• Published 5th Jun 2013
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Blueblood's Ascension Part II; or, The Otherworldly Adventure of an Alicorn Prince - MyHobby

Blueblood continues to be an alicorn, despite the author's protestations. He now finds himself the victim of magic gone horribly right. He is flung into the world of humans and their odd subspecies known as bronies.

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In Which Prince Blueblood and Queen Chrysalis Discuss a Trope

The changelings and the humans collided with a chaotic crash, the cacophony creating a cohesive cluster of crazed combatants. The battle bounded back and forth between them, the besotted humans either blasting the beleaguered changelings, or the bug-like brick wall bouncing back the bested Homo sapiens.

Flash Sentry was a flurry of motion, flying and bucking with ferocity. Rainbow Dash shattered changeling skulls with a charge, using a long pole as a makeshift jousting lance. Lasers flew from Twilight Sparkle’s horn, concentrated beams of light which pulverized her foes.

Then the changeling got smart.

As one, they shifted their forms to that of the humans facing them, randomly switching sparring partners until it was nearly impossible to tell a human from a changeling. The fighting grew even more unintelligible, until the battle became nothing more than the changeling simply beating humans to the ground while their backs were turned.

“Twilight!” Flash Sentry called out. He waved a hoof at her to follow him behind the steamroller. She followed in an instant, her wings flapping hard.

A changeling pounced on Twilight from behind, wrapping its chitinous legs around her midsection. She struggled with it, her physical strength not quite up to peak alicorn levels yet. Flash Sentry stood before her, a vile grin on his face. He lifted a hoof and slapped her, driving her to the ground.

Twilight struggled in the changeling’s grip. “To heck with this!” Her horn glowed, and the surprised form of Flash Sentry was launched forward, colliding with the changeling that was attacking her. They slumped to the ground, and Twilight rose to her feet.

“Flash!” Twilight called out. She waved a hoof at him to join her behind the crane. He followed in an instant, his wings flapping hard.

A changeling blindsided Flash Sentry, knocking him to the ground. Twilight Sparkle grinned vilely, lifting a pipe in her magic to drive his cranium into the ground. He swung himself to the side, dodging the pipe and throwing the changeling off.

Twilight looked over behind the crane to see what appeared to be Flash Sentry strangling herself. She sighed and trotted over to him. “Tried the old switcheroo on us, I guess.”

He dropped the limp form of Twilight to the ground and faced Twilight, slipping into a jujitsu pose. “How do I know you’re not a changeling!?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Alright, would a changeling do this?” She grasped Flash’s cheeks with her hooves, brought him close, and planted a kiss on his lips.

She let him go, and he slumped to the ground in a stuttering mess. “I, um, that, may, homina, huh, eah…” He looked up at her with a shrug. “Maybe?”

Her eyes lidded as she picked him up off the ground. “Okay, yeah, I can see that.”

“Hey!” Rainbow Dash flew past, pursued by a dozen airborne changelings. “Less Romero and Julienne, more Chuck Norris!”

Twilight and Flash grinned at each other, then set off after the pursued pegasus.

The three flyers soon found themselves surrounded by a few hearty changeling warriors, their fangs gleaming in the sunlight. Twilight glanced past them, to the crane where Chrysalis sat with her prisoners. Her horn glowed, and she sent an expertly-aimed laser flying straight towards Blueblood.

“Oh, not this again,” he muttered.

The laser struck, vaporizing his bonds into nothing. He slid from the crane arm to the ground, where he found himself similarly corralled by waiting changelings. He sent Twilight a pout.

“You have failed, Twilight Sparkle!” Chrysalis shouted. “We, the changelings, stand triumphant!”

Blueblood glanced about for a way out, some inspiration, or anything that he could possibly do. His eyes caught on Alma, who was floating in Chrysalis’ telekinetic power. A spark flickered in his mind’s eye.

“Twilight!” he said. “‘Great and Powerful Trixie’ on three!”

Chrysalis shielded her eyes, preparing herself for what was coming. Sparks flew from Twilight’s horn in a flash of color, fireworks blasting changeling soldiers out of the sky. Flash and Dash kept close behind her, her wings shielding them from the epic display.

With Chrysalis’ eyes covered, and the changelings’ attention on Twilight, Blueblood set to work. His horn radiated magic as he drew great sparkles around himself, sending them off into several large objects nearby. He strained as the power flowed through him, warming him and sending shivers down his spine simultaneously. His eyes opened, glowing brightly as the sound of gears grinding rose around him.

