• Published 21st Jun 2013
  • 8,012 Views, 357 Comments

Sparké - moviemaster8510

A human chef looking to open a restaurant in New York gets more than he bargained for when he winds up in Equestria. While there, he reacquaints with somepony from his past...

  • ...

Chapter 6: Salty Reunion

Peter peered around the corner of the hallway as she watched her hug a white unicorn stallion with a messy blue mane and tail. Celestia did mention the other day that Twilight had family that she would also not be seeing because of her studies with Celestia. Even for as inexperienced still as he was with this world, he could feel that this couldn’t have been Twilight’s father; something about him seemed so… young and wild. Not only that, but his voice that he used to talk to his sister was higher-pitched and raspy. It was clear that this was Twilight’s brother.

“How’s my favorite little sister?” he asked her.

“A bit lonely,” she said.

“Well, I’m sure Smarty Pants will keep you company.”

“How about mom and dad?”

“Oh, they miss you a bunch, but you know they couldn’t be more proud of you.”

“Thanks, big brother. At least I don’t have just Mr. Smarty Pants.”

“Yes, and I’m sure it’s nice to be able to spend time with Princess Celestia.”

“Not just that! Come see!”

Twilight went to her brother’s side and wrapped her hoof around his arm as she attempted to escort him to her room. The white unicorn playfully rolled his eyes as he walked alongside his sister to her room. Peter’s eyes widened. He was not prepared to meet any of Twilight’s family, yet alone right now. He slipped back into his room and sat along the edge of the bed.

“Is this that dragon you’re looking after?” Shining Armor guessed.

“Not even close!” Twilight exclaimed. “But you have to keep him a secret. I really shouldn’t be showing him to everypony, but I think Celestia won’t mind me showing it to my B.B.B.F.F.”

“What?” he exclaimed, sounding a bit nervous. “What do you have in there?”

The stallion walked into the room and saw Peter’s figure on the bed. While confused at first by what he was, the stallion walked closer to get a better look while Peter remained still, but awestruck by how regal he looked. The stallion’s confusion turned to shock as he realized how alien Peter was as he turned to Twilight with a fearful expression.

“Twily,” he shuddered, “what in the hay is that?”

“Shining Armor!” cried Twilight, standing in front of him. “Please, don’t be scared! He’s really friendly! Peter, this is my big-brother-best-friend-forever, Shining Armor.”

Peter hopped off the bed as casually and as calmly as he could.

“Hey,” he said with slight apprehension, “I’m… Pet– right, you got my name. Um… nice to meet you!”

Peter held out his hand, causing Shining Armor to recoil and shy away.

“It’s okay,” Twilight said. “It’s just their way of saying hello.”

Shining Armor, not unfamiliar with a hoofshake, chuckled in embarrassment and put both of his hooves up, sandwiching Peter’s hand in between them as Shining Armor moved both arms up and down.

“Sorry about that,” said Shining Armor. “I’ve never seen a hoofshake done with one hoof before.”

“Well,” Peter said a bit bashfully, “it certainly helps when you have fingers.”

“Is that what you call your claws?”

“Well, it’s just what they’re called.”

Shining Armor gave a small chuckle, putting Peter at ease.

“What even are you?” Shining Armor asked. “I’ve never seen anypony like you in my life.”

“I’m a human,” answered Peter. “You know how Twilight went all wacky during her exam, right?”

Shining Armor knew all too well about Twilight’s entrance exam, remembering the giant dragon’s head that burst through the roof of the academy. Twilight squeamishly smiled.

“Well, that burst of magic also brought me here from my own world.”

“Wait,” the stallion interrupted, “you’re not even native to here?”

“Do I look native to you?”

Shining Armor was taken aback by Peter’s outburst, but Twilight was quick to try and mend the conversation.

“Sorry, big brother,” Twilight apologized, “but Peter really misses his family and home, and he’s still trying to get used to everything. That’s why I wanted to show him to you. I thought that maybe, we could, you know… let him join the family?”

“Huh?” Peter exclaimed.

“Yeah. Shining Armor is the best big brother best friend forever that any foal could have! I know that you miss your dad, but I want you to feel happy here, and I know there’s no better feeling I get from being with my own brother.”

