• Published 1st Oct 2011
  • 8,948 Views, 147 Comments

My Little Duel Monsters - supersaiyanmikito

An ancient evil from Princess Celestia's dark past has resurfaced, sending Equestria into a downward spiral. Now it's up to her student with the help of a prince from another world to banish the shadows she helped create.

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Chapter 6 - Forgive and Forget

Deep within Ponyville Hospital, Twilight Sparkle was fast asleep in her bed trying to recover from were duel with Trixie the previous day.

“WAAAAHHHH!” Twilight’s eyes shot open and she bounced in air sending her blankets flying at a cringing whine that had just entered the room. “No! I won’t do it!” Trying to get up, Twilight looked over to see a small unicorn filly with a bright blue coat and a white mane with blue stripes. She was locking the door.

“What in Equestria is going on?”

The filly turned back to look at Twilight. “Oh, I didn’t know somepony was in here.” She then ran over to Twilight and jumped up putting her hooves on the bed. “Sorry if I scared you Miss.”

“Oh, it ok...”

The filly starting looking up and down Twilight body. Her body was a bit banged up and she had a few bandages around her chest. “What happened to you?”

“Eh, I got into a little fight. Don’t you worry about it... What about you? You ran in screaming a newborn foal.”

“It’s just that... I’m scared...”

“I kind of figured that out. What are you scared of? Doctors trying to give you a shot?”

“No, I’m scared of the operation...”

“Why is a filly of your age getting an operation!?”

“It’s my horn.” The filly poked at her horn a few times. “For some reason, I’ve been completely unable to perform magic. I’ve tried and tried but I can’t do it.”

“Well, don’t give up hope...”

“My parents have been trying for months to figure out why I can’t do magic. The doctors say my mind and horn aren’t mentally connected and my mental signals aren’t making contact.”

“My, my, that’s some pretty complex stuff for a filly.” Twilight lightly tapped on the filly’s head. “I have a feeling you’re going to be powerful unicorn when you grow up.” Twilight stopped tapping. “But you’re going to need to go through the operation if you ever want that to happen.”

The filly nodded. “Thank you, Miss.”

Twilight attempted to get out of bed. It put a bit of strain on her but eventually landed on the ground wobbling a bit. “Now you should probably go back to your room. The doctors are probably looking for you.”

“Ok!” Twilight decided to help escort the little filly out of the room. After she opened the door, the filly went running out down the hall.

“Ah, kids...” Suddenly, she heard a ton of voice coming from down the hall. She looked down and noticed about 4 doctors quickly pushing a stretcher down the hall. “Oh, I hope nopony has been hurt too bad...” When the doctor ran past, the world nearly froze around Twilight when she saw a rainbow maned Pegasus on the stretcher with a breather mask on and covered in burns. “Rainbow Dash! NO!”

As they rounded the corner, Twilight looked the other way and found the Cakes had been following behind them. “Oh Twilight! It was absolutely horrible!” Said Mrs. Cake. “That horrible Griffon came back!”

Twilight’s ears perked up. “You mean Gilda?”

“Yes! She burned down our shop, summoned some black monster thing, attacked Rainbow Dash and now Pinkie Pie is missing!”

“Wait, wait, wait! A black monster thing?”

“Eh, it came out of her shadow.” Said Mr. Cake. “It has wings and freaky red eyes.”

Twilight began to rub her head in frustration. “I can’t believe it... Gilda’s a shadow servant too?” The frustration was really starting to get to her. First Trixie, now Gilda? Who else could be one? “Listen, just to be safe, avoid anyone wearing a black hooded robe.”

“Oh yes, we will!” Mr. and Mrs. Cake turned back down the hall. Just as they were leaving, Yugi and Celestia showed up.

“Twilight, my faithful student! What are you doing out here?”

“I saw the doctors run by with Rainbow Dash...”

“Yes, unfortunately we didn’t make it in time. I’m also afraid your friend Pinkie Pie was banished to the Shadow Realm...”

Twilight looked down at her hooves. In just one day, everything had taken a turn for the worst. The only ones remaining were-. “Twilight!” Everypony turned back and saw Rarity in a full gallop down the hall.

“Rarity!” Yelled Twilight. “What’s going on?”

Rarity was heavily panting. “Twilight! They got Fluttershy!”

Twilight recoiled back in shock. “No... It can’t be...” She began to gather up her mind at what was happening. “Who did it? Trixie? Gilda?”

“That’s the thing! You’re not going to believe this but it was Blueblood! Prince Blueblood is working alongside Trixie!”

