
Viewing 1 - 20 of 55 results

Equestrian Civil War Update · 10:38am Mar 8th, 2017

So far the ratings are rather positive and the view count is rising, if this continues the next chapter will begin development.

UPDATE: The pilot was a success! Development has begun on chapter 2!


New story is out · 7:57pm May 17th, 2022

yay, go check it out if you want


Report Iredwolf · 91 views · #Into-a-civil-war

My New Story Equestrian Civil War · 2:00am Mar 8th, 2017

Just so you guys know, I'm not the first one to make a story about a civil war. But this one is diffrent, this is based on a more realistic civil war with realistic political differences separating Equestria, similar to the American one. Trust me, this one will be different


After Action Report: Tripping The Light Fantastic · 1:36am Feb 22nd, 2020

Hello, my loyal readers! I'm certain you've been wondering what I've been up to as of late... assuming you haven't been thinking of finally gone completely mad as my last blog led some of you to believe. This is of course as silly conclusion to come to, as it is scarcely possible for me to get any crazier than I already am.I shall start with the usual updates, simply to get them out of the way, before I launch into my after action report.

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North And South Chapter One · 1:31pm Jan 17th, 2023

The first official chapter! Funnily enough this blog will likely be out before the chapter (and the story, hah) is approved. Let's talk a bit about the Spring 1861 setup for Grand Tactician.

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Sample of "Equestria: Civil War" rewrite · 11:18pm Sep 27th, 2016

Fast as lightning, sharp as a sword

Here's a clip of a rewrite for chapter 2 of "Equestria: Civil War". I decided to go through with the idea of having a new character take on much of Celestia's position and lines, so as to keep the harshness necessary, but keep Celestia in-character.

Here it is:

“Aww, don’t be such a frowny-puss!” Pinkie chirped. “I don’t think it really was that bad!”

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New Trailer that I enjoyed making (Captain America: Civil War Trailer 1) · 4:49pm Apr 24th, 2016

A new trailer that I have been wanting to do for a while. I hope you all like it a trailer that I had fun making. This trailer also includes the named introduction of a new character. Based on the first trailer for Captain America: Civil War, all rights go to Marvel Studios and Disney respectively. I am so psyched for this movie and seeing its early reviews I am so much happier. In case you are wondering Civil War has a 97% on Rotton Tomatoes. I am Team Iron Man by the way, anyway onto the

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Report Bergen · 360 views · #Civil War #Marvel

Dragon Empire Trailer 2 (Captain America: Civil War Trailer 2) · 11:06pm Apr 26th, 2016

Another trailer that I had fun doing. I am so excited for this movie. #Team Iron Man. This trailer is based on the second trailer for Captain America: Civil War, owned by Marvel Studios and Disney respectively.

The trailer begins with a opening shot of a large concrete structure in the middle of frozen tundra.

“This job. We try to save as many people as we can.” Theta begins to voice over, as a royal guard opens a pair of red metal blast doors in the large concrete structure.

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Report Bergen · 314 views · #Civil War #Marvel

Equestrian Civil War Update · 8:44pm Mar 10th, 2017

From now on new chapters will be updated randomly and I won't have a specific schedule. I don't want to spam my page with blog posts every time a new chapter is released because that would fill up my profile very fast. Check back in occasionally for new chapters!


Chapter 2 Done! · 11:45am Mar 9th, 2017

Equestrian Civil War Chapter 2 is out! Go read it!


AAR: Visit Sunny Zoar! · 12:20am Sep 29th, 2019

So, what was I doing last weekend, you might wonder? Well, not much pony wise. No, I was off at another Civil War Reenactment, once again manning the cannons of the Statehouse Battery. The reenactment was in Zoar, a small town with an awesome historical district full of building from the early and mid 19th century. The community was originally one of the many kooky religious societies, and was founded by German immigrants. The society had a hard time adapting to life in the US initially and

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It was good (minor spoiler-ish) · 9:13pm May 17th, 2016

I went to see Captain America: Civil War the other day with my dad. Captain America 3 is good. Even though it was very loosely based on the comic version Civil War. It was still a good adaptation. aND THAT realy i have to say about the movie w/o giving too much away.And yes the new spiderman is now my fav Spiderman (So sorry TobeyvMaguire but you have been replace.But do THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY heart emoticon b/c if it wasnt for the 2002 spiderman,than i wouldnt have gotten intop comic

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Talk about bad timing · 3:24am May 6th, 2016

Why you may ask well Civil war ( the Marvel movie) is coming out this weekend and it just so happen that i need to study for my final this weekend :facehoof: So yeah that is why i am saying bad timing. So since i am not seeing (Captain America: Civil WAr) I guess i will not be on as much ( on the internet) to aviod as much spoilers as possiable. But i guess it is more of a reason to do more studying this weekend :/ but it is still going to be hard avioding spoilers when i am on the internet >3<

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Civil War trailer · 4:10pm Mar 13th, 2016


More Canal Facts! Civil War Adventures! · 3:49pm Mar 15th, 2023

Hello again, everypony!

I must apologize for the long wait for I have been rather busy lately. I’ve been so many adventures as of late that I haven’t even had any time to write them up!

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At last! · 7:54pm Jan 15th, 2017

A new chapter of "Equestria: Civil War"!

Also, since we have new character tags now, Moon Dancer is finally among the story's tags, so searching for her will yield this story as a result. Hope you enjoy! :pinkiehappy:


Captain America: Civil War · 9:31pm May 6th, 2016

Spoilers will be past the link. Don’t pass that point if you don’t want them.

So, I literally, just now walked in the door from my showing of Captain America: Civil War. So, as this is above the break, here’s my spoiler-free thoughts.

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Managed to pump out a chapter · 7:41pm May 17th, 2017

Chapter 8 of E:CW is here! Check it out!


Plot Bunny Theater: Equestria: Civil War · 5:00pm Jan 18th, 2020

Chrysalis seeks redemption. Twilight Sparkle is willing to help her, but Shining and Cadence are against it. And as it turns out, Chrysalis is using this proximity to manipulate everypony involved. But they don't find this out until Shining and Twilight are taking up arms against one another in actual civil war. The sad thing is, she's not putting thoughts into ponies' heads: She's just enhancing what ponies keep hidden inside themselves. And even after defeating her, there's still a lot of

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Unicorn Talk: A Rare Picture of An Obscure Civil War General · 10:02pm Apr 1st, 2020

Authors Note: This blog entry is a cross posting with UnicornTalk, a forum about the American Civil War. Enjoy!

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Report BlueBook · 199 views · #Civil War #Photo #April 1st
Viewing 1 - 20 of 55 results