• Published 26th Jul 2013
  • 7,214 Views, 254 Comments

Octavia is Pregnant! - Redbook

What happens when an Upper-class pony like Octavia is pregnant and Vinyl is the father... wait what?

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Chapter two

The next day after the big news, Octavia woke up to the same nauseous sensation as before. She got lucky and didn’t feel the need to vomit anything at the moment. She slowly moved up so her back was resting against the back of the headboard. Yesterday was kind of a blur in her mind. Octavia went about the rest of her day, her body moving to long familiar routines as her mind simply couldn’t seem to form conscious thought. It was just enough for Vinyl to think that she was acting a little odd, but Vinyl did think she acted odd a lot anyway. Octavia had nice light conversations with her when it happened. Vinyl chalked it up to Octavia’s world just being rocked, except not in the way Vinyl preferred. What did Vinyl tell me yesterday? Come on, Octavia. Think! Then it hit her. That white mare sleeping so soundly next to her, had knocked her up and didn’t even ask.

Octavia jumped on top of her in a flash. Out of all the ways Vinyl would love to get woken up by, being choked again by a super mad Octavia wasn’t in the top ten list. She let out gasping noises as Octavia shook her hard with her hooves, putting pressure on Vinyl’s neck. This was way worse than the other morning. Vinyl did the only thing she could think of to get out of her hooves and get some air. She faked passing out and did a little tapping out on the bed.

That caused Octavia to freak out and let go of Vinyl. The now really blue faced Vinyl looked up at her and wheezed, trying to inhale the very much need oxygen. “Geez, Octy. What was that for? I know I like it rough, but give me a little heads-up next time.” Vinyl gave Octavia a little flirty wink. This only made the already upset and angry Octavia, even more pissed off.

“Why in Equestria did you think that it was okay to impregnate me? Of all the times for you to act on an impulse!” She kept going, not really letting up on the wide-eyed DJ, laying in the bed.

“But Octy, you seemed cool with it after I told you about it yesterday. And I thought you really wanted this?” Vinyl said as she pulled up her sunglasses to cover her eyes.

“Yeah, I wanted to talk about having one, one day. One day, Vinyl! This kind of thing takes planning and making sure that we could deal with the kind of responsibilities that rearing a foal requires! I mean really, Vinyl. If you were a stallion and the condom broke … . But you are not a stallion, you are a unicorn mare. Something like this has to be planned, not something done on a whim!” Octavia’s face was getting red as her temper rose. She stomped her hoof down on the bed and glowered at Vinyl, her eyes intensely focused on her marefriend, with her ears laid back and her teeth bared, her muzzle wrinkling as she did so, her legs spread in a wide, spread stance, prepared to attack or defend, depending upon how the current situation played out. It was a look that would turn any pony white with fear. Luckily, Vinyl, already was white.

“Get out, Vinyl!” The rage in Octavia’s voice caused Vinyl to run to the door before she stopped to look at her.

“Wait just one minute, Octy. I live here, too. How can you even pay the rent without my help. And I don’t see why I have to leave in the first place.” She hoped the part about the rent would help her stay here. She really didn’t want to stay in some hotel or something.

“Because, Vinyl, I don’t want to see your face around here for a while. I am so very mad at you for doing this to me without even asking me first. And what about my career, Vinyl? What will happen to the talent I worked hard to cultivate once the nobles and the rich find out that the foal within me is your foal! I might never play in Canterlot again! I might not be able to play anywhere once ponies find out that I’m pregnant with my marefriend’s foal! And what about the foal, huh? What about when he or she goes to school and gets bullied or abused! How are we going to respond when her or his peers start calling him or her a freak or monster? You were too impulsive and now the consequences won’t just affect you, but our foal and myself as well!” And with that Vinyl’s pillow was thrown at her. The pillow made a light thud sound as it hit its mark right on Vinyl’s nose. Vinyl was glad that it was only a pillow. Tavi only threw things at her when she was either happy and playing around or when she was super, very upset with her. The kind of upset where ponies could wind up dead, if she didn’t leave while Tavi was still throwing soft things. Because Tavi looked mad enough to want to start throwing the kitchen knives and various pots and skillets. She left that room without even grabbing her pillow.