“Oh...” Celestia sighed. “That is quite troubling...”

Yugi was looking between all the ponies that had gathered in the hall. “Perhaps we should head back into the room so we can recap and go over everything that we know.”

“Good idea Yugi.” Celestia replied. Twilight, Rarity, Yugi and Princess Celestia all headed back into the room.

Twilight slowly pushed herself back on the bed and put her head down. “I can’t believe This is happening... We defeated Nightmare Moon with no problem and though a little rocky at first, we eventually beat and resealed Discord... But why are we having so much trouble with simple pieces of cardboard? It doesn’t make sense...”

“You’re not alone Twilight.” Said Yugi. “Duel Monsters is a dangerous game. We have to get serious, no more holding back!”

Twilight started looking left and right around room. “Hey, where’s Kaiba? I haven’t seen him all day.”

“He is back at the library doing some simulations in hope of finding a way to beat Iseris.”

“He isn’t going to find one.” Replied Celestia. “There is only 1 card that can beat it.”

“Speaking of which...,” said Twilight. “You never got a chance to tell us how you beat Iseris all those years ago.”

“The only way to beat Iseris is through the use of one specific card.”

“Do you have the card on you?” Asked Yugi.

“Sadly no, Its locked in a sealed room in Canterlot Castle, much like the Elements of Harmony. I couldn’t let it fall into the hands of the Shadow Servants. That would be disastrous.”

“Hey guys?” Asked Twilight. “Can’t we just reprint the card and use it; I mean it is just cardboard...”

“NO!” Roared Celestia. “It doesn’t work like that! The card was enchanted by the Elements of Harmony 800 years ago! I can’t just make another!”

Twilight backed up. She had never seen Celestia get so mad before. “I’m sorry...”

Celestia shook her head and shrugged it off. “No, I’m sorry for yelling at you... Your just not understanding the situation we are in. This isn’t a just some colt’s card game. This is life or death. If we can’t the beat Shadow Servants, they will destroy everything... I witnessed the destruction all those years ago. The only was I was able to escape it was by erasing everypony’s memory as well as the memory of all those that lost their lives. Everything I had worked for was destroyed just like that. I practically had to rebuild Equestria again completely from scratch...”

Everypony in the room simply looked at Princess Celestia not saying a word. Finally, Twilight spoke up. “No, we won’t let that happen!” Twilight pushed herself up and stood up on the bed. “We’ve defeated the worst of the worst. We have proved several times that nothing can beat our friendship. They’ve already gotten 4 of us but isn’t going to stop me. No Destroyer of Harmony is going to stop us!” Using her magic, Twilight levitated her Duel Disk and slipped it onto her left hoof. “We will show that FRIENDSHIP... IS... MAGIC!!!” Upon saying the last word Twilight’s Duel Disk turned on rotated into place.

“That’s the spirit!” Yelled Rarity.

“Friendship is a powerful thing.” Added Yugi.

“My faithful student...”

Twilight extended out her hoof, holding out in the middle of the ponies. “To friendship...”

Rarity extended her hoof. “To friendship...”

Then Yugi. “To friendship...”

“I’m proud of you Twilight, you’ve grown so much since the day you came to Ponyville. I’m glad to have you as my student.” Finally, Celestia held out her hoof, finishing off the circle. “To friendship...”

“ALRIGHT!” The 4 ponies said, lifting their hooves in a break.

As the ponies broke their circle, a dark figure sitting atop her throne began to laugh. “Oh Celestia... You never cease to surprise me.” The figure stood up and began her decent down the stairs to her seat. “However, the Pharaoh might become a problem... Yami is neigh unbeatable. If he gets that card then there is no way I will beat him, even at full power.” She turned her attention to the reflected pool in the ground The only thing she saw was Princess Celestia joining in a laugh with the 3 ponies. Spitting at the sight, she turned her attention the large window within the room. Trotting over to it, she stared up at the moon. Then it hit her. “Trixie! Blueblood! I require your presence in the throne room!”

On que, the unicorns trotted into the room. “What is your need, Master?” Asked Trixie.

“I need you two to head over to Canterlot to perform a little... Task...”

“What would that be your highness?” Asked Blueblood.

“Celestia and the others will be heading there soon to acquire the one thing that can beat us. I need you to cut them off.”

“Yes, Master...”

The figure turned her head to Trixie. “And Trixie, your failure to defeat Twilight Sparkle yesterday was quite a disappointment.” Trixie nervously looked down at her hooves. “However, I’m giving you a chance to redeem yourself.”

“You are?” Asked Trixie.

