• Published 12th May 2013
  • 7,247 Views, 366 Comments

A Guardsman in Equestria - Guardsman_Sparky

An Imperial Guardsman ends up trapped in Equestria

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Cold Comfort

Alexander looked up as the moaning wails of Wendigos assaulted his senses, stopping him dead in his tracks. Tucking his cargo under one arm, he fished out several magnesium flares. Flicking the lighters off the flares, he tossed the lit sticks into a rough circle around him, the snow melting and hissing as it tried in vain to put out the brilliantly white flames. Those flares would hold back the Wendigos a little bit, weaken them slightly, but not enough to stop them from attacking. As he readied his laspistol, Alexander looked at the tiny bundle in his arms. Preparing himself for the otherworldly onslaught to come, Alexander thought back on why he was buying time...


Alexander was going over the plan with Steel Rain one last time before he set off up the mountain. "Now, make sure that Sure Shot is in the center of the formation. He has the only las weapon in your group, so keep him safe. Once you see the flare, get up there as quickly as you can. Right?" The pegasus sergeant nodded, giving the Sentinel a sharp salute that would have made a commissar jealous. Alexander returned the salute. "Good, I'll see you shortly. The Emperor protects."

Steel dropped his salute, responding with his own species' mantra. "The Princesses defend. Remember, the Wendigos don't like fire, but it won't stop them completely." Alexander nodded before setting off into the worsening storm, leaving the surviving guardsponies to prepare for their own trek up the mountain. Soon the rocky outcropping could no longer be seen, the whiteout conditions of the storm hiding everything.

After what seemed to be eons of wallowing through deepening snow, Alexander crested a rocky ridge above a snow filled caldera. Dropping to the ground, the Sentinel pulled out a set of magnoculars, his camo-cloak shifting to blend with the snow, making him almost invisible to the naked eye. Focusing the magnoculars on the small crater of the long-dead volcano, Alexander set the magnoculars to thermal imaging. Through the lenses and filters of the device could be seen a large yellow trace in the center of the valley. Bright orange spots that were ponies' heads stuck out on the frozen black of the snow and sky like an ogryn at an eldar family reunion, their body heat leaking out from under thick winter cloaks. Zooming in Alexander noted with interest and some trepidation that only about half of the twenty or so contacts seemed to be ponies. Of the rest, roughly three quarters of them seemed to be bipedal, but they weren't human. More xenos, great. Grunting, Alexander put away the magnoculars and began to stealthily make his way down the crater side.

Alexander snuck to the side of the structure, only having to dispatch two sentries, the driving snow covering up the blood and bodies. He ran a mittened hand across the rough surface of the wall. It seemed to be made of stone fused with wood...somehow. Emperor-damned magic's gonna break my brain. Alexander looked up at the tall building, estimating that it had to be at least as high as one of those damned Tau Riptide suits. Good thing it was on their side at the time. Alexander shook his head clear of reminiscing about fighting chaotic forces to focus on the job at hand. Slowly, Alexander began to inspect the wall for a good place to make a door. It had to be out of the way, but-Perfect. Alexander pulled aside a sheet of corrugated metal (The frak are ponies doing with corrugated metal?) and pulled out his power sword. Activating it, the human made a door, the graviton field around the sword blade cutting through the strange stone-wood walls like a hot knife through butter. Much to his shock, instead of sliding out inwards or outwards, the plug of stone-wood merely disintegrated. Magic... Turning off the power field but keeping the sword at the ready, Alexander stepped into the hole, pulling the sheet of metal across the opening behind him.

Alexander cursed as the warm air inside caused his icey visor to fog up, flipping the visor up so that he could see. Turning on his head lamp, Alexander took in the room he was in. Quickly turning off his light, the Sentinel moved to the bars of the prison cell he had entered. Slicing the lock open, he looked up and down the hall he found himself in. The floor was covered in dust, proving that the prison cells had not been in use for some time, if ever. Alexander sheathed his sword. Drawing his serrated knife, the Sentinel went hunting.

After five minutes of travel without coming across any sign of life, a whispered conversation caught Alexander's ear. Carefully, the human followed the voice to a wooden door. He reached out to the tarnished brass handle, slowly turning it. Achingly, Alexander opened the door at a glacial pace, hoping desperately that the hinges would not squeak. Sighing in relief once the door was opened, he went through, closing the door just as carefully again. The voice that had drawn Alexander there drew his attention once more as the door shut with a muffled thump.