“Alright, then. Come to Life!

Chrysalis looked around, the sounds reaching her ears as well. She jumped as smoke suddenly billowed up out of the crane’s exhaust beside her. The enormous machine shook beneath her hooves as its engine revved up. Her head spun as the other construction vehicles, the bulldozer, the steamroller, the backhoe, came to life as well. Twilight and the two pegasi led the humans out of the lot as fast as their legs would carry them, leaving the bewildered changeling army milling about.

With a roar, the construction vehicles rolled, treaded, and crawled towards the army. Chrysalis screamed as the crane’s boom arm flew at her, and she leapt into the air, Alma sitting on her back. Changelings cried out as they were scooped into the dump truck, swatted by the backhoe, and flattened by the steamroller. Many bugs regenerated in a flash of green fire, only to find themselves injured once more by the gyrating machinery.

Blueblood flew up to free John and Eudora, noting that the four rebellious changelings were already untying Braeburn and Redheart. They all climbed down the crane’s arm, careful to avoid the greenish splatters of changeling bile that stuck between the metal rigging.

Blueblood’s chest heaved as he looked about for Chrysalis and Alma. “You! Changeling! Where did your mistress go?”

“First of all,” the creature said, “my name’s not changeling, she’s not my mistress, and I’m not a creature!”

“Life and death are at stake here!” Blueblood shouted into its face. “We can be introduced later!”

“Sheesh,” it mumbled. “She’s probably on her way to wherever Twilight Sparkle made a return magic mirror, like she planned. She’s always going on about taking over Equestria and all that nonsense.”

Blueblood took off with not so much as a “thank you.”

He flew straight up into the sky, almost instantly getting a bearing on Chrysalis. She buzzed forth, Alma perched unhappily on her back. Blueblood gritted his teeth and soared after her.

She heard his heavy breathing before he reached her. She spun in midair and snarled, sending a green fireball straight at him. His wings were singed by its passing, but he was able to avoid the brunt. He tumbled at her and impacted with the force of a dropped stone, flinging Alma clear. Chrysalis gasped out and fell towards the old house, smashing through the rickety roof.

He caught the girl and landed inside the attic, only slightly more gracefully than the changeling queen. He set the girl down and dusted himself off, searching for any sign of his foe.

He found her by way of a perforated hoof colliding with his temple. He rocketed to the side, his eyes derped beyond all comprehension. Alma’s cry of “Leggo of me, meanie!” brought his attention to the attic’s trap door, where Chrysalis was descending. He leaped into the air and came down hard on her back, driving her to the ground.

The three of them tumbled down the stairs, a blue aura surrounding Alma all the while. Chrysalis rose first at the bottom of the steps, her wings broken and shattered by the force of her falls. Her horn glowed, and eerie laughter filled the house as she remade herself.

It was a luxury Blueblood did not have. He sucked in a deep breath and was rewarded with a fire burning in his chest. He poked at himself and realized that the repeated tumbles bruised his ribs.

He rose shakily to his feet and gave the queen a most egregious stink-eye. She replied with another hoof to his face, this time giving him a bloody nose. He sat down hard as she rushed off, carrying Alma with her.

“Hey! Hey, your majesty!” Mandible said as she ran past the bathroom. “Drat.”

The mirror sat complete in the living room, a subtle glow shimmering about it. Chrysalis stood before it, laughing at the pitiful Prince Blueblood as he trotted into the room. “You are a fool, princeling! I’m not finished yet!

“This plan was going to be perfect
The kind of plan that I’ve long fought to see unfold
I’d manipulate their hearts
Set the injured ones apart
Then absorb their love and gain power untold!”

“Are-are—” Blueblood stuttered, “Are you really singing right now? At this moment?”

“Shh!” Alma said. “This is the cool part!”

“You are correct, my dear,” Chrysalis crowed. “Just, for all the wrong reasons.”

She grasped Alma tight and dragged her into the air, taunting Blueblood. “If you try to stop me, harm shall come to her. If you try to warn those on the other side, harm shall come to her. If you try to follow me, harm shall come to her and you!

“Let her go, Chrysalis,” Blueblood said weakly. “It’s not her you want.”

“On the contrary.” Chrysalis sent fire flying at the mirror, igniting it and activating it. The inside of the frame swirled with bright, cheerful colors as the queen took a step inside. “I very much enjoy having a little insurance.”

