• Published 16th Jul 2013
  • 3,557 Views, 104 Comments

The Shy Girl - Lux

You meet a girl in an animal shelter that bears a strange resemblance to a certain yellow pegasus

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The Field Trip

The Field Trip

Upon meeting Fluttershy the next day for breakfast, you could see that there was a change in her emotions towards you. She seemed to instantly perk up upon seeing you sitting there and now she appeared free to talk to you where before where it felt like you had to force a reply out of her. You guessed that it was the fact that she felt comfortable around you now, especially after hearing that you like Fluttershy from the show. Then again, you felt comfortable around her as well, but the jury was still out if you loved her. Love never seemed to be in the cards for you, and now that you were good friends with her there was a fear that your attempts to love her would end in failure, maybe even a lost friendship. You guessed it was that you thought something was bound to go wrong since everything seemed to be going so right.

You dwelt on this as you helped Fluttershy with the morning chores, watching the time just fly by. Her conversations with you, and admittedly her body which you now felt was no longer just cute but attractive, help put aside any thoughts about whether you wanted to love her like that. For now you were content, even though part of you wanted more. You wished that you could look into her mind and tell what she was thinking about, especially you.

After lunch you were about to tell Fluttershy about another test you had in mind to help with her confidence when suddenly you heard something rumbling down the road, something big coming closer to the animal sanctuary.

“Um… Fluttershy? Are we expecting company?”

Fluttershy looked up from taking care of a group of ducks at you for a moment, wondering what you meant. Then her ears perked up and her eyes went wide when she too heard the rumbling sound.

“Oh no, what day is it?”

“It’s Wednesday, the fifteenth. Why?”

“It’s them,” she said nervously.

“Who’s them?”

“It’s the local school. The one teacher, Miss Cheerilee, likes to take her students on a field trip here to learn about the animals.”

“That sounds really nice of her, but you seem scared. Do you not like kids?”

“Oh I love kids,” Fluttershy said, “It’s just there are three of them in her class that call themselves the Crusaders or something like that. They’re a group of three girls who are trying to find their talents but they get into so much trouble. Oh they get me so upset I want to kick something!”

She then went over to a nearby trash barrel and kicked it as hard as she could but the can only wobbled and then stayed up.

“Feeling better,” you asked.

“No. I just get so nervous around them and they don’t take me seriously.”

“Well then it’s time that they do,” you said, “This will be your next mission should you choose to accept it. You and I are going to greet the kids, including the Crudsaders, and we’re going to have a wonderful time.”

“We are?”

“Sure we are! Don’t worry; you’ll have me by your side in case things get rough.”

“Ok then,” Fluttershy said confidently as you stood and watched a small yellow bus park. The doors opened up and a lady dressed in a raspberry colored dress appeared.

“Alright class. I want you to form a single file line by the bus,” she said as about twenty or so kids filed out. It was the last three that really got your attention. One had red pigtails with a big pink bow and was dressed in a yellow shirt and blue jean overalls. The second in line was a girl in a white dress with purple and pink curls. The third, a tomboyish girl with short pink hair and sporting an orange shirt and jean shorts came thundering out of the buss on a scooter, almost knocking down several of her classmates in the process. Clearly these three were the spitting image of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, just as girls rather than ponies.

“Scootaloo, what did I tell you about using that scooter on the bus,” Cheerilee said looking back at the girl who begrudgingly folded up her ride and tucked it away in her backpack, “Hello Fluttershy.”

“Oh, hello Miss Cheerilee. How are you?”

“I’m fine. Oh and I see you have a friend here. I’m Cheerilee from the local school. And you are?”

You gave her your name to which she smiled.

“Pleasure to meet you,” she said before turning around to the class, “Now class today we are going to learn about the animal kingdom by observing them here. Now I want you all to follow me and Fluttershy as she shows her animals to you and not go off on your own or in the pens. Are we clear?”

“Miss Cheerilee,” Sweetie Belle said raising her hand.

“Yes Sweetie Belle,” the teacher said.

“I have a question. Actually, it’s for Fluttershy.”

“Oh well I’d be happy to answer your question,” Fluttershy said.

“Is that guy standing next to you your boyfriend?”

“W..what did you say,” Fluttershy said suddenly turned beet red at the question and you watched as she began to retreat into her shy state as the three girls looked for an answer.

“What Sweetie Belle mean are you in love with him,” Scootaloo asked, "Sweetie Belle's sister Rarity has a boyfriend and she always looks at him the way you look at this guy."

“Oh… well he’s a boy and a friend and…” Fluttershy’s comments said as they dropped off into a whimper.

“What Fluttershy means is that we work together with helping the animals,” you said hoping that satisfied the girls.

“I think we are done with any more personal questions now,” Cheerilee said before giving her class the dreaded “Teacher Look,” especially directed at the Crusaders who stood like angels at the remark. That look the woman gave sent a chill up your spine as you remember teachers from school that were kind but could be really mean if you ever crossed them. You then turned to Fluttershy who was looking like she didn’t know how to start. “Just show them around like you did with me the first day we met,” you whispered to her.