Shining Armor innocently pawed at the ground.

“Aw, shucks Twily,” he guffawed. “You’re making me blush.”

“Well?” Twilight pressed to her brother.

“Sure thing. I don’t mind hanging out with him with Twilight.”

“Great! Now let’s play a game! We’ve still got some time before today’s lesson! How about some checkers? No wait, we can’t all play that. How about Go Fish, or some…”

“You know,” Shining Armor interrupted, “I think we should let Peter decide.”

Peter looked into Shining Armor’s accepting gaze while Twilight looked upon him curiously for an answer. Peter could tell from the stallion’s easy-going attitude and quick acceptance that he was going to like him. Peter smiled.

“Go Fish sounds like fun,” he said.

As Twilight clopped her front hooves together in joy, she ran to a drawer to search for the deck of cards as Peter walked up besides Shining Armor.

“You and I are gonna’ be good friends, I can tell,” stated Peter, hanging his left arm over Shining Armor’s neck.

“Yeah,” he answered. “If Twilight likes you, then I can’t see why I can’t like you.”

Shining Armor and Peter, the latter’s arm still around the stallion’s upper back, walked to Twilight to an empty spot in the floor where they could play their game.


Twilight was in tears as she gave Shining Armor one last hug. Peter leaned against the wall and smiled as he looked at Shining Armor, having enjoyed his time with him.

“You do good now, Twily,” advised Shining Armor. “I don’t know when I’ll be able to visit again in between training, but I’ll be back the second I know I can.”

“Okay,” agreed Twilight. “I’m going to miss you, big brother.”

“Yeah. Me too.”

Before Shining Armor walked down the hallways for the exit, Shining Armor gave Peter a wave goodbye, which Peter returned with child-like gusto. Twilight drooped her head as she watched Shining Armor turn the corner to leave. Peter, understanding her walked back to her and placed his hand on her back.

“Twily, huh?” Peter wondered.

“Yeah,” she responded, wiping her tears with her hoof. “It’s just a name he refers to me by.”

“I like it.”

“Thanks, Peter.”

“You know, I was thinking about a nickname for you, but I didn’t know if you’d like it, but now that I heard what he calls you, I wanted to know.”

“Well? What is it?”

“I mean, when I see you performing difficult spells, I see your horn turning all lightningy, and when you got all mad at me for touching Smarty Pants, I thought of… um, Sparky.”


“Yeah! And your last name is Sparkle. It’s perfect!”

“But, isn’t that like a dog’s name?”

“You named your dragon Spike.”


“Well, what do you think?”

Twilight looked back up towards Peter and gave him a smile.

“I like it.”

Peter beamed at Twilight’s acceptance, Twilight giggling at his happy smile.


The train passed through mountainous valleys as it continued onwards to Canterlot. Inside the rearmost car of the train, Peter and Lyra spent all of their time conversing and laughing about the new things that they learned about from each other, whether it be Peter’s history, his dream, and his anatomy, to Lyra’s life in Ponyville and how she came to become train buddies with Twilight.

“And so,” Lyra concluded, “she said, sure come on in, and so whenever we ride the train, we’re always sure to grab the last car in the back so we can have our own little peace and quiet. Looks like I got much more than I bargained for, huh, Twilight?”

“Right,” Twilight giggled sheepishly, “I was so concerned with trying to sneak Peter in that I didn’t even consider the possibility that you’d be on it.”

“Speaking of,” Peter asked, “what do you have going on in Canterlot?”

“My family lives up there,” Lyra answered. “I just come up when my schedule allows it. Speaking of, there it is!”

Lyra pointed out the window to the left of the car. Peter, who was still sitting on that side, looked behind him to see the white, gold, and purple palace. Peter sighed with an extreme sense of nostalgia as he gazed upon the place he once called home for a year. Even for Twilight, Spike, and Lyra, who’ve visited the city on many occasions, were captivated by its beauty.

“Canterlot,” whispered Pete. “I’m back home.”

As the train began to pass under a tunnel, Twilight spoke out.

“Let’s gather our things once we get out of the tunnel. We’ll be at the Canterlot Station in just a couple of minutes. Ready, Spike?”

“Ready,” the purple dragon answered.