She disappeared into the vortex, and Alma with her. Blueblood took in a deep breath, spread his aching wings, and dove through.

The remaining changelings quickly surrendered. The construction vehicle-caused carnage lasted a good fifteen minutes, more than long enough to put any world-conquering thoughts far from their minds. Humans prowled around the perimeter of the army, welding improvised clubs of various sorts.

Though several of the humans certainly wished to call the cops, they acknowledged that perhaps the magical ponies from another world might have more experience dealing with emotionally-vampiric bug-ponies from another world. It was agreed that the National Guard would be preferred, but only in such a case that it was made impossible to remove the invaders via more magical methods.

The few bronies scattered amongst them were far too busy squealing out their delight to comment on the legal ramifications of the above decisions.

Twilight walked to a makeshift podium and glared at the changelings sternly. “So, you guys are in a heap of trouble. What do you have to say for yourselves?”

A mumble rose up from the crowd.

Twilight raised a hoof to her ear. “I can’t heeear yooou!

“We’re sorry,” came the defeated response.

Flash Sentry stomped a hoof on a sheet of metal. “Say it like you mean it!”

“We’re sorry!” the changelings shouted. “We’re sorry and we’ll never do it again!”

Twilight nodded with satisfaction. “Good. You’ll be transported back to Equestria and put into the hooves of the proper authorities once we can carry my magic mirror back here.” She turned her head to the colorful pegasus at her side. “Rainbow Dash?”

“On it!” came the reply. Dash flew into the air, headed towards the old house.

“Braeburn!” Twilight called out. “I don’t see Chrysalis. Start up a tracking spell so that we can—”

“Blueblood’s already on it,” he replied. He stretched out his legs, glad to be returned to pony form. “He went flyin’ after that witch the instant she took off runnin’ with Alma in her clutches!”

Redheart fluttered her wings. “The changeling turncoats said she was going to grab that multiversal mirror of yours. Do you think she’s escaping into Equestria?”

“Almost no doubt in my mind.” Twilight Sparkle looked up at the receding form of Rainbow Dash. “It’s also almost certain that she’s already back. Blueblood, too. I hope we can help in time to—”

“You! The pony princess thing!” Amelia stormed up, her face ablaze. Lavern followed close behind. Conversely, his face was quite stony. “Where in the heck is my daughter!? Where on Earth is Alma!?”

“On Earth?” Twilight Sparkle asked. She swallowed the lump in her throat and sighed. “Earth. Yeah. Not exactly that…”

It was the perfect time of year to visit Winsome Falls. The light shone through the waterfalls clearly, creating some of the most beautiful rainbows seen anywhere. The tourism was at a yearly low, it being just that far away from any major holidays to bring the visitors to a trickle.

It was thus that Lyra Heartstrings, Princess of Harmonies, took it upon herself to use the solitude and beauty to compose her next symphony. Or sonata. Or, heck, any orchestration, really.

As it was, the muse was elusive. She tapped a pencil on a notepad in an irritated manner. The roar of the water filled her ears, driving out any real inspiration she might have gained from the surroundings. She took a deep breath and allowed it to fade into the background.

Her disposition jumped right up to irate as the air around her began to shimmer. “Oh, for the love of pony! Didn’t you see the sign that said ‘no teleporting!?’”

A burst of green flame shot forth from nowhere, resulting in the appearance of Queen Chrysalis and her prisoner. Lyra saw the frightened girl perched on her back and gasped. “Oh my gosh!”

She followed up her exclamation with a blink. “What is it?”

“Help me, please!” Alma shouted.

Lyra gasped again. “You beast! You’ve mutated a filly!”

Alma tilted her head. “No, I…”

Before she could finish her thought, Chrysalis spun around and kicked out with her rear legs, impacting Lyra in the chest and sending her flying. She landed against a tree with a thud.

Chrysalis’ head twisted this way and that, taking in the scenic sights. “Winsome Falls, drat! We’re miles from any changeling hideaways!”

She snarled at Alma, bearing her fangs. “And you’re pretty much tapped for love, aren’t you? Maybe this greenish alicorn has a friend I could—”

A cough, a thud, and a gasp came from their left. Chrysalis raised an eyebrow as the crumpled, and very much in pain, form of Blueblood materialized before her. “Really? Really!? After all that, you’re still going to try and stop me?”

“You…” Blueblood hissed and placed a hoof against bruised ribs. “You started it.”