Alexander found himself on a balcony overlooking an underground vault. Lying down, he shimmied stealthily over to the wrought-iron railing and peeked over. Several guards were present, each doorway guarded by two on either side of the portals. However, what caught Alexander's attention was the white canvas tent occupying the center of the chamber. The voice that had drawn Alexander there wafted up from inside.

"Now, now, zis von't hurt a bit."

Inside the tent could be seen the silhouette of a unicorn and a shadow that may have been a table. Alexander drew in a quiet curse when the shadow squirmed. Shitfire! What are they doing in there?

"Please. I wanna go home." Alexander's heart just about broke as he heard the voice of a young filly coming from the tent.

"Now now, I haff already said zat zis von't hurt a bit." The shadow jabbed something into the filly, eliciting a cry of pain from the captive. "It vill be excrutiating." The filly began to scream as her writhing silhouette bulged and swelled with nauseating snaps and crackles. The screaming was abruptly replaced by a sickening pop, and the view of the inside of the tent was blocked by a spray of blood. Alexander covered his mouth in horror at what he had seen, praying to the Emperor that he wouldn't vomit. The gore soaked tent flap opened, revealing a tall skinny bald yellow unicorn wearing a pristine white lab coat. A cutie mark of a bloody scalpel was emblazoned on the flank.

The piss colored unicorn pointed a hoof at a hulking brown minotaur. "You! Bring mir anuzzer specimen vile I report zis latest failure to our masters!"

The minotaur bowed. "At once Doctor." The minotaur exited through a door below the balcony. Alexander shimmied over to a set of stair he hadn't noticed earlier and watched the bullish guard pass by the bottom. Quietly, Alexander followed the beast, swearing upon the Emperor's name that he would snap the neck of that foul piss-coloured xenos if it was the last thing he'd do. Alexander froze as the minotaur looked around. Shit! Alexander plastered himself to the wall, the last corner they'd taken too far away to make in time. Iam the darkness that surrounds me, I am the air that surrounds me, I am the land that hides me, I wait to strike, From the darkness, I wait to kill, From out of thin air, I am invisible, And I am silent death. To Alexander's shock and delight, the minotaur shrugged, after looking directly at him, and continued down the hall. Maybe he's shortsighted?

Alexander peaked around the corner the minotaur had just turned, and watched as the guard opened a large, heavy looking wooden door. A cacophony of wretched wails and the cries of small children hardened the Sentinel's heart. Alexander drew his sword, following the clueless minotaur into the prison. A hush fell on the dungeon as the human shut the door calmly. The minotaur spun around at the end of the long, wide hall. He pointed a meaty finger at the human.

"What are you doing, pup?"

Alexander chuckled, a spine tingling thing that held no mirth. "I'm going to kill you, xenos scum."

The minotaur pawed at the ground with a hoof. "Brave words, little calf. But foolish."

With a bellow that shook the prison bars around them, the minotaur charged at Alexander. Simply smiling, Alexander strode to the center of the room, neatly sidestepping the charging bovine at the last moment like he had once seen while on leave on an agriworld. "Ole!" Alexander swatted the minotaur across the rump with the flat of his rapier as the xenos passed. Yes, he would kill this thing, this beast, but he would do it slowly. The minotaur screeched to a halt with a surreal squeal of rubber, before scrabbling around on all fours to face the human. Red crept into its eyes as it pawed at the ground. Bellowing once more, the xenos thundered down on Alexander with the speed of a raging freight train, but once again, Alexander nimbly avoided the charge, swiping his sword at the minotaur with another "Ole!"

The minotaur ground to a halt, spinning to face the human again. With a casual slowness, a good portion of his left horn separated from his head, clattering on the ground. Alexander put a hand over his respirator where his mouth would be. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I do that?" The minotaur bull's red-tinged vision turned crimson. With an all mighty bellow, he charged the mocking human. Alexander sidestepped him once more, but this time the minotaur lashed out with a meaty fist, clipping the left side of the Sentinel's head. Had Alexander not been wearing a helmet, his skull would have been pulped like an overripe melon. As it was, the powerful punch had cracked the visor over his left eye and dented the helmet.

Alexander cracked his neck slowly, snarling at the stars plaguing his vision. He glared at the minotaur pawing at the ground across the hall. The minotaur charged. Alexander planted his feet, leaning forward as he crouched slowly. The minotaur bore down on him. "AVE IMPERATOR!" With a mighty cry, Alexander lunged forward with the speed of a striking cobra. The two combatants passed each other and ground to a halt. For a long moment, neither party moved, the kidnapped prisoners watching in silent anticipation, forgetting to breath.

