• Published 16th Sep 2013
  • 8,123 Views, 89 Comments

Shadows of Giants - kaiju and pony fan

Fluttershy, after being sucked into a mysterious portal and transformed, finds herself in a world where humans try to survive in the shadows of giants.

  • ...

When Worlds Collide

Kenji stretched as he and Fluttershy stepped off the bus to Shibuya. After being caught up in a war between two Kaiju, he wanted nothing more but to get some food in his stomach and lay down. "Good to be home in one piece." he muttered before slipping off his shoes with Fluttershy following suit behind him. Kenji slid open the door and called out, "Mom, we're home!"

"Kenji!" Aki ran towards him and wrapped him in a tight embrace before he could even figure out what was going on. He could hear his mother sobbing. He looked over his shoulder and saw his three sisters who appeared to be relieved about something.

"You're okay. Oh, thank God you're okay." Aki whispered.

Kenji smiled and returned his mother's hug. "Of course I'm okay, Mom. Why wouldn't I be?"

His mother broke her embrace and looked at him eye-to-eye. Her cheeks were stained with tears and her eyes were bloodshot. However, she was smiling.

"So, what was with the sudden hug?" he asked. Asuka answered him.

"We thought you were dead."

"Why would I be dea-" Kenji was distracted by what was being shown on the television. It was footage of Godzilla attacking Minato. While the TV itself was mute, what unfurled was certainly chilling nonetheless. He watched as Godzilla was beginning to walk past the Tokyo Tower before pausing and turning his colossal head towards it. The dinosaur beast curled up his lip while his back spikes flashed. In a millisecond, an Atomic Ray struck the left side of the building. As he lumbered off, the Tokyo Tower, after having one of its sides turned into molten steel fell like a downed tree on some apartment complexes, leveling them.

Kenji heard someone gasp behind him. He turned around to see Fluttershy holding her hand over her mouth and eyes wide as plates. He then turned around and switched the TV off. "Well, we're alive right now, aren't we? he asked Asuka. Aki smiled and gave him a more gentle hug. "Oh, by the way, me and the girls are going to the grocery store you want to come?" she asked.

Kenji gave a slight chuckle. "Nah, I think Fuka and I are gonna spend some time vegetating at home."

Akio smiled as she and the girls walked out, leaving Fluttershy and Kenji alone.

"I'll go get us a snack, how does kataage sound?" Kenji asked her.

"Fine, I guess," Fluttershy answered, "What's that?"

Twilight watched behind the bush as four female humans exited the house and entered a strange, mechanical carriage that seemed to be pulled by invisible steeds before giving the "all-clear" signal to the others. "Okay, what's the plan?" Rainbow Dash whispered.

Twilight shrugged, "I... have no idea."

Rainbow Dash groaned and facepalmed.

"I've got one!" Pinkie piped up.

Her friends turned their eyes towards the pink-haired girl.

"Why don't we just go up and say 'hello'?"

Kenji and Fluttershy were currently sharing a bowl of kataage potato chips while watching an episode of Powerpuff Girls, particularly the one where Bubbles kindly asked a rampaging monster to leave after it had shrugged off the efforts of Blossom and Buttercup to defeat it. Suddenly, Ami came bursting in, licking her master's cheeks, apparently happy to see him. She then noticed the bowl of chips between him and the strange girl and tried to reach towards them. Kenji held her back but his efforts were in vain. That was until the Akita and Fluttershy locked eyes. For a while, the two stood there, eye-to-eye until Ami, not breaking eye contact, lay down in an almost defeated kind of way.

Kenji was almost impressed. Even his mother at her strictest couldn't get the dog to back down that easily. "So, how did you do that?" he asked.

"Do what?"

"What you just did to get the dog to back off."

"It's what I call the Stare." Fluttershy answered.

Kenji was about to ask what that was until his thoughts drifted to where she came from. However, before he could say anything, he heard the musical sound of doorbell. Mom must be here early. he thought. He then walked up to the door just as the bell sounded again. Just as he opened the door, he was greeted by another sight.

Standing before him were six girls and two boys. One girl was dressed with a sort of goth vibe. Her black hair was streaked with pink, blue and purple almost like a setting sun. There was a girl that looked almost like a model with spiraling indigo hair, a shorter, athletic looking girl with a mess of shoulder-length hair that looked like rainbow-colored fire and cerise eyes, a girl with poofy pink hair, big blue eyes and a bit of a belly, a muscular looking girl who looked like she came from a country-themed cosplay convention with blond hair and green eyes, a large, muscular boy with multi-hued blue hair and a ten-year-old boy with a purple hoodie and green eyes.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

"Yes," the goth girl started, "We are looking for a friend of our's."