Vinyl made her way out of the house fast. She knew how strong Octavia was, and was scared to see what her furious marefriend might decide to throw at her next.. She knew when to press her luck and when to stop talking and do what the mad, yelling earth pony was telling you to do. Before leaving the house, she grabbed her bag and took a few things she was going to need for the gig tonight. It was still early for Vinyl to even be up. The sooner she found a hotel to crash at for a few hours, the better she would be, for now. Although sleeping alone was not as nice as cuddling up to your marefriend till it was time to get up and get ready.


Vinyl was very lucky that day to find a room not too far away from the house. She wanted to be able to come back home after Octavia had cooled down. She went to her gig and DJ PON3 had a blast like she always did. But once her set was done, she was free to have a few drinks. Then she could drown her troubles. On the house of course, they loved the crowd she could bring to the place.

It started with just one drink, but quickly changed into a few more. They, in a certain way, freed Vinyl’s mind to think about what she had done to her Octavia. And that just made her feel like crud and in turn caused her to want to drink even more. So by the time the place closed, they gave Vinyl a kind hoof out the door. She was now free to stumble down the streets.

Not really thinking where she was going, the drunken, white mare made her way back home. It wasn’t the safest place for Vinyl to be, considering that her marefriend had flown into a near-homicidal rage, but in Vinyl’s defense, she was completely sloshed.. When Vinyl reached for the door, it kept moving around and it took Vinyl more tries than she cared to admit to finally land her hoof on the doorknob. It was locked and she fumbled with her magic to get the key out of her bag. Only to find that she didn’t have one, so she tried to bang her hoof on the door, only to miss and knock her head against the door. It wasn't the quiet little knocks to get the pony in that room to open up. It was the resounding bang of a skull colliding with a sturdy wooden surface, in the collapse of an uncoordinated drunk..

From inside the place some grumbles and a sigh could be heard as the door was opened by a very sleepy looking Octavia, squinting to see into the darker nighttime outside to see who was making such a racket at this hour of the night . Her eyes transitioned from the bleary squinting look to furrowed brows and narrowed eyes in a blink of an eye. “What do you want, Vinyl? I thought I bucked your oblivious flank out the door this morning?”

The drunken mare nodded, her world spinning from how drunk she was as she lifted her head to try and lock swimming eyes with her marefriend’s narrowed, glaring ones and fell down on her flank, since the world didn’t want to stop swaying and wobbling. “Ya-” Vinyl was interrupted by a drunken hiccup. ‘Ya did, my sweet Octy. I love calling you that. It always seems to make you smile or something with your mouth.” Several drunken hiccups interrupted what Vinyl had said and there had been several long pauses as Vinyl would lose her train of thought and she’d have to think about what had already been said and what she still wanted to say. She stopped for a minute or five. It depends on if you are counting down with a stopwatch or something.

“I don’t really don’t know why I came here. But that hotel room was so empty without you there to cuddle up to.” Octavia was kind of shocked at how Vinyl was acting. She had thought that she would just spend the night at the hotel just to show how tough she was. Did being drunk make Vinyl show her another side of herself? Just then Vinyl said something that Octavia should have seen coming, “And I just had to see that sexy flank of yours, my sweet and smexy Octy.”

Octavia sighed and walked out to help the drunken mare in. She just wouldn’t feel right, foisting a drunken Vinyl onto others for them to deal with Vinyl the way she was right now. She would let her sleep it off on the couch for the night. Then in the morning she would give Vinyl a nice buck out the door, oh who was she kidding. It would be around three in the afternoon before she could buck her out.

