• Published 5th Sep 2013
  • 27,839 Views, 882 Comments

64 vs. Equestria - Jman9877

When a male human is created in the Canterlot Underground Labs and tortured for experiment, what will he do in order to free himself from his captors and live the life of freedom he craves?

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Chapter 11

Chapter 11


I had never seen 64 like this before. He was in a rage I had never seen inside of him until this evening, and I wasn’t sure he was thinking clearly.

“64, calm down before you go running blindly through this forest!” I yelled at him.

At this point, 64 had cut through 3 Manticores, smashed 12 Timberwolves, and crushed 7 giant spiders, all in a rage to get to Nightmare Moon.

“No! She needs to pay!” He yelled back, slashing through the brush to follow my path quicker.

Another Manticore stumbled onto the path, and it loudly roared at 64. As it charged forward at him, 64 simply sidestepped, and delivered a decapitating sideswipe with a sword.

Make that 4 Manticores. He was a monster right now, I had to think…

I couldn’t think of anything that would stop 64 while he was like this. I could only think of one thing, but it would leave him vulnerable out in this extremely dangerous forest. What I would do was I would cut off power to the Locator, and make him fly blind until he calmed down and thinked, or simply give up.

“64, you forced my hand here.”

I shut off all power to the Locator, and shut off the Peacemaker, leaving 64 completely exposed.

“Vi! What the hell?! Why’d you shut off like that? I need both of those right now!”

“64, you need to calm down this instant, I won’t have you just rushing in and dying. So stop this instant, take a few deep breaths, and lets think about the situation at hand…”


“64, I really don’t want to play the role of a mother who needs to discipline her child right now, so if you could just calm down this instant and take a minute realize what you are doing, I’ll reactivate Peacemaker, and show you your Locator again.”

64 did what he was told surprisingly, and stopped running, slowing down to rest upon a tree. He took a couple of quick breaths, before he eventually slowed down, and let the rage just dissipate.

“O-O-Ok Vi, I’ll calm down…” 64 said, sitting and resting on the trunk of a tree, while looking down at the floor.

I had never seen 64 look so defeated before… it was as if he just lost the one thing he had in life, and I think he actually just did.

“64… Now that your head is clear, just what were you just trying to accomplish? Revenge? Payback? This isn’t you… this isn’t who you are…”

64 rubbed his face as if he was tired, and rubbed his eyes for a few seconds.

“I know… It’s just…. I just lost everything I was aiming for. All of the sneaking around, all the fighting, all the running away, all the searching…It’s like it was all for nothing.”

I thought of my next question carefully, wondering what his reaction would be.

“64. Do you even know if Nightmare Moon was the reason for that fire?”

64 stared up to the sky, looking at the moon for the 10th time today, as if looking for an answer.

“N-No… I guess not…”

“Then why try and take everything out on her? What if the lamp simply was knocked over by the wind coming through an open window? You don’t know, so why go after her?”

64 shook his head, and stood up. As he dusted himself off, he began to regain his composure.

“Ok, I get it now. Nightmare might have not been responsible for that fire, or the Proof being burned, but we still have to try and stop her, I don’t think anything else can. So give me the Locator back and we can go try to stop her.” 64 said with confidence.

I nodded, and let the Locator power-up.

“Better make it quick,” I said, “We wouldn’t want Mister Hero to get hurt this time.”

64 chuckled, “Ha ha, very funny, let’s just take Nightmare Moon down.”

64 once again started to run through the forest, eyes forward and jumping over or sliding under various branches. As he ran, we both heard a large rockslide starting to crash. It was nowhere near us, but it still sounded bad.

“Vi, any idea if that was Nightmare?” 64 asked, Katana drawn.

“I’m not sure… the energy signal I’m getting is still coming from the West, not the South.”

“Then that was just natural?”

“I don’t think anything in this forest is natural…”

64 POV

“Vi, about how much longer? “ I asked, using a slight jog through the forest to move. This forest seemed to just go on forever…

“About 1 mile to go, and it seems she is heading towards an old Ruin near a large cliff. Wait…” Vi said, trying to figure something out.

“What is it Vi?”

“I’m detecting 5… no 6, other ponies heading in the same direction, towards the Ruin.”

“What?! Are they crazy? What are those guys doing?”

“Heh, not guys, gals. I detect there are 6 mares.”

Ugh… this was too confusing. How can 6 mares be going towards the same Ruin I was? Were they explorer’s maybe? Not knowing what they were going to meet?

I went into a sprint to try and get there before those mares got there, but they were too close. As I came upon an old bridge, clearly destroyed, I saw a large cloud formation, too low to the ground to be natural. Through the clouds I saw 5 silhouettes on one side, and 4 silhouettes on the other side. It seemed like one side was yelling at the other, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying, the clouds were too thick.

“Do---sten--- them---ray---ash!”

That was all I was able to make out, before I decided to get ahead of the mares and simply use a few trees with really long branches to get across the Gorge.

The ruin I came across had nothing spectacular about it, just a few old pillars, and only two buildings were still standing. I decided to climb up the farther Castle Tower, simply because it was s taller than the other, and it would give me a much better view of the area.

