• Published 21st Jun 2013
  • 8,004 Views, 357 Comments

Sparké - moviemaster8510

A human chef looking to open a restaurant in New York gets more than he bargained for when he winds up in Equestria. While there, he reacquaints with somepony from his past...

  • ...

Chapter 7: Heated Conversation

Twilight and Peter were underneath the covers of their bed, Twilight providing light with an illumination spell. The spent most of their time reading Equestrian story books. Many of Twilight’s favorites were about a unicorn named Starswirl the Bearded, her book constantly flipping to pictures of an elderly, grey stallion with a long white mane and a blue hat and cape.

“This is so cool,” Peter exclaimed. “You say this guy was real?”

“Yeah,” Twilight exclaimed. “One day, I’d like to be just like him.”

“I’m sure if you practice long enough, you’ll be a hundred times better than that geezer.”

“No I couldn’t! He wrote the many spells that I’m currently practicing. I don’t think I’ll ever get to that point.”

“Either way, he certainly is inspiring.”

“Yeah. What about you, Peter? What kind of stories do you read?”

“There was this one story that my pop used to read to me as a kid. It was about a boy who was best friends with a tree.”

“A tree?”

“Yes, a tree. As a boy, he loved to climb the tree, swing from its branches, and eat its apples. However, as the boy got older, he said he wanted money, so the tree gave him all her apples for him to sell. As an adult, he cuts her branches to build a house and chops down her trunk to make a boat.”

“That’s awful!” exclaimed Twilight. “How could he do that to her friend? How could that tree let him?”

“Because it loved him.”

“Could somepony really do that for love?”

“Beats me. But I know my pop would. He always has.”


“I never knew my mom. Pop said she died right after I was born, so he raised me all by himself.”

“Oh, Peter,” gasped Twilight. “I’m so sorry…”

“Don’t be. It wasn’t your fault or nothing. But now that I’m here, I can realize all that he did for me. I only wish there was some way I could tell him that I’m alright,” he said in a teary voice.

Peter felt a hoof on his shoulder, preventing him from letting out more tears.

“Peter,” Twilight said, “please. I’m sure he’s doing just fine. Well, I mean, I’m sure he’ll be fine. Celestia’s going to take you home, and you’ll be back with him. I guarantee it.”

“I sure hope so.”

Twilight yawned, putting her hoof over her mouth.

“I’m beat,” she said. “Let’s get some sleep.”

“Yeah. Okay.”

Twilight deactivated her spell and crawled to the back of the bed. Peter followed her lead on the other side of the bed. When Peter’s head popped out from under the covers, Twilight’s head was already there with her head on her pillow, her body covered up. Peter gave Twilight a couple of scratches on the neck.

“‘Night, Sparky,” he whispered.

“Goodnight, Peter,” she responded.

Peter kept his hand on Twilight’s neck, stroking it until he felt his eyes and consciousness drift away.


Peter walked into Celestia’s chambers with his laptop cradled in his arm while Twilight walked next to him. Peter saw Princess Celestia and gave her a nod, but he saw a second alicorn sitting next to her that he didn’t recognize.

She was dark blue with a flowing cobalt mane and tail with translucent, purple strands on the outer edges. Her tiara and broach were pure ebony, the broach having a simple white waning crescent on center. Her cutie mark was that of a large splotch of black all over her flank with the same crescent moon. Her slippers were an icy purple.

“So this the creature you’ve talked about, dear sister?” asked Luna to Celestia.

“He is,” she answered before turning to Peter, who continued to approach. “Peter, this is Princess Luna, my sister.”

Peter stopped dead in his tracks.

“Luna?” he asked. “As in the same Luna from the tale of the Mare in the Moon?”

“Please, understand, the one my sister calls ‘human,’” Luna explained, “I regret what I have done on that fateful night, and I wish to make amends. I am no longer Nightmare Moon. I only wish to be Princess Luna.”

Peter shrugged and continued to approach.

“Sounds good to me,” he spoke.

Peter extended his hand out to the dark alicorn. Having been told of the earthly custom of “shaking hands,” Luna extended her hoof out and let Peter take hold of it as he moved the arm up and down, introducing himself.

“My name’s–”

“Peter,” Luna interrupted. “Peter Falwell. Celestia has told me much about you since your arrival in Canterlot. However, I know full well that you aren’t here to make pleasantries with me. You wish to seek contact with your father and have him converse with us.”