“Go with Blueblood to Canterlot Castle and crush Celestia. Make her feel pain like I did. I want to see her quibbling at my feet. Make her suffer... Do you understand my request?”

Trixie thought about it for a second. She wanted her to beat Celestia? No, that couldn’t be it. She knew her Master wanted Celestia for herself. She clearly wanted something else. She just had to figure it out. “Y-Y-Y-Yes Master... I understand...”

“Good... You may leave...” In a flash of light, Blueblood had disappeared. Reaching into her robe, Trixie threw down a smoke bomb, exploding into a cloud of smoke. When the cloud cleared, Trixie was gone. Then Gilda walked into the room.

“What about me your highness?” She asked.

“Gilda, I have something I need to discuss with you first...”

“What would that be?”

“To put it simply, although you succeeded in capturing your target, you still failed your assignment.”

Gilda recoiled back. “What!? That’s bull!”

“You may have captured the Element of Laughter but you left the Element of Loyalty incapacitated and in case you didn’t know, we can only send ponies to the Shadow Realm if they lose a duel.”

“Yah, and?”

“And, because of the state you put her in, she CAN’T duel!”

Gilda hesitated, thinking about her mistake. “Ah... Well...”

“The fact is, we can’t send her to the Shadow Realm until she is back on her feet. So, you better come up with a pretty good idea because I’m not assisting you this time around.”

“Yes Master. I’ll fix this problem and capture Rainbow Dash.” With a screech, Gilda flew out an open window.

“I swear, why are the strong ones always so dumb?”

“Miss Sparkle, I’m asking that your get your rest.”

“No, I have to help my friends!” Twilight was trying to wrestle her way out of the hospital but the doctor kept holding her down. “I must go!”

“No Miss Sparkle, you must stay here. You are in no condition to do anything.”

“I’m fine.” Said Twilight as she jumped off the bed. As soon as she landed, she started wobbling nearly fell over but the nurse caught her. She let out a nervous giggle. “I guess not.”

They had originally planned to take Twilight to Canterlot to get the card but the doctors all suggested she stay in bed. Celestia thought that maybe it was for the best. “Listen Twilight, don’t worry, we will get that card and be back soon. As long as I have the Pharaoh, there is nothing to worry about.”

“Maybe we should get back to the library and check on Kaiba before we leave.” Suggested Yugi.

“Good idea. He may be a valuable asset to us.”

“Alright. Rarity?”

The unicorn turned to Yugi. “Yes?”

“You should probably run home and pack up. Who knows how long we will be in Canterlot.”

“Your right. Plus, I can’t just leave Sweetie without somepony watching her.”

“Just meet us at the library when you’re ready.”

Rarity turned and made way for the door. “Be back soon.”

Yugi turned his attention back to Celestia. “We should go.”

“Indeed.” Yugi and Celestia turned to the door and starting leaving the room. Celestia stop in the middle of the doorway. “Twilight, just stay safe.”

Rarity was in a slow trot down the hallway. She was still in the hospital. As she walked past a slightly open door, she heard the sound of a heart monitor. With curiosity getting the best of her, she peaked her head inside. Her eyes watered at the sight of her rainbow maned friend completely unconscious, battered and bruised. “Oh Rainbow, you didn’t deserve this...” She put her hoof on Rainbow’s mane, lightly brushing it.

“Pinkie Pie...” Rainbow muttered.

Rarity gasped. Looking closer, she realized Rainbow was still unconscious. “Oh my, sleep talking?”

“No... Pinkie Pie... Failure...” Suddenly, Rainbow Dash started struggling. Her chest was heaving up and down. “No!” Rainbow’s heart monitor started to accelerate. The beats were getting faster.

“Oh, no! I think she is having a nightmare!” Rarity didn’t know how right she was.

Rainbow Dash was lost. Lost within her own mind. She wandered aimlessly in the darkness. She had no idea where she or anything else was. “Hello!? Anypony here!?” Her voice echoed for mile yet nopony heard. “Hello!?”

“Rainbow Dash...”

The pegasus jumped. “What? Who’s there?”

“Rainbow Dash...”

“Who’s there!? Come on out and fight me coward!” She said, getting up on her hind legs.

“Rainbow Dash...”

Rainbow was getting fed up with these strange voices. “Alright... Come on out so I can clobber you! I’m done with these games!”

“But we’re not Rainbow Dash... No, we’re just getting started...”

All around her sides, she noticed 5 black portals opening in the ground below her. “What’s happening?”

