• Published 12th May 2013
  • 7,223 Views, 366 Comments

A Guardsman in Equestria - Guardsman_Sparky

An Imperial Guardsman ends up trapped in Equestria

  • ...


Twilight shook herself out of her shock induced stupor just in time to catch the collapsing biped in her magic. Gently lowering it to the ground, she nudged the cyan pegasus next to her, bringing Rainbow Dash out of her daze.

"Holy cow! Did you see that!" yelled the pegasus mare. "That thing just took out a manticore single hoofedly!"

The two mares were close enough now to the creature to notice that the creatures' 'exoskeleton' was actually a suit of ill-fitting armor. Its forelegs ended in blunt claws, much like her baby dragon Spike's, but they were longer and there were five on each limb.

"Rainbow," Twilight interjected urgently. "I think it's hurt."


"I don't think they bend that way," Twilight replied, gesturing at the creature's left foreleg. "We need to get this thing to the hospital."

Alexander groaned as he rubbed his face with his right hand, escaping the dreamless void he had collapsed into. With a start, he jerked into a seated position as he realized that his armor was gone, gasping in pain as he clutched the bandages covering his chest. Wait, what? Who? Where? Looking around, Alexander saw that he was in a hospital.

Before Alexander could wonder where he was, the door to the room opened. His eyes bulged when a small, white, pink-maned horse wearing a nurse's cap walked into the room.

"Oh, good you're awake." Alexanders' eyes practically popped out of his skull when he heard it speaking in Gothic, until he remembered that the three small horses he had rescued in that forest had spoken it as well. "I am Nurse Redheart," She said, introducing herself. "Now I have a few questions for you to answer for your medical records."


"Excellent. Now, what are you?" inquired the nurse pony. "I gather that you are male, yes?"

"I'm a human, and yeah, I'm a guy," Alexander replied. "I'm Alexander. Um, where's my gear?"

"Ms. Sparkle took it for safe keeping." Seeing the nonplussed look on the human's face, Nurse Redheart quickly elaborated. "Twilight Sparkle is the mare who brought you here. You were quite a mess. Foreleg cra-"

"Arm," Alexander interjected. "It's called an arm."

"Arm cracked in two places, three fractured ribs, multiple lacerations and contusions, and a nasty concussion. What," inquired the mare. "Were you doing to yourself?"

Alexander winced. "I was fighting a big lion. With wings. Wait, those kids, are they ok?"

"You fought a manticore? You're braver than I thought." Redheart shook her head. "Those three fillies are always getting into some trouble or another. I'm just glad they didn't-" Realization dawned on her. "You saved those fillies?"

Alexander nodded, not knowing how to respond.

Nurse Redheart chuckled. "Well, looks like they have their own guardian angel then, hm?"

Alexander shrugged. "I guess. So when can I leave?"

"Now, if you'd like. All your paper work was filled out by Ms. Sparkle. She's waiting for you outside."

Alexander stood on the steps outside Ponyville General, looking down at the lavender unicorn that had brought him there. "So, thanks for the help, I guess."

Twilight smiled. "You're welcome. Ooh, I have so many questions to ask you! What are you, what do you do for fun, whampphmphphmph." She tried to speak through the hand around her muzzle, glaring a little at the human.

"I'm sorry," Alexander apologized, releasing her mouth. "Can we get to wherever it is I'll be staying before any questions, please?"

Twilight sighed. "Oh fine. Hold on," she replied, her horn starting to glow.

"Um, wait, what ar-"

There was a purple flash of magic, and the steps were empty.

With a flash of purple light, Twilight and Alexander appeared in the main room of the Ponyville Library. Before Twilight could say or do anything, Alexander rushed past her towards the nearest waste basket, looking decidedly green.


"Are you ok?"

Alexander looked up from his waste basket, still green, but not so much violently. "That was fun, but let's never do that when I have a concussion again. Oh, God-Emperor!" He shoved his face back into the waste basket. "HORK!

Twilight frowned sheepishly. "I'm sorry, I forgot that teleportation spells and head trauma don't mix." She looked at the human prostrated over the trash bin. "Are you going to be ok?"

"yup, I'll be just *hurp* fine."

"What's with all the commotion?" Rainbow Dash asked as she flew into the room.

Alexander looked up at the bright cyan pegasus, eyes crossing as he shoved his face back into the half-full trash can. "BARF"

Rainbow Dash looked at Twilight. "Head injury and teleportation?"

Twilight's face turned a bright crimson. "Yup."

After a few more minutes, Alexander stood up, his face back to its normal color. Twilight looked at him worriedly. "Feeling better?"

"Yeah." Alexander looked past Twilight to the cyan mare hovering behind her. "Alexander," he said, offering his hand.

"I'm Rainbow Dash!" the exited polychromatic pony exclaimed, shaking his hand vigorously. "Fastest pegasus alive!"

Alexander raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Yup, I don't mean to brag, but I can-"

A knocking on the door interrupted her spiel. Huffing, Rainbow Dash sulked a bit while Twilight answered the door. "Oh, hi Fluttershy."

Rainbow Dash flew over to the door. "Heya Flutters!"

"Oh, um, hi, Rainbow Dash," whispered the shy yellow mare. "Um Twilight, I could use some help later today, that is, if you're not too busy."

"Sure, no problem Fluttershy."

"Oh thank you, I-Eep!" Fluttershy suddenly froze upon seeing Alexander standing in the library, before just as suddenly bolting off.

Alexander looked at Twilight and Dash in confusion. "What was that all about?"

Author's Note:

Ok, I had no idea how to get Alex out of the hospital. So, if this seems a bit awkward, sorry. I'm kinda new at this whole story writing thing.