutely zero connection to Vi. I didn’t really want to admit it, but I was practically useless without Vi, because she was the one who was always able to curb my reaction times in combat, and she was what gave me any weaponry in the first place. If the magical interference got bad enough, I would lose the summoning portion of the Peacemaker, and would be defenseless. Although I had a small dagger in my Satchel, it wouldn’t be anywhere near what kind of firepower I needed to take down Super Nova.

I eventually came out of the forest, and saw the route past Fluttershy’s cottage to get to Town Square and get back to the fight. I didn’t need to take down Celestia though; I needed to take down Super Nova. Yet another large flash of red light flashed from Town Square, and I quickly sped off in its direction. As I was running, I stared in shock as I saw the charred bodies of ponies lining the streets. I stared with shaking breath and tears threatening to pour down my face as I followed the lines of ponies up and down the streets. I walked up to a body, and felt the hard magma rock surrounding its body, completely coating them in the Black Death.

“I’m…… I’m so sorry…” I said, head held down in mourning. That was when an incredible blast of magic came from practically everywhere, and I was blinded in its blistering bright light. The world below me tremored as I struggled to keep my balance, and I desperately grasped for anything to grab onto. I found the wall of a home and held on for dear life, hoping that the shaking would stop soon. It eventually did, and my vision slowly started to return.

“What the fuck was that….” I said, rubbing the pain out of my eyes. As I opened them, I immediately recoiled back, shocked at what I was seeing. The “dead” bodies of the ponies which lined the streets mane’s started to burn in various shades of reds and blues. Their eyelids opened, revealing flaming orbs of light instead of eyes, shocking me to my core. I quickly pulled out Peacemaker to make a club, so I could incapacitate any of these things if they decided to attack, but as I pulled the Peacemaker from my waistband, I felt nothing.

No magic was coursing into my body, allowing me to make the weapons. No magic to allow me to travel at top speeds, or augment my strength. I was literally flying blind.

“Shit, shit, shit… Just gotta keep your head 64, that’s the only thing you got.” I said, slipping Peacemaker into my waistband. I saw the creatures stare at me, and slowly start walking their way towards me. I ran forward, ducking and weaving at the nearly zombified ponies which were attempting to grab me, and from what I could tell these creature gave of no heat compared to the absolutely devastating heat which came off of Super Nova.

I felt two hooves grab my shoulders and I violently started to shake the ghoul off, I didn’t even see anything behind me.

“Get off of me you fucking thing!” I yelled, flailing and kicking, before I realized that I was slowly being lifted into the air.

“Hey! I’m the one trying to save your flank!” I heard Rainbow Dash say from above me. I looked up and saw her angry face staring down at me, as I chuckled nervously.

“Hehe, thanks Rainbow, But I need to get over by Town Square! That’s where all the commotion is coming from!” I said, as Rainbow made a sharp turn as I saw the large orb of light where Town Square was supposed to be.

“Ok! Just drop me!” I yelled, getting ready for a long fall.
“Are you crazy? You want to die or something?” Rainbow yelled, obviously not knowing what I was capable of.

“Trust me! I know what to do! Just drop me! Or are you too chicken!?” I said, instantly picking up the mare’s competitive nature.

“Oh so that’s how it is huh?! Well I’ll show you!” She yelled, as she let go of my shoulders and allowed me to fall from the long distance from the air towards the ground. I felt myself incoming into the very hot orb of light, and prepared for a hard landing. Although I wouldn’t have my magic to cushion my fall, I still know how to survive a long fall.

I finally penetrated the orb of light, but felt myself slow down substantially. It was like I simply went from falling to my death, to softly floating onto a feather bed. I opened my eyes and looked up, and what I saw amazed me.

It was not Shining Armor standing in front of me, facing off against the still standing Super Nova, whose molten rock body was starting to crack and reveal molten skin underneath. Instead, it was Princess Luna, who was covered in burns, cuts, and large bruises.

“64?! What are you doing here!?” Luna yelled at me, obviously shocked at my presence.

“I’m here to help! I got to Twilight and made sure she was at safety, then I saw a few large explosions over here! I can now see what caused them!” I said, looking up and down Luna’s body.

“64! Can you hear me?!” I heard Vi yell in a terrified voice.

“Vi! Oh my goodness I’m so glad to hear you!”

“I know, I hate being unable to talk, it makes me feel as if I’m trapped in Canterlot again…”

I pulled out Peacemaker, and I had never felt so glad to hold a two handed broadsword in my hands, ready to go another round with Super Nova.

