• Published 21st Aug 2013
  • 4,137 Views, 311 Comments

A Black Belt in a Colorful Land - DismantledAccount

A martial artist wakes up in Equestria after suffering a concussion and he is not feeling the love... yet.

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Chapter 5: Communication

Chapter 5: Communication

The Next Day...

Rainbow Dash was not a fan of Creature. Creature broke my wing and almost broke my muzzle just for trying to talk to him, what is there to like? Dash thought, as she trotted out of Fluttershy's house. I can't even fly up to my house, much less practice for the Wonderbolts until I heal. At least Fluttershy let me stay at her house, thought Dash, arriving at Ponyville. I really wish I could be flying right now, I don't know how earth ponies and unicorns can walk around constantly without dying of boredom.

Finally, thought Dash, upon arriving at the library, That took waaay longer then it should have. "Twilight! Open up!" she yelled, pounding her hoof on the door. Dash waited for all of three seconds before pounding on the door repeatedly, "Twiiiliiiight!" Dash heard movement on the other side of the door so she continued, "Open up! What's taking you so long?" As the door opened abruptly Dash fell down at Twilight's feet, a product of her vigorous knocking.

"Mornin', Dash," Twilight yawned, as Dash got to her hooves.

"Twilight, its afternoon not morning, and you look like you just got out of bed," remarked Dash, as she walked into the library.

"I stayed up late last night watching Creature, it appears he doesn't even have eyelids his eyes just turn black when he falls asleep," remarked Twilight, recovering some of her energy at the thought of Creature. "I'm going to go upstairs and freshen up before Rarity and Ditzy get here, just make yourself at home, I'll be back down soon," she said, walking up her stairs. "On second thought, I remember the horror stories that Fluttershy has told me about your living room, just behave yourself," she said, as she disappeared into her room.

My house isn't that bad... she thought, as she compared her house to Twilight's. Maybe my house could be a little cleaner. But what's the point anyway? The only visitor I get is Fluttershy, so its not like anypony will see how messy it is. Dash looked up at the door as she heard somepony speaking.

"Twilight, may I come in?" said a sophisticated sounding voice.

"Oh, and me too," said a not so sophisticated voice.

I bet that's Rarity and Ditzy, thought Dash, as she opened the library door. After seeing that it was indeed Rarity and Ditzy, Dash welcomed them inside saying,"Come on in, Twilight said she will be down in a minute and then we can take you downstairs to see Creature."

"Who is this, Creature?" said Rarity, "I think that is a horrible nickname to give anypony, no matter how they may look."

"You'll see when you meet him," said Dash, smiling and already imagining the look on Rarity's face when she saw him.

"Why is he living inside the prison cell built in Twilight's basement anyway? Terribly unsanitary place down there."

"That will also be answered by seeing him, Rarity," said Twilight, walking down the stairs to join the other three mares. "And for a fact it is not a prison cell, it is a large specimen cage for dangerous animals."

"I would also like to know why didn't you invite Applejack, Pinkie, or Fluttershy to join us, I'm sure they would have gladly accepted the invitation," said Rarity.

"We want to introduce Creature to new ponies slowly because he was the one who broke Dash's wing a couple of days ago and we don't want a repeat incident," responded Twilight.

"That, that... Hooligan!" exclaimed Rarity. "I'm going to give him a piece of my mind for acting in such a way to a lady!" she continued, running into the basement, completely ignoring the cries of warning that came from the other three mares. Ditzy, Rainbow, and Twilight looked at each other with identical looks of concern before galloping down the stairs. This is going to be good, thought Dash.

When the other mares joined Rarity in Creature's cell they found her sitting down and looking at the hulking figure that is Creature, with shock etched on every feature of her face.

That face is hilarious, thought Dash. "You should see the look on your face, Rarity! Priceless!" Dash laughed.

"A lady never shows astonishment, I was simply... intrigued greatly," responded Rarity, finally regaining control of her facial muscles.

"Right," said Dash, "And my wing isn't broken either."

"Ummmm, Twilight? Creature is sleeping, do you know how to wake him up?" asked Ditzy, noticing that Creature was asleep.

"No, I was hoping you would have an idea, considering you seem to know the most about him," responded Twilight, prompting Ditzy to adopt her customary thinking position.

Sleeping Creature? This I gotta see. Dash took a break from mocking Rarity and looked over to see Creature lying on its side with his back against the wall, using the bed's mattress as a pillow. Creatures hind legs and forelegs were bent at awkward looking angles and at some point during the night he had stuck them though the bars to give himself more room. "Hey, Twilight, what happened to Creature's bed?" Dash asked.

Twilight paled slightly as she caught sight of the mangled bed that had been shoved through the bars. "Rainbow, do you know how much force it would take to break the bed? I had the wood reinforced several times with magic so that this kind of thing wouldn't happen-"

"I figured out how I'm going to wake up Creature!" said Ditzy happily, interrupting Twilight and trotting up to Creature's forelegs.

Rarity, who had been following Twilight and Rainbow's conversation, called out, "Wait! Darling, I don't think that is such a good idea."

Unfortunately, Rarity's warning fell upon deaf ears, as Ditzy was much too excited over the prospect of spending time with Creature to listen to her.

The other three mares held their breath as Ditzy walked up to Creature's fore paw and poked it with her hoof. The paw twitched but nothing more, and the mares let out a collective sigh of relief. Ditzy poked it again, this time getting a much larger response. The paw did more than twitch, the paw wrapped its long, blunt claws around Ditzy's hoof and pulled her hoof through the bars, almost smashing her face into the cage. Ditzy let out a small "Eeep" of fear as Creature's eyes lit up, blazing with an inner fire. As Creature brought his face close to Ditzy's, Dash heard a *thump* as Rarity fainted.

Creature stayed this way for a few seconds before bringing his other paw up to Ditzy's head, she tried to avoid the paw by flinching away but the paw that held her hoof was too strong. Twilight and Rainbow could only watch in horror as the paw got closer and closer before it slowly and gently patted her head. Creature then released her hoof and sat up straight while pulling the rest of his limbs inside the cage..

*Thump* went Twilight who didn't have the stomach to watch such intensity. As Twilight had fallen her magical grip had been lost on her scroll and quill, sending them flying. Creature noticed these objects were no longer in use and motioned toward them intently. Ditzy walked over to where the objects were lying, she then picked them up with her mouth before turning to Creature and pointing at the items with her hoof. Creature responded by nodding slowly. What could he possibly want with those? Dash thought to herself, He doesn't have a mouth or a horn so it can't use them, can he? I wish Twilight was still awake, she is much better at this kind of egghead-y stuff, she would know.

Ditzy placed the scroll and quill in Creature's outstretched paw, the items seeming tiny when compared to something so big. Creature held the scroll in one paw and the quill in the other paw as he started to write. Or draw for that matter. After he finished he handed the scroll back to Ditzy who opened it and read it. "Rainbow you may want to read this," Ditzy said while smiling.

I wonder what it says, and how he can even write. Although, his claws did seem good at holding the quill, thought Dash, as she started walking over to Ditzy. However, Dash was too preoccupied by her thoughts and didn't see Rarity's hoof in her path. Dash tripped over Rarity's hoof and tried to use her wings to keep herself from hitting the ground, remembering too late that her right wing was broken. The resulting wing flaps from her left wing caused her to fly directly into the wall on her right, the combined pain of hitting her head as well as her broken wing pulled Dash into unconsciousness.

As Ditzy and Creature beheld the room of unconscious mares there was a simultaneous facehoof and facepaw.