A blackened hoof slammed down upon his brow, driving him into the grass. Telekinetic fire wrapped around him as the Queen of the Changelings dragged him along behind her. “You know, Blueblood, you and I are very much alike.”

He coughed and looked up at her. She wacked him again. “We both are royalty, scorned by the general public. We both hold power, authority, pedigree… fame, of a sort.”

She lifted his head so that he could see the flowing torrent they were now beside. A few feet downstream sat the edge of a large, multihued waterfall. She chuckled. “We both experience a great deal of infamy directed at us. I for the fear I send the people of Equestria, you for your pomposity and self-importance.”

Blueblood nodded, for what little movement he was able to contribute to a nod. “True. It is… true.”

Chrysalis gave him a sad smile, one that did not reach her eyes. “Alas, we would work so well together if you didn’t have this pathetic urge to play prince. You need to realize that they already hate you. Nothing you can do can change that.”

“You’re half-true,” he coughed.

“I knew you’d see things my way,” she continued. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I would love, love, love to stay and chat, but I have an army to raise, a pony to impersonate, and a kingdom to conquer.” She shook her head sadly. “I’m swamped.”

He tried to raise his head. He got a glimpse of Alma sliding down the queen’s tail and to the ground, fear still spread across her visage. “No-nothing I can do myself will make them not hate me. But…”

Chrysalis placed her hoof on his head and slowly lowered it into the muddy banks. “Oh, this I gotta hear.”

“But...” Blueblood spat out a blob of dirt. “But I have met a few ponies… a few people… who are actually willing to give me a second chance. Who are willing to help me change.” He glared at her out of one eye. “People who are willing to forgive me.”

Chrysalis chuckled dryly. “Alrighty, let’s hear the whole ‘honor and duty’ speech!”

“They could forgive you, too, you know.” Blueblood tried to push her hoof off of his face, but she pushed back harder. “You just need to really mean it, and we can help you. All of you.”

“Now you’re just stalling, featherbrain.” Chrysalis lifted her hoof and placed it under his body. “Give my regards to the fishes— EEOUCH!”

Chrysalis waved a hoof in the air, seething in pain. “What the blooming heck was that!?”

Alma brought her foot back and swung it forward again, kicking Chrysalis’ other shin.

The queen reared up, growling with agony. “Child! Stop this instant! Stop at on— AAURGH!”

The changeling hopped on one hoof as she clutched her other three legs to her body. “This is very unladylike, you kno— OWOWOUGH!”

Chrysalis fell to her back, writhing in the pain shooting through all four of her shins. Alma stood over her like a victorious heroine, her foot perched majestically on a nearby rock. In the next instant, she ran to Blueblood, and helped him lift his head off of the ground.

She hugged him around his neck. “I’m sorry I kicked your shins. I’m so sorry.”

“Well,” he said, “I’m sorry for being such a jerk in the first place. Can you forgive me?”

Alma smiled. “Only if you forgive me, too.”

“I am sick!” Chrysalis shouted, “Of this stupid! Friendship! Fluff!

She flung Alma to the side and pounced on Blueblood. “I’ll make you both suffer!”

Blueblood gasped around the hoof crushing his throat. “We… we also have… one more thing… in common.”

“Spit it out, alicorn!” Chrysalis spat.

“We both deserve,” Blueblood growled, “every last bit of our hate!

Ignoring the fire in his chest, ignoring the mud caking his wings, ignoring basic personal space, he threw his forelegs around Chrysalis and rolled the both of them into the deluge of water.

They hit the river with a splash, and were instantly carted down with the powerful current. Blueblood rolled, unable to sense either up or down. He swam as hard as his sore legs would allow, but he cringed with dismay when what he thought would be the surface turned out to be the riverbed. He felt fangs sink into his shoulder as Chrysalis vented her fury on his tired body.

A lasso secured itself to his leg, pulling him upwards. He screamed into the flowing water as Chrysalis, so attached to his limb, was carried to the surface alongside him. He gulped in air greedily as they broke out of the water.

His eyes met Braeburn’s. The alicorn prince of pioneering grasped the other end of the rope in his teeth, and was aided in his effort by Redheart, Rainbow Dash, Flash Sentry, Lavern, Amelia, Eudora, Keefe, John, and Alma. Twilight Sparkle stood to the side, her face scrunched up as she focused on guiding the rope magically.

“Come on, Blueblood,” Twilight shouted, reaching out to him. “Grab… grab my hoof!”

