• Published 5th Sep 2013
  • 27,843 Views, 882 Comments

64 vs. Equestria - Jman9877

When a male human is created in the Canterlot Underground Labs and tortured for experiment, what will he do in order to free himself from his captors and live the life of freedom he craves?

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Chapter 21

Chapter 21

64 POV

The week passed slowly, but it eventually came to an end. I grabbed the Bow off of the wall as Topp was begging me to stay.
“64 ya gotta understand, we can handle ourselves ‘round here, ya don’t gotta be runnin from ‘em forever! This place is practically yer home ain’t it?” He said, blocking my exit from the Cellar.

“I don’t want to risk endangering all of you by staying longer than I need to. If word got to Celestia I was staying here then she would raze this place to the ground, and I won’t let that happen. I can take care of myself, and I think roughing it a while won’t hurt me none.” I said, grabbing my satchel, now full with some dried fish and fox jerky, and two full canteens of water. The bow was strapped to my back, along with a quiver of 25 arrows I purchased while I stayed in the city.

With my supply completely restocked, I was ready to finally have a word with Twilight, whether she liked it or not. This would be hard, considering I’m pretty sure they won’t trust anymore hooded ponies simply traipsing through town, so I needed to really sneak into Ponyville. The Underground Transit would only take me as far as the Ponyville Train Station, and that wasn’t very close to the actual town of Ponyville.

“Well, it looks like there ain’t no stoppin’ ya.” Topp said as he stepped aside, “Good luck 64, and better luck next time in that Drinkin’ Contest.”

“Hey, that wasn’t fair, you were totally sober when we started! I was already half drunk!” I retorted.

Topp snickered as he put out his hoof. I gave it a shake, and I walked out of the Cellar. When I stepped outside, many other ponies were waiting to say their thanks for whatever odd jobs I did around town for some bits, I mean, I wasn’t able to pay for those Arrows with nothing.

After the goodbyes were done, I made my way over to Cherry Jubilee’s Farm, knowing that the Sewer Hole cover was a both Entrance and an Exit, so it would be easy to simply go back the way I came. As I walked, I saw some foals play fighting with a bunch of sticks. I stopped and stared, simply in a practically hypnotic stare. As I saw a colt bring a stick down onto his friends head, an imaged flashed of an Underground Guard attempting to bring a Halberd down on my head, only for me to dodge, instead hitting his comrade in a case of friendly fire.

Another colt came at his friends screaming in a tackle, but as he got close, I saw an image of a suicide bomber guard coming at me while I was being held down by Two other Guards, only for me to snap one of the arms holding me, and I was able to throw the guards at the Bomber, halting his movement only for a bit before the explosives on his chest went off, completely obliterating the other two guards along with himself.

I stared until the foals realized I was staring, so I simply waved and continued walking, trying to get the resurfacing memories out of my head. I finally crossed through a few Cherry trees, and saw the Jubilee’s Cherry Farm in the distance. I knocked on the front door, wondering if Cherry Jubilee was here so I could say goodbye. I didn’t see or hear her come to the door after a while, so I shrugged and went into the barn, seeing the Cherry sorting conveyer belt, and the Treadmill Wheel Generator currently out of service.

I continued to the back closet, and saw the Sewer Cover. I opened it up and dropped down, but not before making sure to cover it back up so no one sees what is hidden under here.

“Well Vi, back to Ponyville.” I said, starting a light jog towards the Ponyville Transit.

“It’s about a day’s travel, so make sure to save your energy, especially with some of that extra carrying weight you got from Dodge Junction.” Vi said.

“Hey, what is gonna happen if I’m carrying a little extra weight?”

Cherry Jubilee POV

“He just left. It’s in there.” I said, pointing towards the door of the broom closet. The Royal Guard nodded and led his four men toward the closet, and opened up the hole. The first guard jumped through, followed by the other 4 one by one.
I felt no remorse towards going behind 64’s back today, especially not with the hefty amount of bits those guards were paying me for the information I gave to them. I needed the bits for the dying farm, and if I needed to stab someone in the back for it, so be it.

3rd Person POV

64 continued to travel through the Underground Transit, which resembled mine shafts with the wooden support beams holding up the walls. He wasn’t running, but traveling at a fairly brisk pace to stay on schedule to arrive at Ponyville by nightfall. He had been traveling through the Transit for about 30 minutes now, so as of right now 64 was about to start running once again.