Out of one of the portals rose a familiar purple unicorn. “Rainbow Dash, you shall pay for your crimes against humanity.”


Next came an orange earth pony. “You betrayed us Sugarcube...”

“Applejack? What are you talking about?”

Third came a yellow pegasus. “I’m sorry. I can’t be friends with a killer...”

“Fluttershy...” Rainbow’s eyes were starting to tear up.

Forth, a white unicorn. “It your fault she’s gone...”

“Rarity? What are you talking about? Who is gone?”

“Me...” a voice came from the fifth and final portal. Out of the voice came a pink bubbly earth pony. “You killed me Dash...”

“No... It wasn’t my fault...”

“You promised you would keep me safe...”

“Pinkie Pie, I’m sorry... I tried... Please understand... I tried!”

“Sorry isn’t going to cut it...”

“Please Pinkie Pie! I tried as hard as I could! I was just not strong enough...”

“That too bad... Because now we must get rid of the traitor...”

“Pinkie Pie?”

Out of nowhere, Pinkie Pie pulled out a fully lit torch. “Burn the traitor!”


“Burn the traitor!”



“NOOOOOOOO!” Rainbow Dash yelled at the top of her lungs. She had betrayed her friends. Betrayed their trust. She was a failure...

Yugi and Celestia approached Twilight’s tree. They needed to check up on Kaiba who had been couped up all day. The door slammed open as Spike came running out in a panic. “Make it stop!”

“Woh buddy! What’s going on?” Asked Yugi.

“Its Kaiba!”

As Yugi opened the door to the library taking a quick look inside his eyes widened at what he saw. The floor was littered with crumbled up scrolls, the trash can was like a mountain, and Kaiba was an absolute mess. His mane was shriveled up and he was no longer wearing his white jacket. He was slamming his hooves on his laptop. “Chance of success, 0%.”


Yugi stepped back a bit but eventually entered. “Kaiba, what are you doing?”

“I been trying to find a way to destroy that ROTTEN CARD! Thousands of decks, tens of thousands of combinations and NOTHING WORKS!” Kaiba sat up out of his seat and looked over at his computer. “Dumb simulator...” With his hoof, he slapped the top of his computer shut. Sitting back down, Kaiba crossed his armed in frustration before looking over at Celestia. “Who’s the new broad?”

Yugi shifted his eyes to the Princess. “Oh, this is Princess Celestia. She says that she knows a way to beat Iseris.”

Kaiba’s eyes widened. “WHAT!? She knows how to beat that thing!?”

Yugi nodded. “Ya, there is a card she has locked in a vault over in Canterlot Castle. We’re headed over there to get it.”

“Hmm, interesting.”

“You don’t have to come with us. Though we are bringing Rarity along since there is nopony available.”

“Oh, can I go!?” Jumped Spike.

Yugi thought for a moment. “Eh, I don’t know...”

“Come on! I never get to go to Canterlot. Twilight always just leaves me behind.”

Yugi stared at him for a second. “Alright, you can come.”


“Just stay out of trouble...”

There was a knock at the door and Yugi went to answer it. When he opened it, he the Rarity standing outside with a pair of saddlebags over her back. “Sorry if I took too long. There was a bit of trouble regarding Rainbow Dash.”

“What kind of trouble?”

“I’m not exactly sure. She kept muttering things like ‘failure’ and ‘traitor.’ Yugi just rubbed his chin. “Oh, I hope nothing back is going to happen. Deep down, that Pegasi’s mind is as fragile as Fluttershy.”

“I know what you mean. The more confident you are, the more you break down when you fail...” Yugi quickly shifted his gaze over to Kaiba before shifting back to Rarity. “Anyway, since Twilight isn’t able to come with us, we’ve agreed to bring Spike with us. Hope you don’t mind...”

“Oh no, it fine. I kind of like Spike’s company.” Out of the corner of his eye, Yugi noticed Spike was lightly floating above the ground.

“Our ride should be here soon.” Interrupted Celestia. “It will be arriving right outside the door.” Celestia exited the room and the others followed. Except for Kaiba of course. “Ah, there it is.” She pointed her hoof up into the sky. There were a pair of carriages being pulled by a couple of Pegasi in armor. After they landed. Celestia climbed aboard, beckoning the others to come up. Yugi joined Celestia while Rarity and Spike took the other carriage. The Pegasi then took flight, carrying them to they’re next destination, Canterlot.

As they flew over the land, Yugi gazed at the setting sun. ‘I have a bad feeling this isn’t anywhere close to being over.’

A ghostly figure appeared next to Yugi. “No, it’s only just beginning...”