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Found 3 stories in 15ms

Total Words: 8,926
Estimated Reading: 35 minutes


Speed Racer is eager to get back to The School of Friendship after the winter holidays. It doesn't take him long to notice something is different with his friend Pistachio. The story of what actually happened does drag on however.

Written for TheDriderPony during the Quills and Sofas Secret Santa exchange 2023.

Chapters (1)

On a cold winter night after Hearth's Warming, Pistachio meets Rarity at her boutique. Rarity takes this opportunity to talk to him about the openings of her boutiques.
P.S. Once again, naming my fanfics is my least favorite thing. I hope you can see where I was coming from with the title here. 🙈

Chapters (1)

A random package flying through the window in the middle of night leads Pistachio to meet a Legend of Equestria.

Written for Libertydude for Jinglemas 2022

Chapters (1)