• Published 10th Feb 2012
  • 847 Views, 23 Comments

Night-Mares (Redux) - Cloud Shimmers

A friend of Twilight's from when they were Foals has nightmares ever time he falls asleep

  • ...

Old friends.

Noble looked out the window of the train, it slowly began to slow to a halt. The view outside was bleak and foggy, but there was more, almost as if an evil had come over it. Slowly he stepped out of the car, It had been a long trip from Canterlot. He stretched his dark wings and stepped onto the platform, the fog began to clear. Before sat a small creature, a bunny, with its back turned to him. It was clearly enjoying a snack of some kind, he trotted over to it.

"Hi little guy," Noble spoke to it in a gentle voice, "I'm looking for the library, can you show me?"

The Bunny stopped eating its food, an ear twitched. As it turned around, Noble could see what it had been eating. A pegasus wing. The bunny screeched at him, the noise stung his ears and he ran. However as soon as he turned around he saw more of the demon bunnies, they all pounced at once....

"Ah!" Noble shouted, he looked out the window, and saw his true destination, PonyVille. It was a beautiful day, Sun shining, not a cloud in the sky. He was still catching his breath, a knock came from the door of his passenger cabin.

"All ashore who's goin' ashore!" A voice called from the other side, odd since they were on a train.

Noble gathered his bags, he had everything he needed, some nice clothes for parties, his type writer,(He's an author) And of course, a key to his new home. He walked out, afraid that he would have to maneuver the town without guidance, but to his surprise a rainbow maned pegasus pony was holding a sign with his name on it. He trotted over to her, expecting to be given the same boring 'welcome tour' he got whenever he visited towns for book signings and what not. He was in for a shock.

"Hello, I'm Noble," He said dully, "I suppose your here to take me on a boring tour." But to his surprise, the pegasus was just sitting there, hanging off of every word. "Are you okay?" He asked with a glare.

Rainbow Dash spoke, "OHMYGOSH!" She said without a pause, "Your Noble Charge! The worlds only pegasus author!"
Noble laughed at this, "You don't seem the reader Miss-er" He paused.

"Dash, Rainbow Dash." She said, "I'm sort of new to the whole 'reading' scene, but my friend Twilight got me started off with the Daring Do books." She blushed a bit.

"Oh really?" he asked, "I always thought Daring Do was a great read." 'Making friends should be easy' he thought to himself, "But Twilight told you about me?" He sounded surprised.

Rainbow Dashed giggled, "Of course, I mean, she didn't talk about you until she received the letter from Celestia. But I can't believe she doesn't talk about you all the time! Your the only pegasus author, and a good one at that!" She kept giggling.

"Well," He said in modesty, "I think that anyone can write, they just need a subject, a character and a plot." When he finished pondering he noticed that a pen and notebook were being pushed onto him. He looked at Rainbow Dash who had the look of a Filly at summer break on her face. He took the pen between his teeth, seeing other signatures; Soarin and Spitfire from the wonderblots. When he finished he spoke, "Ya know I was in the same class as Soarin?" he asked her.

Rainbow Dash gasped at this, "OH MY GOSH, tell me everything!"
"He was afraid of heights," the author laughed, "Until the next year when he met Spitfire, we didn't hang out much after that." He said quietly, "That's when I met Twilight."

At this Rainbow Dash gasped again, "What was she like as a filly?" Rainbow Dash asked as they began to walk.
"Well," Noble began, "She was timid, really concerned about grades, lonely." A smiled formed on hid face, "Funny thing was, I was the one who wanted to be her friend, every day I would try to impress her with something." He paused, "And everyday she said the same thing, 'nope, no, quite it!' Eventually I got her attention." He stopped to catch his breath.

Rainbow Dash spoke, "D'aaaaw, was she your first crush?" She asked in a sweet tone.
"Of course," He said with dignity, "One day, our assignment was to write a story." he began his tale, "Of course it was supposed to be something a foal would write, but i got into it. I wrote about a colt who just wanted a friend, but the only one he wanted said no. Until one day, that colt did something so amazing, that the filly couldn't help but fall in love with him." He finished, Noble looked around and saw a sign 'PonyVille public library'. "Thanks for the walk Rainbow Dash."

Dash stopped him, "But I want to hear how it ends!"

"Oh, right." he felt silly, "Well I got her attention and my cutie mark, we were good friends until she became Celestia's protege." He finished without much gusto in his voice. Rainbow Dash looked a bit disappointed with the ending, "And they lived happily ever after!" Noble ended his tale and Rainbow Dash perked up.