• Published 21st Aug 2013
  • 4,137 Views, 311 Comments

A Black Belt in a Colorful Land - DismantledAccount

A martial artist wakes up in Equestria after suffering a concussion and he is not feeling the love... yet.

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Chapter 26: Out of the Forest

Chapter 26: Out of the Forest...

Night, Sometime After Leaving Alexander...

Rainbow Dash was dragging the unconscious, mentally depraved pegasus through the almost pitch black forest. The moon and the stars provided some illumination but nowhere near enough to counter the treacherous footing, if she was actually looking where she was going that is.

She stubbornly tugged backward, often running into trees and bushes. “Why… are you so... heavy?” she panted through Fluttershy’s tail. “If I was flying… I could carry you… no problem...”

“But Mister Tree,” Fluttershy protested sleepily, “I want to ride the pony…”

“Go back to bed, Fluttershy,” commanded Dash.

“What are we going to do in bed, Dashie?” asked Fluttershy slowly, her chin bouncing over a root.

“Nothing, go to sleep!” she yelled through the tail.

“So you want to sleep with me?” she asked, yawning and looking over her shoulder at Dash.


Fluttershy attempted—and somehow succeeded—to wiggle her hips seductively. “You know you want some of this,” she whispered.

“I… need to find that hospital,” Dash muttered to herself, closing her eyes and backing into another tree with a thud.

The tree growled.

Oh, come on! Really? Dash slowly opened her eyes. She let go of Fluttershy’s tail and turned around to face glowing yellow eyes several hooves above her own. Dash swallowed nervously and gently brushed off the wooden chest. “S-Sorry about that,” she murmured, averting her eyes.

The Timberwolf growled again, long and low; it didn’t take it’s eyes off Dash’s foreleg as it slowly traveled across its chest.

“I’ll just be going now…” she murmured, backing up carefully.

More growling came from behind her.

She turned around to see that two more Timberwolves had sneaked up behind her when she wasn’t looking.

Fluttershy rolled onto her back and spread open her legs. “My body is ready,” she whispered, staring at the closest Timberwolf with half lidded eyes.

In spite of their impending doom, Dash facehooved.

Two more wolves joined the others. Dash and Fluttershy were now surrounded on all sides by the growling beasts.

Dash flared her wings and made her decision. What use is trying to protect my injured wing from further harm if we die anyways? Bucking the wolf behind her, she leaped forward and wrapped her forelegs around Fluttershy. Pushing off the ground, she rocketed into the sky. She immediately felt an intense pain stemming from her tail. “Hey!” she yelped as tone of the Timberwolves continued yanking on her tail.

The wolf tensed it neck and pulled down rapidly and violently, causing Dash to slam into the ground. She lay there winded as the wolves closed in, their glowing eyes flickering hungrily. One of the wolves seemed to grin as it came closer to their helpless bodies.

“Sorry... I could...n’t do any...thing, Flutter...shy,” Dash wheezed, struggling—and failing—to get to her hooves.

“It’ssskay,” slurred Fluttershy, looking over at Dash. “Wee-can have good sexies in heavn...” She giggled, “I’m soooooo hiiiiiiiiiigh…”

Dash didn’t respond as the lead wolf opened its mouth wide. It leaned forward and forcefully bit into her wing, severing it completely. As if that was the signal to attack, the wolves went wild, tearing, pummeling, snapping, and shedding the pegasi apart. They ripped limbs, tore flesh, and chewed through one of Dash’s eyes, spilling blood across the forest floor.

“Stop!” yelled a voice.

Dash weakly looked up with her one remaining eye to see Alexander brandishing a torch. “Get out of here!” he yelled, swinging the fire around menacingly.

The wolves took one look at the fire and turned fled, their tails between their legs. The scampered off into the dark trees, whimpering softly

Alexander slowly walked over to her, inspecting her as he came. He stopped right in front her her and crouched down. He took one one of his paws and began stroking her ear softly with it. “How are you feeling?” he asked quietly.

She spat a bit of blood out of her mouth before responding. “Great,” she rasped. “Is Fluttershy okay?” she asked.

His eyes flicked over her shoulder. “More or less,” he replied. “But you’re worse than she is.”

“How bad is it?” she asked, a numb feeling spreading over her.

“Very bad,” he elaborated. “But, not knowing your anatomy, I can’t tell exactly how bad.”

“Think you can help me up?” she wheezed. “I can walk if you get me up.” She weakly began pushing herself to her hooves, slowly rising from the hard ground.

His eyes hardened. “No,” he stated.


