
Viewing 61 - 63 of 63 results

Read It Later Reviews #51 – Plainswalker; The Brief, Torrid Love-Affair of Fernando the Straw and Madame le Flour; “So… what IS your call sign, anyway?”; The Gentle People; The Element of Audacity; The Mechanical Donkey · 7:03pm Jun 8th, 2016

Procrastination on writing creates a surprising amount of motivation to review stories.

Today’s stories:

Plainswalker by Burraku Pansa
The Brief, Torrid Love-Affair of Fernando the Straw and Madame le Flour by CoffeeMinion
“So… what IS your call sign, anyway?” by Vivid Syntax
The Swap by Monochromatic
The Twilight Zone by Bad Horse
- The Gentle People
-The Element of Audacity
-The Mechanical Donkey

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Userpage Redesign is Finished! Check out the Foal Author and Wasteland Dweller Fluttercheer! · 9:07pm Jul 1st, 2019

Wow, this took a long time! In total, I needed six days to completely re-design my userpage, make it unique and remove all the clutter that covered it (minus bathroom breaks, food breaks and, worse, sleep breaks and all those time-wasting necessities that the body demands). Much more time than I thought it would take me. The result is astounding and beautiful and it prepares me and my userpage greatly for the launch of my

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I'm done. · 8:33pm Aug 3rd, 2016

Why the fuck is my mood going to crap when my life is so much better than it has been in a while? I'm slowly losing my patience. I don't condone bullshit of any kind, and I can only put up with it for so long. I'm angry and crying at the same time and it's making my head hurt. I just want the truth, even if it's something I don't want to hear. I'm a big girl. I don't need things sugarcoated. As long as it's honest, it's OK. Tell me that I'm a bitch, or that I try too hard. It's

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Viewing 61 - 63 of 63 results