An exaggerated geyser of hot blood spewed from the minotaur's torso as he fell to the stone floor like wet laundry. Alexander stood and shook the blood from his power sword before sheathing it. He clutched his side, grimacing at the blood on his hand. During their last pass, the minotaur's remaining horn had broken off in Alexander's side. Fortunately, it appeared to have missed anything vital.

Alexander looked at the nearest cell to find a blood red pegasus stallion with a white mane staring at him with piercing green eyes. "You okay?"

Alexander nodded. Slicing open the lock, he pointed to the corpse of the minotaur laying in a ridiculously large pool of steaming blood. "Keys. Get these cells open." The pegasus nodded and left his cell. Alexander sat against the wall as he pulled out his med kit. Pulling up his shirt and clenching his jaw, he quickly yanked out the broken horn with a pained gasp. Quickly, the Sentinel injected a measure of disinfecting coagulant foam, hissing as millions of biting ants filled the cavity. Slapping a length of synthskin over the wound, Alexander lowered his shirt.

He turned to the find the red pegasus comforting several crying foals. The pegasus looked at the bloody human in concern. "Who are you?"

"A friend. Comeon, we need to move." Alexander slowly opened the door to the prison, quickly glancing up and down the corridor. Holding a finger to his face in a shushing manner, he motioned the stallion and foals to follow him. They made it safely to the balcony without incident. Herding the colts and fillies through the door, he pulled aside the red stallion. "Here. This is a flare." He handed the stallion a red cylinder. "When you hit this end against the ground, it shoots a fireball into the sky. Follow my tracks in the dust until you find the hole. Wait until you hear explosions, then get outside. Shoot off the flare and get over the ridge dead ahead. There will be a squad of royal guards waiting for you." Alexander turned away.

"Wait." The red pegasus grabbed the hem of Alexander's tunic. "They took a filly, with a fuschia mane before you came." Alexander looked at the gorey tent below. He shook his head. The stallion closed his eyes, punching the wall in despair. He looked up at Alexander. "Make them pay." He followed the softly crying foals into the dark hallways.

Alexander entered the gallery below the balcony. The guards had all left, leaving Alexander alone with the morbid tent. Slowly, he entered the shelter. He took in the blood splattered everywhere but for a perfect circle on the floor and one wall. Bastard must've used a shield spell. Alexander turned to the corpse chained to the table. It was a disturbing sight. No child, of any species or race deserved her fate. The poor filly had been tortured before she was slaughtered. Her hooves had been mutilated and destroyed. Her coat was marred and melted, large patches of fur burnt away by chemicals. But the worst part was the gaping, empty cavity that had been her torso. Sadly, Alexander gently closed her terrified, unseeing eyes. Now she look like she was sleeping peacefully.

Alexander opened the satchel at his hip. Pulling out a phosphorous grenade, he set the timer and carefully hid the explosive under the table. Stroking the poor filly's mane, he began to pray to the Emperor on his knees. Mighty Emperor, spread Your divine light to protect this child from the darkness. Making the sign of the Aquila, he stood.

Leaving the tent behind, Alexander went to the door that the so-called 'doctor' had passed through. Two quick slashes with his sword had the door lying on the floor in four smoking pieces. Alexander stalked into the hall beyond as the grisly tent combusted with a FWOOMPH! A pair of griffins wielding spears came charging at Alexander.

"I will destroy all who seek to destroy me."

The griffins fell to the ground, smoking craters gaping in their chests. A minotaur the red of dried blood came barreling at Alexander from a dark doorway.

"I fear no evil, I fear no death, for the Emperor comes for me.

The minotaur fell to the ground behind Alexander, his head staring at the bottom of his hooves. A unicorn dashed out of the shadows, magic glancing off Alexander's armor.

"I have become death, destroyer of foes."

The unicorn's blue shield collapsed, followed closely by the unicorn as a las bolt removed his head. Alexander stepped into a large vault. Several large canines lunged at the Sentinel from all angles.

"Smite the foe! Smash the enemy! For the Emperor I bring death!"

The last diamond dog fell as Alexander pulled the shimmering sword from his head. Alexander looked around at the vault. He snarled as he realized he had found the location where the unicorn 'doctor' had made his concoctions and foul mixes. Opening his satchel, he began placing demolition charges around the laboratory. A glimmer of light drew his notice as he placed the last one. His gaze fell on a strange egg with a fire pattern on it. He carefully placed the egg in his empty satchel. Maybe this will get me some answers as to what these bastards are doing here. Walking over to the last set charge, he twisted the timer. Leaving it set to fifteen minutes, Alexander left the room for the main entrance.

