Happy New Year · 7:35pm Jan 1st, 2017
Maybe this year would be better... or worse. Regardless of either I want to wish you all a happy new year. Hope things go good for you.
Maybe this year would be better... or worse. Regardless of either I want to wish you all a happy new year. Hope things go good for you.
Welp, it's the end of one year and the start of another. As I recall, I made a list of things I wanted to achieve by this day, so let's see how I did.
[x] Publish DDxAhui sequel
[ ] Publish ABxDT clopfic
[x] Finish current MSB story arc
[1/?] Write 3-5 chapters for HLW
[ ] Write 2 chapters for History
[ ] Plan out rewrite of Embrace the Darkness
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Also, What's your new years resolution? Mine is getting a car and to be successful
'Sup, party peoples! Happy New Year! Here's to a hopefully better future for all of us!
EDIT: Well. This aged horribly.
When the New Year comes a shot glass does not hurt A pint of beer is not enough A liter of champagne would be good You have to drink all the worries That next year would be divine.
First, I want to wish all of you a better 2020 than 2019, and I thank you for beaing here, reading, and most of all - commenting. I mean it, interest is the biggest driver and comments the greatest reward far past any likes/upvotes.
Errrrr, words....?
Hey, yeah, it's that kind of time again!
Words are not coming easily with this blog, but oh well. Anywho some time in January (hopefully) I'll tell you all some of the things I've been up to to, like where that story I have refrained from talking about, or those projects I say I'm working on, but never give a single detail about.
Be Better.
Another year gone by quick. Most people say 2019 was bad but I say I kinda enjoyed it! Let's see what 2020 has for us. Together!
May you all have a fantastic New Year’s Eve and a very Happy New Year!!! 2023, here we come! Oh, and I want to share this song with you, fam. This was sung during the end credits of Transformers: The Last Knight. The movie is garbage, but this song was absolute fire! I listen to it at the end of every year.
Till all are one!
Well, here's to a new year.
Not necessarily a new me, I've always thought I am who I am, save for trying to exercise more than I did this year (62 miles in 18 hrs 7 min).
Hope everyone has a safe and happy new year, and here's to 2024!
Happy New Year! Welcome 2025! Here’s hoping for more finished stories this year.
Well goodbye 2016 and hello 2017! It's that time of year folks. A lot of crazy stuff happened this year, but let us all hope that 2017 will be better. I have a ton of plans for my New Years resolution that I can't wait to start on. And I'm hoping you all do the same.
Happy New Year, everypony!!! Let's have a great time this year! 2016, WHOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!
Also, made groups for The Earth Princesses and the Pegasanctuary so it is complete
Well, I just finished my belated Hearth's Warming story. It should come out late tonight or tomorrow. Hope you like it!
Happy new year!
Happy New Year! Goodbye, 2017 and hello, 2018!
You had some ups and downs but you were an okay year in my book. Good year for cinema too.
Well, better start writing up some resolutions.