• Published 5th Sep 2013
  • 3,856 Views, 132 Comments

To Be Magical - Lux

Sweetie Belle wants to learn magic, and who better to teach her than Twilight Sparkle.

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Talks Over Tea

Chapter 5 – Talks Over Tea

Sweetie Belle could barely contain herself during the last school days of the week, knowing that the weekend would bring her lessons with Twilight Sparkle. Thankfully most of her classmates had forgotten about the event of the day before, other than the appearance of Princess Twilight Sparkle. Her fellow Crusaders were on guard in case Diamond Tiara would try to bully Sweetie Belle again. Despite their worry, the bully was subdued largely because of Cheerilee speaking with her and most likely to her father. That and the fact that the teacher was watching Diamond Tiara like a hawk prevented the filly from trying anything bad. Sweetie Belle wished that it would stay that way but she knew from experience that it was not so.

Finally the weekend came and Sweetie Belle woke bright and early so she could take full advantage of the time. Part of her wanted to forgo eating or even taking a bath to conserve time, but her parents wouldn’t let her go until she took care of herself first. With everything in order she eagerly hopped down the road, closer to her first lesson.

Meanwhile in the Golden Oaks Library, Twilight was running through the rooms levitating objects from one place to the next. Spike assisted her as much as he could, albeit often having to dodge a low flying book or scroll in the process.

“Ok,” the lavender Alicorn said, “I have the quills, paper, ink, and chalkboard. Spike do you have the books on basic magic?”

“Right here,” Spike said holding a stack of books, ones that were admittedly hard to find among the hundreds of more advanced level of books on magic that were closer to Twilight’s level.

“Thanks Spike. I really couldn’t have set this all up without you.”

“No problem. I can see that you looked a little nervous.”

“Yeah I guess I am,” Twilight said realizing how perceptive the baby dragon was and maybe that her emotions were that apparent, “I know that I’m going to be as good of a teacher as Celestia was to me, but I hope that I can help Sweetie Belle with her magic.”

“You’ll do fine I’m sure,” Spike said, “I mean you’re the smartest pony that I know and then there’s that little thing about being the Element of Magic and becoming a Princess because of your awesome magic!”

“You always know the right thing to say,” Twilight said to Spike, “That’s what makes you so great!”

“Hey, I’m not your number one assistant for nothing,” Spike replied with a grin.

The two suddenly heard a knock on the door to which Twilight immediately went to see who it was.

“Hi Twilight,” Sweetie Belle said an eager smile, “I hope I’m not too late.”

“You’re right on time. Please come on in.”

The filly entered the library as Twilight closed the door. Sweetie Belle, like most ponies, had been to the library before to get books for school projects or for just the pleasure of reading. She liked to learn new things, and with the thousands of books located within the tree she knew she wouldn’t run out of things to discover any time soon. Even if she did, she could count on learning something from Twilight Sparkle who was herself a living breathing store of knowledge. This time though was special from the other visits to the library, those other moments saying hello to Twilight while searching through the shelves for the next book to devour. She was going to have personal lessons from Twilight, a pony that she idolized almost as much as her sister Rarity.

“Thanks gain for teaching me,” the white unicorn said to Twilight, not taking this chance of a lifetime for granted.
“Oh you’re welcome. I’m happy to help you learn magic. Your sister told me about how much you were learning and practicing.”

“Yeah,” she said as her ears dropped, “Although not that well.”

“Sweetie,” Twilight spoke as she looked directly at the filly, “I don’t want you to ever feel that you’re doing something wrong of feel that you are any less than your classmates, ok? You are a smart, kind, and happy filly who deserves to be treated as well as the other ponies. And before you say anything about that day that I was in your class, I saw first hoof what Diamond Tiara did and spoke to her after class, reminding her that I am a Princess and can easily turn her into a slug if she ever bullied you like that again. Of course I wouldn’t that, but that’s our little secret.”

Sweetie Belle smiled thinking that she now had an ally beyond Rarity and her fellow Crusaders. She could picture the look on Diamond Tiara’s face when Twilight spoke to her!

“Alright Twilight, I won’t be hard on myself.”

“Good, now would you like some tea before we start?”

“Aren’t we going to doing spells or something?”

“We are Sweetie Belle, but I think we should talk first about a few things.”

“Ok then,” Sweetie Belle said a little unhappy that Twilight wasn’t going to start teaching her magic right at the start, “I guess I’ll have some tea.”

Twilight gave a nod and then called for Spike.