“Sounds like the long and short of it.”

“Then let us waste no more time.”

Peter opened up his laptop and unlocked it with a password. Skype was already up and running, but the Skype logo left of his father’s name was still a green outline. Peter knew it might take a bit of time for him to get home or get settled, but with the time as it was, he should have been on at any second.

“Would you mind stepping to the side, princesses?” Peter asked. “I don’t want you to be the first thing he sees.”

Celestia and Luna looked at each other and gave them a nod, understanding Peter’s request. They stood up and walked down the stairs to Twilight. Peter sat Indian-style on the floor with his laptop directly in front of him. The laptop’s camera was facing away from the three ponies and all that he could do now was to wait for his dad to come on.

Peter’s stomach was crawling with fear that his father would break down again knowing that his son was where he was. A harder pang sprung through Peter’s blood as the icon next to his dad’s name became a green shape with a white check inside. His father was online. Peter gave a quick breath to prepare himself. He then glanced over the screen to see Twilight, Celestia, and Luna standing there expectantly. Celestia gave him a nod, telling him to go whenever he was ready. Peter took one last big inhale, clicked his dad’s avatar, and pressed the button that read “Video Call.”

The six note ringing sound was heard and Peter looked at his screen. On top was his father’s avatar, and below it was his. Peter got more nervous with each dialtone that rung through his computer’s speakers. It stopped and the icon grew larger, the sound now sounding like a shrill siren from the feedback on his dad’s microphone.

“There you are!” Peter’s dad exclaimed. “It’s about time I could see your face.”

The icon disappeared and was replaced with a shot of his dad on camera, sitting at his desk in his home office. Peter knew his dad could see him now too. There was no going back now.

“Hey, pop,” Peter answered.

“Where the hell are you?” his dad exclaimed, his face getting closer to the camera. “That don’t look like any motel I’ve ever seen. What, did you decide to go to Vegas or something?”

Peter couldn’t beat around the bush. He had to get this off his chest.

“Pop,” he said. “I’m… not at a motel. I never was at a motel. I never even had problems with my engine.”

“…What do you mean?”

“Pop. What I’m about to tell you is going to make me sound crazy, but I want you to promise me that you won’t leave this conversation and that you’ll let me explain myself.”

“…I don’t understand? What happened? Where are you?”

Peter bowed his head, still unsure if he could muster the courage to say what he was going to say.


“Okay!” Peter exclaimed. “Pop, you know when I went missing all those years ago?”

“…Peter, what does that have to do with–”

“Pop, pop… When I was a kid, a magical force took me to this new world where I lived for the past year. It’s inhabitants took care of me and kept me safe until they returned me home. For whatever reason, I got sent back, and now, I can’t return.”

Peter’s dad only looked at him like he gave him a complex Calculus equation, but was also angry at his son’s ridiculous tale.

“Peter, that’s not funny. Now really, where are you?”

Peter sighed. He knew that a mere explanation wouldn’t work. He’d need proof.

“Twilight,” Peter called, wagging his fingers towards himself.

Twilight galloped over to him and peered her face into the camera. Peter’s dad was now heavily perplexed as he tried to make heads or tails of the creature now before him.

“Pop,” Peter explained, “this is my good friend Twilight. We were, for lack of a better term, roommates when I arrived here. Twilight, this is my pop.”

Twilight laid upon Peter’s lap while looking straight at the camera, both her and Peter’s faces visible on the screen.

“Hello, Mr. Fawell,” she spoke.

“Did that thing just talk?” Peter’s father exclaimed.

“Yes, pop, she did, and before you try passing it off as some neat little special effect, just try asking her some things.”

“Okay,” he said, beginning to pant, “what are you?”

“Me?” Twilight asked, putting her hoof to her chest. “I’m a pony. A unicorn to be more exact.”

Peter’s dad’s face was clearly stunned. Not only did it answer his question to a tee, but its mouth moved in exact accuracy with her voice. Peter backed away from his computer and looked for his phone. He found it on the other end of the desk and picked it up.

Peter’s dad dialed the number for his son and waited for the phone to answer. Someone was clearly playing a prank on him. A cruel, sick prank. As the first dial tone went on, a noise came from his computer, and when he turned, he saw Peter taking his phone out from his pocket as Beethoven sounded out through it. Peter answered the phone and put the device to his ear.