Alexander entered the main hall to find a veritable army waiting for him. A beaker filled with a sickly green liquid smashed open at his feet, spilling its hissing contents across the stone-wood floor. The piss-yellow bald unicorn stood at the rear of the army, shaking with rage. "You IDIOT! You haff ruined eferyzing! Zey haff cut me loose! I am a ded pony! And all becauze of you!" Biting the stopper off a beaker, he messily drank the bubbling red juice.

The beaker smashed on the floor as the 'doctor' began to laugh hysterically. His body began to bulge and swell as a dark, red streaked miasma rose from the cracks in the ground, enveloping the thrashing unicorn. The miasma grew to tower above the army as it backed away from the shadowy terror.


Tentacles of black and red sinues stabbed out from the shadowy colossus, impaling the army of mercenaries around it. They didn't even have time to scream as they exploded like so many gore-filled balloons. The red mists were sucked into the vortex of darkness as the tendrils of black and crimson withered into dust. The shadows dispersed, revealing a towering black and red behemoth. Dark talons clutched at the air. Black, draconic wings unfurled from its scaly back. Blood-red horns and spikes adorned the corrupted body. The empty, soulless eyes bore into Alexander.


Massive tentacles shot out from the body of the daemonic beast, stabbing down at Alexander. He dove to the side, scrambling to keep his feet as he ran alongside the wall, tendrils sending showers of brick and mortar and wooden splinters blowing out as they smashed through the walls. A tendril slammed into the wall in front of Alexander, sending him to his knees in agony as a pencil sized splinter drove its way through a crack in his visor. Screaming in rage and pain as he yanked out the bloody sliver of wood, Alexander began shooting wildly at the colossal demon as it retracted its tentacles. It moved to step on the human.

A dull thump shook the building, causing the monstrosity to pause. Recognizing it as the detonation of a democharge, Alexander quickly ran for the exit. The abomination that was once a pony shot out its tentacles once more to stop him. Desperate to escape before the other charges went off, Alexander somehow managed to avoid the tendrils of blood and shadow, jumping, dodging, rolling, cutting his way to freedom.

Deep below the main antechamber, a timer clicked as it counted down in an empty laboratory. It reached zero.

The floor erupted in fire as the majority of the remaining demo charges detonated. The monster of gore and darkness screamed in rage as it was consumed by the fires, disappearing forever from view as the floor beneath it crumbled away. Almost out into the freezing blizzard, Alexander found himself tossed about through the air by the pressure wave of the enormous explosion. He lay there unconscious on his back as the structure burned and collapsed, explosions sending debris into the stratosphere as another democharge or volatile chemicals cooked off.


Alexander fought for his life. Wendigos circled around him, making that Emperor-awful wailing. He had managed to take out at least a dozen of the icy daemons, but for every one he felled, two more came wailing out of the blizzard. A wendigo charged Alexander from the left, taking advantage of the blind spot created by his wounded eye. His left arm went numb as the inmaterial daemon passed through his left shoulder, dropping the satchel carrying the strange egg he had found. Emboldened, the wendigos began to dive bomb Alexander, encasing him in more and more ice with every frozen breath. As the ice began to close on his good eye, Alexander saw the satchel roll onto one of the remaining magnesium flares. Alexander's world faded to black as the bag caught fire, burning away to reveal the fiery egg.

A burst of light and heat exploded from the egg, turning snow and ice to steam and banishing the wendigos. Alexander collapsed to his knees, his left arm hanging uselessly at his side. Opening his good eye, Alexander found that he was kneeling in a scorched patch of bare dirt as snow drifted lazily from the clouds above. At the center of the burnt circle sat a small bird. It ruffled its fiery feathers as it hopped up to Alexander. Chirping, it nuzzled its beak against his knee. Alexander stared at the chick, before holding out his right arm. The baby bird hopped onto his finger, nuzzling it fondly. Alexander held the bird up to his face.

"I guess...I owe you my life, don't I?"

The chick chirruped happily, hopping up the human's arm to nestle in the folds of the camo cloak on his shoulder. Standing, Alexander smiled as he thought he heard the baby bird snore. Picking up his laspistol, he holstered it, turning to face the valley before him. He carefully made his way down the slope until he saw a formation of pegasi clearing the clouds ahead. Digging in his webbing, Alexander popped a flare for extraction and a ride back to Canterlot.