“Lyra, you should say your goodbyes now. I have to cast an invisibility spell on him soon and sneak him into the castle.”

“Sounds like fun,” the green unicorn answered.

As the train passed out of the tunnel, the two ponies, Spike, and Peter all stood to get ready to dismount the train. However, as Lyra stood up, she stood on her hind legs and leaned into Peter with her arms snug around his body.

“Thanks, Peter,” Lyra said with a content smile. “It was such an honor to meet you. Good luck with your restaurant.”

“Thanks a bunch, Lyra,” he said. “Just keep mum about me while I’m still here, okay?”

“What?” she exclaimed, standing back on all four hooves. “You expect a bunch of ponies to hear me talk about humans and believe me? They’d all think I’m crazy!”

Peter and Lyra shared a pleasant giggle, both of them agreeing with what they said. Lyra then picked up her luggage and made her way for the front of the train.

“Anyways, it’s been fun, Peter. Goodbye!”

Peter bid her a wave as she disappeared from his sight. Peter heard a magical shimmering noise as he picked up his bag. He turned to Twilight, whose horn was glowing.

“One more time,” she said with a sly smile.


The train pulled into the station, the doors opening up upon it coming to a complete stop. Twilight and Spike shuffled out of it while Peter, now invisible to everyone again, did his best to weave in and out of crowds, trying to avoid phantom contact with the ponies on the platform. Twilight stood around nervously as he continued to make his way back towards her.

“Come on,” she whispered. “We have to go.”

Peter now close enough to Twilight tapped her gently on the flank with his index finger. Twilight looked around her, trying to find whoever touched her, but soon felt an invisible hand patting her back. Twilight sighed knowing that Peter was there. With not another second wasted, she and Spike walked from the station towards the palace.


Twilight and Spike got up the winding steps that led to the entrance to the palace. Peter was still close behind, but hoped that the spell would last long enough to get him inside without being seen by any of the unicorn guards standing by at the doors. Upon seeing her and her draconic companion, they kept their weapons up and covered the door handles with magical blue aura.

“Welcome back, Ms. Sparkle,” one guard said. “Please, come in.”

“Thank you, sirs,” she said as she and Spike walked past.

Peter made sure to straddle just behind Spike before the guards could close the door on him. Peter looked around the halls with wonder.

“It hasn’t changed a bit,” Peter said to himself.

“I’m sorry, Peter,” said Twilight, “but we have no time. We need to see Princess Celestia.”

“Okay, okay.”

Peter followed Twilight and Spike as she made it towards another flight of stairs that would take them to the floor where Celestia’s chambers were.


Peter, Spike, and Twilight crept up to Celestia’s ruby-red doors, both of which remained closed. Peter’s visibility just began to fade in, allowing Twilight to address him before they could enter.

“Alright, Peter,” she whispered. “I’m going to go in and make sure she’s ready for you. I don’t know how she’s going to react to you being here, but hopefully she’ll mostly be happy to see you.”

“I suppose my being here a second time would raise some questions. Either way, we won’t know until we find out.”

“Okay. Here goes.”

Twilight inhaled with her hoof raised towards the door. She then gave it a couple of knocks, hoping to hear an answer.

“Come in,” called Celestia’s voice.

Peter’s heart fluttered on hearing Celestia’s voice once again. He almost wanted to run in with Twilight and see her once again, but kept still as Twilight opened the door for herself and went in with Spike by her side.

Celestia, who sat on her throne, looked to Twilight with a bit of surprise.

“Twilight?” she asked. “What are you doing here?”

“Sorry for leaving no notice, Princess, but there’s a matter that I need your help with.”

“Hmm? What is it?”

Twilight turned to face the door.

“You can come in now.”

Celestia could only wonder who this pony was that could be considered a “matter” to Twilight. Instead, a fully adult human body walked in through the entryway. Celestia gasped, instantly recognizing him even as an adult. Peter shuddered in his breath to see Celestia once again, putting his hand to his heart.

“Peter?” Celestia wondered.

“Celestia,” sighed Peter as he made his way for her.

Celestia’s initial reaction to his appearance was a combination of fear and regret, but upon seeing the excited Peter walked towards her, she hid her true feelings and brought a warm smile for her old friend.

“Peter,” she spoke warmly. “It’s so good to see you again.”

