• Published 21st Aug 2013
  • 4,137 Views, 311 Comments

A Black Belt in a Colorful Land - DismantledAccount

A martial artist wakes up in Equestria after suffering a concussion and he is not feeling the love... yet.

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Chapter 12: Homecoming

Chapter 12: Homecoming

The Same Day, Late Afternoon

Ditzy was heading to the Post Office to make yet another special delivery. Special deliveries really make my wings tired, she thought, returning for her last package she had to deliver for the day. She walked through the doorway and over to Merry Sunshine, her mail sorter and the only pony she would call her friend in the whole town. Merry Sunshine was, ironically, a black pegasus with a light blue, almost white mane and dark blue eyes.

"Hey, Merry, how's it going?" asked Ditzy, arriving at her desk.

"Not good, ponies are getting worse and worse at mouth writing," Merry replied, peering over the rims of her thin reading glasses.

"I think that's just your eyesight," Ditzy said cheerfully.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Did you actually need something?" said Merry, pretending to be insulted.

"Yup. You got that last package for me yet?" asked Ditzy.

"Right here," said Merry, pointing to a large box on her desk.

"Wow this is heavy, what's in here?" Ditzy groaned, picking up the package.

Merry gave her a look that clearly said, 'You expect me to know that? Really?'

"Fine, I'm leaving..." sighed Ditzy.

"Oh, before I forget. Do you want to get together for dinner tomorrow?" asked Merry.

"Hold on, let me check," said Ditzy, pretending to think about the offer. "Sure, tomorrow's one of my days off so just come over when you're done with work," replied Ditzy.

"Awesome!" exclaimed Merry quietly. "See you tomorrow night," she said returning to her work.

"See you later," Ditzy called out over her shoulder, heading back out of the Post Office.

Once outside Ditzy read the address on the package before attaching the straps hanging from her mailbags to the conveniently placed holes in each of the corners of the box. Ditzy struggled into the air, her already tired wings barely able to lift her and the package. At least the address isn't too far away, she thought, grunting under the weight of the package.

After clawing her way through the air for a few minutes she saw the house she was looking for and slowly glided down to the front step of said house. Ditzy unhooked herself from the package and landed beside it, breathing heavily. Last package, then I can go home, she thought, knocking on the door. She looked down as she heard hoof steps on the other side of the door. She heard the door open and read the name on the address out loud, "Package for Mr. Midnight Growth."

"Yes, that's me," came a familiar voice.

Oh no, thought Ditzy, looking up and seeing none other than Bane.

"Good evening, Ditzy," he said, grinning like his birthday had come early.

Ditzy reached into her bag and pulled out a small clipboard. "Pleesh sine heer, shir," she said, holding out the form and motioning to the dotted line with her hoof. Alright, lets just get this over with, she thought, hoping he wouldn't make it difficult for her.

"Oh I couldn't possible do that," he said, grinning evilly.

"An why ish tha shir?" she asked, still holding out the clipboard.

"Because you're holding it, I don't want to have to get that close to you," he said, with a hard look in his grass green eyes.

Ditzy could feel the tears in her eyes but she was determined not to cry in front of him, she gently set down the clipboard and took a few steps backward, "Is that better?" she asked.

"Acceptable," said Midnight, before writing his signature on the form. He picked up the clipboard and threw it at her hooves, "Oops, my bad, could you get that for me?" he said, opening the box.

Ditzy bent down and picked up the clipboard, dusted it off and put it in her mailbags. She saw Midnight pull a large rock out of the box and set it down next to him. All that work, for a rock? she thought, staring at the small boulder in shock.

Midnight saw her staring at the rock and said, "Oh, this? This is a rock I found in my backyard, and all I did was take it down to the Post Office and ask for it to be delivered by my favorite mailmare. I hope you didn't mine the extra effort."

"You..." Ditzy started angrily, before turning around and jumping into the air. However her wings had other ideas and had stiffened up after the strenuous flight. Ditzy wasn't even able to get one flap of her wings in before she face planted into the ground, sending bits of gravel flying everywhere.

"Good show, good show!" laughed Midnight, wiping tears of mirth from his eyes.

I guess I'm walking home from here, thought Ditzy, wiping tears from her eyes, however, she was unsure if they were caused by the physical or mental pain. Ditzy straightened her hat and slowly walked away hardly even noticing the blood dripping from several small cuts on her face, as Midnight's harsh laughter followed her until she was out of sight.

I have never been anything but nice to him, and this is what I get? I don't understand it, she thought, wiping at her muzzle. And what's just as bad as him is the fact that nopony has even asked if I was okay, she thought, as another pony walked past her without a second glance. She walked through town with her eyes downcast, I just hate that Bane can get to me like this, she thought, spying her house in the distance with her good eye.

She arrived at her house and sighed at the state of disrepair that she had let to get too. Not long now, she thought, remembering the small sack of bits she was saving for home renovations. Now I just have to find the time to be able to work on it, she thought, walking into her house. Muffin first, everything else, secondary, she thought tossing her mailbags and hat onto the living room floor. Without a backward glance she walked into her kitchen and immediately opened her muffin pantry and retrieved an emergency muffin, chocolate, chocolate chip.

That's just what I needed, she thought, savoring the delicious flavor of the muffin. She walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. Whaaaa...? she thought, opening her mouth wide enough that the bite of her precious muffin fell onto the floor. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. The object of her 'discomfort' was non other than Alexander sleeping on her sofa.

To her surprise Alexander didn't even budge, he just lay there, not moving. Ditzy took a few tentative steps closer and noticed that he didn't look so good. His skin had taken on a pale color and looked wet, and he had a snake tied around his left hind leg. Why does he have a snake tied around his leg? she thought, slowly walking closer.

Suddenly Alexander's eyes snapped open, "Who's there?" he said, looking over at her.

Uh-oh, she thought, seeing the rather large knife that he was pointing in her direction.