“Vi, it’s about 10 AM right now, about what time will we arrive at Ponyville?” I asked, not being able to do the math fast enough.

“At the pace we are traveling, we should arrive at about 11 PM with about 7 hours of Nightfall for us to get our word in with Twilight.” Vi answered.

I continued to walk, before starting to go into another jog. Then I heard something.

A light hissing was invading my ears, but it sounded far away, the sound echoing off of the walls from far behind me. I stopped and looked, wondering what the sound was. I saw a small flickering light far down the path, before I heard something that made my heart stop.


A blast rang through the tunnel, nearly knocking me off of my feet. I looked up and saw what was the result of the explosion, the walls from behind me were crumbling down at an alarming rate, the cave in coming towards me.

“Shit!” I yelled, running full sprint down the Transit. Although I was fast, I wasn’t going to be fast enough to out run this cave in.


My heart rate increased, and a pain shot through my entire body. My eyes glowed blue as well as my legs, and I sped up tremendously. As I ran, I still heard and the cave in coming in close from behind. I decided to take a slight detour, as my path was supposed to head forward until I hit Ponyville, I made a quick right, heading towards Canterlot.

Now I wasn’t about to head straight there, so I knew the path I was going to take had a few more turns. I finally realized that the Explosions were magically laced, so they would continue to crumble until there was nothing left to destroy, so it would be the end of the Underground Transit. I continued to run faster than the tunnels crumbled, but I was starting to feel the effects of prolonged use of Inorganic Magic on an Organic being, so I needed to get out of here as quickly as possible.

My vision was already starting to blur, but I knew that was only the first part of the effects. I only had 20 more miles to go, and I was already traveling at near 120 miles per hour, and by that math I had about 10 more minutes of this running.
If the destruction following me from behind wasn’t bad enough, the Tunnel was starting to cave in front of me too, forcing me to start dodging falling pieces of debris. Now along with having to move as quickly as I could to avoid getting crushed, I had to dodge left and right to avoid falling pieces of rocks and wood.

My hearing started to muffle, the second part of Magical Overload. Now even if Vi tried to get through to me, I wouldn’t be able to understand what she was trying to say.

7 more minutes away from the exit. I made a hard left turning another corner, trying to get back on path to Ponyville before the Tunnels completely collapsed. As I focused through my blurred vision, I saw that at the upcoming Right turn at an intersection I needed to take, the path across from me was also starting to collapse, and I wouldn’t be able to make the turn if it got there first. I pumped more magic into my legs and felt the headaches, the third part of Magical Overload. I sped up a bit, and beat the incoming cave in by a second, but now I needed to out run it.

4 Minutes from the exit. From here it was a straight path to Ponyville, and the Magical Explosion was still coming at me with the force of a hundred stampeding Buffalo. All I could do was hope that my body would stay conscious long enough to totally outrun the onslaught of rock and earth. I felt my arms start to go numb, a sign the fourth and final part of Magical Overload was about to kick in.

1 Minute from the exit. I could see the exit hole, and only wondered what kind of earthquake was going on above in Ponyville. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to pull myself out, so I pumped my legs one last time, and as soon I was under the Sewer Cover, I jumped through the cover, shooting it open on its hinge as I hit the ceiling of the closet within the Train Station. As I fell the hole cover closed on its hinge, allowing me to hit the ground hard. Luckily the cement floor managed to stay up, so the Train Station didn’t partially collapse, but there probably were a few minor tremors due to the cave in.

As I felt the magic slowly seep its way out of my body, I felt the last stage of Magical Overload finally take its grasp on me. Total and instant unconsciousness.


Within the Peacemaker in 64’s waistband, I laid on the floor of my realm, exhausted from the amount of Magical output I had to endure in such a short time. I felt my Magic drain itself from my body, as I felt I barely had about 65% left in my being. Before that little fiasco I had about 78%, which would have kept my natural life for about 800 more years, but I felt my lifespan diminish as I now had about 650 left. This to an organic being would be a very long time, but as a being that has lived for over 1000 years; I realized I was closer to my death than I was to my birth.

I pushed myself up to deliver a message to 64’s unconscious mind, hoping I would be able to pass it through.

“64, I thought you would want to know, when we planned for our arrival time set at about 11 PM, we were wrong. It’s 12 Noon.”

