• Published 10th Feb 2012
  • 847 Views, 23 Comments

Night-Mares (Redux) - Cloud Shimmers

A friend of Twilight's from when they were Foals has nightmares ever time he falls asleep

  • ...


Noble was walking around town with Spike, terrified of what was going on back at the library. 'This is a nightmare'
Spike was showing Noble all the good places to eat, from the pub the night before to a quaint cafe. He looked at Noble, who wasn't paying any attention to the dragon's tour. "So what happened?"

Noble thought for a second, "I'm not sure Twilight would appreciate me filling your head with vulgar ideas."
Spike laughed, "Noble, Twilight's made me read the anatomy books, I think I can handle it."

Again, Noble thought, he thought of a way to turn his acts into 'age appropriate' language, "You see, Rainbow Dash 'spent the night' with me last night."

Spike began cracking up, "That's what Twilight is so upset about? Geez Noble, you've got some real sorting to do with her."

Spike was finished with his tour, they decided that three hours was probably enough time to let Twilight cool off. Noble hesitated at the front door, Spike rolled his eyes and turned the handle.

Inside, Twilight was sitting there, "Noble, can I talk with you for a moment?" It wasn't anger in her voice, just a bit of sorrow.

"Uh, yeah." Noble said to the unicorn, the two walked into the guest room. Rainbow Dash had left, Noble expected as much.

"Here's whats really bugging me," Twilight began, "Your here for my help, to get rid of your nightmares, and here you are getting drunk and sleeping around." She waited for his excuse.

"I didn't have bad dreams last night," Noble confessed, "and I've narrowed down the reasons, alcohol, sex, or Rainbow Dash, which would you rather it be?"

Twilight thought for a second, obviously Rainbow Dash would be the best of that scenario, however Twilight changed the subject back to him. "Well, you need to trust me if you want help."

"Trust you?" Noble questioned, "Trust the mare who invaded my mind? I threw those memories up as walls because I don't want you to see what I suffer through." He explained, "So no, Twilight, I don't think I can trust you right now."

Twilight felt her eyes start to water up, her oldest friend saying these words, cut her heart like a knife. She decided she needed to get her feelings across, she leaned in and kissed him.

Noble was shocked, Twilight had never shown any interest in him before, why would she now? Was she jealous of Rainbow Dash, or was this of her own will? He decided it best not to stick around to find out. Noble broke the kiss and stood up.

"I thought..." Twilight murmured.
Noble turned around as he heard his friend crying, "I need to think about things." He assured her and left the room. He walked out the front door and decided to walk around PonyVille, try to get his bearings. He hadn't been paying attention to where he was going, and before he knew it, he had reached a farm of some kind, huge fields of apple trees surrounded him on all sides. "Great now I'm lost too." He stretched out his wings, gave them a few flaps and took to the sky.

Noble perched himself on a cloud and looked around, PonyVille was right there, but he looked at a different place, an obstacle course. "C-can't resist!" He felt his wings pulling him towards it. Before he knew it he was directly above it. "Okay Noble, self control!" His attempts were futile, his wings kept pulling him through each obstacle. Even as he struggled he managed to avoid crashing into hoops, pillars and anything else in the way. Any ponies watching were stupefied that a pegasus was doing Rainbow Dash's course, backwards. When he finally landed he gave a sigh and spoke to his wings.

"There, you two had your fun!" He looked up and saw three fillies watching him talk to his wings.
"Gee mister that was amazing!" The earth pony said with a southern accent.

"T-thanks?" he wasn't sure of what he did, he had terrible spasms whenever he saw an obstacle course and his wings usually end up taking over his whole body.

The orange pegasus spoke next, "Have you ever considered going for the WonderBolts?"
Noble laughed at this, "No thanks, I've had enough fame for a while."

The only one who seemed awestruck was the unicorn of the bunch, "Your Noble Charge!" Her friends looked at her with estranged faces. "You don't remember? The book I was reading at the clubhouse?"

The pegasus spoke again, "You mean he was the guy who made you want to get a cutie mark for time travelling?"
The unicorn nodded her head, "Would you come by our clubhouse later and sign my copy?"

An older unicorn walked up and spoke, "Oh, hello. Have these little fillies been giving you troub-" the fancy maned unicorn was stood with her jaw dropped, before she returned to reality. "Oh, I'm so sorry Mr. Charge."

Noble cringed, "Please call me Noble, that reminds me of my dad." His fathers words echoed in his head 'Your never gonna get her, kid.' He was right in the end, Noble never got his dream girl.

"Oh okay, Noble." The word seemed unfamiliar to her mouth, "I am Rarity, this is my sister and her friends." She thought for a moment, "Y-your not Twilight's friend 'Noble' are you?"

Noble nodded his head, "though, we're not on the best of terms."
Rarity thought to question it but chose against it, especially when she saw Rainbow Dash approaching the course.

Noble saw Rainbow 'speaking of dream girls.' She walked up to him.
"Hi," Rainbow pecked him on the cheek, Rarity stood there, shocked.

"Her?" Rarity questioned, "Your dating Rainbow Dash?" She got into a bit of a huff, it was her destiny to be with a famous rich noble colt. The Cutie Mark Crusaders dragged Rarity back to her boutique.

Back to the two lovers, Rainbow Dash had asked Noble how his talk with Twilight went.
"Terrible," He told her. "She kissed me, like it would make all of this go away."

Rainbow Dash instantly forgave her friend, after all it was her idea for Twilight to tell Noble how she felt. "Did it?"
Noble thought, Twilight was his first crush, she was his dream girl. But Rainbow Dash listened, she didn't care that Noble was having those god awful nightmares, she also showed her affection. She didn't keep her feelings bottled up for nine years. "No, absolutely not." He returned the gesture she had made to him a few minutes back.

"Really?" Rainbow Dash asked, "But I thought."
The words mimicked the last Twilight had said to him, "I don't have to think about this, it feels right, Twilight betrayed me. But you, you trusted me with everything."

Rainbow looked into his stone grey eyes, "I think this'll work out."