Kenji was about to say something until Fluttershy poked her head out to see what was going on. The pink-haired girl pushed Kenji to the side and peered at her in curiosity as well. For a while the two stared at each other until the other girl's mouth transformed into quite possibly the biggest smile Kenji had ever seen. Before he could do anything, the girl ran out shouting Fluttershy's name and wrapping her in a tight embrace.

"Fluttershy! You're okay! We thought you were dead because that sphere thing sucked you into that portal kinda like I slurp up noodles, y'know like this," the girl told her before letting out a slurping noise to prove her point, "So we went through this mirror portal and it was really fun although Rainbow Dash threw up after it was done (by the way don't tell her I said that), then there were these two gigantomongous monsters that fought each other but you're okay right now and that's all that matters!"

Fluttershy gently pushed the other girl away and took the chance to look at the others before her. Just then, the girl's eyes misted over with tears as a smile appeared on her face. It was almost like she recognized these people. After a split second, Fluttershy screamed with what sounded like joy and hugged the group. Kenji stared confused at this. He put his fingers in his mouth and let out a shrill whistle, catching their attention.

"Okay, time out! What's going on here!?" he asked.

Fluttershy composed herself before explaining.

"So," Kenji said, after twelve minutes of hearing Fluttershy's explanation, "Let me get this straight. You are really horses-"

"Ponies!" the rainbow haired girl snapped.

"...Right. Ponies," Kenji corrected himself, "who come from a world called 'Equestria' where unicorns, pegasi and winged unicorns live along side creatures that should probably exist in mythology."

"Correct." the goth girl nodded before introducing herself and her friends. "Perhaps it's best we get to know each other. This is my brother Shining Armor," she gestured to the large boy sitting next to her, who gave a slight wave and a "Hey."

She turned to the fashionista-looking girl next to her, "This is Rarity."

"A pleasure to meet you, Darling." the girl told him with a very sophisticated accent.


The country-styled girl tipped her Stetson.

"Howdy." she said with a very Osakan-esque accent.

"Rainbow Dash."

The rainbow-haired girl smirked, "The one and only."

"Pinkie Pie."

The curly-haired girl waved at him energetically, "Hiyah!"


The green-haired boy waved, "Nice to see ya."

"And I am Twilight Sparkle." the girl finished gesturing to herself.

Kenji snickered before bursting into laughter. "'Twilight Sparkle'? What? No. No. Seriously what's your real name?"

Twilight gave him a confused and offended look. "That is my name. Twilight Luminosa Sparkle. Princess Twilight Luminosa Sparkle if you want to be formal."

"Yeah, like that makes it any better!"

Twilight sighed and placed her palm to her head. "Look, Kenji, was it?" she started, "That's the name that was given to me by my parents and has stuck with me ever since. Got it?"

Kenji shrugged, "Okay."

Kenji looked at Spike in confusion as to why ponies who were now humans in their teens-to-early adulthood would bring a ten-year-old with them.

"So, what kind of hor-"

"Ahem." Rainbow Dash grunted, causing Ken to roll his eyes.

"Pony are you?" Kenji asked Spike.

"Pony? Nah, I'm a dragon!"

Kenji raised an eyebrow at this statement before getting to business. "Okay, so you came through some kind of portal? When do you think you can go home?"

Twilight gave an embarrassed laugh as if she were hesitating about something. "Well, about that. The portal doesn't really open up until another six weeks. So... we're kinda stuck... here. Eheheh."

For a few seconds, the room stayed completely silent. Kenji blinked before asking in an emotionless tone, "What?"

Just before he could say anything else, Kenji heard the door open and the rustling of plastic bags. He slowly turned around only to be greeted with the sight of his sisters and mother standing in the doorway, their eyes wide and confusion evident on their faces. Asuka was the first to speak up. "Let me guess; more Okinawa exchange students?"

Kenji groaned. Well, look on the bright side, he thought, At least it can't possibly get any worse.

Author's Note:

Sorry it's been so long. Anyway, here's a little breather chapter. Next chapter, prepare to meet the villains. BTW, I have seen the new film twice. One word review: EPIC! Also, with the new IDW Godzilla mini-series, Cataclysm, coming in August, I've gotta say, it's a great year to be a Godzilla fan!