
Viewing 1 - 20 of 50 results

About me. · 12:11am Jun 17th, 2015

* My favorite TV shows are Doctor Who, MLP FiM, Steven Universe, and Star Trek.
* My favorite movie is Leon: The Professional.
* I love anime, and RPing (although I am new to that).
* I have never been to a convention, and although I would love to go, I probably never will.
* I am agoraphobic, and get panic attacks in large crowds and open areas.

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Report Thorniestmax · 530 views · #About me

About Me · 8:25pm Jul 18th, 2015

Hello! I'm Ella. Better known as Blazerunner. I wanted go make this blog post because my bio didn't let me get into more depth about me and my writing. Let's start with the basics: My name is Ella, I'm 18 years old, and I love mlp. I've been writing fimfics for a while but I only recently got the courage to make an account on this site and publish my work. I only have one story published as of now, however I plan on working on other stories later today. My style of writing is descriptive and

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Report Blazeracer · 376 views · #about me

It's time. · 10:17pm Nov 21st, 2017

I'm bored, and don't feel like reading. So let's go with ten facts about me.

1. I'm short. 5'4" short.

2. I really like cheese.

3. I have various behavioural disorders, including: ADHD, Aspergers (And I have fun thinking of it as 'Ass burgers'), and Social Anxiety.

4. In my life, the various drugs tried to tame me are reminiscent of this song.

5. I play quite a bit of video games.

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Report James Fire · 312 views · #About me

Hello all · 11:14am Dec 4th, 2023

Hello thought I'd tell you a little bit about myself… First of I am a trans-woman my name is Roxanne I am currently still in a male body and identifying as male… Hopefully not much longer! Now that that's out of the way I am also disabled… So I use speech to text… So expect a little bit of spelling mistakes as well as punctuation errors in blog posts as well as storys other than that I can get a along just fine and yes my avatar is flutter shy because she is the most relatable pony!

Report Roxanne_Wolf · 47 views · #About me

About me! · 9:25pm Oct 11th, 2017

Haha, not like anyone cares but I often enjoy reading these kinds of blog posts, so let's do this! :applejackconfused:

Well, I’ve been watching the show since college and lurking in the fandom up until about, uh, three weeks ago. Hell, I’m still mostly just lurking. But it’d be nice to actually make some friends in the fandom, common interests and all that.
I enjoy giving reviews and critiques although that’s backfired in the past, so I try not to be too critical for some stories.

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Report Shortmane · 450 views · #about me

About Me! · 3:47pm Oct 8th, 2017

Hey everypony it's Sketchy! I was bored so I thought I should tell y'all some stuff about me.

Name: Ella

Gender: Girl:pinkiehappy:

Age: 13

Birthday: May 13th!

Country: U. S. A

Favorite Colors: Blue & Purple!

Hobbies: I am an artist, and that is my talent. I enjoy writing as a second hobbie, but sketching is my main focus.

Best Friends: Cutest Boxer Puppy Ever, Rosewood Thorns. Adorkable Moonlight, Peppermint Frost

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Report ShadowLuna · 265 views · #About Me

Introduction! · 10:27am Jun 28th, 2016

Hey guys! My name is Candy Rose; although, I'm guessing that is obvious, considering that my account name is Xx_Candy_Rose_xX!:twilightblush: I am a unicorn who lives in Ponyville.:pinkiehappy: I am new to this site, so I would love some advice, Eg: Best authors, suggestions, how to use ____, or anything else a newbie could use!:ajsmug: Any how, would love some friends to help me with my writing. I adore writing but I can't get very far at the moment. BTW, I love shipping! Just saying.

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Report Xx_Candy_Rose_xX · 227 views · #About me

Survey about me · 10:36pm Oct 18th, 2020

Why not?

1. What is your first name?
Damon, but I honestly prefer Nano now days

2. How old are you?

3. What country are you from?
Australia. In come the memes.

4. What do you look like?
Probably some chubby guy, with bad face hair. I don't really pay attention to my looks.

5. What do you wish you looked like?
See that icon?

6. How did you come across MLP:FIM?

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A Bit About Me · 9:38am Nov 25th, 2015

Hello, I’m Palladigm. I’m just a guy exploring the art of writing. I enjoy thinking deeply and creatively, but have never adventured into an outlet to express those thoughts. I’m hoping FimFiction can be one of those outlets.

