Happy Valentine's Day! · 5:48am Feb 15th, 2024
To celebrate the day of love, here's a link to those who love shipping!
Shipping Wiki Fandom: https://shipping.fandom.com/f
To celebrate the day of love, here's a link to those who love shipping!
Shipping Wiki Fandom: https://shipping.fandom.com/f
Just wanted to wish everyone a happy Valentine's/Hearts and Hooves Day !
Have a rose everyone 🌹 !
To anyone single out there, don't worry, here's a video of Tim Curry saying he loves you!
"Why do people care if they're alone on Valentine's Day, in the end, today is just a day humans have come to associate with love. If you think about it people just put nonexistent value on today when in reality anyway can be like today (in terms of loving others and being happy). Also Valentine's isn't just about a significant other, you can spread love too to our friends and family"
- Me, talking to my friends about being alone on Valentine's
Never thought I'd be one to post sappy things, but dammit, I love you, Flabbergasted.
The day that I feel the most lonely... but I hope that everyone else had a great day (Since I know I definitely didn't...).
Hello everyone! Just one to notify ya'll it's Valentine's and the quizzes are out on my YouTube and Quotev! My YouTube is Chicacreepypasta09 and just look up "Are You a Valentine's Day Person?" on Quotev. Hope ya'll have a great day and God bless ya'll! Happy Valentine's day! :D
Happy Valentine's everypony, is ironic for me to do this kind of stuff because my heart is void but whatevs right?
If you have that "Special Somepony" in your life, spend time with them, go out, have a fun time.
If you don't, well... hmm... here, have a Pinkie Pie.
Or as they call it in Equestria, Happy Hearts and Hooves Day!
I'm so late with this! Oh well happy st. valentines everyone.
To Everypony, Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Ahahahaha (snif) Im so lonely
https://m.Happy valentines day to all the who reads this blog. I hope you all have a wonderful time with your loved ones, especially that special someone in your life.💘💕💞💗
Be my Valentine, my little rock and roll queen.
Today was a great day, even though I'm still single... But hey screw that! Awesome and Cute Pictures on the Way!!!
This one is my favorite!
Hope you're all having a good Hearts and Hooves (or Valentine) Day. I hope you find that special someone. There's always hope. Anyways, have a good day.
I suppose a lot of you think that Valentine's Day is specifically a tribute to the beautiful connection of romantic love between a man and a woman... and you're right. However, that doesn't stop those of us who don't have a significant other from showing a different kind of love: brotherly love, and the bonds of friendship.
Cheesy as all hell, I know, but I don't care.
I like big busts and I cannot lie:
Also, read the current story I'm writing