Peter walked up the stairs to her throne as Celestia stood up to allow Peter a hug. Sure enough, Peter threw his arms up and wrapped them around her swan-like neck and pressed his face into it.

“I missed you so much,” Peter exclaimed, a couple of tears running down his cheeks.

“I missed you too, Peter.”

They finally let go as Peter could now see Celestia’s worried face.

“Celestia…” wondered Peter. “What’s wrong?”

“Twilight,” the alicorn addressed to her student, “why is Peter here?”

“You see, Celestia,” she answered, “Peter was in his own world, and he was driving this machine called a car. As he drove, this fog came and took him to Equestria, all the way to Sweet Apple Acres to be exact.”

Celestia hung her head down, her face filled with regret and worry.

“Celestia?” Peter wondered again.

“Peter,” she asked, her horn shining a couple of times, “may I?”

“Uh, sure, Celestia.”

Princess Celestia’s horn glowed brightly as she tilted her head back down to aim her horn at his heart.

“You might feel a hard push,” she warned.


Celestia inserted her horn through Peter’s chest. Sure enough, Peter felt as if someone was pressing their knuckle onto his chest there very hard. On top of seeing Celestia’s horn going into his chest, the sensation kept Peter from being able to breath. Twilight and Spike had never seen a spell quite like this before, and they were shocked and terrified by what they were witnessing.

It wasn’t too much longer that Celestia pulled her horn from his chest. Peter sunk to his knees and gasped for air. As he panted heavily, he felt around his shirt, not managing to see or feel any holes. He also pulled his collar down, surprised to see his bare chest completely unharmed.

“Celestia,” spoke Twilight. “What in the hay was that?”

“It’s a spell that allows me to see into the hearts of others,” explained Celestia. “I had to be sure of something… and it is what I have feared…”

“What?” Peter asked, now beginning to look nervous. “What is it?”

“Peter,” asked Celestia, “if you remember anything from being here, do you remember where magic in all living beings is stored?”

“I think it was… the heart, right?”

“That’s right. From birth, a pony’s heart is full of magic. It’s what allows unicorns to cast spells, it’s how pegasi are able to control the weather and stand on clouds, it’s how earth ponies connect themselves to the earth. It also allows their cutie marks to appear on their flanks when they discover their talents.

“Along with that, it also binds us to the friends that we make. You have missed a lot since your departure, Peter, but Twilight has gained five of the very best friends a pony could ever hope to make. Those bonds are connected through magic, and with them together, they can wield the Elements of Harmony, which is our greatest source of magic.

“When a pony befriends another pony, their hearts are connected through a nearly-unbreakable link that ensures that they’ll still be together again. Only the cruelest and weakest at heart have been able to break such bonds. However, when you came to Equestria, you formed a link with Twilight, myself, Crème Fraiche, Shining Armor, and Princess Cadance. I could see those links in your heart.”

“What does this mean?” Peter asked. “What does any of this have to do with why I’m still in Equestria?”

“It’s quite simple. Because of your being worlds apart from Equestria, your bonds with your friends here were more than likely bound to send you back here.”

“What? I don’t understand.”

“I can’t be sure about how bonds and friendships work on Earth, but I’ve come to learn from you that real magic does not exist on your world. However, upon coming here and becoming friends with all of us, that magical link connected us to you. And whether you were just a town away or even worlds away, your bonds to your friends here have sent you back here to be together with us again.”

“But… what does that mean for me?” Peter asked, his voice sounding shaky from his fright and anxiety. “Does this mean I can’t go back home?”

“Not exactly,” Celestia explained. “I could easily send you back home again like I did the first time, but it will be pointless.”

“How? Wait… no. No, no, no,” Peter began to sob, sinking to his knees.

“Now I think you’re beginning to realize your situation,” answered Celestia, sitting on her legs to be closer to his level, “No matter how many times I can send you home, sooner or later, your bonds with your friends will only bring you back. However, I don’t think I should send you back.”


“Think about it. You always dreamed about running your own restaurant, correct?”

“Yes! That was why I was driving! I finally got the money to get my own restaurant and I was driving there to buy it.”