I want to explore writing as an interest and as a possible hobby of mine. I’m no prose pro, but I hope to improve through trying. I’ve got ideas and I want to experiment with putting them into words.

Gender: Male :eeyup:

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Opinion blog · 9:03pm Mar 20th, 2017

Nope. I'm not gonna number any blogs other than my fact blog. It gets too confusing too quickly.

I sure hope that Trump doesn't wreck the housing industry even more. My mom's a real-estate agent and so far, ever since Trump was elected, her housing deals have gone down the drain. Almost all her clients are immigrants from asian countries, and they're afraid that Trump might try to deport them next.

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Hello · 6:06pm Jul 25th, 2016

I just noticed how i didn't have a blog yet (thanks to my boiled brain). So i guess i should talk about something. Lets see...Im in college, majoring in robotics. I love cooking, baking, drawing, playing piano, playing tennis and golf. I write stories but there are secret messages in them owo....or maybe not XD. if you have any questions or wanna give a review on my work, let me know and before i forget...*boops you through your screen*


Random Facts #35 + a few more "about me" facts · 6:10am Mar 12th, 2017

Nearly forgot that I haven't done one yet. :twilightsheepish:

Intel's Pentium lineup used to be their highest-end processors available. That is, until the Pentium II Xeon came out. Xeons then took over the consumer market, leaving Pentium to enthusiast-grade desktops and mid/low cost PCs. And then the Pentium took a Core to the face. Now, it's the intermediate mid-range CPU, sandwiched between the low end Atom and Celeron, and the high-end Core series.

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A Brief Introduction · 12:37pm Jun 12th, 2015

Hello everyone out there! I thought since I have published my first story, I might write a little bit about who I am and what I like to write. In the real world, I am a master's student in a terminal master's program, which I am very excited about. I hope to be finished by December of next year, but it all depends on my classes, my work outside of classes, and a number of other factors. My alias is an Icelandic word meaning "Raven." Corvidae are fascinating to me, and I am a fan of imagery

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Report krummi · 221 views · #about me #writing

Introduction I Guess? · 7:06pm Feb 4th, 2022


My name is Nala. I've been a long time fan of Mlp, but never had the confidence to try my hand at being social. Though have always read tons of fiction, especially on other sites of the Fandom. I've been taking writing classes and really want to try to create something, it keeps my mind moving and that's something I really need now.

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Hello everypony! · 4:53pm June 10th


Random Facts #68 (about me edition because I don't feel like doing a normal one) · 12:10am Apr 17th, 2017

I currently have an ant infestation because a certain exchange student stashes cheetos in his closet. He's in the room directly below mine.

My dad and I built a trampoline today. We used it to cover up a gravel pit in our backyard, and my feet hurt like crazy from standing on gravel all day, even though I had shoes on.

My dog has fat folds, and he's a miniature poodle. He snores, too.

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Would you be interested in a chart detailing my thought processes? · 5:38pm Mar 27th, 2017

I could throw one together, and it make for a good way to show just how I write, depending on current circumstances.


about my silence · 3:08am Nov 21st, 2020

Hey everyone, i am sorry i dont talk a lot here as much anymore (i am still here though when i am free) i just been dealing with a lot of mental problems over the years... and now with everything happening now in the world, it is getting worse. but i want to say i am still alive and i still love to read all of your stories, i will always love this place i will. that is all i want to say right now, hope to talk soon

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Report rainbow dash 647 · 416 views · #life #about me

Random Facts #84 - About Me edition · 2:11am May 7th, 2017

Alright now. We haven't done an about me post in a little while, so let's have a go at it!

For the past few weeks, I've found that it's nice to take the weekends off from updating fics, which is why I've generally been updating Mondays-Thursdays with occasional Friday updates.

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Random Facts #24 · 7:58pm Feb 27th, 2017

(Special about me edition)

I'm a brony who happens to be friends with a furry who's also a weeaboo, a near-stereotypical angry gamer, a (soon to be) transgender, and a guy who never runs out of luck at the arcade.

I used to collect napkins up until I was about 9.

I didn't give up my baby bottle until first grade. And from the looks of it, the same will go for my little brother.

Give me a pair of sunglasses. Chances are by the next day I will lose them.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 50 results