• Published 21st Aug 2013
  • 4,137 Views, 311 Comments

A Black Belt in a Colorful Land - DismantledAccount

A martial artist wakes up in Equestria after suffering a concussion and he is not feeling the love... yet.

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Chapter 4: Silence

Chapter 4: Silence


Alex opened his featureless blue eyes and all he saw was darkness. Where am I? This doesn't look like the forest. And more importantly, how did I get here? The last thing I remember was sitting at my campfire trying to figure out how I wasn't already dead, with my whole lack of important facial features. I don't even think this body has to breath or eat for that matter, its kind of impossible with out a mouth or nose. I don't even have ears so three of my five senses just flew out the same window that my body did, at least it seems that my sight and touch sensitivity have been increased. In fact, I can still remember the small horse... Right, the horses, I remember them now. There was a small gray horse with a blond mane and odd misaligned golden eyes that tried to give a muffin to me. It almost looked like she was studying me as much as I was studying her, at least it looked like a she. I'm pretty sure I even saw her blush once or twice upon catching sight of my crotch, although that's scientifically impossible for a horse. Said the eight foot tall guy covered in smooth fur without a mouth, nose, or ears, who has recently killed a wolf made out of wood... This is officially the World of Flying Pigs, and horses apparently, he thought, remembering the second horse that had attacked him.

That one scares me. It was so colorful it hurt my eyes, it was like a rainbow had somehow crawled inside its mouth, died, and then exploded without hurting it. Alex shivered slightly, I wish I still had my clothes, it's cold in here, but I guess they are still riding on my other body. That thought feels really weird, but I bet it would be even weirder to say it out loud, if I could. I swear if I ever find the person who did this to me I'm going to kill him, slowly and- Alex's train of thought was interrupted by light spilling out of an opening doorway.

Alex quickly looked around himself trying to get his bearings before whoever was opening the door came in. I appear to be in a... prison cell? Yup, a tiny prison cell complete with its own silly little four foot long bed that only a six year old could sleep on. The steel bars look sturdy enough but the door in them is way too small for me to fit through, which leaves the question, how did they get me in here? He looked up at the ceiling to notice that it was only a few inches above his sitting form. Definitely not by conventional means, he decided.

As the beings who opened the door walked in Alex expected to finally see some people, at least some short ones. But alas, the World of Flying Pigs does not disappoint. In walked the two horses he had see earlier and an additional one. That is a purple unicorn, a freaking purple unicorn walking next to the flying color bomb and the gray one who tried to give me a muffin. Two of the horses stopped in front of Alex while the color bomb sat slightly behind them giving Alex the death glare. The unicorn stepped in front of the gray horse and appeared to start... talking? Great. Just great. I finally find another sentient being and I don't even have a mouth or ears to communicate with it. Oh... that probably means that the color bomb was just trying to talk to me. And now I feel bad for attacking it, thank you conscience.

Alex had been ignoring the unicorn so when the gray horse interrupted the now frustrated looking unicorn he looked at the gray horse with interest. He studied the horse as it slowly walked toward him and stood in front of his cell. Further study revealed that the horse had small wings tucked against its sides and a picture of bubbles on its ass. I have no what to think about that. The horse reached behind it and pulled out a muffin, then she held it up through the bars for Alex to grab. I might as well pick it up, thought Alex reaching for the muffin, its not like I can eat it but she definitely wants me to have it.

Alex picked up the muffin and held it up to his eyes inspecting it. Wait a second he thought his mind finally understanding. This muffin looks exactly like the ones I was getting in the forest, I bet she was the one who was giving them to me. He pointed at the muffin with his left hand before pointing at the gray horse while tilting his head questioningly hoping it would understand. The small horse nodded while smiling happily. That would look really creepy on any other animal but she somehow makes it look cute.

The small horse sat down and used it hoof to point at Alex while saying something slowly, it then pointed at her own ear and finally to her mouth. I guess that is her asking me if I can hear her, thought Alex, as he slowly shook his head side to side. I hope that still means no, the head shake is universal, right? The horse seemed to ponder this by tapping her hoof on her chin, sticking her tongue out, and having her left eye wander aimlessly. Wow, forget what I said about her smile, if that was cute then this is adorable.

The horse kept her pose for a few minutes before catching sight of Alex's bleeding forearm. It must have opened up while I was asleep. She turned to the unicorn and said something, the unicorn responded by nodding and walking out of the room then immediately returned, a white box with a red cross on it floating beside her. Remember, never question the laws of physics when in the World of Flying Pigs, Alex thought, it looks like I might get some medical treatment after all, if that box is what I think it is.

The small gray horse pointed at Alex then at his injured forearm before making a "bring it over here" motion. Alex nodded and put his arm through the bars so it could be easily accessible to the mare, At least I think that's what you call a female horse, and all of these horses look feminine so I'll go that. As the gray mare started inspecting his forearm he took the time to inspect the other two mares. The blue mare appeared lithe and athletic, much more than the other two and still hadn't let up the death glare since the last time he checked. The unicorn had a pencil and paper floating in front of her and appeared to be taking notes. So maybe they can read and write? Interesting, he thought, maybe we can communicate through paper later, that is if we speak the same language.

The gray mare finished wrapping the wolf bite making concerned looking faces at him. She patted his hand with a curiously soft hoof and stepped back showing she was done. Alex pulled his arm back inside his cell and brought it up to his eyes for inspection, Not half bad for an animal without hands... come to think of it how did she manage to wrap it? Whatever, I don't even want to think about it, it makes my head hurt. Alex nodded his thanks before putting his arm down, the mare responded by giving him another cute smile.

The unicorn must have spoken because both of the other mares looked at her before they all started walking towards the door that they had entered from. The gray mare was the last in line to leave, before exiting the room she turned around and waved at Alex, Alex responded with a small wave of his own. This caused the mare to break into a smile as she leaped off of her front hooves and clapped them together while fluttering her wings. The gray mare was still smiling as she exited the room closing the door and plunging Alex into darkness once more.

Alone once more, just me and my thoughts in a world of silence, Alex thought. However, I suppose I do deserve this for breaking that mares wing just for trying to talk to me, thought Alex, as he tried to get comfortable in his cramped cell.

At the very least they could have left a little bit of light for- Alex was interrupted by light spilling into the room once again, this time all he saw was the head of the gray mare as it quickly set down a candle inside the door before disappearing just as quickly.

I wonder...-Ah ha! I finally remembered what a horse with wings is called, a pegasus. Now what was I thinking about... Oh right, wondering why that pegasus is being so nice after I almost beat her friend into a pulp. Alex tried to yawn before remembering that he had no mouth. I'll figure it out when I wake up next, he thought, before getting as comfortable as he could and fell into a dreamless sleep.

Author's Note:

I woke up at 4:30 this morning by accident so I had quite a bit of extra time today... So... Have a free bonus chapter.

Note to self: NEVER AGAIN will I try to write a story while listening to the Dead Space 1 soundtrack, I tried it for a fifteen minutes and found that I was writing faster and sloppier as the music built up in intensity. I finally said that it was making my writing too bad and switched back to Halo.