
Viewing 641 - 645 of 645 results

Dear Princess Celestia · 8:28pm Jun 10th, 2015

Today I learned that some people won't accept you if you don't like skittles. I also learned that getting slapped in the face with a bag of skittles repeatedly hurts.


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Tempo Boost Story Poll #9 (August 2023) · 10:24pm Aug 1st, 2023

It's time for another Tempo Boost Story Poll on Patreon! Once more, you can vote for one of my currently incomplete multi-chapter stories, which then gets an extra update before the end of the month.
This will be an update in addition to the chapters I am already writing and releasing, completely chosen by you!
Here's how it works:

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Happy New Year Everypony/ Monthly to do list/ War Anthologies Updates/ Update to Endless Time, Or Forever End. · 6:30am Jan 1st, 2017

Hello everypony, Happy New Year to you all I hope you all had some sort of good year before and I hope this year will be better. We have had to deal with a lot last year, from celeberties dying to the worst election I gave have even seen. But we made it through. The year is over and this new year will be better. Please let it be better.


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ARGH (or, Ice Star Explains his Uncharacteristic Silence) · 3:56am Jul 2nd, 2022

I know my existence on the site has been sporadic as fuck lately. For months I've been in lurk mode more than anything else, and this has been applying to a lot of my usual discord friend groups as well. I just wanted to let y'all know that I am (obviously) alive and that I haven't retired or quit my writing. However, a lot has gone on in my life and it is to blame for why all seems rather quiet on Ice Star's front. I'm not going to quit writing and I'd be glued to my keyboard (or at least the

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Update about my Silverstream and Tempest Shadow stories + Thoughts about Tempest Shadow's recent comic arc · 12:51am Nov 3rd, 2018

Viewing 641 - 645 of 645 results