Octavia give a ‘hmph’ as she tried her best to carry the drunken DJ to the couch. When did she get so heavy? I knew that drinking would make you less able to carry your own body weight. She had to giggle at that. Once Vinyl was placed on the couch, it was now her turn to get some sleep. Her bed did feel kind of empty, however, she was still upset enough with Vinyl that she would rather tolerate the empty bed and solitude, than reconcile with her marefriend. She was still very mad at Vinyl for what she did. And the bed still felt comfy to her. She soon found herself fast asleep in the bed.

Octavia’s peaceful sleep didn’t seem to last long as she felt something climb into the bed and then nuzzle the back of her mane. She turned her head to see a sleeping Vinyl getting all comfy in the bed. She was too sleepy to care right now. So she adjusted herself and fell back to sleep.


You’d think that Octavia would just let Vinyl stay after coming back drunk in the middle of the night, but Vinyl found herself waking up outside the front door. She really didn’t like it that their lifestyles was so skewed. It really reduced the time they could spend together, since Vinyl was more of a night owl, while Octavia was more of a daywalker.. Vinyl sighed and lowered her head and dragged her hooves as she forlornly walked back to the hotel. She’d never seen Octavia stay this mad before.

From inside the house, Octavia watched Vinyl walk away. She did feel kinda bad about kicking Vinyl out of the house while she was still sleeping. But Vinyl needed to learn her lesson and letting her come home drunk and allowing her back in after everything, wasn’t going to teach her anything at all. She pulled herself away from the window. She had a few things that she now had to take care of. Like getting in touch with her mother and father to let them know they might be having a grand-foal.

As she finished writing the letter to her parents, she kind of wished that she was a unicorn like they were, so she could write a letter and not have to strain the quill with her mouth as much while she scribbled. She kept the letter somewhat vague. They knew, to a point, that she and Vinyl were a couple, but she didn’t know how they would react to her and Vinyl being parents.

It only had been a few hours from the time Derpy flew off with the letter, but there was a loud crashing sound at the door. The pegasus looked up and smiled at her, holding out a letter. She thanked Derpy and gave her a few bits for working so hard today. She had the letter open by the time she made it back to the table to read it. After finishing reading it, she fell off the chair. This week wasn’t going to be a good one. She really didn’t want to so soon, but she needed Vinyl back here as soon as possible.


There was a knock on Vinyl’s hotel room door. She couldn’t think of anypony that would be knocking at her door. Using her magic to have the door open by the time she made it there, she about fell on her flank, seeing Octavia standing at the door with her head hanging low.

“You can pick up your jaw, Vinyl. It’s not very ladylike to keep a pony waiting outside.” Vinyl nodded and moved out of the way for Octavia to enter.

“I didn’t think you would come here. And how did you find me anyway?” Vinyl didn’t really care, but she was trying to start some small talk.

“It wasn’t that hard, dear. You wouldn’t go that far from home. But that is beside the point. It pains me to admit, but I’m here because I do need you to come back home. My mother and father are coming over and I need you there so that we can show them that we can be a loving family.” She let out a long sigh as Octavia was still reluctant to let Vinyl come home. A part of her still wanted Vinyl to suffer living alone without her, but not having the foal’s other parent there at their house when her parents came to visit just wouldn’t do.

“So does this mean that you forgive me and that you still love me?” Vinyl asked with smug grin. This only caused Octavia to sigh once more.

“I don’t forgive you just yet, Vinyl dear. But I do love you as much as the world has asked why.” That caused Vinyl put her hoof around Octavia’s neck, her grin was so much bigger now.

“Good, cause I’m not liking being in a cheap, crummy hotel room without you. There was nothing fun to do. The stuff I wanted to do, needs another mare.” At that Octavia pushed Vinyl off and walked to the door.

“Let’s go, Vinyl. Before I change my mind or something.” With that both mares made their way home to get ready for the dreaded visit of impending grandparents.

Author's Note:

Edited 2/15/2017