Alexander cut her off by shoving the burning torch deep into her throat. She tried to scream but all that came out was a soft whimper. Her spit began sizzling and her chest felt like it was on fire. Her one remaining eyes watered up and cried relentlessly down her cheek.

In the gentle moonlight she could see Alexander’s maniacal grin as the world slowly went black…

Dash jerked in place, opening her eyes quickly.

Immediately, Rainbow felt several things: a serious ache emanating from her hindquarters, a burning thirst in her mouth, and the feeling of soft fur nuzzling the side of her head and her ear.

She felt her lips crack as she opened them to try and speak. All that she managed to produce was a small croak. She looked at her ribs to see a pair of yellow forelegs wrapped around her midsection. A yellow face with a blissful expression on it nuzzled its way from the back of her head to her cheek. “Fluttershy,” is what she tried to say. “F…….h.” is what she actually said.

“Stupid heavy ponies,” groaned Alexander from below her. "I swear..."

Wait… Below? Dash looked down and saw treetops and the dawn sky, she looked up to see the ground and Alexander's legs. Looking “down” again, she saw the back of Alexander’s head. Both her and Fluttershy’s rumps were pointing towards the sky and their tails were twisted together and looped over his shoulder. They both bounced against his back as he walked with uneven steps.

“Down…” she whispered, finally wetting her mouth enough so she was able to get a word out.

“Huh? Took your sweet time waking up didn’t you?” said Alexander, unceremoniously lifting them off of his shoulder and setting them face first on the ground. “What did you eat yesterday? Too much?”

Dash lazily waved a hoof in his general direction, mumbling incoherently.

“That’s what I thought. You both need to lose a few pounds,” he grunted, sitting down in front of her. He set down his makeshift cane next to him and carefully massaged around the injury on his leg.

Dash eyed him, and the torch he was holding, warily and tried to shuffle away from him but only managed to cuddle closer to Fluttershy, who hugged her even more firmly and chewed on her ear.

“What?” he asked, noting her discomfort.

She shook her head, not wanting to tell him even if she could.

“Thirsty?” he asked.

Dash reluctantly nodded.


Her eyes widened as he stood up and walked closer.

“What?” he asked again.

She shook her head, not taking her eyes off of his face.

He bent down and slid his paws underneath Dash. Lifting her and Fluttershy upwards, he hugged them to his chest, grunting as he walked forward.

Dash struggled to see where they were going, but Fluttershy’s head was in the way. Instead, she concentrated on Alexander’s face, looking up and watching for that maniacal grin she remembered.

After a few more hobbling steps, he stopped. He looked down at Dash and smiled. “Hope you can swim,” he said cheerfully, letting go of them.

Dash didn’t have time to respond, before she could even look at him angrily, she hit the cool water. “Ahhhhh…” she sighed as the water soothed her aching backside. Opening her mouth, she drank large gulps of the fresh water, finally giving the much needed moisture to her mouth.

She felt something grab around her mane and pull her head out of the water. “You can swim, right?” asked Alexander.

“I’m Rainbow Dash! Of course I can you st—”

“Great.” He dunked her back under the water, cutting her off.

She broke the surface again, sputtering and coughing. “W-hat was th-at for?” she asked, giving him a dirty look.

“You were going to insult me, but quite honestly, I didn’t—and still don’t—want to hear it. I did just save your lives; I think I deserve at least a little respect.”

Dash put her forelegs on the edge on the deep pond and took a few seconds to digest the information. “Saved our lives?” she echoed, trying to remember what happened. Well, it definitely wasn’t a Timberwolf attack, I’ve seen how that plays out.

“Do you remember what happened last night?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow.

“...Yes. But… uhhhh… you should tell me to make sure that I know that you know, you know?”

“You don’t remember,” stated Alexander.

“Do too!” she replied indignantly.

“I’m all ears. Please, enlighten me.”

“There were… ummmmanticores. Yeah! Three Manticores. And I fought them off, but then you came and I had to save you. And then after I beat a five of those eight Hydras, you got hurt. And then I guarded you and Fluttershy from the ten angry dragons that were left with my hooves tied behind my back. And then I—”

“You ate poisonous berries and passed out five minutes after leaving my campsite,” he interjected.

The rest of the air left Dash’s lungs with a quiet huff.

“Didn’t anyone ever tell you not to eat the strange berries from the foreboding bush surrounded by unconscious animals inside the creepy forest at night?”

“...No,” mumbled Dash.

“Well then, I’m telling you now. Don’t eat the strange berries from the foreboding bush surrounded by unconscious animals inside the creepy forest at night,” stated Alexander. “It’s really a bad habit.”