Princess Luna POV

I felt 64’s essence fall asleep, but not only that, completely shut down, as if he was standing up ready to fight a war, then him slumping into one of the deepest sleeps I had ever felt. He must have done something crazy, like run across Equestria in a matter of an hour or so. I decided to drop in on him, to see what he had been up to in the week I haven’t been able to locate him. I used my magic to pinpoint his location, and found him in the strangest area, within a broom closet of the Ponyville Train Station.

I used my dream magic to enter his unconscious mind, and when I did enter, all I found was a vast expanse of nothingness. Just a large black abyss. I found 64 floating in the nothingness, as if he was floating in a body of water.

“64, are you ok? You look terrible.” I said, noticing that dark bags under his eyes, the disheveled hair, and his slumped expression.

“Heh, n-not really… I think I m-might need to take a few…. a f-few minutes to recover….” He said, not even looking up at me. I could sense the amount of stress within his body. His leg muscles were torn to Tartarus, and the tendons were hyperextended. A few minutes was a gross exaggeration, with the injuries he had sustained it would take a few weeks to even get walking again.

“Why are you near Ponyville? You do realize that Twilight Sparkle thinks you are dangerous now right? What are you going to try and gain by going back to Ponyville?” I asked, trying to get an answer.

“I… need to h-have a word… with T-Twilight. I-I would ask…. ask you, but I’m n-not sure you would b-be able to give me a-answers…..” 64 panted.

I knew he wouldn’t be talking to anyone anytime soon, so I exited the dream. I knew he would need assistance or he would eventually die there, so I quickly wrote a note to tell Celestia where I was going. I donned a magical shroud I wore which could dispel into a cloud of Bats. It was daylight right now, only about 12:30PM, so I used magic to spin the shroud around me quickly, starting what I called the Longshot Teleportation Spell. It was used to send something incredible distances, with very accurate results.

I began to focus, and tried to pinpoint myself into the same closet Project 64 was in. Luckily it was a larger than usual closet, so it would be easier to get maneuver into it. The spinning Shroud finally reached its maximum speed, and closed around me, sending me through the air. When I reopened my eyes, I saw 64 lying there, his legs bruised and swollen from whatever he had just endured. I put my horn onto his shoulder, and muttered a small chant. After performing the spell, I saw his legs glow dark purple for a few seconds, before the light receded, and I began to wrap him in my Shroud.

The spell I performed was to slowly heal the injuries to his legs over the course of about 7 hours, so he had plenty of time to stay unconscious before his legs healed. After wrapping him in the shroud, I lifted him onto my back with my magic, and walked out of the Closet into the Train Station.

As my loyal subject noticed me, some either bowed out of fear, or simply ran away, yelling about Nightmare Moon. I looked down dejectedly, I knew it would be some time before they accepted me again, so I decided to ease their pain, and took flight. I kept 64’s body balanced using my magic, and flew towards Twilight Sparkle’s home. 64 wanted to talk to her, so why not get him inside where he could do it easily?

I landed in front of the door, and knocked. I knew what to expect when the small dragon eventually opened the door. He screamed, ran away, and locked himself into the nearest room. I sighed and entered, seeing Twilight Sparkle come to see what the commotion was.

“Oh! Hello Princess Luna, what did you need from me?” Twilight said cheerfully.

“Greetings Twilight, thou must perform an action for us today.” I said, chastising myself as I went back into the Royal Canterlot Voice around my subjects.

“Okay…. What did you need?”

I took 64’s unconscious form off of my back, still wrapped in a shroud.

“I need thou to keep an artifact for me, tis only for a few hours. We will return on the morrow to retrieve it once again, but for now we need someplace to reserve it. Can we trust thou?” I asked.

Twilight looked very surprised.

“W-What artifact is it? Is it dangerous?” She asked. I shook my head no, and walked in with 64 in my magical grasp.

“All that is within this shroud is something which will become important to us in the next few days. All we ask of thou is to keep it here, but do not tamper with it. It is very sensitive and highly volatile if disturbed.” I said, walking downstairs into Twilight’s downstairs laboratory. I set the shroud onto the ground, and my horn glowed, hopefully getting a message into 64’s unconscious mind.

As I walked away I nodded at Twilight Sparkle and teleported outside, flying back towards Canterlot. It was up to 64 to make his next choice, I was simply there to guide him to it.

Author's Note:

New chapter!