• Published 16th Jul 2013
  • 3,551 Views, 104 Comments

The Shy Girl - Lux

You meet a girl in an animal shelter that bears a strange resemblance to a certain yellow pegasus

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Prologue: A New Journey

The Shy Girl

Prologue: A New Journey

The pickup truck drove down the lonely two lane highway and through the countryside with you behind the wheel. You watched as you passed through the occasional town, many of which were less of an established town and more like a bunch of houses or farms clumped around a central area which was usually nothing more than a gas station, a restaurant or two, and a few necessity stores like a supermarket. Between such bastions of civilization, there were large expanses of forests and farms, untouched much by human hands except for the road that cut through like a black ribbon. Even that felt foreign amongst the beauty of nature that surrounded you, and you and your car were just as out of place.

These patchwork towns definitely were not like the city you grew up in. The city was a magical place where everything a person could ever want was available and even some things that were unexpected. To you though it was also a frightening place, however rational or irrational it may be. There was just something about a city with its crowds of people and gritty nature that made you slightly nervous even during the afternoon. At night you rarely visited the concrete and steel jungle unless you had a specific place to be like a restaurant or the movies.

As you drove another town, the hypnotic sound of the truck’s engine the only noise, your mind drifted back into your memories, recalling your life. You were a shy person, just like in some respects you still were. You remember in school how you found it difficult to make friends or even to answer a simple question when called upon by a teacher. This fact, coupled with that you seemed to easily be frightened by things like loud noises, made you an instant target off bullies in your school. You remembered those days when you went home almost to the point of tears and how you wished that you didn’t have to go back to face your classmates again. Thankfully you had your loving parents to comfort you during these trying times.
Then things finally changed. You grew up and so did your classmates. Yet the damage was still fresh as you moved into college. Although by the time you were in college you overcame many of your shyness, you still were by no means a social butterfly. You only had a handful of friends who you still talked to in the present who saw past the shyness to see you as a kind and smart person. As for a romantic relationship, your success was not the best with that. You had a girlfriend or two, but eventually the relationship would become stale and die. It wasn’t that you felt that you were not able to be loved like that. You just were looking for the one who wouldn’t complete you but who would love you completely, including your flaws, and who would like your friends see beyond your shyness.

There were two things in your life that one might find as strange but to you felt like they were a part of you. One thing was your love for animals. You remember when you were two and seeing your first animal up close. It was a large black horse that to you at that age must have been a giant. Yet rather than been afraid of the creature you greeted it with an openness that was uncanny. From that day on you loved to visit as many farms, zoos, parks, and fairs to see as many creatures as you could. Not only were you less shy towards animals than humans, but you had a special bond. It was as if you could sense what they wanted and they felt calm around you and understood what you were saying. It is no wonder why you preferred the company of them to humans. To you animals were simple to understand their wants and needs while speaking with humans was a confusing tangle of semantics and secrets. Not surprising that you decided that you worked while not in school at a local animal shelter and you went to study animal biology in the hopes that one day you would get your veterinarian degree. Then you could truly take care of those in need.

There was another part of you, a passion of yours that you recently discovered but ranked a close second to your love of animals. This passion was My Little Pony, specifically towards a certain character who without her you may have not ended your interest in the show earlier. That character was Fluttershy, the yellow Pegasus pony with a pink mane and tail and sparkling blue eyes. You were instantly drawn to her by her overwhelming cuteness. Everything about here from her appearance to the way she moved and spoke was adorable.

You then noticed that there were uncanny similarities between you and the pony. Fluttershy, as her name indicated, was a very shy pony just like you were especially back in school. She loved animals and like you was able to communicate with them on a certain level. She was also very kind; like you tried to be to anyone you met. It seemed that you were fated to find her and from that moment on you were hooked on My Little Pony. You made it a priority to tune into each new episode not only to see what new adventure would take place but to meet Fluttershy again. It was like meeting a friend at a certain time each week where you’d laugh and have fun. You also began to collect several artworks involving the yellow Pegasus, amassing quite a collection on your laptop. While you weren’t like some fans who collected everything related to their favorite character, you did have a Fluttershy toy in your car and a large stuffed Fluttershy plush.

Now you knew the difference between reality and fantasy. You understood that there was no way that Fluttershy would magically appear on Earth and say hello to you. She was a cartoon character and you a human being, and as much as you wanted it to take place you had a better chance of winning the lottery or getting struck by lightning. Still your mind refused to put the issue to rest like that. So you couldn’t actually meet Fluttershy, but what if out there on the planet there was someone who spoke, acted, and even to a certain extent looked like Fluttershy if she was a human? True it would be next to impossible to find her, if she wanted to be found, but it was a better chance than seeing a pony appear.

Your mind mulled over the possibility of how you would ever consider finding such a girl, how you would act around her, the places and things you’d do, things like that. You could definitely imagine you two getting along with each other as best friends. Who knows, maybe this theoretical ideal girl could be your girlfriend. You knew of course that everything you thought was just a creation of your imagination. Yet with all doubts aside, you held out a tiny spark of hope that one day there would be someone out there like Fluttershy for you.

So with the memories and dreams playing back in your mid, you approach the end of your journey to your new job and home at an animal sanctuary. Little did you know that waiting for you would be the biggest surprise of your life.

Author's Note:

And it starts...