“Fine…” she muttered, still not remembering the incident. “But—”

“Where’s Fluttershy?” he asked suddenly. “Did she ever come back up for air?”

“I don’t know…” said Dash looking around. She felt a pair of hooves on her cutie marks; the hooves made small, circular rubbing motions down her thighs and closer to her... more intimate regions, and Dash felt a pony’s body hug her from behind.

“I’m really wet right now…” whispered Fluttershy, slowly peeking her head above the water.

Well of course you’re wet, we’re in wate… that’s not what you… oh no… Dash quickly scrambled out of the water. “Stay away from me!” she yelled over her shoulder.

“But, Dashie!” protested Fluttershy.

“Yeah, Dashie, have some fun with your friend,” taunted Alexander.

“Stop it, Alexander!” she shouted. “Not helping!”

He stood up and motioned her closer as Fluttershy struggled to climb out of the pool of water. After a second of hesitation, she trotted over. “What?” she asked quickly.

Fluttershy finally managed to climb out of the water and walked closer, her eyes set solely on Dash.

Alexander stepped forward and pulled out a thick vine; he wrapped a loop of it around Fluttershy’s neck as she got within a hoof of Dash. He pulled the vine snug and nodded. “Now, we’re good. Ready to go?”

“What are you doing to Fluttershy?!” Dash screamed, stomping her hooves and flaring her wings, “She’s not a dog!”

“No, of course not. She a sex-crazed, mostly insane, probably high, possibly dying, pony with wings.”

“That’s no—”

“Do you want me to take off the leash?” he asked, giving her a bit of slack. She jerked forward and tried to kiss Dash but came a few inches short.

“Fine,” grunted Dash, shying away from her drooling lips

“Alright then, lead the way.”

“Why me?” asked Dash.

“Because it’s you she wants, she’ll follow if you lead,” said Alexander, straining slightly with the leash.

“No. You lead,” demanded Dash, crossing her forelegs in front of her.

“Are you sure?” Alexander gave Fluttershy a bit more slack, letting her get even closer to Dash.

“Fine!” yelled Dash, trotting off toward the town.

“Congratulations, you are actually going the right way this time,” said Alexander, tucking his stick under his arm even more firmly.

“I’m Rainbow Dash, I always go the right way—wait… what do you mean by that?” she asked looking over her shoulder.

“Nothing, carry on,” he replied.

“Just don’t let her get close to me, or you’ll regret it,” she commanded, staring into Alexander’s eyes.

“Got it,” he said, smiling and winking.

Dash shivered as she once again remembered the smile from her dream. She shrugged it off and faced forward, heading for the town once again.

The entire time, Fluttershy’s eyes never left Dash, and she struggled against the vine around her neck.

“See the ass?” enticed Alexander, pointing towards Rainbow’s swaying hips. “Come on, girl, see the ass? See the ass, girl?”

Fluttershy nodded rapidly.

“Go get it!” he urged, “Go get that sexy ass! If you catch it, you can have it,” he finished with a whisper.

Fluttershy nodded again and pulled at the vine, heading towards Dash.

The strange procession slowly made its way through the forest; in the lead was Dash, looking over her shoulder nervously every once in a while to make sure that Fluttershy didn’t get too close. Fluttershy was second, keeping her eyes glued to Dash’s backside and muttering to herself about something. And Alexander came last, keeping a firm hold on Fluttershy’s leash.

Dash could see the forest getting lighter in front of her. “I think we’re almost out!” she shouted, sprinting forward.

“My ass!” shouted Fluttershy. “Come back here!” She pulled as hard as she could and flapped her wings, almost pulling Alexander over.

“Wait, Dash! Walk slower!” he called, walking faster to keep up with the pegasus on his leash.

Dash broke free of the forest and immediately ran into purple.

“Gah!” screamed the purple.

“Twilight?” asked Dash.

“Dash?” asked Twilight.

Just then, Fluttershy burst through the foliage with Alexander close behind her.

Dash, Fluttershy, and Alexander stared at Twilight… and what looked like the entire town standing right behind her.

“Huh,” said Dash.

“Huh," agreed Alexander.

“Somepony get over here and mount me!” shouted Fluttershy.

The sound of stupefied expressions and wingboners echoed throughout the crowd.

Author's Note:

Yay! More Fluttershy nonsense!

On another note: I can't help myself... self-promoting here is just too addictive. I'm sorry...
I came out with a new story that involves some Ditzy shipping.
Check it out if you like.