I took the bow off of my back, and readied an arrow.

“64, I understand why you wanted a stronger bow, but why go to get the Scoped Shot all the way in Manehatten? That was a very long trip, and I think if you made it back to Ponyville you could have simply gotten the bow you already have stashed here?” Vi said.

“I feel the scope could have helped me get a better shot on Celestia if I needed so, but it seems there have been a change of plans. Now I’m using the scope to help me see a bit farther so I can see if Nightmare Moon is anywhere.” I answered.

The silence was deafening, and I could practically hear my blood moving in my body. It wasn’t until I heard a very faint voice start to speak in the distance, near the Main Castle building.

“The Elements of Harmony, we found them!”

One of the mares seemed very excited about finding those “Elements”, but I had no idea what they were. All I cared to think was “Where in the hell was Nightmare Moon?”

“Vi, you sure Nightmare is here? I can’t see a mist or anything.”

“She’s here, but I can’t seem to pinpoint her location.”

As me and Vi started to discuss where she could have been hiding, a sudden crash alerted me, as I pulled back the arrow and took aim the direction of the disturbance.

A large tornado of Magic was swirling within the other Castle Building, when all of a sudden I could feel it teleport and shake under me.

“WOAH!” I yelled, as all of a sudden the building shook, throwing me off of the roof and into a bush on the ground. I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder, and I couldn’t move it much.

“Oww…fuck…” I grumbled, and saw that the arrow I had ready in my bow was lodged in my left shoulder, rendering it useless.

“Ahh… Shit!” I squealed as I broke the arrow off, and pulled the arrowhead out.

“Ugh… Vi, this is almost nothing, so don’t go using magic to try and fix this, I just need a day or two…” I panted.

“I understand. Don’t worry; I know it’s a pretty small wound.”

As I leaned against the wall, I began holding my shoulder to stop any bleeding I could. This was just perfect, those 6 mares were getting into something which was way too dangerous for them to handle, and here I was with a dead shoulder. Great…

“Hold on Twi! We’re a’comin!” A country sounding voice yelled. I quickly went prone behind of the bush I was laying on, and saw 5 Mares running towards the building I once just on top of.

“Damn, do they all have some sort of death wish or something?” I whispered to myself.

I got up off of the floor and tried rotating my shoulder, to no avail.

“Shit… C’mon! I gotta get in there somehow, or at least see what’s going on!” I said, before running to the front entrance of the Second Building, but I saw it was collapsed in. Apparently the door was weak enough to collapse after the 5 other mares were able to get through.

“Damn, Vi! I need a route up to a window or something, take into account a one handed handicap.” I said, looking up and around the wall.

“Ok, I found a small pile of rubble which you should be able to climb up, just use your right arm to lift and balance.” Vi said, making a blue line which led to the other side of the building.

I ran around, and saw the pile of rubble in question. The first few pieces were like stair steps, but the next few needed me to lift myself up using only one arm.

After falling down twice and getting a few more scrapes, I was finally able to get to the top of the pile of rubble, and look through the window. All I was able to see was the 6 mares for a split second before a blinding flash of light nearly made me fall once again, but I was able to hold onto the wall to keep my balance.

I squinted to see a bit clearer, and I saw Nightmare Moon inside of the building, absolutely terrified at the strange spectacle of light which was going on in front of her.

“NO! NO! NOOO!” She yelled as a beam of Rainbow shot out of the huge light, and wrapped itself around Nightmare Moon, as she tried to bat it away. The light suddenly got strong enough to actually create a tremor, and was able to knock me off of the pile of rubble once again, landing on my dead shoulder.

“OWW!” I yelled, eyes shut in pain. The light got brighter and brighter, and then suddenly as quickly as it came, it disappeared. When I tried to get up, I realized that I once again had control of my shoulder. I quickly scrambled to get back onto my feet and back up the rubble pile.

“Ugh… what the hell could have thrown me off like that…?” I said as I tried to climb up once again.

“It seems like a huge amount of Magical Discharge just shot through the area, it’s screwing with my Locator and Analyzers, I’m trying to see what’s going on inside of the building, but everything is all fuzzy.” Vi said, sounding really tired.

“You ok Vi?” I said confusedly.

“It’s the amount of magic in the air… It’s so thick I can see 2 feet in any direction.”

I wondered what she meant by that, I couldn’t feel anything. Then again I’m an organic being, and she’s a powerful magical entity powered by the magic of hundreds of past students of Celestia, so I guess she is more prone to magical disturbances.

The strangest part of everything, was that the Sun started to rise. Mid-climb I looked at my watch and saw the time.

10 AM? How was that even possible? The Sun was supposed to rise 3 hours ago…

I finally reached the top of the rubble, and I peeked into the window.

Then immediately ducked under it. Because in that Ruin, was Celestia herself. Why the hell was she in there? How did she get out of Moon?

Luckily it didn’t look like she saw me, so I started to see my options.

“Vi, we need options. I got one, but do you have anything?” I said quickly

“No… I… still can’t think straight…”

“It’s fine, just relax, I got this…”

I jumped down the rubble and ran to the Main Castle Building, then as quickly as I could I climbed up to the top. On the roof of this place I had a perfect shot of Celestia through a window with my bow.