She gave a subtle nod to you and clearing her throat spoke to the class, “Thank you Miss Cheerilee. Welcome to the Everfree Animal Sanctuary! I am Fluttershy, the owner and caretaker of this place, and I’m really happy to show you my animals. So let’s start by visiting the rabbits over here.”

“Yay! Crusader Animal Handlers,” the three girls squealed as they followed their classmates.

As you and her lead the group of kids, Fluttershy looks over to you and whispers,” How did I do?”

“You did great,” you said, “Now just show them every animal here and you’ll be good to go.”

You and Fluttershy showed the group the rabbits and even allowed the class to pet one. The Crusaders were acting fairly well except for Sweetie Belle asking about a phrase she heard once.

“Fluttershy, what does it mean when someone says that things ‘multiply like rabbits’?”

Immediately Fluttershy stood shocked at the girl’s question. Of course you knew what it meant and Fluttershy did as well, but how was she going to explain it to the girl dressed in white? Before your friend could though, Apple Bloom spoke.
“Ah know what that means bein on a farm with mah sister an’ brother. You see when tow rabbits love each other they…”
“Let’s discuss that later you two,” Cheerilee said stopping the question before it could materialize. The Crusaders simply shrugged as you and Fluttershy took them to the next group of animals. You could see Apple Bloom whispering something in Sweetie Belle’s ear and the girl’s face turning into one of shock.

“Eew! Really? That’s what it means?”

The next pen held several chickens which the class helped feed. Most were having a good time with it, except Scootaloo who seemed aloof about interacting with those animals.

“Hey Scootaloo,” apple Bloom said, “Why aren’t you feeding the chickens? After all your hair makes you look like one!”
With that the class broke out into laughter as Scootaloo shot her friend a look.

“For the last time, I’m not a chicken!”

“Of course you are,” Apple Bloom said, “That’s how Ah call my chickens all the time at the farm. Scootaloo!

“Guys stop fighting,” Sweetie Belle said trying to prevent an all-out war between the three.

You continued the tour with showing many different animals. Some of them the kids saw while others were more unique like the peacock pair which the group loved but brought out a few snickers out in the class with the bird’s name. Fluttershy seemed to be in her element answering questions as best as she could and explaining everything she knew about the animals she helped. You just stood by and assisted, letting her run her show.

Finally the group ended their tour, yet for some reason you felt something was wrong. The class seemed smaller, like a few students were missing. You then realized that it was the Crusaders who disappeared.

“Where are Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo,” you asked to which you Fluttershy and Cheerilee started looking around for them.

“I’ll stay with the kids,” Cheerilee said, “See if you can find them you two.”

You and Fluttershy ran around the area looking for the three when you heard laughter nearby. Following the sounds you saw as the girls were trying to ride the llama that Fluttershy owned. Sweetie Belle and Scootallo were trying to help get Apple Bloom onto the beast, with much difficulty.

“Are you sure this is a good idea,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Sure it is,” Apple Bloom said as she tried to climb onto the llama, “Maybe our talent is in riding llamas.”

“I still don’t know why you had to be first,” Scootaloo said with a grunt as she tried pushing up her friend.

“Because Ah’m the oldest,” Apple Bloom said.

“Yeah, and the heaviest,” Scootaloo said with a laugh.

The llama simply walked away from the three as the trio of girls suddenly tumbled into the mud.

“Alright you three,” Fluttershy said, “Time to get back to the bus.”

With their egos bruised and their clothes a muddy mess, they returned to the rest of the class. Miss Cheerilee merely shook her head at the sight of the three as the rest of the class laughed.

“Alright class, let’s get back on the bus,” Cheerilee said as she watched the group climb on, “I hope that Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle weren’t too much of a trouble. They can be quite a handful.”

“Oh it was fine,” Fluttershy said, “They just wanted to get close to an animal that’s all.”

Cheerilee then turned to you and whispered to you, “I know I shouldn’t be one to pry into a person’s life but whether you’re a friend or a boyfriend to Fluttershy you are doing something right. I’ve never seen her happy before like this and she lights up like a candle when you’re around. I don’t think I need to say anymore as you probably seen it too. Just give her a chance and who knows? She might make your life special.”

With a smile Cheerilee got back on the bus and the vehicle pulled away leaving just the two of you again.

“We did it,” Fluttershy said in a semi surprised way.

“Yeah, we did. You did great working with those kids.”

“Yeah Fluttershy. You were a natural!”

“Thanks for helping me,” she said, “You’re a really good friend.”

“Anytime,” you replied as the two of you returned to helping the animals. You felt a little upset at the fact that Fluttershy called you friend, but you wondered if that was what she really thought or if there was something more to your relationship.

Author's Note:

I had to add a Cutie Mark Crusaders cameo into the story. The field trip reminded me of a time I went with my class to a farm where we learned about animals.