
Viewing 1 - 11 of 11 results

It's Chinese New Year and "Kung Pow: Enter the Hoof" Still Hasn't Updated · 5:32pm Jan 22nd, 2023

I know I said I'd try to get it done by today, but my workload increased at the magazine I'm working for. So it's going to be a while before that gets done.


Report libertydude · 85 views · #kung pow #delay

"Kung Pow: Enter the Hoof" Returns! · 6:46pm Dec 30th, 2017

>tfw the best crossover fic on FimFiction returns after three years

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Kung Pow's Gone AWOL · 1:20am Mar 7th, 2018

So, remember when I said I'd be done with the "Kung Pow" fanfic by February?

Well...I'm not.


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"Kung Pow: Enter the Hoof" Goes into a Coma · 10:43pm Mar 21st, 2018

Even though I'm pretty sure nobody's reading these blog posts, I'm posting this in case someone's interested: "Kung Pow: Enter the Hoof" is going back on hiatus.


I know I've been posting stuff about how it's coming back and how great it's going to be, but there are two factors hindering me from continuing:

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>tfw it's been five years and it's Chinese New Year, but still no update to "Kung Pow: Enter the Hoof" · 10:13pm Jan 25th, 2020

(In all seriousness, I do want to finish the story some time this year. Also still working on my Endings and BronyCon 2019 reflection. Graduate school is a real treat in terms of available working time.)


February Updates and Plans · 12:37am Feb 6th, 2022

Hey all! I was writing some work that was (supposedly) professional, but found myself getting too overtaken with outside thoughts. So I’ve decided to hang around here and type up my ideas for what I want to do this month. Unlike many of my past posts, I’m trying to adhere to a stricter schedule, as I’ve found just having a single date guideline tends to leave me procrastinating until the due date. Going forward, I’m going to widen the time limit for my goals to a single week so that I am

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March Updates and Plans · 6:54pm Mar 5th, 2022

Hey all! Time for another monthly update. Didn’t get a lot of the things I put in my last update done (big shock), but I at least have some excuses. I spent a large part of last month applying to numerous jobs and, of course, got no response back. On the upside, I’ll be taking a business trip next weekend for my pulp fan-group, so I’ll at least have a little fun traveling. My mother has also started her cancer treatment again after a two month resting period, though this was more due to her

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November Plans and Updates · 11:50pm Nov 13th, 2020

So we’re almost halfway through the month, and I’ve suddenly gained a desire to make some plans for the remainder of November. Most of them involve polishing up some stories and writing some blogs I’ve always been meaning to over the past year. Normally, I would’ve partaken in National Pony Writing Month like I have in other years, but unfortunately Equestria Daily wasn’t overseeing it this year. I could do my own version, but I found myself wanting to focus on my own work and squaring away

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October Pains, October Plans · 6:33pm Oct 11th, 2021

So, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? The last time I posted a blog here, things weren’t so hot in my life. And frankly, they’re not getting much better. My mother’s cancer has likely spread to other parts of her abdomen, my father got conned out of $5,000, I’m stuck at a fast food job I hate, the jobs I want that can actually pay a livable wage are not showing up, the one decent job I have a good chance at probably isn't going to tell me if I’m accepted until mid-November if I'm even accepted at

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January Plans and Updates · 4:29am Jan 13th, 2021

Hey all! With the way things are in the world now, I figure now’s as good a time as any to square a lot of my writing away. Part of it may just be my own way of finding some order in the chaotic mess our world seems to be spiraling ever deeper into, but that’s hardly the worst reason to try and crank out some horse words. Besides, procrastination has always been one of my major vices, so posting plans that at least 50 people will see might light a bit more of a fire under my butt. So from now

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March Updates and Goals · 5:17pm Mar 7th, 2021

Hey everyone! I know I’ve been awful quiet around here, but I wanted to assure you all that I was still kicking. I also wanted to list a few developments that I’ve accomplished since my last update, as well as the new goals I found myself formulating as the weeks passed.

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Viewing 1 - 11 of 11 results