
Viewing 1 - 20 of 22 results

WTFIWWY-My Love is Like a Red Red Flag · 11:58pm January 21st

Lessons we learned on this episode:

-If you get away scott-free, don't go back to re-crime the place

-If the lock on your door is broken, get it fixed

-You can scam dudes out of money for false promises of sex(not really a lesson learned)

-Don't sexually harass anybody, especially when you're on a flight

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WRFIWWY-Santa's Loaded on His Sleigh · 3:13am January 1st

This past week had some weird stories, mostly involving Florida man.

The lessons we learned this episode:

-If you're going to be playing Santa and delivering presents, sobriety is key.

-Don't steal a Baby Jesus from a Nativity scene and try to hold it for ransom on tiktoc.

-The people at Bass Pro Shop aren't trained to stop someone from stealing a fish from the store.

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WTFIWWY-It's Like Rain On Your Wedding Day · 4:33pm Dec 24th, 2023

A few lessons we have learned form today's episode:

-Just because the old drugs still work does not that give anyone an excuse to use them.

-If you make a bomb threat in an airport, you go on a forever list.

-If you think the Uber driver is going too slow, maybe ask them to speed up, don't steal their car.


WTFIWWY-Come Fail Away · 3:00pm June 30th

The life lessons we learned this week:

-If you're going to steal a yacht, know what the hell you are doing or you are very likely to just float right into the cops.

-If you unlawfully enter into a bank that is unlocked, make your arrest mean something. You don't want to be the guy sitting in jail who broke into an unlocked bank and got nothing out of it, steal a desk or something.

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WTFIWWY-Graveyard Grand Prix · 9:20pm March 3rd

Lessons we learned this week:
-Don't go to a Porsche dealership with a phony check in Indiana, that only seems to work in Florida
-Don't make a fake injury claim and sue. But if you do, commit to the bit.
-Apparently pilots will draw dicks in the sky with their flight path and some of them are really good at it

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WTFIWWY-Beware of the Fuzzy Cows · 12:57am May 13th

Guest co-host for this week-Linkara.

Life lessons we learned this week:

-If your kid keeps insisting they're hearing mobsters in their closet, carefully investigate it, there might be bees. Also, dear sweet evil Jesus! That's a lot of bees!

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WTFIWWY-Eats, Shoots & Leaves · 8:36pm July 14th

This week's lessons learned:

-UK McDonald's, I see your intent, but maybe work on your execution a bit.

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WTFIWWY-That Doesn't Go There · 8:34pm January 7th

Every year Nash and Tara do the rectalspective where they go a handful of objects people got stuck in their various orifices listed on this site here.

The ultimate life lesson is, when going to the ER because you got something stuck in your orifice, tell the nurses the truth about why. If you make up some stuff, they won't believe you.


WTFIWWY-Saint Francis of Atari(AI Priest) · 9:48pm May 5th

The life lessons we learned this week:

-Cicadas are loud. This year is a rarity, multiple cicada broods have emerged, something that hasn't happened since 1803. The police are powerless to stop horny insects.

-Don't smuggle drugs of any kind. Drugs are bad. Mm-Kay? If you are going to smuggle drugs in your car, obey all the traffic laws so you don't get pulled over. Also: Holy shit! That's a lot of heroin!

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WTFIWWY-Who Throws A Spider? Seriously! · 5:34pm July 7th

Tara was unable to co-host due to a power outage, so Luke was able to step in. Normally when Luke co-hosts, there's a lot of poop stories, fortunately(or unfortunately, depending on who you ask) there's no poop stories.

This week's life lessons learned are:

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WTFIWWY-We Can't Take You NOWHERE · 4:27pm April 14th

This week's life lessons learned:

-Keep an eye on your crotch goblins or they may very well steal your car. Though this kid kinda, sorta had a good reason.

-Don't make fun of people with Down's Syndrome. Nobody will feel bad when you get your ass kicked.

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WTFIWWY-A Leg and A Leg · 9:14pm March 24th

This week the life lessons we learned are:

-Do not impersonate cops, they don't like it and will arrest you.

-You could be minding your own business going to the store or walking down the street or whatever and suddenly naked stranger...and you know it's never going to be someone you want to see naked.

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WTFIWWY-Captain Underpants Begins · 12:10am April 1st

This episode just has a lot of people being assholes unnecessarily.

On this episode, the life lessons we learned:

-Don't steal cars or attempt to steal cars. If you do, choose something better to conceal your face than a underwear.

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WTFIWWY-Everybody Was Kung Fu Skating · 3:08pm May 26th

Life lessons we learned this week:

-If the police are chasing you and you hide, they will find you, life is not a video game. Though points to this guy for creativity on the fly as who would think to look in a dryer? But he loses points because the dryer had an acrylic window in the door.

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WTFIWWY-How I Learned to Love the Bomb · 6:56pm June 2nd


WTFIWWY-Is That A Snake In Your Pants Or 100 Snakes In Your Pants? · 6:38am Last Monday

This week the life lessons we learned:

-Don't smuggle snakes into the country you live in. If you do, put them in a wooden box or crate or in your suitcase. Don't stuff them down your pants! That's not what trouser snake means.

-In this post-9/11 world, maybe don't put fake grenades or real grenades that have been dummied in your carry-on, The TSA doesn't like that and you will get arrested.

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WTFIWWY-Let Them Fight · 7:02am April 8th

This week the life lessons we learned:
-Don't be in a troupe of monkeys in Thailand and get into a fight with another troupe of monkeys. Apparently the police will arrest you. Which just begs the questions: Is there monkey jail? Are there monkey lawyers? Are there monkey courts and judges?

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WTFIWWY-Total Eclipse of Uranus · 5:45pm April 21st

Surprisingly this week there are no Florida man stories.

The life lessons we learned this week:

-When using a picture on a news broadcast, maybe do a quick last second double check. I'm not sure how the standards and practices are for Mexican networks, but if they're anything like how they are in the U. S., someone is getting fired super hard.

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WTFIWWY-Why Did It Have To Be SNAKES · 7:28pm April 28th

This week the life lessons we learned:

-If you're bitten by a venomous snake, maybe don't bring it with you to the ER, just leave the snake alone and vacate the area immediately. The ER people have tests they can perform to determine if you need antivenom and what kind.

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WTFIWWY-Die Historic on the McNugget Road · 7:37pm June 9th

This week's life lessons learned:

-Don't use your cell phone while driving. Especially don't do so while on a zoom call to the court room where there is a criminal case going on for you driving with a suspended license, that is what lawyers call self-incrimination.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 22 results