“I see… I’m very sorry for your journey being cut short like this, but still think. What do you think would happen if you disappeared in the middle of a service? What do you think would happen to your restaurant then? Or your employees?”

Peter, realizing his being stranded here, began to sink further down and break into a full crying fury. Twilight and Spike stood teary eyed as Peter lamented his loss. Celestia unfurled her wing and wrapped it around Peter’s back. Upon feeling the downy softness on his back, he lunged at Celestia and gripped her neck with his arms, weeping into her chest.

“There, there, Peter," cooed Celestia. "I can understand how you feel.”

“My pop…” he continued to cry. “My restaurant… my dream… I’ll never see them again.”

His rage began to pent up as he turned towards Twilight.

“And it’s all your fault!” he hysterically screamed at her.

He tried to stand up and make a run at Twilight. The purple unicorn tried to back away, but a yellow aura wrapped around Peter as he was lifted into the air. Peter thrashed around to break free, but Celestia’s aura tightened around Peter’s limbs, fully restricting his movements.

“Peter,” shouted Celestia. “That is enough!”

“If you hadn’t screwed up that fucking spell,” seethed Peter, “I would never have been here! I’d be at my restaurant right now and I’d be getting it ready! And now, because of you, I–”

“She has nothing to do with this! Her spell was all by accident, and you know that. She had no way of knowing she’d sent you here! And what then? We did everything to make sure your time here was as painless as possible. Or should we have left you in that cell for a year until we found a way to bring you home?”

Peter, while still angry, considered Celestia’s words, slowly coming to terms with how right she was.

“And what about Crème Fraiche? Do you really think that you would have been as passionate about cooking as you are today if it hadn’t been for her?”

Peter gasped. It was all making sense now.

“Do you think you would have the ambition to open your own restaurant if it hadn’t been for her tutelage?”

“I…” Peter stammered. “I…”

Celestia glared at him, demanding an answer.

“No…” he finally admitted, his anger and energy completely drained from his body.

Celestia, finally realizing that he had calmed down, set him back down to his knees, still unable to stand.

“Now you see the futility of your dream,” Celestia cooed, approaching Peter again. “Neither scenario could see you opening your restaurant on Earth. If you hadn’t met us, or Crème Fraiche for that matter, I imagine your path taking a much different turn, and I certainly wouldn’t see a restaurant in your future.

“On the other hoof, you built your passion to cook from the friendships you’ve made with us, and now you’re stuck here. Your restaurant was doomed from the very beginning. The only thing I can recommend now is that you get some rest. We can talk more about your options afterwards. Is that okay?”

Peter nodded slightly. He then turned to Twilight, his sight on her causing the unicorn to recoil in fear. This action began to bring more tears to Peter’s face.

“I’m so sorry, Twilight,” he sobbed. “I didn’t mean to try and hurt you.”

Twilight carefully approached Peter and put her hoof on his shoulder.

“I know you didn’t, Peter,” she whispered as she stroked his back. “I know you’re scared again, but I want to help you.”

“Could you ever forgive me?” he asked.

“Of course, I forgive you,” she said with a smile. “You’re my friend, Peter, and I want to be there for you.”

Peter, overcome by her acceptance, grabbed her and held her tight with both of her arms, sobbing loudly over her shoulder. Celestia gave a very small smile, empathizing with how depressed Peter was, but knowing that everything would still work out.


Twilight gave her final hugs to both of her parents as their visiting time was almost through. While studying with Princess Celestia was rewarding, there was just something special about being able to see her own family again after so much time. And their leaving was just as disheartening. Twilight watched as her parents walked down the hallway to the exit.

Twilight sullenly walked to her room with her head held low. There were many times like this in which Twilight wished she had never even been Celestia’s student at all. Sometimes, the absence of her family was too heavy of an emotional weight to bear.

Twilight entered her room, ready to take a nap and try and sleep her troubles away. However, a voice greeted her instead.

“Hey, Sparky,” Peter asked, “how was it?”

It was then that she remembered. While her family was far away, she at least had one friend that she could still keep company with. Twilight galloped over to Peter and jumped onto his chest. Her weight knocked Peter to the floor, but upon feeling the warmth of Twilight’s arms as they squeezed his chest and her nuzzle snuggling into his neck, he smiled.

Peter didn’t have his dad around, but this little filly was enough for him, and they knew they both needed each other. Peter, with one hand, pet Twilight’s back, while the other scratched behind her ears.


Peter leaned over the balcony of his room. It was very much like the one that he had as a child, but minus the toys and games scattered on the floor. He also would not be sharing a bed with Twilight, but he sighed, knowing it was for the best. As children, it was fine, much like an extended sleepover. As adults though, it would be awkward.

Peter looked down on the ponies as they walked down the city streets, the sun beginning to set, providing a perfect backdrop and lighting for them. Peter always liked watching the ponies as they carried about their days from the balconies of his room. It felt like the only way he could learn about their society. But for now, it seemed that now that he would be stuck here, he’d have much more time to learn.

The door opened behind him, and Peter turned to see Celestia and Twilight coming in to check on him. Peter walked back into the room to give them his attention.

“So,” Celestia wondered, “are you ready to talk about this?”

“Not quite,” Peter answered. “I should later tonight, though.”

“Later tonight?” Celestia wondered. “How late?”

“About an hour before midnight.”

Celestia was taken aback by his answer.

“Why must it be so late? I am normally in bed by then.”

“Because I want to show my father that I’m here and okay.”

“How? Your father is still on Earth. You have no way to contact him.”

Peter pointed to his laptop bag on his bed.

“I’m not sure how,” explained Peter, “but I’ve been able to contact my pop through my phone, which is a device that allows for long-distance communication where I’m from. I also have a machine called a computer, which allows me to access information, as well as serving as a means of long-distance communication.

“Of course, when I came to this world the first time, I had no such devices on me. But being that I brought them with to be used when I reached the city I was going to, I have them, and for some reason or another, they work perfectly here.”

“What are you suggesting?” asked Celestia. “That we all talk with your father?”

“That’s exactly it,” Peter answered. “My computer allows me to talk to my pop via a camera that allows us to see each other. If I can use that, he can see who you all are, I can explain where I am, and I can tell him that I’m alright.

“I think I told you this before, Twilight, but my mom died weeks after giving birth to me. My pop was the only person he had left, and when I disappeared, he fell into a terrible depression. During my time here, I’ve been telling my pop that I haven’t made it to my restaurant because my car broke down. I only have so many times I can say that before he knows I’m lying.

“If he finds out I’m gone again, and he doesn’t know I’m alright, I don’t know what will happen to him. I love my pop so much, and I couldn’t bear to live peacefully knowing he’s in that state of mind or worse. If I can at least show him where I am, where I have been, and that I’m okay, I believe that will be enough for him.”

Celestia took a moment to ponder Peter’s words, but gave Peter a smile.

“If you really believe our disclosure to him will satisfy him, I will allow us to contact him. I can only assume that you want to contact him so late because of his job?”

“Yes. Every night at eleven, my pop goes home and leaves the kitchen to his sous chef until closing. He usually checks his email and messages before bed, and that’s when I can talk to him.”

“I see. Very well. I know how much your father means to you, and I want nothing more than to see the both of you happy. I shall stay up late for you so we can talk to him. Peter, Twilight, please meet me in my chambers at ten after eleven.”

“Thank you, Princess Celestia.”

“You’re very welcome, Peter,” she said with a nod.

Celestia turned and walked out of the room. Twilight stood still.

“What will you do now?” asked Twilight.

“I’m going to send my pop a message so he knows to Skype me.”

“Skype? Is that–”

“It’s how we’re going to talk, yes. Either way, I’d like to have some time to rest so I can prepare for this.”

“I understand. Would you like to see Crème?”

“Mmm. Not yet. I’d much rather have this thing sorted out before then.”

“Okay, then. Farewell, Peter. Welcome back.”

“Yeah. Thanks.”

Twilight exited the room as Peter pulled his phone from his pocket. Searching for his dad in his contacts, he pushed the icon that sent him to the messaging. Peter, tapping the buttons on it, wrote out a message.

Motel has a new router. Internet works really good here. Can we Skype after work?

Peter hit send and waited for the phone to tell him that the message was sent. When it appeared that it did. Peter placed the phone back into his pocket and walked back towards the balcony, leaning over it.

“And now we play the waiting game,” he whispered, looking at the streets.