“I figured you might try that,” spoke Peter’s voice on both his dad’s phone and the computer speakers, “so I brought my phone just in case. I’m telling you, pop, these things are real.”

“These…” stammered Peter’s dad, dropping the phone from his trembling hand, “things?”

Peter’s dad sat back in his chair and put his face back close to the camera, his expression livid.

“What have you done to my son, you bitch?” he shouted.

Twilight didn’t know what bitch meant, but the word was blunt and hard enough for Twilight to recoil in fear at the sound.

“Pop!” Peter shouted. “She didn’t do anything! It’s not her fault!”

“Where’s your leader?” growled Peter’s father. “I want to speak to her now!”

Celestia saw this as her cue to act, galloping to join Peter and Twilight before things got out of hand.

“Peter!” exclaimed his dad once again. “What have they done to you? Are you alright?”

“They haven’t done anything!” Peter shouted back. “I’m fine!”

“What is going on?” Celestia asked as her body came into frame.

“Who the fuck are you?” Peter’s father yelled back. “Where is my son?”

Celestia picked up the computer so her face was in frame as well as her sister.

“My name is Celestia,” she calmly answered with a stern look on her face. “And your son is with us in the land of Equestria.”

“Don’t bullshit me! What do I sound like to you, an idiot?”

“No, but you certainly sound like someone who’s afraid for the well-being of their son.”

“What do you want? I’ll give you anything. How much money will it take?”

“Celestia,” spoke Peter’s voice from below, “please give me that. I want to talk to him.”

Peter’s head came up in the screen, Celestia still holding the computer with her magic.

“Peter,” sobbed his dad, “where are you? I’ll have someone find you. I won’t lose you again.”

“Pop,” his son protested with a tearful smile, “you don’t have to come look for me. I’m safe. I always have been. These ponies are my friends.”

“So they’ve brainwashed you already? What is going on?”


Peter’s dad fell silent.

“I want to tell you. When I disappeared the first time, I was sent to this world where these ponies are the dominant species. After they found me, they kept me safe and warm, and they even sent me back.”

Peter’s dad didn’t want to believe it, but with Celestia and Luna standing behind him, he was slowly understanding it all.

“I know it’s a lot to take in, and I’m expecting you to take it all in, but I want you to know that I’m safe. I’m okay. I’m in good company.”

“Can’t he just come home?” Peter’s father began to sob. “I just want to see my son.”

“I’m sorry,” Celestia said, lifting the computer back up. “But Peter has been bound to this world and it would be unwise to send him home.”

“Why!? If you can bring him here, surely you can send him back.”

“I’m afraid it’s not that simple, Mr. Falwell. Peter’s heart has been bound to the friends that he’s made here, and because of that, he will always be sent back here to Equestria no matter how many times we try to send him back.”

Peter’s father’s expression morphed back into rage.

“What… Do you think I’m just going to sit here and expect me to believe your mumbo-jumbo abra-kadabra bullshit?”

“I wouldn’t, but then again, you are talking to a talking pony with a horn and wings.”


“Perhaps I can show you.”

Celestia pushed the computer back, showing herself, Luna, Twilight, and Peter in full frame. Peter’s father saw the yellow glowing from Celestia’s horn. However, it was when she unfurled both of her wings that Peter’s father became horrified.

“Oh my Christ,” he gasped. “You’re really real, aren’t you? This isn’t some joke?”

“Yes, pop,” Peter said, walking up close to the camera. “Like I said, they’re here keeping me safe. I know how hard it’s been to lose mom and then lose me, but you knew I was going to have to leave the nest eventually.”

Peter’s father was beside himself at this point, his hands covering his entire face as he sobbed and continued to hear his son.

“Pop, you’ve done so much for me that I can’t begin to repay you back for. I’m sorry that you had to find out this way, but I needed to tell you eventually. I mean, how many other excuses could I come up with to say, ‘I didn’t make it to the city, but I’m still trying?’”

Peter’s father pulled his hands from his face and really looked into his son’s face. He could see in his eyes that Peter was in no danger or fear. He truly felt safe and protected. Peter’s father wiped his eyes with his hands.

“So…” Peter’s father spoke, “Yesterday morning… was the last time we got to really see each other?”

“‘Fraid so, pop,” Peter responded, his own eyes forming tears. “But hey, thank God for Skype, am I right?”

Peter’s father was hardly in a mood to chuckle, but it was obvious from his shifting face that one was coming on soon.

“I… I can’t believe this. Even after all of that… I still couldn’t keep you with me.”

Celestia floated the computer down to Twilight, who finished tapping her leg with her hoof to get her word in.

“Mr. Falwell,” Twilight spoke. “I know it won’t bring your son back, but I want to let you know that your son is one of the best friends I’ve ever made. I don’t think I would have ever met such a kind and caring individual if it wasn’t for you.”

Peter’s dad then did something that made Twilight giggle: he gave a smile, encouraged by her words. Celestia then brought herself to the camera again.

“Mr. Falwell,” she spoke. “In fact, do you have a first name?”

“I’m… Patrick.”

“Well, Patrick. Like Twilight has told you, I appreciate all the hard work you’ve put into raising your son, and I couldn’t imagine a better father to raise him than you did. And as Peter’s friend, I want to do everything I possibly can to make sure his time here, as well as him being away from you, is as painless as possible.”

“But… what about his dream?” asked Patrick. “How’s he going to open his restaurant now?”

“I did think about that. Twilight has told me that he brought quite a lot of money along with him. I can’t imagine that money from your world would be worth anything here, but I’m won’t allow Peter’s dream to die here. As a service to you and to him, I’ll see to it that Peter is still going to achieve his dream. However, he’ll need to earn it first.”

“Huh?” Peter wondered, walking back up.

“Yes, Peter. As much as I want to allow you to run a restaurant, I don’t think its fair to just give you your own restaurant so I’m going to issue you a challenge.”

“A challenge? What is it?”

“I will give you the details tomorrow morning. If there’s one thing I know about chefs, it’s that the best ones are quick on their feet. Am I right, Patrick?”

Patrick returned his gaze to the camera once he heard the question was directed towards him.

“That’s absolutely true,” he replied with a nod.

“Then it’s settled. I will give Peter’s challenge rules tomorrow. If Peter can complete and pass his challenge, I will personally purchase a lot for him with which to run his own restaurant. In the meantime, I think we all should get our rest. We all have busy days ahead of us. I just want to thank you, Patrick, for taking the time to talk with us. I know how hard it must be for you to not see your son again…”

“What are you talking about?” Patrick exclaimed. “I’m talking to him right now! Speaking of, how are you even able to talk to me? How do you get internet or service there if you’re not even on Earth?”

“I don’t know,” Peter answered. “Magic can be silly, I guess. I know it raises more questions, but I can’t answer it. Please, I’ll do what I can to stay in touch with you, but I want you to know that you don’t need to worry about me. These guys will take care of me.”

Patrick looked into the faces of Peter, Twilight, and Celestia as they gathered towards it, each one of them telling him that Peter would be alright.

“Then you take good care of him,” Patrick responded with a small choke.

“I’m glad to see you’re taking this well now,” Celestia chuckled. “What time do you need to be at your own restaurant.”

“My restaurant?” Patrick wondered. “How did you know about my–”

“Hello!” Peter called, leaning into the camera while waving before he leaned back out.

“Aha. I don’t usually get there until ten in the morning.”

“Then I’ll start the challenge tomorrow at eight so we can watch it together.”

“That sounds great. Peter, you up for this?”

“I was born ready, pop.”

“That’s my boy. Please, Peter, call me when you wake up.”

“Sure thing, pop. I love you so much.”

Peter put his fingers over the camera, and through the feed, Peter saw as Patrick touched the screen of his own computer.

“I love you too,” Patrick said. “Knock ‘em dead.”

“Sure thing, pop. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow.”

“Good night.”

“Good night.”

Peter clicked the red button on the bottom of the Skype program, ending the call. With that, he closed the lid on his laptop, looking up and thanking God as a couple of tears ran down. After placing his computer on the ground, he walked over to Celestia and Twilight and gave them each a hug.

“Thank you so much for doing that for me,” Peter sighed. “I don’t know what could have happened without you.”

“It’s okay, Peter. Your father deserved as much. But I think you should get to bed. I meant it when I said you had a busy day tomorrow.”

“Alright then. Let’s go, Twilight.”