“No Project 64! My sister is my opponent and mine alone!” Luna said, gathering a large amount of Magic in her horn, and blasted it towards Super Nova. She simply put up a reflector barrier and launched the bolt right back at Luna. The two went back and forth with the incredible sized bolt of magic, trying to see who would slip up first. I was tempted to ambush Super Nova t this point, using Teleportation Magic to get behind her and attempt to stab her through the head, but I know what Luna was really fighting for.

Even though Celestia and Princess Luna had made up about the Banishment to the Moon, Luna still had an incredible grudge towards Celestia, waiting for the right moment to get her payback. Of course I knew Princess Luna wouldn’t do anything as drastic as turning back into Nightmare Moon, but instead would want to beat Celestia in a battle of skill, to see who the superior one truly was.

Super Nova reflected the bolt once again, and sent it shooting back to Luna at an incredible speed. Luna prepared to make the barrier spell, but was suddenly blasted from the side by a hidden spell Super Nova had launched. As Luna fell to the ground, I knew it was my time to intervene, and I rushed forward, prepared to slice a limb or two off of Super Nova.
I came forward with a heavy swing, ready to crush what little armor Super Nova was still wearing. She put her hoof up and blocked using her Rock skin, but I saw the small cracks of her armor that my severe swing caused. I continued to press forward on the blade, attempting to break the entire thing.

“It’s over Super Nova! Give it up!” I yelled, still pushing forward.

“YOU THINK YOU ARE THE HERO!? YOU THINK THIS IS SOME FANTASY WHERE THE HERO WILL SLAY THE BEAST AND WIN THE LOVE OF MILLIONS? YOU WILL NOT SUCCEED! I WILL BREAK YOU!” Super Nova yelled, and began pushing forward as well. Her hoof armor was starting to give all the way, and I finally heard the armor completely shatter, baring her naked molten hoof. I prepared to rear back for a swing which would completely dismember the leg, but as I went to swing, I saw a blue shimmer flash around me, and I was teleported back to Princess Luna, who had gotten back up and was poised to send a magical spell towards Super Nova.

Super Nova charged a spell as well, but she did it much quicker than Princess Luna, and threw a magical bubble shield around herself. Luna fired the bolt anyway, and it was simply absorbed into the bubble, and by the looks of it the magic bolt strengthened it. I made a Sledgehammer and ran to swing at the shield, but flames started to surround the shield, effectively keeping me out. The flames around the shield got bigger and bigger, until neither I nor Princess Luna were able to see through them.

“Has she done this before?!” I asked Luna, wondering about the strange spell.

“I have never seen anything like this in the millennia’s of life.” Luna replied, staring wide eyed at the dancing flames in front of us. The white wall of the magical orb surrounding us started to dim, and I began to see the horde of Molten Ghoul Ponies surrounding us, pressing against the weakening shield.

Eventually we heard Super Nova cackling wildly, and we both returned our attention to the flames. They eventually died down, and what we saw as they diminished shocked and bewildered us to our very cores.

Super Nova stood in front of us, with all of her Molten Armor re attached, and all of her injuries repaired. I once again got into a fighting stance, and prepared for yet another fight.


“No! You mean battle with me! I will not allow you to leave!” Princess Luna yelled back, before matching her altitude with flight.


Super Nova began to scream in the most horrifying way possible, before charging an immense amount of her remaining magic in her horn. The spell finally charged to full strength before launching towards Princess Luna, who was too slow to stop it. The beam of flaming light slowly started to create a vortex of fire around Luna, whose eyes were widened in shock as if reliving a painful memory.


“LUNA!” I screamed before launching toward the retreating vortex, attempting to stop the spell, but it was gone, along with Super Nova. The orb of magic surrounding me finally disappeared, but it wasn’t needed, because once Super Nova had left, the Molten Ghoul Ponies returned to their natural forms, and quickly went to go console their families and friends about what had just happened.

I simply sat there, a look of disbelief upon my face as I just tried to sort out what had just happened. What the hell were the Elements Of Harmony? What would Twilight know about them? I stood up, and everypony who surrounded me was now suddenly aware of my existence, but I didn’t care. I needed to find Twilight, and that was my first order of business.

“Vi, give me Twilight Sparkle’s location one more time, I don’t see Rainbow Dash here who can lead me back.” I said, already walking back to the Everfree Forest, simply disregarding the surprised stares I was getting from the Townsfolk.

“64… look up.” Vi said, a slight hint of fear in her voice. I complied, and fell onto my ass and tried to get away from what I saw.

In the Moon, imprinted in the craters, was the mark of the Mare in the Moon.

Author's Note:

Oh shit son! New Chapter guys and gals! Enjoy! And BTW, my releasing schedule will be changing for 1 chapter every 2 days, to 1 chapter every 3 days. I find it's easier to work with, and my chapters won't feel so rushed.