
Viewing 1 - 20 of 53 results

Thought Dissection 5: A New Surgery · 12:36pm Aug 9th, 2021

Been a while since the last one of these (and most of the proposals there never saw the light of day. :twilightsheepish:) But my creative energy is especially scattered right now, so I'd like some help in deciding where to focus it.

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Thought Dissection 4: Live Free or Dissect Thoughts · 6:51pm Apr 6th, 2016

I wonder what I'm going to do when I run out of Die Hard sequels...

Eh, a problem for another day. For now, I've hit something of an inspirational logjam, and I'd appreciate a little help in determining where I should focus my efforts. Read on for what's on my numerous back burner and the opportunity to tell me which ones you want me to prioritize. New concepts have asterisks in front of them.

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Aesthetic Consultation Complete · 5:34pm Apr 10th, 2016

I stumbled upon something on Derpibooru, and I wanted to get some input in a decision regarding Parallel Universes for Dummies. To whit, should I replace its current cover art, which is this:

with this:

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Conflicted Crossroads · 12:54pm Apr 10th, 2024

I have an interesting dilemma with an upcoming story, and thus I turn to the Fimfic public (or that portion of it that sees these blogs) for its wisdom.

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Thought Dissection 2: The Next Specimen · 12:31pm Nov 3rd, 2015

With Oversaturation finished, it's time to move on to my next project. One problem: I have quite a few potential next projects. As such, once again, I'm taking a public opinion poll on where you'd like me to focus. The list, with working titles, is as follows:

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Thought Dissection 3: Dissect Thoughts With a Vengeance · 9:08pm Jan 26th, 2016

It's been a few months since the last one of these, and I have several ideas clamoring in my mind for my attention. So, once again, I'm asking for your input on what ideas you'd like to see me focus on. Read on to see the list.

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Shill of the Council · 7:12pm May 31st, 2020

The LooneyCon "Ask an Author" panel will begin in less than an hour. I realize that's not much of a warning, but feel free to leave some questions here and check out the panel on the convention Discord server, streamed from Looney Hall.


Retconstruction · 7:33pm Sep 21st, 2015

Firstly, an open question: Should I announce new stories and chapters via blog? I see a lot of other people do it, and I'm not sure why. Logically, anyone who follows me is going to see the story announcements and anyone who follows the story is going to see the new chapter notifications and the story itself in the appropriate bookshelves. Still, I figure there's some reason behind it.

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Travel Preparations · 4:28pm Jan 22nd, 2017

As you may know, I'm headed to Ponycon next Sunday. I'm definitely looking forward to it, but it will be my first convention. As such, I'd like to go in with some idea of what to expect. I'm most concerned about the following:

• What should I bring? Corollary: How much cash should I bring? I definitely plan on perusing the vendor hall. Do note that I'm only going to be there for the one day.

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Forerunner of the Legume · 11:57pm May 21st, 2018

Tonight was a minor momentous occasion, the first family barbeque of the year. After the burgers and bratwursts, my father saved the leftover baked beans for me, because I like to put them on toast. (Don't knock it 'til you try it.) Once he did so, he held them up and said, "This is the beantainer you should look for."

I should note that, to my knowledge, my father does not read fan fiction of any kind. And I wish to emphasize at this point that he started it.

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Careful Consideration · 6:57pm Mar 10th, 2016

I have a bad feeling about a story, and the last time I did, you all convinced me that it needed to be taken back to the drawing board. Well, once again, I'm asking for your input. Bear in mind that this one is rather darker than my usual. We're talking "cusp of Teen and Mature" dark. Just the title should be a tipoff. It's also based on a prompt, so I don't have as much wiggle room as I might. It's also still pretty unpolished; I don't want to finalize it in a low-quality configuration.

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Lump or Split Decision · 6:53pm Jun 22nd, 2016

Where Parallel Lines Converge has done far better than I expected. (On that note, thank you to everyone who got into the featured box.) Still, it's gotten me thinking. If it weren't for Estee's contest, WPLC would've been another Sideboard of Harmony chapter, and it wouldn't have gotten nearly the visibility it did. Granted, the lower three slots of the box seem to love several of my stories for some reason, but the more rapid turnaround would've only made it visible there

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Noble Benefactors? · 10:47am May 21st, 2016

I'm not going to beat around the bush: This blog is about me maybe getting a Patreon account. I've been wrestling with this decision off and on for years, and it's time to put it to rest. My biggest concerns has always been waiting for the other legal shoe to fall, but at this point, that doesn't seem like it's going to happen any time soon. Plus, I haven't had any form of income for about a year now and I do have rent to pay. (Also Magic cards to buy. Addiction is a powerful thing.) Now that

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Infernose Kirin · 1:07pm Dec 1st, 2018

It's funny. I originally intended Kirin Derpy to just be my avatar's Halloween costume, but a combination of procrastination and massive positive audience reaction have me wondering if it's time to retire Princess Herplight Derple. If nothing else, this one's ready made for a Rudolph-flavored December retool.

And speaking of procrastination and costumes...

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Formless Nurturing · 11:27am Sep 11th, 2019

This is one of those interesting but inchoate ideas that I’m not sure if I want to develop further. It all began when I remembered one of the more “Did that really happen?” screenshots of the show:

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Sensation Gorging · 5:43pm Aug 26th, 2016

River Road just had a magnificent idea. One so good I felt I should implement it at once.

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Humidifier Celebration · 11:04pm Jul 25th, 2018

I wouldn't exactly call Baltimore a furnace; tomorrow's high will just be in the high eighties. In any case, this is a more detailed pre-Bronycon blog, complete with FoME panel times! And a small plea for help.

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Annual · 1:21am Sep 19th, 2017

I am frankly terrible about remembering my Fimficversary, but this time around I'm going to try to do something about it. After all, this account will be turning six. That's not an insignificant deal.

Of course, I have no idea what to do beyond another blog post, and even in that case I'm not sure about what it might contain beyond commenting on the date. I have a week. Any ideas?

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Brilliant Spectrum: Oversaturation Wrap-Up · 2:04pm Oct 31st, 2015

You know, I really wish I could say I planned the story that pulls from the Story Shuffle EG fics to end at the end of October. Still a fun coincidence, though.

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Guiding Voices? · 4:20pm Oct 3rd, 2024

In happier news, I'm putting together another contest. I won't reveal the full prompt, but I will say that there's a sizeable Equestria Girls component. Anyone interested in helping to judge it?

Viewing 1 - 20 of 53 results