“Hi Sweetie Belle,” the dragon said, “How’s Rarity?”

“She’s fine thanks for asking.”

“Because if she needs help with anything I can head right over there,” Spike said frantically.

“Well, before you go over there,” Twilight said with a chuckle, “Can you make some tea for the two of us?”

“Right away,” Spike said with a little salute before disappearing in the kitchen.

“What’s up with Spike,” Sweetie Belle said confused, “He acts weird like that every time he’s around Rarity, even when I say her name.”

“I have no idea,” Twilight said feigning ignorance so as to not go into a lengthy explanation of how Spike was madly in love with the filly’s older sister, “Anyway, let’s talk about your magic. I know you have been studying from Rarity. What books are you reading?”

“I don’t remember all of them,” Sweetie Belle said putting a hoof under her chin, “There was one titled I think, Temporal Spatial Distortion and another was Arcane Secrets and Spells. I couldn’t do any of the spells from them though and it was hard to even understand what was written.”

“Sweetie,” the lavender Alicorn said recognizing each title like she read them yesterday, “Those are books with very advanced magic inside. It’s dangerous to try those kinds of magic when you’re starting out. Something can go wrong and you wouldn’t be able fix it. So, promise me that you won’t try out any spells or even read any magic books unless I say they’re ok, alright?”

“Fine,” Sweetie Belle replied as she slumped in her chair, upset that a pony who encouraged other to read was now telling her what she should or shouldn’t study. But she knew Twilight had a plan and the filly was determined to still follow it. Spike then returned from the kitchen carrying a tray containing a teapot, tow tea cups, a chest of different typed of teas, a bowl of lemon wedges, another bowl of sugar, a small bottle of milk, and a plate of yummy looking cookies.

“Thanks Spike,” Twilight said as she levitated the tea set from the dragon and set it on the table, “If you want to go see if Rarity needs help you can.”

“Ok,” Spike said excitedly as without a moment of hesitation left the library. Although Sweetie Belle couldn’t tell for sure, she could have sworn that there were hearts in Spike’s eyes.”

“Now what kind of tea would you like,” Twilight said.

“Um…Rarity usually has Canterlot Breakfast Tea for me.”

“That’s my favorite one,” Twilight said as she selected two tea bags from the chest and placed them in their respective cups before pouring water over them.

“Now while those are steeping, what spells have you been trying?”

“Well beyond those that I now know I wasn’t supposed to try from those books, I tried to levitate things with magic. I tried different things like moving a book, my pillow, and a quill. I even tried to move Opal, but she didn’t like that at all. No matter what I tried though I can get the things to shake slightly but I can’t lift them. It’s like they weigh as much as a pony!

Yesterday, I tried to move a vase that was on Rarity’s table but I passed out and accidentally smashed the vase.”

As the filly spoke, Twilight said nothing, merely listening to everything while she took mental notes. It was clear that the filly’s problem wasn’t due to a lack of trying, and Twilight knew that Rarity of all ponies would be one to encourage Sweetie Belle to try her magic. The fact that her unicorn friend came to her in confidence not knowing how to help Sweetie Belle meant that this was serious.

“Tell me about what happened before you passed out Sweetie.”

“Well, I remember that I was trying really hard to lift that vase, and then I kind of blacked out. Is that something that happens to other unicorns?”

“It does to those who are just staring out, usually when one tries to use too much energy or is overloaded with energy. Their bodies just can’t handle it either way which causes them to pass out.”

“Oh, guess that means that I was using too much energy,” Sweetie said as her ears drooped while she removed the tea bag and added sugar and milk to her tea.

“Could be,” Twilight said as she prepared her own tea, “How about your headaches? Rarity said that you’ve been having them.”

“Yeah, I get them sometimes. Normally they’re ok but sometimes they’re really painful!”

“That’s usually due to a unicorn who has energy pent up inside them and cannot release it with casting spells.”

“Oh,” Sweetie Belle said taking a sip from her tea thinking about what everything meant and how it related to her inability to perform magic.

“Is there anything else you can think of Sweetie Belle about your magic?”

“Not really,” Sweetie Belle said, “Sorry I can’t be of any more help.”

“That’s ok Sweetie Belle,” Twilight said with a reassuring smile, “You gave me some information that I can use for later. Now how about we finish our tea and then we’ll get to practicing. I think I have a few things we can try.”

“Great,” Sweetie Belle said as she enjoyed her tea, looking forward to her lesson.