
Viewing 101 - 120 of 229 results

Hand in Hoof Update · 4:10pm Jul 1st, 2015

The next chapter of Hand in Hoof is done, for the most part. I simply need to finish working out the kinks with my editor and I'll be able to post it.

However, I should confess that you likely won't be seeing an update in July, but this time, it's not simply because I'm a slow writer at times.

It's actually because I've just started Camp NaNoWriMo!

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Binge Writing group for Nanowrimo/Napowrimo or just wanting to work on stories. · 5:01pm Nov 18th, 2015

I want to do a session where this weekend you spend 24 hours doing nothing but writing. (You can do stuff like eating of course :derpytongue2:) but basically just lock yourself in the house and work on stories. I'm hoping to get others for
1) Help, in case you reach writers block
2) Motivation to keep going
3) Someone to talk to while writing
I'm going to start Saturday (3 days from now) at midnight, and go for 24 straight hours.

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Alicornae Ch. 38 Posted! · 11:30pm Nov 13th, 2019

One massive writing session under my belt (2600 words in one shot!), and now we finally get to something I have had planned for over a year! Tell me what you think, and always be sure to comment and share if you enjoy my story! Nearly halfway done with NaNo!


Wonderful failure in NaNoWriMo · 3:49am Dec 1st, 2017

I failed.

The goal was 50,000 words. I managed 21000.

Despite this, I feel proud of myself. I wrote more in this past month than the total amount I have written in fanfiction.

Given that I started from a blank slate with a few notes, getting to 21k is a decent push for an amateur like me. Further, I can continue writing it. If I keep writing, I could have it done and edited by February 2018.

Looking forward to it.

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Alicornae Ch. 41 Uploaded! (Part IV Finale) · 7:56pm Nov 25th, 2019

And so it all comes together. I did something a bit different for this finale where I tried to keep as much heavy lore stuff out of it as possible. I figured enough of that had been revealed during the course of this part, and I ultimately wanted this to focus on the resolution for Cadance and her motivations before we move into what I am going to be calling the penultimate arc (boy, that's satisfying to type out after all these years).

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Alicornae Ch. 47 Posted! · 4:48am Nov 10th, 2020

And Sun's side continues! What is going to happen now that he's in the Swamp, where more questions than answers are cropping up? Come have a read and see!

Thanks again for the readership, and remember to like and comment!


A short April Update! · 11:05am Apr 5th, 2017

So, this is my april update my angels. This will be a short little one actually. I changed my NanoWriMo Project to being "The Life of a Songbird" instead of the novel I want to do because quite frankly I want to get this finished. So without further delays this is the status of the sequel to Makings of a songbird as of today:

Prologue: 2,551 / 2,500 words
Chapter 1: 4,537 / 7,000 Words
Chapter 2: 1,010 /11,000 words
Chapter 3: 5,028 / 5,000 words
Chapter 4: 0 / 5,000 words

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New Story, and I suck at NNWM · 4:45pm Nov 3rd, 2014

So, while trying to write for my NaNoWriMo project, I struggle to get even 500 words a day (one-third of the target, for anyone who's counting).

When the latest meme sparked by Obs gives me a stupid idea, I can write 2100 words in under two hours, while giggling at my own stupid jokes the entire time.

Attention deficit disorder strikes ag—oh, hey, a bit!


So, NaNo's going on · 6:12pm Nov 5th, 2017

And as is my yearly tradition, I'm working on both my pony stuff and my original works. I am currently at a little over 11k words, hoping to get to 12k tonight. This will - with hope - get me to a point where ch 9 will be ready to go, because as I've mentioned ch. 10 is ready to go, but I should think that y'all might like to read them in order.

Just bear in mind that there might be an eensy bit more of a wait after those two go up.

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An Actual Progress Report · 7:07am Oct 5th, 2017

Okay, I'm feeling betterish right now, at least to a point where I can communicate without a wall of emotions twisting anything I could potentially type.

Here's a cute picture of Sunset. After the break, you can listen to me talk for a second. If you want.

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Alicornae Ch. 46 Posted! · 11:19pm Nov 6th, 2020

And now the beginning of Starlit's half of Part V! I agonized over a pretty key scene in this chapter for a while, but I think it all came out really well! Enjoy, and don't forget to comment if you enjoyed it!


Alicornae Ch. 50 Posted! · 3:44am Nov 17th, 2020

Man, who'd ever ever guessed I'd get to fifty whole chapters of this! When I first had this idea, I thought I'd have finished it by chapter 30 at best, but here we are, over four years and fifty chapters in! Thanks again so much for reading and liking and commenting, and strap in for some twists and turns here, folks!


Alicornae Ch. 51 Posted! · 3:43am Nov 19th, 2020

So, Sun's last chapter ended with… something, huh? Let's take a moment to deal with that in this chapter, why don't we? Don't forget to like and comment, and thanks as always for your readership!


Alicornae Ch. 39 Posted! · 4:13am Nov 18th, 2019

Boy did a lot of stuff happen last chapter! How about we take a break from all that mess and see what Rainbow and Sun are up to? Enjoy this next chapter, I think you'll find some fun stuff in there :pinkiehappy:


Alicornae Ch. 35 Posted! · 12:20am Nov 7th, 2019

Do you want feels and lore? Because I've got some feels and lore for you in this next installment of Alicornae! Enjoy, don't forget to comment, and here's to getting over 10,000 words into NaNo!


Alicornae Ch. 36 Posted! · 11:06pm Nov 8th, 2019

Reunions and whatnot, something poetic about that, more Alicornae! Sorry if this blog post seems a little terse, it's just that all my creative juice is going to the story right now. Speaking of which, enjoy!


Alicornae Ch. 43 Posted! (NaNo Complete) · 11:36am Nov 30th, 2019

Explanations are given and hearts are mended in this next installment of Alicornae, so come get it while it's fresh! I nearly made myself cry a couple of times while writing it, so I'm sure it'll get a few of you misty eyed as well.

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Alicornae Ch. 49 Posted! · 5:27am Nov 15th, 2020

And back to Sun's side! I wanted this to be a bit of a quieter chapter after Starlit's big one last chapter, so expect to have some good old fashioned character development! Except… well, let's just say I did a thing I wanted to do three years ago but didn't really think I had the stones to do then. Guess for yourself what it might have been!

Thanks again for the readership, and don't forget to like and comment!


NaNoWriMo Day 2 Results · 3:15am Nov 3rd, 2017

Words - 525 + 438 / 50,000
Days - 2 / 30
Average - 469 words a day (-56) [Required average - 1,667]
Pages - 1 +1
Chapters - 1

Total Progress - 1.88% (+0.83%)

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Multimedia Monday · 4:22am Oct 22nd, 2019

For your listening pleasure, we have a delayed plug for Pony and Wolf Productions reading of Twilight Sparkle Lays an Egg, and a current plug for my Barcast interview on Twitch (currently under most recent videos).

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Viewing 101 - 120 of 229 results