Peter turned back to see Luna, who was only able to observe the entire spectacle.

“I’m, uh…” Peter said while scratching the back of his head, “sorry you had to see and hear all that.”

“It’s quite alright, Peter,” Luna admitted. “I’m merely thankful that your father has come to terms with your being here.”

“Well, I guess I’ll see you in the AM too.”

“Nay. I stay up and watch over the night and slumber during the day. I shall give you my farewell.”

Peter didn’t wait, and instead gave Luna a hug, surprising her.

“Thank you,” he said. “I do hope we can still see each other again.”

“Yes,” Luna said as Peter let go. “I am most eager to learn of you, but I believe my sister can provide me much information.”

“Then I guess this is goodnight.”

“Yes. Good night, Peter. May your challenge be in your favor.”

Peter gave her a nod and walked out of the room with Twilight, giving a wave to Celestia as he did. Peter walked down the halls with Twilight at his side. While his father was now accepting of his being there, he knew that he was going to miss him like crazy. While Crème Fraiche was a massive inspiration, without either her or his father, his dreams of becoming a chef would have never existed.


Peter, 19, presented a plate on one of the kitchen counters to Patrick. On it was an even bed of creamy parmesan risotto with bits of leek and parsley mixed inside of it. Sitting to the right was a filet of salmon seasoned with lemon pepper and dill, all wrapped in a crispy blanket of pancetta in a small layer of white-wine reduction.

Peter looked nervously at his father and his plate. It was the first time he actually cooked a meal that didn’t come from his father’s menu or a cookbook. A creation all his own.

Patrick picked up a fork and cut the salmon. Peter exhaled in slight joy as he heard the mild crunch of the pancetta as the fork broke through it. Patrick speared the bite with the pancetta still hanging onto the top of the filet. He then put his mouth under the fork to catch the drips of the sauce and put the whole thing in his mouth.

Peter looked nervously as his father chewed and let the flavors meld. Peter knew his father when he was ready to judge, and there was only one thing for him to do before he made his decision. Patrick placed the fork back onto the plate and looked Peter in the eyes.

“That was delicious,” he said.

Peter smiled as he heard his father explain himself.

“The pancetta adds a really light, but noticeable flavor to the fish, and it adds a very nice crunch along with the skin. It’s seasoned and cooked to perfection. And the risotto…”

Patrick picked up the fork and scooped some of the rice onto it, putting it into his mouth soon after. It didn’t take him long before he placed the fork back down.

“That’s very nice. There’s not too much leek to overpower the rice, and it complements the fish beautifully. The rice is cooked great, and it’s very creamy while still easy to eat with a fork. Yep. I think we got tonight’s special.”

Peter stood still, his body trembling with excitement as he beamed.

“Good job, Peter. You really could run a restaurant with talents like that.”

“Thanks, pop.”

Patrick walked out of the kitchen to report that Peter’s dish would be in that night’s menu. With his father out of the room, Peter lifted his knee and jammed his elbow backwards with a loud, satisfied grunt.


Yeah, Peter thought as he made it back to his room. I’m ready.

Peter walked inside while Twilight stood in the entryway. Peter had to admit that his bed looked inviting after having a day like today. Putting his laptop on the dresser, he went to the two sets of clothes put on his bed. One was a pair of baggy nylon pants and an extra-large t-shirt with Stanley Kubrick’s face upon it. To the right of it was a pair of black socks, a pair of briefs, blue jeans, and a red Phish t-shirt.

“I’m going to change now,” Peter said. “If you could be so kind…”

Twilight gasped and blushed.

“Oh…” she muttered, “right. I’ll see you in the morning, Peter. And I know that saying this might sound awkward, but…”


“Welcome back home.”

Peter gasped, but he realized that for all extents and purposes, he was now stuck in a place that he used to call home, so it only made sense that he really was “back home.”

“Thanks, Twilight. Goodnight.”

With that, Twilight yawned and walked away from the room, closing the door behind her. Peter, his privacy now secured, put on his pajamas quickly, knowing that if he were too slow, he might collapse from exhaustion then and there. Once they were on, Peter put the next day’s clothes on the floor and jumped into the bed.

Peter’s body was now spent. The next time he could think of moving a muscle would be when he closed his eyes to sleep, which he began to do rather quickly.

Yeah, he thought as his mind faded off. I’m ready.