“Time to end this…” I whispered as I took my bow of my back.

I took an arrow out of my quiver, and took aim. Deep breaths…. Steady hands…. Clear head….

I drew back the bow string, and squinted my eyes to get a clear shot through the zoomed scope…


The bow in my hands snapped in two. Apparently the force of my last fall was a bit too much, and the bow cracked under the pressure, literally.

“DAMMIT!” I yelled, throwing the pieces of the broken bow off the side of the roof. I simply stared at Celestia, wondering what the hell she was doing in there. Maybe she was gonna throw Nightmare Moon into the labs just like me.

But… there was another figure walking up to her, too small to be another Alicorn like Nightmare Moon. But it walked up to her like Celestia was just a close friend, not a Princess.

I looked around on the roof, and picked the scope of the now destroyed bow, and inspected it for damage. It looked good enough, so I looked through it, trying to see what was going on.

As the scope focused, I became confused. There were in fact 7 others in the room with Celestia. First was an unconscious Princess Luna, out of her combat armor. Second, an orange mare with a brown Stetson hat. Third a cyan Pegasus mare whose hair looked like it was a sibling to Roy G. Biv. Fourth, the same mare who decided to harass me in Ponyville, a pink mare with balloons for a cutie mark. Fifth, a yellow Pegasus Mare with long pink flowing hair. Sixth, and white Unicorn mare who had a curly purple mane.


My head started to spin. I tried to shake my head to get my vision cleared, to get whatever was in my eyes out, but no matter what I did, the image didn’t change, it simply stayed the image which my jaw dropped to.

The Seventh was a purple coated mare, with a darker shade of purple mane with a pink stripe running through it.

The Seventh pony, was Twilight Sparkle.

“V-Vi… You seeing this?” I whispered, still in shock.

“I am… She isn’t dead?” Vi said, still sounding slightly tired, but much better.

“I don’t understand… How did… Why isn’t…”

I could make a coherent thought at the moment. Twilight Sparkle was alive! Project 65 never went through!

“Vi… I have to talk to her!” I said, trying to contain my excitement.

“I agree, but we have to take things slowly. No doubt Knight and Captain Shining Armor will report that you were near Ponyville last night, and there will be a bit more security around don’t you think?”

“I know. I need to go somewhere I can stay in Ponyville until the heat dies down a bit…. I think I saw a Clock Tower somewhere in the city. Those things usually have a good amount of space in them, I have to stay close so I can talk to Twilight, and I have some many questions!”

I jumped off of the side of the building, and rolled when I hit the ground. I had to get back to Ponyville as fast as I could. I ran through the Everfree Forest, this time much quicker due to the fact that light now shone through the trees now, and I was able to better traverse through the thick foliage.

“Vi, I think I need to go a bit faster… got anything for me?” I said with a chuckle.

“Wait up…” she said.

I stopped quickly, and then closed my eyes. I reopened them, and a bright blue light shone through them once again. I saw Red squares in the air, giving me a path to follow while in midair. I squatted, then jumped into the high into air, following the path of the Squares.

As I reached the apex of my jump, I saw Ponyville below me. As I fell, I saw I was on a direct path to land on the top of the Clock Tower.

“Vi! Coming in hot!” I yelled.

“I got it, I got it…” Vi mumbled.

As I was about to hit the Clock Tower, I felt a huge gust of wind blow against me, slowing me down tremendously. I was able to roll once I hit the Bell Floor of the Clock tower, landing right next to the bell.

“Nice… Landing…” I said, coughing a bit from the magic still coursing through my body.

“You’re welcome, hey… look over there.” Vi said, nodding in the direction of Ponyville.

I turned towards Ponyville, and saw there was a large celebration going on. I pulled the Scope out of my pocket once again and looked through it.

Celestia and Princess Luna were on a chariot going into Ponyville, and when they landed, they were greeted by Twilight Sparkle and her 5 companions. At first, it seemed as if Twilight was glum about something, but after a small speech, her attitude changed immediately, and she was hugged on all sides by her friends.

“Vi… do you think things have changed since we were gone?” I asked, putting down the Scope and sitting on the edge of the tower, letting my legs dangle off of the edge.”

“64, I think everything has changed since we were gone.” Vi sighed.

I sat thinking about that sentence. What if things weren’t all that they seemed with Celestia anymore? What if after we escaped she was forced to shut down the Underground Labs to prevent from something like that to ever happen again?

“Well, sooner or later I’m going to have to talk with Twilight, and ask her about Celestia. There’s too many unanswered questions to answer, and too much confusion for me to proceed any further.”

I sighed and got up. There was a ladder which led to the bottom floors of the clock tower, and I decided to simply use a few haystacks with the clock tower as a temporary bed for a few days until everything died down a bit.

I laid down on the hay bales with my hands behind my head, simply staring at the ceiling.

“Vi, we’re in a pickle aren’t we?” I said with a sigh.

"Yep... We're swimming in a sea of vinegar..."

Author's Note: