• Published 21st Aug 2013
  • 4,153 Views, 311 Comments

A Black Belt in a Colorful Land - DismantledAccount

A martial artist wakes up in Equestria after suffering a concussion and he is not feeling the love... yet.

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Chapter 8: Reacquisition Part 2

Chapter 8: Reacquisition Part 2

A Few Minutes Prior...

Alex was inspecting the syringe and contemplating his choices. I could either sit here trapped in this body hoping I don't starve to death, or I could take this concoction and hope it doesn't poison/maim/kill me. So its probably die or possibly die... great. Alex felt around for a vein before sliding the needle into his arm. He only had to wait for a few seconds before he could feel that something was wrong.

Alex lost control of his limbs and could feel them spazzing around the cage, he then felt one of the most particular sensations of all time. The feeling of air in between the layers of skin is an almost indescribable feeling, especially after the outer layer catches fire. Strangely enough this doesn't hurt as much as it should, Alex thought, slowly regaining control over his limbs as smoke pored from his burning skin. As all of the outer skin burned away he was finally able to quell his limbs. He lay there for a moment when he became aware of two things: the ability to open his mouth and the overwhelming desire to breathe

"...Are you okay?" he heard a concerned female voice say, "Answer me please..."

Alex took a deep gasping breath to respond and immediately started coughing uncontrollably. Gross, he thought, waving his hands around a little to try and help the smoke clear, I just breathed in what used to be my burning flesh. He sat up straight and crossed his legs, wishing that his prison was tall enough to stand up in, Curse you, four foot ceiling and close to six foot stature.

He patted his arms, legs, and torso to make sure nothing important had been burned away. Satisfied, he finally looked up at the horses.

"So... where's my beer?" he asked in deep, hoarse voice that had been unused for who knows how long.

The purple unicorn and the orange horse whispered to each other for a second then the orange one walked forward holding a large mug. The horse stopped in front of him and held out the mug.

"Howdy, ahm Appl-" it started with a feminine sounding voice.

"Thirsty," Alex said hoarsely, cutting her as he grabbed the mug from her outstretched hoof. He took a large sip of the beverage and swished it around in his mouth before swallowing it. "This isn't beer," he stated, looking at the liquid.

"No, actually it's-" the horse tried again.

"Better," said Alex cutting her off again and lifting the mug up to his lips. And holy crap do I mean that. This stuff is like an apple orchard stuffed inside a liquid, sprinkled with sugar and has just the right amount of bitterness to compensate the sugar, and I can even taste the alcohol in it. this is probably the best drink I have ever had the pleasure of tasting, he thought, noticing that the horse was looking a little confused. Probably because she doesn't know whether to be mad at me for interrupting her twice or pleased that I complimented the drink she gave me.

Alex finished the drink and abruptly slammed the mug down on the ground, causing all of the mares to jump slightly. "Ahhhhh..... much better," he sighed, leaning up against the back of his cell and closing his eyes to slits, deciding to find out how they would react and possibly learning something too.

"What jus happened?" asked the orange one. Sounds almost like a southern accent maybe?

"I don't quite know darling, but I think he fell asleep, and after such a traumatic experience I'm not surprised. Did you hear his voice, absolutely awful," said a voice so prim and proper that Alex had to struggle to keep from succumbing to an involuntary gag reflex.

"Yes, I agree," said Twilight, the mare who had been writing five letters at a time earlier today. And by the time I read half of one there were five more siting in my hand. All I managed to get from her was 'My name is Twilight, I'll make the antidote to the Poison Joke,' and 'Do you want to inject into yourself, or do you want me to do it?' to which I responded with a hastily scribbled 'I'll do it' before getting swamped with more letters. I only have one thing to say about her... Nnnnnnnnnnerd.

"He doesn't quite look like he's asleep," said 'Ditzy,' stepping closer. I still don't think that's her real name, no parent would be that mean to their child, would they? 'Ditzy' pulled a muffin out of the bags she wore around her waist and tossed it at Alex's torso asking, "Do you want a snack?" When the confectionery delight got close enough Alex's hand reached out and caught it. I probably should have faked being asleep longer but I just couldn't help myself, these muffins are just too damn good to let go to waste, he thought, taking a bite of the muffin.

"Congratulations, you caught me. Now let me out of here and I'll call it even, I'll leave and never come back," Alex said, after swallowing his bite of food.

"Yes, he talks!" squealed Twilight loudly, completely ignoring him, "I have so many questions... First one is-"

"Please, don't ever do that again," said Alex, rubbing his ear and checking his fingers to see if his ear was bleeding.

"Sorry," she said, not sounding sorry at all, "So, first question is what-"

"Do I like? Well, I don't like answering questions," Alex said, leaning forward intimidatingly, as Twilight took a step backward.

"Would jus stop cuttin off other ponies wh-" started the orange one.

"While they are still talking? Nope, to much fun, especially when I guess what they are going to say correctly," said Alex, causing the orange horse to frown in disapproval.

He smiled slightly as he leaned up against the back wall again and spoke, "I'll make you a deal, I'll answer four of your questions truthfully, one from each of you, then you answer four of mine, you can have the first one, deal?"

Twilight pulled a scroll out of nowhere and started looking through it, smiling larger than Alex thought was physically possible.

"Deal. First one... what is your name? Calling you Creature is starting to get irritating," asked Twilight.

"You may call me Alexander," he responded, while Ditzy poorly concealed a laugh with her hoof. "Just you wait, we'll see who's laughing by the time you leave." She paled visibly and looked away.

"My turn, I want to know the names of all the horses I have seen," said Alex.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle, and Rainbow Dash is the name of the pegasus that you stepped on," said the purple unicorn.

"My name is Rarity," said the white unicorn with a purple mane and tail, "and if you must know, we are ponies not horses."

"An mah name's Applejack," said the orange horse with a sand colored mane and tail wearing a cowboy hat.

"You already know my name," said the light gray pegasus with a sunny yellow mane and tail.

"Indulge me."

"My name is Ditzy Doo," she said shyly, turning her head away slightly.

"I believe it is my turn for a question. What are you wearing, darling? Your clothes are a crime against fashion, they are absolutely horrendous." Wow, not the question I was expecting at all.

"Fashion is a state of perpetual absurdity so ugly that people have to change it every six months, therefore, I wear what I like," responded Alex. Rarity's eyes went wide then she dramatically fainted over Applejack's back, who in turn rolled her eyes in exasperation.

"I would like to know where I am, specifics please," asked Alex, ignoring her antics completely.

"You are in the basement of Ponyville Library, Ponyville, Kingdom of the Twin Sisters, Equestria. Is that good enough for you?" said Twilight.

Alex was silent for a few minutes while he digested the information, I don't recognize any of that, and more importantly she didn't say Earth, I was hoping I was just in some uncharted jungle but if she's not lying, then...

"Mah turn, what do you call yourself?" asked Applejack.

"Do you mean my species?" Applejack nodded. "I am a human through and through, minus that whole body shifting thing. Speaking of which, how did that happen?" said Alex.

"Hyumen..." Applejack muttered to herself, "Interesting..."

"That's an easy one," said Twilight, responding to his question, "Did you happen to find some small blue plants in the forest?"

"Yes, actually, on the night before you found me," Alex said, frowning. How does she know that and what does that have to do with anything?

"That plant is a rather annoying practical joke waiting to happen. It magically alters your body structure, then creates a psychic link to your mind and it feeds off the frustration it causes you," said Twilight, sounding like she had memorized the dictionary entry and was quoting it.

"I see," said Alex, not understanding at all.

"My turn, my turn!" exclaimed Ditzy, bouncing in place slightly. "What your favorite kind of muffin?"

Again, not the question I was expecting but lets see if I can have a bit of fun with this... He leaned forward and said, "Any kind you want to make for me."

Ditzy smiled and blushed lightly while shyly twirling her front hoof on the floor. "Do you really mean that?" she asked.

"Of course I do, I would never lie about something as important as food. And my last question is for you, Ditzy, so listen close..." Ditzy leaned in, the compliment having effectively disarmed her. "What happened last night? I waited and waited but you never came for the show you promised and I've got plenty of poles in front of me..." Ditzy's blush immediately went from a gentle pink to a deep red hue.

"Oh, um, well, you see, I didn't, I wasn't..." she stuttered, trying to formulate a complete sentence.

So. Freaking. Cute. " You can make it up to me by stopping by later tonight, I promise I won't bite," said Alex grinning wolfishly, "Unless you want me too..."


Ditzy let out a adorable squeak then ran out of the room.

Alex started laughing, great big heaving belly laughs. The kind of laughter one makes after not having a mouth for several days.

"What did ya'll say 't her?" asked Applejack, as she and Twilight looked at Alex with confusion written on their faces, evidently not having the conversation.

"Why would you say that about fashion?!" sobbed Rarity suddenly, standing upright, and began to cry into Applejack's shoulder.

"Lets git you home and you can make a nice an' purty dress, would that make you feel better?" asked Applejack. When this got no response she added, "An' if'n ya'll want me to I'll even model for-"

"Really? In that case, lets go!" said Rarity, as she dragged Applejack from the room, tears forgotten.

Twilight, Facepalmed? faceleged? facehooved? Lets go with the last one. facehooved and sighed, "What am I going to do with you, Alexander?"

"Sorry, you already asked your question for today," said Alex, lying down in his cell much more comfortably after losing two feet of height. He took a bite of the muffin he was still holding, "Come back tomorrow and maybe I'll answer some more questions."

"Yes, that whole fur burning and convulsions thing did look quite tiring, I'll leave you to your rest, have a good night."

"You too," he replied, finishing his muffin and closing his eyes.

"Just remember, all of my questions will be answered tomorrow," Twilight said, before shutting the door.

Crap, thought Alex, remembering the list she had earlier. Alex listened to her walking up the stairs, then waited a few extra minutes just to be sure she was gone and no one was going to return. And now it's time to get to work, he thought to himself, sitting up and pulling his multi-tool out of his pocket...

Author's Note:

I'm not sure if I should add a Comedy tag to this story, what do you guys think? Yes? No? Go live in ditch and marry an earthworm while stabbing myself with a pencil?
Proud holder of the U.S.G Ishimura Survivor Medal: Rank Gold
Internet cookies to whoever knows what I'm talking about without using Google.