Blueblood extended his limb, praying for it to grow just that much longer. Chrysalis bit down one last time, before releasing him and climbing up onto his shoulders. She spread her wings, fluttering them a little to let the flaky appendages dry in the sun.

“These are the fools that would forgive you!?” she shouted over the roaring waterfall. “I am so glad they’re all here”—she bared her fangs and snarled—“to watch you die!

The queen gasped as a beam of concentrated light flashed through one of her wings. She looked back in horror as the delicate, insect-like wing disappeared in a cloud of soot. All eyes flashed to the other side of the river bank, where Princess Lyra Heartstrings stood livid.

“That’s for brainwashing me at my friend’s wedding!” she shouted. “Jerkface!”

Chrysalis’ horn sparked as she tried to repair the wing. The roaring river splashed and surged, dampening her horn and extinguishing her magic. She tried brushing it, shaking it, anything and everything, but everything was just too damp.

Chrysalis’ hoof slipped. Her body fell across Blueblood’s and multiplied the weight bore by his rescuers. Braeburn lost his grip, sending the rope sliding through the others’ hands and mouths. Twilight quickly got a stronger hold on it, halting its disastrous progress.

The rope jerked as it was stopped, and Chrysalis’ grasp on Blueblood was weakened. Blueblood caught her hoof in his just before she slipped away. His bitten shoulder burst with fire as her weight pulled against it, and it soon became too great to bear.

He shut his eyes as the Queen of the Changelings slipped away. Her screams echoed through the air as she disappeared over the edge of the waterfall, fading out as the roar of the falls overpowered them.

“And good stinking riddance,” Keefe said.

With their strength combined, the ponies and the bronies soon had Blueblood safe and sound on the river bank. Perhaps what surprised him the most was that everypony seemed to want to hug him of all things.

Redheart got in on the action almost immediately. The way she was probing his back and ribs, he suspected that she was more interested in healing him physically than emotionally. He winced as she found the injured ribs.

“Ouch, that’ll take a while to heal,” she said. “I think we should get you to a hospital ASAP. Hold on…”

She looked up and saw Lyra sobbing on the other bank. “I gotta go talk with her. Can you guys take it from here?”

Twilight nodded dutifully, even as she gave Blueblood a quick hug of her own. She stepped back and stood shoulder to shoulder with Flash Sentry. “You know any field medical techniques, or something like that?”

Flash nodded, but pursed his lips. “We need bandages. Anybody have—”

Rainbow Dash nudged John and Keefe. “Care to sacrifice your shirts for a noble cause?”

Keefe complied, but John blanched. “Funny thing, that,” he mumbled. “Nopony, and I mean nopony, wants to see that.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, bit the edge of his shirt and ripped it off of him. She spat it towards Flash and grinned. “Shirt’s on fire, now it’s out!”

Twilight gave Flash a peck on the lips. “I’m gonna go see if I can help Lyra. See you.”

Flash nodded. He quickly went about wrapping Blueblood’s ribs. Blueblood watched Twilight fly off, his eyebrows level and his mouth pulled down in a frown.

Flash paused in his wrapping to glance at Blueblood’s face. “What’s the matter?”

Blueblood shook his head. “Nothing… nothing. Just…”—he sighed—“just, good form, Flash Sentry. Good form.”

Twilight landed beside the weeping Lyra and the comforting Redheart. Lyra raised her bleary eyes as she approached. “I didn’t… I didn’t mean to kill her… Honest, I didn’t!”

Twilight joined Redheart in embracing her. “It’s alright, Lyra. You didn’t do anything wrong. Shh… It’s alright.”

Alma drew her hand through Blueblood’s mane. “So, does this mean you’re gonna stay here? Do we have to go back to our world?”

Blueblood looked behind her, to her parents. He raised an eyebrow, to which they responded with nods. “I don’t suppose you have time to stay for a little tour of Equestria?” he asked. “See the sights? Sample the cuisine? Meet… meet the ponies?”

Alma’s mouth dropped open, as did the mouth of every single brony present. “You really mean it?”

Blueblood chuckled. “I really can’t think of a better time.”

The shirtless John knelt down beside Blueblood as the prince was hugged by Alma. “So… When am I gonna get that personal ascension story of yours?”

Blueblood smirked at him. “Do you have a couple of hours? It is quite the tale…”

Author's Note:

That seemed to have a great degree of finality... Oh, what's this? There's another chapter coming, you say? Well, by golly!